Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

JackieJackson5 Jackie Jackson

Dear fans: I just spoke with my Mother and she did NOT authorize the release of the demo track called Opus None

JackieJackson5 Jackie Jackson

I personally think it was sampled together by an unauthorized party.... Please don't believe gossip sites....
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

"Opis None" .....sounds like an interlude.

"Opis None" --

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Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

But the melody will probably stay the same, and it's just very average in my opinion. But i also realize...it is what it is. I just hope that there won't be many other songs on it that we have already heard. It was said before that there would be familiar stuff on it, familiar for fans...but we'll see.

Not for Thriller, Dangerous, and HIStory. Maybe even Invincible?

HIStory had Scream.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

but the melody will probably stay the same, and it's just very average in my opinion. But i also realize...it is what it is. I just hope that there won't be many other songs on it that we have already heard. It was said before that there would be familiar stuff on it, familiar for fans...but we'll see.

Not for thriller, dangerous, and history. Maybe even invincible?

Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Guys, there is A PETITION TO SIGN in the News and Announcements part of the forum.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

JackieJackson5 Jackie Jackson

Dear fans: I just spoke with my Mother and she did NOT authorize the release of the demo track called Opus None

JackieJackson5 Jackie Jackson

I personally think it was sampled together by an unauthorized party.... Please don't believe gossip sites....
Shouldn't they be screaming this from the roof tops?
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Most of his first singles were duets.

Not for Thriller, Dangerous, and HIStory. Maybe even Invincible?
First single from Off The Wall was 'Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough'
First single from Thriller was 'The Girl Is Mine'
First single from Bad was 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You'
First single from Dangerous was 'Black Or White'
First single from HIStory was 'Scream'
First single from Invincible was 'You Rock My World'

There's a pattern of releasing slow/mid-tempo songs and/or duets as first singles (BoW and DSTYGE are the only exceptions).
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Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

But the melody will probably stay the same, and it's just very average in my opinion. But i also realize...it is what it is. I just hope that there won't be many other songs on it that we have already heard. It was said before that there would be familiar stuff on it, familiar for fans...but we'll see.

Not for Thriller, Dangerous, and HIStory. Maybe even Invincible?

Thriller = The Girl is Mine (with McCartney)

HIStory = Scream (with Janet)
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Tweet from Taj:

Just talked to my grandma. She didn't even know about the "song", nor did she authorize it. We are getting to the bottom of this.

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ans need to stand up for MICHAEL JACKSON'S LEGACY


Take the pledge...for Michael and invite your friends to do the same

We object to:

• The Jackson family’s business association with Howard Mann, Marc Schaffel, two men with backgrounds in the adult entertainment industry. Such associations could be detrimental to the welfare of Michael's children;

• The use of the demeaning term, “*****” in the Jackson Vault website and press release. A degrading term that Michael himself, spoke openly against and thought was insulting;

• The exploitation of Michael’s elderly mother in the marketing, selling and merchandising from the Jackson Vault;

• The use and brokering of Michael Jackson’s children to promote events, merchandise and interviews.
We will no longer tolerate further undermining of the Michael Jackson Estate. This malicious practice against the estate jeopardizes the financial future of Michael Jackson’s children, his mother, his charities and his musical legacy.

As demonstrated by the vindictive release of “Opis None” – a 1978 Destiny recording presented as a new unreleased track; a deliberate attempt to sabotage the estate’s release of the song “Breaking News” from Michael Jackson’s first posthumous CD and mislead his fans.

We DEMAND a full halt to the above practices by certain Jackson Family members and their associates.
We are calling for an immediate BOYCOTT of ALL Jackson Vault merchandise including books, music, belts, calendars, clothing and any so-called “free” incentive offerings.

If the exploitation continues, the fans will then broaden the boycott to include projects from all the Jacksons.

It is important to note that this boycott does not include products sanctioned by the Michael Jackson estate for the benefit of his children, his mother and his charities.



Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

if hold my hand is the first single, i hope its a double A side with Breaking news.

i do like hold my hand, i think it will be diff, than the 1 wee all heard

the version we heard was prob just for akons album
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

^Give it a rest. You don't need to stop the Jackson family.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Do you think all this attention from the release of Opis None, Oprah interview, claims of fake vocals and the rest is just one big ploy to get media attention for the album, every thing has come at once since the album announcement to create a stir, ok its not the right kind of news, but it gets people talking, makes front headlines, people will want to listen to it, download the particular tracks that are questionable.

Of course. And everyone is reacting as expected...... Lots of free publicity and buzz for the new album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Like I thought: HMH is not the original song we all have . It's been re-mixed and the new version has way more MJ vocals. So it will be refreshing to hear. This puts my mind at ease somewhat.
I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the mon
motonous lyrics then it will be well received:)
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

On Taylor Swift's new album, none of the songs can be found on youtube, only the ones with a higher or lower vocal pitch. Perhaps Sony can do something like this so that no one can hear the album for free, because a lot of people go on youtube to listen to music, and then there would more people buying the album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the mon
motonous lyrics then it will be well received:)

Well, I'm DEFINATELY not crazy about that song. Not at all.

And I agree with what you said.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the monotonous lyrics then it will be well received:)

The version we know is three years old, was arguably unfinished as it was never officially released and, in terms of vocals, is clearly "Akon featuring MJ". This version does obviously not belong on a Michael Jackson album, and most certainly wouldn't fit as a first single.

However, it has already be reported that the song has been changed, that more MJ vocals have been added (making it "MJ featuring Akon") and that it has been updated to "fit the sound" of the new album which, from what we heard in the 'Breaking News' teaser, sounds crisp, fresh and AWESOME! So given all of that... I think we'll be fine.

Also, I think 'One More Chance' was more monotonous and bland and had less mainstream appeal than 'Hold My Hand'.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the mon
motonous lyrics then it will be well received:)

I like HMH. But I respect your opinion. :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Having relistened to hold my hand yet again, i'm coming to the conclusion that something could be acheived from this. But the track is no where near reaching it's fll potential. For instance the piano sound at the end is vile, sounds like a cheap midi piano. Plus it isn't played with much musicality. The strings sound overly dry at the beginging, you could put a beautiful line in over those strings, plus, excluding the first one, the chord changes between the strings sound too rushed and mechanical. I'd also perhaps alter that snare drum and the bass drum sounds so generic and tacky. The harmonies on the chorus sound good, but at the end it's needing more addlibbs and better ones at that, more from MJ aswell, Akon gets the more noticable ones. I do like how the harmonys on the chorus are more MJ dominated although i can hear some Akon in there. The composition isn't brilliant, but it can be made ok with some serious tweeking as the production is extreemly tacky at the moment.

I totally agree with all of this -- much of the synthesized/mechanical nature which doesn't work as well on a beautiful ballad could be re-recorded very easily. Agree that that snare sound makes it sound dated to me.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I think we are starting to see results. Jackie & Taj have been on Twitter all afternoon, ignoring fans questions about the Opis None fiasco.

We have sent the letter to all JACKSONs on twitter...and an hour later they are distancing themselves from the song release.

They cannot blame the tabloids for this, because TMZ took the song FROM THE JACKSON Vault website...a SITE CO-OWN by Katherine Jackson.

Let's gooooooooo!!!!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

Akon did not write the song. Akon has confirmed on his Twitter that the version on the album has more MJ and that it is different from the one that leaked.

Michael's music always evolved.... several songs were written during one decade and not released or put onto an album until much later.

Ever heard the early versions of Dangerous? They sound NOTHING like the final product... and in my opinion, are much worse. Don't judge it until you've heard the version being released. Which 99% of the world will not have heard anyway.

I'm about to use Dangerous as example. You beat me. Lol..

I understand why some people are upset about the fact that HMH may be the lead single. But, we really don't know what the final version sounds like. I guess if the Dangerous demo was leaked in 1990 and internet was popularized back then, people would have trashed the song. People would have said the song is not strong enough to be the title track of the upcoming Michael Jackson album. But, with Teddy Riley's contribution, boom! Dangerous ended up being an amazing track to end the great Dangerous album!

Don't jump to conclusion so prematurely! We don't know what we gonna get.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I think we are starting to see results. Jackie & Taj have been on Twitter all afternoon, ignoring fans questions about the Opis None fiasco.

We have sent the letter to all JACKSONs on twitter...and an hour later they are distancing themselves from the song release.

They cannot blame the tabloids for this, because TMZ took the song FROM THE JACKSON Vault website...a SITE CO-OWN by Katherine Jackson.

Let's gooooooooo!!!!!

Amen. I RT. Thank you.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the mon
motonous lyrics then it will be well received:)

i like the song a lot. i'm listeningn to it, as i type this.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

The version we know is three years old, was arguably unfinished as it was never officially released and, in terms of vocals, is clearly "Akon featuring MJ". This version does obviously not belong on a Michael Jackson album, and most certainly wouldn't fit as a first single.

However, it has already be reported that the song has been changed, that more MJ vocals have been added (making it "MJ featuring Akon") and that it has been updated to "fit the sound" of the new album which, from what we heard in the 'Breaking News' teaser, sounds crisp, fresh and AWESOME! So given all of that... I think we'll be fine.

Also, I think 'One More Chance' was more monotonous and bland and had less mainstream appeal than 'Hold My Hand'.
Hmmmm, If it is reworked -maybe. Still Mj singing alone is better than MJ singing with Acon. As a matter of fact the song is not suited for two guys to sing even if Acon doe his MJ impersonation.

Miracles happen every day so maybe they turned it into something worthy but I'm still praying that it WONT be the first single and I hope someone cares enough to cut it altogether if it still sucks.
Re: The Official New Album Thread -"Breaking News" Announcement Page 464

I honestly cannot think of another song Michael has sung that I disliked more than Hold My Hand. I love Michael's voice singing it but I would rather have heard him reciting the ABC's in harmony. I don't know why but to me the song is extremely week for something for Michael to sing, or maybe it is hearing Acon's voice singing with him but I think it's a combination of both. I was surprised that many of Michael's fans felt the same way. I see now even more feel this way. Maybe the song is tainted, I don't know. All I know is despite the few charming lyrics that sound amazing coming from MJ they have managed to create the first and possibly only song he sings I strongly dislike. I pray it's not the first single and it not being included would be an added bonus. Maybe they can leak it and if it's still horrible with whatever changes they made then it can be cut from the final cut? Maybe I'm being cruel and far too hopeful... Sorry guys. Is anyone crazy about that song?

I'll add this for a positive vibe. Maybe, just maybe they redid it, totally cut or minimized acon to something we can tolerate, fired up the lyrics, added depth and more passionate lyrics tweaked the melody and tempo, cut back on the mon
motonous lyrics then it will be well received:)

Well said, i totally agree, lets just hope we have it wrong and it's not on the album at all.