Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I second that Ginny , PATHETIC!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I am worried that The Estate knows how much we want this album and have taken the songs chosen for the album to be reworked by multiple producers in hopes that they can make them more radio friendly. This worries me because they will take out the rawness of what Michael had already recorded and wanted the songs to sound like, making them less Michael-ish.

I would rather an "unfinished" album with Michael's vision than a super polished multi-produced song…
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

a) MJ's album WILL be delayed
b) MJ's album will be released but with minimal input from Sony music and a rushed marketing campaign with no chance of acquiring the best promo spots on TV, billboards, magazines etc. Not only that but without the title and artwork, or the name of a single it is difficult for Sony to even create any adverts that connect with the final product in any way. Possibly the best they could do is a generic 'Michael Jackson' montage or something that could be prepared in advance without knowing the details of the album.


c) SC05 has no source and has been lying the whole time. We all know an album is coming, but we don't know when. There was ONE PARAGRAPH in a press release at the beginning of the year which mentioned November 2010. SC05 pounced on that and pretended he had inside info for attention.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

im getting extremely tired of people coming up with stupid shit and posting it here. If it takes you time to think it up you have wasted valued time to do something more constructive.

Just sayin...

I second that Ginny , PATHETIC!!

I third that. People like us never waste time and are never pathetic, how lucky we are! :punk:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

MattyJam, I'm really really NOT Trying to single you out on this but YOUR COMMENT IS THE EXACT Reason why The first thread was Deleted/closed! What ever your belief about any member, This is a thread to talk about the MUSIC/ALBUM Of Michael's ONLY!

If you want to talk about members, make another thread for it and there's no point in that cuz it will be closed fast.

I dont really think its hard to follow the rules... Do you? I respect you as a person and a fan but for one to do the same thing that he/she were told NOT To do is just silly to me.

Thankyou Smooth for the update... :)

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I agree that it's very hard to believe that Sony after paying that kind of money, just sit there waiting for info and know nothing. Of course they do.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

MattyJam, I'm really really NOT Trying to single you out on this but YOUR COMMENT IS THE EXACT Reason why The first thread was Deleted/closed! What ever your belief about any member, This is a thread to talk about the MUSIC/ALBUM Of Michael's ONLY!

If you want to talk about members, make another thread for it and there's no point in that cuz it will be closed fast.

I dont really think its hard to follow the rules... Do you? I respect you as a person and a fan but for one to do the same thing that he/she were told NOT To do is just silly to me.

Thankyou Smooth for the update... :)


Thankyou! Please don't get this thread closed as well...
It's getting to the point where we might as well close this until we do know something for definite. It would be a shame if that were to happen.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

It would be a pity to close this thread! It is so funny to see some people impatient and extremely serious about something unofficial. In the same time there is a kind of thrilling feeling, you know like when you play the lottery and don't know if you're gonna win or lose. The same here, will the album come out in November --as Smooth's sources confidently promised-- or not --as Smooth's sources confidently said they don't know much about it. LOL
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I am worried that The Estate knows how much we want this album and have taken the songs chosen for the album to be reworked by multiple producers in hopes that they can make them more radio friendly. This worries me because they will take out the rawness of what Michael had already recorded and wanted the songs to sound like, making them less Michael-ish.

I would rather an "unfinished" album with Michael's vision than a super polished multi-produced song…

iSecond this
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I agree that it's very hard to believe that Sony after paying that kind of money, just sit there waiting for info and know nothing. Of course they do.

Yeah, SC05 used to put at least a little effort into those so-called "updates" of his. But now it shows that even he has stopped thinking this charade amusing, yet some people here still thank him for his "inside info"! *sigh*

As for Sony, OF COURSE they know everything that's going on with this project. Do you think that big wig executives, who have invested a quarter of a billion dollars in MJ, just wait for the Estate to "tweet" them info like we do?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Why close it for the sake of one person?!?!?!?. I enjoy reading this thread!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Smooth thnks for update and as i already aid Vibe, Rolling stone etc have given us more info, this was what Smooth referred to ,he did not say it was going to be HUGE announcemnt but on that will be let out to reassure the fans that there is indeed work going on.

I think we will see news either by end of this month of at least single and come middle of October full tracklisting etc.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Some people just can't follow simple instructions, always on the attack......

Again, none of us will know anything until the powers that be decide to let us know what they want us to know.
Until then, I think you all need to relax and appreciate the legacy Michael left us.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Some people just can't follow simple instructions, always on the attack......

Again, none of us will know anything until the powers that be decide to let us know what they want us to know.
But until any of Smooth's claims come to fruition he is in a poisiton to be doubted. Stating that you don't believe him is not attacking him. Everytime he says something and days/weeks go by with nothing people are going to express some frustration and be skeptic.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Why is it that when we do get information you people find ways to discredit it or make a claim that its a lie? Have you all made an effort to contact anyone within sony to verify these statements? No. Those who are being negitive may want to reach out to the estate or sony. Maybe, just maybe, SC05 is actually telling the truth.... Can we please move past bashing the person who is giving us the news before he Stops all together.? Is that an insane request?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Why is it that when we do get information you people find ways to discredit it or make a claim that its a lie? Have you all made an effort to contact anyone within sony to verify these statements? No. Those who are being negitive may want to reach out to the estate or sony. Maybe, just maybe, SC05 is actually telling the truth.... Can we please move past bashing the person who is giving us the news before he Stops all together.? Is that an insane request?
I don't want to discredit him but I can't give him credit without any verification. I don't want to call him a liar because as you stated he could be telling the truth like you said. We can't call what he has said news because it has proven to be true. we are all jsut speculationg.

Ssying some secret source seems shady isn't negative, saying this album will suck and i don't think it will ever be released is negative.

Once again questioning someone isn't bashing him, at least i'm not. I think it's nice of him to share what he knows if it's the truth but this is the internet anyone can be a source and it's hard to trust what someone says without some kind of proof.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I hate all the negativity in this thread. I take everything smooth says as if it's from a tabloid. I hope he doesn't take it personal, but we've had numerous "prophets" over the years who all have "confidential, but credible sources."

The fact of the matter is we won't know anything concrete until there is an official announcement from The Estate or Sony.

I know Sony is not waiting for information from the Estate, that's a ridiculous theory and excuse. With the amount of money they have invested in these projects they are not going to leave things up to the Estate to decide. Will they have input, certainly but have a bit of common sense. With Sony's track record over the year's on Michael's projects we all know that they are extremely controlling and have numerously overturned decisions Michael himself has made (Invincible, BODTF, etc.)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

MattyJam, I'm really really NOT Trying to single you out on this but YOUR COMMENT IS THE EXACT Reason why The first thread was Deleted/closed! What ever your belief about any member, This is a thread to talk about the MUSIC/ALBUM Of Michael's ONLY!

If you want to talk about members, make another thread for it and there's no point in that cuz it will be closed fast.

I dont really think its hard to follow the rules... Do you? I respect you as a person and a fan but for one to do the same thing that he/she were told NOT To do is just silly to me.

Thankyou Smooth for the update... :)


Okay, point taken.

I'll give it a rest, for the sake of this thread.

I'm still holding out and hoping a November release is on the cards, but it's starting to look unlikely now... :(
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

While we can talk about it over and over, so it’s easier to wait :bored:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

I'm very afraid. I've thought a lot about this situation with MJ's new album... Okay, we have words from SC05 (thank you for this, i really appreciate your posts here), but actually we don't have any informations from $ony. We all know $ony said album will be published in November but what else? No information about title, first single, any billboards and spots... Oh i forgot about some advance sales.
2bad, this album will be delayed for sure. When is it going to publish? Next year?
Oh i can't describe how i hate $ony!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

It's too early for official information. There were publications in press, there were interviews with ppl from the Estate. What else do you need? Sony can't release an official statement every month saying "no we haven't forgotten, the album is still happening in November", "nothing's changed, it's still in November". Recording companies don't do that.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

im getting extremely tired of people coming up with stupid shit and posting it here. If it takes you time to think it up you have wasted valued time to do something more constructive.

Just sayin...

I agree. It doesn't really make things lighten up. A couple of times was funny, but now with not knowing anything about the album that should be out in Nov., it just makes it more frustrating to read jokes about it - for me anyway. Maybe I'm in the minority.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Shome on, patience guys, when the album hits the stores you'll forget not only about my vain jokes, but also about this whole thread. So why moaning and yawning, when you could be smiling?
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only

Shome on, patience guys, when the album hits the stores you'll forget not only about my vain jokes, but also about this whole thread. So why moaning and yawning, when you could smile?

hahaha...SO true!