Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Why all the Branca hate? we don't even know if all this is true, remember its Branca who recommended Butterflies for MJ, without that song the album would have really sucked, we have to wait and see before we start blaming certain people.

since when did Michael's album have to depend on one single song so that it won't suck? This is no Katy Perry or Justin Timberlake we're talking about here.

Michael is a musical genius. His whole albums don't depend on one song's sucess.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

McClain needs to swallow his pride and realise he is the executor to MJ's estate, not a popular music producer.

I am happy to wait as long as it takes for this album, if it means Sony get the best material on it.

"Baby... uh, McClain never felt so good
He tried producing coz he thought he could
But it was not liked by Sony... Sony....
Oh, baby... uh now McClain never felt so sad
Because his tracks were deemed dated and bad
Thank god for Sony... Sony....
And the album's gonna be just fine..
Sony proved... MJ sings... yes its him... MCCLAIN CANT TAKE IT!
Coz babyyyy....."

lol :lol:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

"....He chose to work on two non-Cascio tracks that Jackson had left behind. But the source says that when Sony suits heard McClain's efforts, they deemed the production "dated."...."

I knew it. John McClain is old-fashioned. He wants to put Love Never Felt So Good on the album and that song is good but sounds out-of-date. He really needs to "ease on down the road" a let the professionals do their job (Teddy and Darkchild)...

In my honest opinion, the demo of 'love never felt so good' sounds so much better than some tracks today, even some of the hip hop tracks. it CERTAINLY sound so much better than "no one" by alicia keys and much better than taylor swifts songs.

I really don't think "dated" can really be pressed upon Michael's name. If there's a song with a bit of dated sound, like Thriller, they better NOT touch that song.

We have to remember that Michael's music hardly doesn't become "outdated", but sounds good for ever and ever and never becomes old.

So I guess if this talk about McClain is true, he must have really effed up Michael's music, or chose the most oldest sounding songs possible.

If the album is full of auto tune then there will be alot of angry and pissed off MJ fans (Myself included). MJ does not need auto tune.

if auto tune is used, we fans should revolt and burn the cd's in front of them for trying to give us crap like that.

Michael would cry if he found out his natural voice was replaced with a computer like one.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Where is smooth when we need him..?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Please don't take the article from New York Daily News seriously. New York Daily News is a glorified tabloid. It's far far far away from the New York Times. The integrity and writing quality of New York Daily News is the level of National Enquirer.

Sigh... None of us has heard anything from the new album. Yet, some of us can't wait to trash Mr. McClain. Out of all producers Michael worked with in his life, he chose John McClain to be the co-administrators of his estate. If one has faith in Michael, why one can't have faith in his choice? At least, give the album benefit of doubt. Save your criticism after you listen to the album.

The tabloid, as always, can't wait to put negative spin to anything related to Michael Jackson. The best thing for us to do is to ignore it, to not to eat it, to not to feed it. I'm not sick and tired of the Jacksons or John McClain, I'm sick and tired of seeing tabloid articles re-posted is this thread.

I vow not to go to TMZ's website or buy any tabloids because I don't want to give my hard earned money to the culprits who destroyed Michael. I can't do much to bring justice to Michael. But, at least, I don't want to contribute to the devilish tabloids.

If you go by words from credible source, such as Teddy Riley's tweets, the quality of the music is assured.

The Estate has handled all projects with care and respect. Say what you want about This Is It. You cannot deny the fact that both the film and the album are great success. Within a year, the Estate scored the biggest recording contract, developed a video game and is producing a Cirque Du Soleil show. On top of all these projects, the Estate re-negotiated better terms for all the financings. So far, they are doing a great job.

If you want to throw stones, your target should be the tabloid writers, not the estate administrators.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

that article just had to mention "a drug overdose".......i didn't even finish reading it after that.

my anger is fueled once more.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I really truly believe that the whole issue of it not being Michael's voice is totally a publicity stunt....I think the announcement is getting closer and closer, and this is getting the public's attention before the first single comes out....That's just what I think....it seems to be very convenient that this rat was thrown on the table at this time.....

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

No doubt the album gets closer.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This is too easy to connect the dots. The Jackson family gets no money from this album. Only the kids. So they are spreading lies to knock down the album. And Freidman will gladly take any dirt that sticks. Prime example: This Is It and the body doubles.

Why doesn't Cascio come out with a statement? Afterall, it was HIS studio. He shouldn't have to, but will have to now to shut them up.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Please don't take the article from New York Daily News seriously. New York Daily News is a glorified tabloid. It's far far far away from the New York Times. The integrity and writing quality of New York Daily News is the level of National Enquirer.

Sigh... None of us has heard anything from the new album. Yet, some of us can't wait to trash Mr. McClain. Out of all producers Michael worked with in his life, he chose John McClain to be the co-administrators of his estate. If one has faith in Michael, why one can't have faith in his choice? At least, give the album benefit of doubt. Save your criticism after you listen to the album.

The tabloid, as always, can't wait to put negative spin to anything related to Michael Jackson. The best thing for us to do is to ignore it, to not to eat it, to not to feed it. I'm not sick and tired of the Jacksons or John McClain, I'm sick and tired of seeing tabloid articles re-posted is this thread.

I vow not to go to TMZ's website or buy any tabloids because I don't want to give my hard earned money to the culprits who destroyed Michael. I can't do much to bring justice to Michael. But, at least, I don't want to contribute to the devilish tabloids.

If you go by words from credible source, such as Teddy Riley's tweets, the quality of the music is assured.

The Estate has handled all projects with care and respect. Say what you want about This Is It. You cannot deny the fact that both the film and the album are great success. Within a year, the Estate scored the biggest recording contract, developed a video game and is producing a Cirque Du Soleil show. On top of all these projects, the Estate re-negotiated better terms for all the financings. So far, they are doing a great job.

If you want to throw stones, your target should be the tabloid writers, not the estate administrators.

Yes yes and yes!!! I fully agree..TMZ is a joke and so is NYdailynews. But how i DO wish that one of the Jackson family would come forward and simply say....listen people, this is nonsense!!!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I knew this was going to happen. I wish I could find my previous post, but I've said time and time again Michael's downfall in life and death was the lack of a strong spokeperson to combat rumors.

If the media doesn't have news, it will create it. The Estate and Sony are going to learn the hard way that a lack of credible information allows sites like TMZ and Roger Friedman to spread malicious lies.

I studied Communications/Journalism in college and tabloids that publish like this are largely looked down upon. They get away with it stateside by citing an uncredited source, but even when the Nixon story was breaking back in the day not having a source was pretty much a declaration that your story was fiction, funny how the world has changed.


I'm pissed off at both Sony, The Estate, and possibly the Jackson Family. It's one thing to want to have a successful record, but how about Michael having a successful legacy? Let rumors like this spin out of control and within weeks we're going to see it on Facebook, and Youtube comments "Pedo didn't even sing his own songs!"

I know that a bit vicious but the things you'll see will be far worse. Fuck clever marketing and oh so trendy explosive announcements. Just come the hell out and say you're planning on releasing an album by year end or quarter 4 of 20010.

Lady Gaga, and dozens of other people have announced their albums already and the anticipation by their fans is still high, Michael has never and will never need a cheap publicity scheme to rally up support for his album.

And people who are saying that the announcement couldn't possibly come this week because of Election Day, are you guys serious? Michael is an International Entertainment Icon, but regardless of it's Groundhog's Day or the 3 Thursday after last this announcement is not going to be headline news discussion for more than 5 minutes, it's not going to inspire workplace meetings.

It's an album, people are either going to buy it or not, I don't know what the Estate and Sony are trying to accomplish here but it seems to me with their silence they either don't care that Michael's fans are waiting for answer, or they are only trying to do some amazing secretive explosive promotional announcement, which is cool and all but totally unnecessary. The album will sell because of the quality, not because they decided to wait 8 months before even confirming it existence, or by waiting to the last hour to let people know it's going to be released.

Sorry if that was negative, but Jesus Christ what the hell is the point of Michael appointing people to be the executors of his estate if they can't even handle something as simple as dispelling rumors. News Outlets would kill for an official comment so it wouldn't be hard to set the story straight.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Just wait till the songs go public, people. The rumors will die immediately should they prove baseless.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Does it make sense for Sony to pay $250 million for songs that are sung by a MJ immitator?

Give me a break! Any one with half a brain knows the story is ridiculous. If I was the Estate administrator, I wouldn't even dignify it by responding. :doh:


As I said, sometimes tmz "sources" could be their momma's.

let's cut it out with this story :angel:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

You know what, give me the Cascio songs right now. I will determine whether or not they are real :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I agree that a strong spokesperson is needed. This whole issue could be quashed
if a reputable person spoke up and just said 'Not true'.

I cannot think of another artist who has had to deal with such media scrutiny, false
leaks, gleeful detractors and circumstances that could so easily be rectified.

Since the people who were called in to work on Michael's music are not speaking, that
may mean they've been asked/told not to. Why? Beats me.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

If the album date is 6 december i think they should released the single at 22-24 november.If we dont have any concrete information at the end of november i think that the album is dealyed to 2011...
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

was this article from a legit source? if it isn't then why are we talking about it? Move on if its not been confirmed. id love to know anything Ele or Smooth knows right now.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

How did this go from 3T (Friedman) to Prince & Paris (TMZ) and now to John McClain (NYDN) ?
its called shit stiring probably by the ppl who have no control or say over the album. and get no money from it

was this article from a legit source?
no nydn are a tabloid. in contest with murdochs ny post
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Guys this article was based on an article by Friedman. Let's not give him any ammunition here. Sony will not be paying millions for songs by someone like Jason Malchi and Weitzman has already commented on this. There is no way that it would happen.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

cant believe its the 3rd of November and not a drop of information regarding the album has been released.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I can't believe you all are commenting on a tabloid article like it was THE TRUTH.

John McClain is an idiot who can't tell Jackson's voice...
oh, and MJ had a flesh eating bug.

Yeah, sure.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

It's not the 3rd here in Denmark yet.

Only the 2nd. News shall come soon I hope.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

cant believe its the 3rd of November and not a drop of information regarding the album has been released.

It's still November 2nd around most of the world, and with the midterm elections here in the United States, it would be a bad day to release album info into the news.

It would get burried! Later this week would be a better time to release info.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Just abit of news don't know if it has been mentioned on the any other pages BUT:
HMV in the uk have changed the release date of the new album to the 6/12/10
instead of their old one 22/11/10....

So surely this is a good sign too at least say its on its way and they've had some feedback from Sony???

Just a thought, heres the link anyway ....


Cheers, Lee :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I can't believe you all are commenting on a tabloid article like it was THE TRUTH.

John McClain is an idiot who can't tell Jackson's voice...
oh, and MJ had a flesh eating bug.

Yeah, sure.
:lol: Exactly. The tabloids are running rampant and fans are believing them
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Really sucked? - NOT to start yet another Invincible fight, but that just pisses me of. Vince is a great album, and many many fans thinks so. Some of my all time favorite MJ songs are on that album, and it's NOT Butterflies BTW.
I can't believe a MJ fan could ever say his albums "really sucked" ???

Back to topic....

Well Not to start another Invincible fight, but the album to me is weak and without Butterflies which was MJ's last touch of Musical genius in my opinion that album would have really sucked, thats my opinion, dont know why your so pissed off :D
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Just a quick update: Tracklist is being finalized as we speak, album title has also been picked as I told you yesterday. Still no definite date on the release but I'm told all issues with the estate have been or are being resolved right now. An announcement could come at any day. Personally, I'd say next week (just my opinion).

I'm flying from Florida into Toronto soon and won't be back online until about midnight tonight. If I hear anything else I'll let you know