Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

*strokes goatee* interesting....
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

New Michael Jackson Tracks -- Real or Phony?
17 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Two of Michael Jackson's children are adamant -- some of the soon-to-be released MJ song tracks are frauds.

As we have been reporting, Sony will be releasing a Michael Jackson album before Christmas, featuring 10 - 12 original tracks. We're told 5 of the tracks were recorded at the New Jersey home of record producer Eddie Cascio.

Michael and his kids stayed at Cascio's family home for 4 months in 2007, when the tracks were recorded, along with remixes that were released on the Thriller 25 Album.

The Jackson family believes the Cassio tracks in question were fakes -- sung by a Michael Jackson sound-alike. We're told Prince says he was upstairs at the Cascio's house when many of the tracks were recorded and was able to hear the music, and none of what he heard matches the Sony tracks.

We're also told Paris is "adamant" -- she does not believe her dad's voice is on the tracks in question.

But the estate claims there are sound experts who say conclusively the tracks are the real deal.

People connected with the Sony project believe the kids are being "manipulated" by Katherine Jackson and other family members who don't want the album released.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I Really dont think that TMZ S**T should be allowed to print this !! Who the hell do they think they are!!

BS as usual.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

***JUST BECAUSE YOU READ IT IN A MAGAZINE or see it on a tv screen does not make it factual**** remember this???
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

thanks smooth...

Elenora any news from your side?

No, i'll spoke this afternoon with Sony. Then I'll let you know...

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Some people really need to 'wise up' a little.

Every Mj album ever released has had bull**** rumours published about them by the 'gutter press' - and yet every one of them has sold millions!

The 'gutter press' may be powerful, but they are not as powerful as MJ's music and legacy. Let them have their 15 mins of fun, MJ will defeat them in death as he did in life.

Keep the faith guys, and leave the press to wallow in their own filth. If you try and fight the pigs, you only end up getting dirty with them.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanks Ele74!

MkGenie, so they're going to broadcast the main selling point of the new DVD set for free on TV?
Hmm, I don't think that's a good idea, unless they're going to release only some footage on TV.
This is going to be a very low key michael jackson video, nothing like the incredible videos he was famous for and it's only really of interest to hard core fans like us. I don't see much point in broadcasting it. Anyway, it's not up to me. :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

any1 want a soada while we wait?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

any1 want a soada while we wait?

LOL. mmhmm. i'll take one. it's stinking hot down here in aus and all this excitement is getting to me.
thanks gaz.
ok... officially back to being SUPER DUPER excited..not that i ever stopped but i think the frustration took over for a while.
MAN i wish i could camp outside the door of branca or mclain or whoever's making the announcement..tell me tell me TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

thanks for the update gaz


Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Gaz after speaking with them did you get any indication if they're even close to being ready? And did u find out what the hold up is?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

New Michael Jackson Tracks -- Real or Phony?
17 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Two of Michael Jackson's children are adamant -- some of the soon-to-be released MJ song tracks are frauds.

As we have been reporting, Sony will be releasing a Michael Jackson album before Christmas, featuring 10 - 12 original tracks. We're told 5 of the tracks were recorded at the New Jersey home of record producer Eddie Cascio.

Michael and his kids stayed at Cascio's family home for 4 months in 2007, when the tracks were recorded, along with remixes that were released on the Thriller 25 Album.

The Jackson family believes the Cassio tracks in question were fakes -- sung by a Michael Jackson sound-alike. We're told Prince says he was upstairs at the Cascio's house when many of the tracks were recorded and was able to hear the music, and none of what he heard matches the Sony tracks.

We're also told Paris is "adamant" -- she does not believe her dad's voice is on the tracks in question.

But the estate claims there are sound experts who say conclusively the tracks are the real deal.

People connected with the Sony project believe the kids are being "manipulated" by Katherine Jackson and other family members who don't want the album released.


They could have asked Blanket too, maybe he knows better.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanks Gaz, I still find it incredible that in this day and age when so many celebrities are so approachable and communicative that MJ fans are left in this position in the first place. Perhaps the MJ estate needs some young blood to modernise their approach. This is not the 80s and the media blackout approach simply doesn't work any more.
One way to prevent media stories like this from taking hold is to allow people to disclose certain pieces of information vie their Twitter, Myspace, Facebook or whatever. Even if they didn't let the likes of Teddy and Lenny communicate with the fans, they could at least provide some official updates and teasers via the MJ.com site or through Sony.

Also, as you don't have any news about the anticipated album announcement I guess it isn't on the schedule for this week. Looks like we'll all have to wait until next week guys...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Hi Gaz,

I Hope that the estate knows that the "fake tracks by Cascio" stories are damaging in the public and they need to react in some way.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

You're doing a good job gaz. We all appreciate it. We know it's not easy. Nothing relating to MJ is easy and never has been.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Ok guys

I have spoken at length with the estate and passed on our concerns/frustrations regarding the non communication and media speculation which is causing unrest, they have assured me they are aware of the wait and are working as hard as possible to ensure the album is swiftly completed.

They also assured me that as soon as they know more on its schedule they will let me know directly so I can pass it on,

Guys I will ensure I try my best to get any updates and as soon as I can release any info I will.

Until this happens please be patient, it is coming that is a definite but like any project they need to ensure it is done right it is done to the level of perfection both MJ and his fans expect.

Thanx for that gaz
Thankyou Gaz.

I think the media is More impatient than MJ fans(Us)! The longer a MIChael project is delayed, the more impatient they become and start "Making up" Information that they have no Idea about. It is kinda true what some have said. Being a Michael Jackson fan is not that easy, and thats the same reason that we have to stick together so nothing breaks us.

I've never been a fan of Anyone like I've been of Michael. I dont know any other way to be a fan. And I've never defended or stood up for anyone(non related) but him. I think thats the case for some here. So we always have to remember that Michael will always do his best and is the best, and remember his words, like someone here pointed out… "Just because you read it in a magazine, or see it on the TV screen, Don't make it factual"

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

We are not gonna let the family or the media destroy MJ's legacy.

They are using low tactics by feeding TMZ, MJ's kids alleged quote. His kids are now being used as weapons against their father's legacy, his estate and their own financial future....in the family's warfare.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Remember this! Probably the kids have not even been approached.

Just BS tabloids desperate to get news before us! THE TRUE fans!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Not to get off topic, but someone really needs to step in for the welfare of those 3 children. I do NOT trust the Jackson family right now.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thank you, Gaz for using your reputation and legacy to afford this great due diligence for the community. We love you!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Remember this! Probably the kids have not even been approached.

Just BS tabloids desperate to get news before us! THE TRUE fans!!


Lets not forget in the weeks prior to June 25th last year, the press were saying that Michael wanted elephants and live animals to be a part of a his TII shows and they were also claiming that he had been diagnosed with cancer.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Exactly!! BS!! unless i hear it from THEIR lips i will not believe this tabloid crap! However what i do believe they got right was what Howard Stringer said ! The songs are amazing and will CRUSH the opposition this christmas, plus Sony is sorting out the royalties for who has been involved on the project.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

^ Exactly. Choreographed birds to open the show then MJ appears on an elephant. Obviously the media never heard of the toaster and some moonwalking! No other way to start an MJ show :p

It's only a matter of time before TMZ discover Jason Malachi and start spreading his songs as "the fake songs" on the album. I remember when the Daily Mirror "confirmed" the set list for This Is It concerts, which OPENED with Billie Jean. They didnt even give room for fans to believe it... just straight off the bat made fools of themselves. lol.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Well lets hope there is no re-discovery!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thank you, Gaz for using your reputation and legacy to afford this great due diligence for the community. We love you!

Yesss, absolutely!

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This cannot be said enough times. Thank you Gaz for your work. We deeply appreciate it. I can safely say you are the best admin i've seen in a very long time, if ever.

So yes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for you efforts :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Gaz, what i don't get is, why don't they also just squash these rumors? Why not make an anouncement in the media saying all of this is false, i just don't get that. As long as that doesn't happen, the media will say whatever they want.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Gaz, what i don't get is, why don't they also just squash these rumors? Why not make an anouncement in the media saying all of this is false, i just don't get that. As long as that doesn't happen, the media will say whatever they want.

perhaps in the interview their family will say.:timer: