Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

December sounds ok, but i'll be shock if its delayed again onto 2011

btw auto-tuned or not, sounds fine at least it fits the song to make a hit (if ya know what i mean)

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

That's what I fear very much.

Had MJ lived to release this album there is no way he would have added his brothers vocals as backup vocals.

But I fear they will do whatever they can to get some money out of this project.

... trading off the family name, anything but getting a real job...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I've not been here for a few days so did i miss something, or not at all?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Perhaps they're mad that the Cascio's could be receiving mega-royalties if their tracks are included, and the Jackson family won't be getting a dime.

You can bet your bottom dollar that when the album does come out, one or two of the brothers will be added to the writing credits on at least one song, just like they weasled their way onto TII with their corny barbershop quartet backing vocals.

First, I have very limited knowledge on the music industry. So, I'd be glad if someone can enlighten me about music royalty and how it works.

Unless the Cascios are credited as co-writers of the songs going to be released; otherwise, how could they be entitled to royalties?

I highly doubt the Jacksons received royalties for their background vocals in TII. They may receive some kind of payments from Sony. If background vocalists receive royalties, I assume all the session musicians involved in the album receive royalties as well. If that's the case, all session musicians and background vocalists that worked on Thriller should receive handsome amount of royalties. I'd imagine the session musicians and background vocalists got a one-time salary, instead of a constant stream of money.

I could be wrong. I'm no music industry expert. But, if my thought is correct, I don't see how the Jacksons can benefit from excluding the Cascios tracks.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yeah. They have no reason to destroy the album.

Then again Joe and Latoya both claimed it wasn't MJ in TII - they had everything to lose there too.

Joe even arranged a VIP event for TII - and still he said we would only see doubles and no MJ - that just shows how bad he is at buisness.

Joe Jackson did have another motive when bad-mouthing This Is It. He was planning to bring a civil lawsuit against AEG.

Yes, I agree with you that some family members do have questionable behaviors. But, if they still have some slight common sense, they want this coming album to do well.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Why do they wanna fuck up everything, really?? urghh Im so sick of the crap some of the Jacksons are doing.

WHY would the Cascios give the estate some fake songs?? It doesnt make any sense at all and that would just be plain stupid. We all should know better!!

Worst part is the kids being used and i would say abused in this sick game. They are using them to push their agena and some fans will do the same.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

But, what's there for the family to gain if they manage to destroy the upcoming album?

It's a lose-lose situation.

They want the estate to fail because they are not in control. They will not get a SINGLE PENNY from the album sale...so they want it to fail.


Using 3 kids who lost their father...to seek revenge not only against their father's estate, but they are using the kids to damage their own inheritance.

In a few years, I expect history to repeat itself...and the kids will turn on the Jackson family and stay as far away from some as their own dad did.

Yes, I agree with you that some family members do have questionable behaviours. But, if they still have some slight common sense, they want this coming album to do well

Why would they...there is nothing in it for them.

They will not get a single penny..and obviously, they do not want the Cascios to get any either.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Just a quick update: Like I said weeks ago, the album will be delayed from the original Nov 22nd planned release. The plan is to get it out in December right now. Still no planned date for the press release at this time, but the album is done and the title HAS been picked tentatively by the estate over the weekend. The delay is due to intense politics regarding the tracklisting....everyone wants a say (AKA Jackson's family) as well as the estate being very picky in how the final product sounds. Also, the plan for the album's sound changed late summer which delayed the product being finished.

Considering the election and Cirque announcement this week, personally I'd say the new album news will be out next week. Once I hear the date, I'll let you know.

1 question, Mr. Smooth:

is the album cover have been picked??
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I tend not to comment on reports like this regarding the family. I am in two minds about it, some of the things being said get me really annoyed at them, but on the other hand they are Michael's flesh and blood. Plus you never really know whats true and what isnt.

Thats all i'll say on this matter.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

um are we still on the topic of the new album? I missed a few pages because my net crapped out on me... Is there any new info or anything?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I wouldn't count on it.

I doubt the estate are going to break their silence on this just to counter a trashy tabloid article.

They commented when Joe said that there were body doubles in TII
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I don't see what this has to do with the investigation what so ever.
It doesn't affect it at all.

i was just mentioning how the ones who are waiting for the album arent the only ones with the boiling blood over all the crazy articles and over the top lies.

aside from all that.....i just had a wierd vibe about this whole album thing when i was thinking of it (it felt kind of positive...i think...)....don't want to say anything right now though.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I tend not to comment on reports like this regarding the family. I am in two minds about it, some of the things being said get me really annoyed at them, but on the other hand they are Michael's flesh and blood. Plus you never really know whats true and what isnt.

Thats all i'll say on this matter.

me too.
we're back to hating the jacksons again then? who sed any of this is even true?? we all know how much crap they made up about michael. how do we know the media aren't trying to create more crap and controversy by putting words in people's mouths all over again.
i know the jackson haven't earned much respect but why r they ALWAYS guilty until proven innocent????????
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I think it will be named 'The Future' it just works, it portrays that we've so much to look forward to and more albums to come, plus 'The Future' should be a track on the album, but with Immortal or Eternal your just dwelling on the fact Mike has gone, we all know Mike will still be around long after we've gone.

Agree! :agree:

The only verifiable and legit information in the TMZ article is the estate lawyer Howard Weitzman who says that the voice is Michael's and it's determined by the experts in other words denying the rumors.

Okay-so there you go - the ESTATE has refuted this stupid story. There is nothing else they need to say.

Does it make sense for Sony to pay $250 million for songs that are sung by a MJ immitator? Before Sony signed the contract with the Estate, there must be some due diligence works being done. Sony must feel confident about the quality of songs in the vault. The executives at Sony behind this deal put their careers at stake. We are not talking about some pocket change here. It's the BIGGEST RECORDING CONTRACT we are talking about.

Give me a break! Any one with half a brain knows the story is ridiculous. If I was the Estate administrator, I wouldn't even dignify it by responding. :doh:

The TMZ and RF trash really makes me angry for it's just so wrong for them to use Michael's children for their own gains.

So agree with you! This is ridiculous- you don't think that when Sony paid all that money to Cascio for those songs that they didn't verify it- double verify the fact that is was indeed Michael- come on people!! And you don't think Teddy Riley would have known if it was Michael or not?

This is pure trash from RF - the guy makes up trash all the time - this whole thing is pure garbage PERIOD!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Agree! :agree:

Okay-so there you go - the ESTATE has refuted this stupid story. There is nothing else they need to say.

So agree with you! This is ridiculous- you don't think that when Sony paid all that money to Cascio for those songs that they didn't verify it- double verify the fact that is was indeed Michael- come on people!! And you don't think Teddy Riley would have known if it was Michael or not?

This is pure trash from RF - the guy makes up trash all the time - this whole thing is pure garbage PERIOD!!

Don't think Friedman came up with this on his own. Someone in the family wants the album, the estate to fail.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

One more thing about this story- it's creating controversy which as we all know Michael loved when it came to marketing his new projects. It's keeping Michael's name out there and talking about his new album.

I wouldn't worry about the tabloids when it comes to the success of this album. All those stories will be refuted once the songs are out there. The estate is not worried and why should they? After all they are talking about Michael's new album and that is all that matters- even false stories are good for pr, and I know Michael would love this. :yes:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

No, it's not stupid.

They also just suggested "Michael" or "Michael Jackson". That would be better than having a legend's work being named by the people he didn't even leave his music to.
I personally think there are plently of awsome names that could go with Michael's new album!!, but when I think more about it, naming a legend's work ourselves (whether we are fans, producers, employees of a company) is not really something we should be doing. Unless his name is somewhere in that title, because that's a whole differnet thing.

Gift from Michael doesn't sound cool? Because that's what his music is before ANYTHING else, it is a gift. Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, Off the Wall, History, Invincible, you can combine ALL those titles together and call Michael's music simply a GIFT.

Don't underestimate Michael, an album with a title of more than one word shouldn't do any damage if he is Michael Jackson. You see that fist symbol of power he's holding high in my avatar? That's what he's got.

Of course Michael's music is a gift to all of us, esp. us, but I agree with others who don't think it should be called that. In fact, reading some of the fans' suggestions for the title makes me glad it's NOT the fans who are deciding it. No offense, but it should have a punch to it, it should have an impact - like Thriller, Dangerous, Invincible...
Nothing like Gift from Michael or Michael loves you or LOVE, etc.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

They want the estate to fail because they are not in control. They will not get a SINGLE PENNY from the album sale...so they want it to fail.


Using 3 kids who lost their father...to seek revenge not only against their father's estate, but they are using the kids to damage their own inheritance.

In a few years, I expect history to repeat itself...and the kids will turn on the Jackson family and stay as far away from some as their own dad did.

Why would they...there is nothing in it for them.

They will not get a single penny..and obviously, they do not want the Cascios to get any either.

You do know the article is most likely fake, right?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

There's alot of titles they could go with

The Future
Return To Forever
Home Again
Always and Forever
Love Lives Forever

I'm probably one of the few that like "L.O.V.E"
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Ele anything new you hear? You havent posted for a while whats the good word?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

One more thing about this story- it's creating controversy which as we all know Michael loved when it came to marketing his new projects. It's keeping Michael's name out there and talking about his new album.

I wouldn't worry about the tabloids when it comes to the success of this album. All those stories will be refuted once the songs are out there. The estate is not worried and why should they? After all they are talking about Michael's new album and that is all that matters- even false stories are good for pr, and I know Michael would love this. :yes:

Michael may have loved PR but I think that was when it was harmless and in his control. Having someone say that songs on an upcoming album are fake isn't the kind of marketing that anyone would want. If people have doubts about the authenticity, they aren't going to buy it. It is like the same mentality that some tried to create around Invincible; say it isn't good and people will buy into it.

Michael didn't love all press that he got; he stated how some things were just hurtful. I'm sure if that is his voice, having people going around saying it is not would not be amusing to him. That was another myth people told to justify some of their own crap.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I agree with tricia70. While we may not like the contents of that article, it does get people talking about the new album... and it's not specifically hurtful to Michael. It's yet another story of his family bickering. What else is new? lol
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Michael may have loved PR but I think that was when it was harmless and in his control.

Having someone say that songs on an upcoming album are fake isn't the kind of marketing that anyone would want.

If people have doubts about the authenticity, they aren't going to buy it.

It is like the same mentality that some tried to create around Invincible; say it isn't good and people will buy into it.

Michael didn't love all press that he got; he stated how some things were just hurtful. I'm sure if that is his voice, having people going around saying it is not would not be amusing to him. That was another myth people told to justify some of their own crap.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Ele, any updates? You said you hoped they would sort it out over weekend?

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Come oooooooon nowwwww!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

btw auto-tuned or not said:
If the album is full of auto tune then there will be alot of angry and pissed off MJ fans (Myself included). MJ does not need auto tune.