Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I am tired and the jackson family make me sick
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

the nydailynews story could very well be true, i dont trust John McClain one second after the This Is It fiasco, i think he could be a danger to MJs legacy if he is allowed to stay on the estate. Let Weitzman and Branca handle everything.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

But McClain "refuses to accept it," the source explains, because he wanted "creative control." Now, the source hints, some involved in Jackson's legacy want McClain to ease on down the road.
A spokeswoman for Sony declined to comment, and a spokesman for Jackson's estate also declined to comment.

I was afraid McClain would be too involved in the project and want too much control, so this statement doesn't seem too far fetched. This is the trouble when an executor has their own agenda.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I was afraid McClain would be too involved in the project and want too much control, so this statement doesn't seem too far fetched. This is the trouble when an executor has their own agenda.

How did this go from 3T (Friedman) to Prince & Paris (TMZ) and now to John McClain (NYDN) ?

Why is EVERYTHING so complicated in MJ's world? I am sick & tired of the constant drama...on all front.

How do they expect MJ's legacy to grown with such self-serving ass***** all around?

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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

lol and people told me to beat it when i expressed fears that mcclain will do everything to be involved in this project, just to be able to put his name on the back of the album, just as it was the case with "this is it" - the first time to have someone else written beside the typical "produced by michael jackson"
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

lol and people told me to beat it when i expressed fears that mcclain will do everything to be involved in this project, just to be able to put his name on the back of the album, just as it was the case with "this is it" - the first time to have someone else written beside the typical "produced by michael jackson"

Yeah. me too.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

poor Michael. why does it all have to happen to him?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

"....He chose to work on two non-Cascio tracks that Jackson had left behind. But the source says that when Sony suits heard McClain's efforts, they deemed the production "dated."...."

I knew it. John McClain is old-fashioned. He wants to put Love Never Felt So Good on the album and that song is good but sounds out-of-date. He really needs to "ease on down the road" a let the professionals do their job (Teddy and Darkchild)...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

John McClain seems to care far more about his own agenda and making a name for himself than he does Michael's legacy.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Anyone else starting to get a bit nervous about how this album is going to turn out?

I don't trust John McClain to handle this project at all.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

To be honest the only person i really trust is Teddy Riley.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The 'This Is It' song shambles was a sign of things to come. I hope Sony and others can do enough to prevent McClain from ruining this album with his old fashioned taste.

If it means the new album must be delayed to fight off McClain and ensure a good result then I will be 100% behind it. Sony should have been leading this project from the beginning and I'm sure if they had, we would already have the album in our hands or at least we would have a confirmed release date this year.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The 'This Is It' song shambles was a sign of things to come. I hope Sony and others can do enough to prevent McClain from ruining this album with his old fashioned taste.

If it means the new album must be delayed to fight off McClain and ensure a good result then I will be 100% behind it. Sony should have been leading this project from the beginning and I'm sure if they had, we would already have the album in our hands or at least we would have a confirmed release date this year.

I agree with everything you've said.

Quite why McClain believes he has the talent or know-how to be creatively involved with these songs baffles me.

He co-wrote one mediocre song on Invincible and that's the extent of his contribution to Michael's back catalogue.

Too many egos spoil the broth.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

poor Michael. why does it all have to happen to him?

I ask myself the same question over & over...Why can't the man get a break?

It is infuriating...

The worst thing that could happen now, is the estate execs fighting with each other.

Leave the bickering for the Jacksons...they are masters at it. You guys are being paid 10% of the estate's revenue to do a damn good job.

If this album turns out to be another This is it fiasco, John McClain should take full responsibility and step down.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

there were meetings with Sony the last 2 or 3 Tuesdays to discuss the album.
Is there another meeting scheduled for today?

Ele74 hasn't logged in for a few days.......
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I knew john mcclain would be trouble,he was just to old school for my liking,he was praising the ''this is it '' song and even heaped further praise on paul anka saying he was surprised when he heard the song and knew MJ couldnt have written an incredible song like that.

I hope sony would do everything possible to make sure he doesnt produce any of the records,the album has to flow and sound current to an extent in order to appeal to the general public.Mcclain should sit his shitty ass down and think of MJ''s legacy for once.I feel so sad for mike ,all most all the people in his life wanted him for something and were always thinking of what they can/could make off of him.SAD.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

he was surprised when he heard the song and knew MJ couldnt have written an incredible song like that.

Did McClain really say that???
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Did McClain really say that???

Yeah he did ,

''It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history: Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It" ... after he said Michael "stole" the original recordings from his studio back in the 80s.
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yeah he did ,

''It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history: Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It" ... after he said Michael "stole" the original recordings from his studio back in the 80s.
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

If that is correct then I'm gobsmacked. What an idiot. The executor of a great artist's estate should NOT be making such negative comments about the songwriting ability of that artist, even if it is what they truely believe. His job is to enhance the legacy not openly criticise the artist's abilities.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

If that is correct then I'm gobsmacked. What an idiot. The executor of a great artist's estate should NOT be making such negative comments about the songwriting ability of that artist, even if it is what they truely believe. His job is to enhance the legacy not openly criticise the artist's abilities.

It's true,I have provided the link to the paul anka interview where he made the comments on my last post.I was so upset when I saw the interview last year and that was the reason why I didnt buy the this is it album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

How ironic. Now us fans are on Sony's side.

Being a MJ fan stinks. I hate all this. We've waited so long to hear our angel sing. Now these vultures are going to ruin it again.

I hope Branca and Sony can sort it all out. And soon. Branca has done an amazing job, he needs to get this fixed and fast.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Why all the Branca hate? we don't even know if all this is true, remember its Branca who recommended Butterflies for MJ, without that song the album would have really sucked, we have to wait and see before we start blaming certain people.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Anyone else starting to get a bit nervous about how this album is going to turn out?

I don't trust John McClain to handle this project at all.

yes, me!
I am really getting this funny feeling about the way things are going on.... :ermm:
but I rather wait for the best!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Michael may have loved PR but I think that was when it was harmless and in his control. Having someone say that songs on an upcoming album are fake isn't the kind of marketing that anyone would want. If people have doubts about the authenticity, they aren't going to buy it. It is like the same mentality that some tried to create around Invincible; say it isn't good and people will buy into it.

Michael didn't love all press that he got; he stated how some things were just hurtful. I'm sure if that is his voice, having people going around saying it is not would not be amusing to him. That was another myth people told to justify some of their own crap.

Totally agree.
Let's avoid being confused by the evil movements of media.
If there is one thing they can do to ruin this upcoming project, they will do it, because they enjoy destryoing Michael Legacy as much as they can, if possible. Today I have even seen headlines stating that his upcoming album is definitively fake. How good is that?

Nasty lazy media :angry:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I love the way this thread allways has like 30 or 40 members at least in here, no matter what time of the day you come on. haha

But seriously, if there is any drama going on surrounding this album they need to stop it now. Why does there allways need to be bickering and politics? Do they realise how annoying they are? Just let whoever is in charge of the albums contents do there work, and if you arent a professional lke McClain then stay the hell away from it! This whole thing is bigger than you.

Why are The Jackson brothers even involved? They werent a part of any of MJ's previous solo albums and I dont think he would have had plans to include them on his latest one. So why now thats he's dead do they seem to think they should be able to jump in. Let the people who Michael had actually planned to be a part of the album work on it and stay away. My good god almighty!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Smooth and Ele, maybe even MK Genie have you got any news?

Im sure any day now we are to get the announcement but i feel, i have been saying this for ages. Really thought we would have heard something now. Maybe tomorrow with the Cirque one.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Personally I will only take ONE Side. And thats Michael's! I'm here for the man not the ESTATE or $ony! So either "They Get It Together Or Leave It Alone"! If what the NYTimes is saying True, Then they Need to get their acts together and Do Michael Right! This is NOT Their Work, This is Michael's Work and they need to STOP with the popularity contest and START Making it right!!!Lets see what the future brings.

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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The source says NYdailynews, AKA shit-site, in the GOSSIP section, gossip meaning? un-confirmed, could very well be all bullshizzle, calm down peeps.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The 'This Is It' song shambles was a sign of things to come. I hope Sony and others can do enough to prevent McClain from ruining this album with his old fashioned taste.

If it means the new album must be delayed to fight off McClain and ensure a good result then I will be 100% behind it. Sony should have been leading this project from the beginning and I'm sure if they had, we would already have the album in our hands or at least we would have a confirmed release date this year.

Agreed. There can and must not be an intern conflict between SONY and McClain. McClain seems like the wrong person to keep MJ's Legacy alive.

To be honest the only person i really trust is Teddy Riley.

Yeah, he should be the man in charge in stead of McClain.

Anyone else starting to get a bit nervous about how this album is going to turn out?

I don't trust John McClain to handle this project at all.

I'm with you.

Yeah he did ,

''It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history: Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It" ... after he said Michael "stole" the original recordings from his studio back in the 80s.
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.


That's enough reason to why McClain should be removed. This is such a terrible statement. It's all negative regarding MJ and MJ's abilities.

Why all the Branca hate? we don't even know if all this is true, remember its Branca who recommended Butterflies for MJ, without that song the album would have really sucked, we have to wait and see before we start blaming certain people.

Really sucked? - NOT to start yet another Invincible fight, but that just pisses me of. Vince is a great album, and many many fans thinks so. Some of my all time favorite MJ songs are on that album, and it's NOT Butterflies BTW.
I can't believe a MJ fan could ever say his albums "really sucked" ???

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