A few quick points :
1- I've had email contacts with Joe Vogel, and he doesn't claim that the Cascio tracks are fake; he just wishes more info could be given as to their origins. So do I; maybe it will come at some point. For all we know, such evidence could be withheld right now precisely because of some court case launched by anti-Cascio people. And even if Vogel started believing the songs are fake, it wouldn't change anything to the facts.
2- As to all that "processing" talk, here's the deal : the vocals on KYHU sound just like usual MJ to me. If that song had been the first released song from the album, there would have been no controversy or debate. If Malachi is also able to sing like that, well congrats to him : he's an incredible MJ impersonator. Which, by the way, makes the hoax theory even more far-fatched : it would have made much more sense for Malachi, in the wake of MJ's death, to use his incredible talent for mimicry in an official, non-anonymous way, and to try to have a career in that way, than for him to anonymously record fake tracks, risk his liberty and potentially ruin his family. Psychologically, the motivations of all the "players" in the so-called conspiracy make no sense.
Still on the subject of processing, the vocals on BN and Monster sound like there's "something" done to them in some way : even if you're anti-Cascio, you have to admit that, because the voice on those two songs doesn't sound the same as that on KYHU. Hey, maybe there's TWO impersonators?
3- As for everybody who keeps saying "I can't believe anybody hears MJ on those tracks", it just goes to show how your emotions and psychological belief in the conspiracy theory influence what yoo hear. Like I've said a million times, the only way this hoax you believe in could have happened is if the impersonator they hired sounded amazingly close to the real MJ. If they'd hired someone who sounds nothing like MJ, like you say, there would be no Cascio song on the Michael album, because nobody would have thought they were the real deal. I'll also point out to you that for a large number of intimate MJ collaborators and producers, the songs are legit, as the Estate has pointed out.
So basically, if you say "the Cascio songs do sound a lot like MJ, but not quite, and that's why I think they're fake", then I have time for you. But if you say they sound nothing like MJ, to the point that you know for a fact just by listening to them that they are sung by an impersonator, then you're holding on to a self-contradictory opinion, because if the voice was so dissimilar to the real thing, there would have been no possibility of hoax in the first place.