Michael - The Great Album Debate

^^ I agree...it's just a rehash of what's been said already...We know that this has been reported before...It's just going around in circles, nothing new....It would be nice if it sparked the fire again, but I really don't think it will....Just the mention of HMH being fake calls for a huge of dose of ...NEXT...

No one will take any of it seriously...
Well, it's spreading. Many sites has quoted TMZ article. Check it on google. Maybe something good will come out of it.

I wonder what Jason Malachi is doing right now.
Another thing is that songs that Lenny Kravitz and Akon worked on and gave to the Estate are being called fake. So I'd love to hear what those guys have to say about this.
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blast from the past , Qbee is trying to correct Paris after she said Hollywood Tonight wasn't Michael singing.

Maybe she just mixed up the titles of the songs because he says "hollywood" in both...
And I will say what I said on 2010 if you are going to make an allegation like the one she is making like the one her cousins made like the ones her uncles and aunt made. Back it up. Because saying he was my Dad I should know means nothing. Like saying he was my son he would have no problem with me exploiting his kids. And for those of you jumping up and down saying oh this is good news the truth is going to get out let me remind you the estate says they had the songs checked out they had people who worked with Michael over the years listen to those songs they all say it was him. People who knew a lot longer then Paris knew him. So I am sorry a 13 year old girl saying it was not him proves nothing no matter who her father was
OH! I see :- )

and here's proof, I took this screenshot just now

You can see that Latoya is tweeting to pariisjaxn as you can see from @ sign and she's also mentioning her with that user name and you can also see that twitter has changed her user name to parisjackson now.


Latoya verifying that pariisjaxn is Paris - you can also see that her tweets are transferred to her new account name now.


and this is paris acknowledging that twitter changed her account name

and here's proof, I took this screenshot just now

You can see that Latoya is tweeting to pariisjaxn as you can see from @ sign and she's also mentioning her with that user name and you can also see that twitter has changed her user name to parisjackson now.

Latoya verifying that pariisjaxn is Paris - you can also see that her tweets are transferred to her new account name now.

and this is paris acknowledging that twitter changed her account name

Yep, I got it...that was an old tweet. :cheeky:
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As others have said, I just hate that Paris is caught up in this mess :-(
I can't believe that this has all come up again. I know some songs make you second guess but there are songs on Michael that clearly is Michael. To say the whole album is not him is not true. Hold My Hand and the one with Lenny and Best of Joy, Much too Soon, Behind the Mask etc.

This shows no one is watching the kids with their twitter or internet. There are people just waiting to use the kids for anything for a story. Michael knew this and protected his kids.
I can't believe that this has all come up again. I know some songs make you second guess but there are songs on Michael that clearly is Michael. To say the whole album is not him is not true. Hold My Hand and the one with Lenny and Best of Joy, Much too Soon, Behind the Mask etc.

This shows no one is watching the kids with their twitter or internet. There are people just waiting to use the kids for anything for a story. Michael knew this and protected his kids.

I had seen this story on FB and thought it was old news because Paris had already said similar things before. So I didn't bother reading more. But, now I see that it's about a unseen video she made in 2010 that making this come up again in the news. Well, I always will doubt the 3 Cascio tracks that were on the album and a few others I heard aswell because to me it doesn't sound like MJ IMO. And I didn't need no Jackson to tell me so by the way!

But, I will say that I disagree with Paris that the whole album including the Akon song is not MJ! To me the rest sounds like him. Yet, at the same time that wasn't enough for me to buy the album and till this day I still don't have it. Simply because it would be like given them permission to do it again!
Paris said this on her instagram: *Sighs*

so as there's 10 songs on the album, are we looking at 5 alleged fakes then?

Note: and you know what TMZ can be evil, now that Paris denied saying that, they can buy the video and publish it just to show that she said it. They are calculating like that.
It's sad to see the kids getting brainwashed like that by the Jacksons. One can doubt the 3 Cascio songs but half the album? C'mon now!
I have noticed that fans are tweeting Paris about this...she is a kid,,13..and she doesn't need to be tweeted from adults on this subject...she doesnt need this kind of pressure from her dads fans...I wish people would leave her the heck alone. Nothing is that important that this child should EVER be contacted by adults on twitter. Unless she was in some type of danger....and this DOES NOT fit that criteria. People need to think before the tweet..imo.
While I have my reservations about Paris, and why wouldn't I she's only a kid, Im hoping this at least brings the issue to the forefront in terms of publicity and then with enough talk, maybe the Estate can elaborate on why exactly they deem the Cascio Tracks to be 100% Michael Jackson.
It made it to the news


Sorry for the double post.

I personally hope MJ's kids never control the estate because John Branca & John McClain know what their doing and they are making great projects that benefit the estate and someday the kids.

I just seen Fox 5 mock Paris Jackson :( saying that if she thinks Michael Jackson doesn't sing on that album then Michael never made Thriller it was Jason's father.

She deserved it. Maybe she'll learn now.