Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Because there was 1. WITNESSES to the recording

Witnesses to the recording? Who? The bath tub, the PVC pipe and the notorious Eddie button?

2 COMPUTER ANALYSIS concluded it was him

Have you seen the actual analysis? I haven't.

and 3. He WROTE the songs himself! even the time in which he spent at the Cascio's fits the recording sessions, it was just over 3 months, Michael had the songs in hand and recorded rough demos

Are you privy to evidence that I am not? Have you seen his hand-written notes? Have you talked to Michael and he told you he wrote the song?

Seriously, do you follow this thread closely? Have you read the post by Bumper showing how poorly the songs were written. Do you think the genius who wrote Blues Away before his 18th birthday would write lines like "killing up the lifes of the birds and the trees", "sucking up the air from under me" and "standing in the rain case you change your mind" at age 49?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Ok so where do you stand exactly? From all i have heard, gathered and seen, the ONLY track with "fakeness" is BN, at least HALF of it is someone else (james porte?), but that was obvious from the Accapella leak

I find your signature quite funny....you're a Michael 2010 supporter, yet half of BN is fakeness? You support fakeness?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Dont go saying things like this unless you have the facts, FACT: The company who owned the plant covered up the leak FROM the government, the Government was just the ones who conveyed the message, when they found that it wasn't safe, they immediately notified the public.

Then, the company lied, right? So, a corporation is willing to risk the lifes of thousands for its own gain.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Uhh... the statement is from the estate... they don't even HAVE any MJ songs, thats all in the vault, when they say complete they mean the vocals and instrumentals obviously, so they were complete rough demos... whats your point

"complete rough" demos??????

Ivy, here goes the oxymoron you talk about all the time.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Witnesses to the recording? Who? The bath tub, the PVC pipe and the notorious Eddie button?

Have you seen the actual analysis? I haven't.

Are you privy to evidence that I am not? Have you seen his hand-written notes? Have you talked to Michael and he told you he wrote the song?

Seriously, do you follow this thread closely? Have you read the post by Bumper showing how poorly the songs were written. Do you think the genius who wrote Blues Away before his 18th birthday would write lines like "killing up the lifes of the birds and the trees", "sucking up the air from under me" and "standing in the rain case you change your mind" at age 49?

Umm... as i said before... Michael has written lots of songs, so now your saying he didn't write them, even though he clearly made notes on them... and i suppose saying "Im the blue gangstaaaarrrrrr" is any better? I mean c'mon guys, theres probably TONES of unreleased MJ material that is weird, and thats why its UNRELEASED, i mean look at the Billie jean 1981 demo, ba ba ba bear? i mean wth?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Absolutly, but a company wouldnt INVEST unless they knew that they were getting the real deal correct?

Not necessarily. A company would still invest if the investment will turn out positive return. A company doesn't care the songs are real deal or not, as long as enough people buy the CD's and the company can make money from them.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I find your signature quite funny....you're a Michael 2010 supporter, yet half of BN is fakeness? You support fakeness?

I support the album, i dont support Sony's decision to include BN, however i suspect it's because they want to save the best material till last
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^^ clearly made notes on what songs? Not the Cascio ones.....There's no shred of evidence...They were happy to show notes on numerous other MJ songs...why not the Cascio ones? And why do they sound the most complete? Yet are 'rough demos', right?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Not necessarily. A company would still invest if the investment will turn out positive return. A company doesn't care the songs are real deal or not, as long as enough people buy the CD's and the company can make money from them.

The Cascios aren't returning any money my friend, they would have MADE SURE it was Michael before purchasing the rights to 12 songs from people who no one knew about, they tried, and they failed by putting BN on the album, it pretty much messed with everyone's subconscious
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Absolutly, but a company wouldnt INVEST unless they knew that they were getting the real deal correct?

Yes they would! Michael Jackson is a brand name. Michael Jackson's name advertizes them, not the other way round. They don't care who's on the tracks, all they care is that is covered legally and that Michael Jackson is written next to SONY.

My point regarding your contradiction with the official statement is that they ARE NOT the most complete songs! There are dozens if not hundreds of them out there!

You even don't know who sings parts of Breaking News and where exactly in the song, yet you are defending them? Bravo!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Umm... as i said before... Michael has written lots of songs, so now your saying he didn't write them, even though he clearly made notes on them... and i suppose saying "Im the blue gangstaaaarrrrrr" is any better? I mean c'mon guys, theres probably TONES of unreleased MJ material that is weird, and thats why its UNRELEASED, i mean look at the Billie jean 1981 demo, ba ba ba bear? i mean wth?

First, who are the witnesses you claimed were there in the recording session?

Second, where are the ACTUAL scientific analysis result you rely on? Not a claim or a statement, but actual result?

Third, where are Michael's notes on the songs? Not Teddy's claim, but actual note.

Again, are you privy to something that I'm not? You mentioned Michael clearly made notes on the songs. Where are the notes?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It doesn't matter, she heard the same voice a million times and was still convinced otherwise, and it IS comparable because it's the same process that you and i go through when comparing the Cascio tracks to MJ tracks, EXACTLY the same FLAWED process

Did she record that assault in a quiet environment (similar to a basement) on multitrack equipment with proper microphones in a high enough resolution? I don't think so, you said it was on a Walkman in 1985, which means cassette tapes. Cassette tapes have low fidelity and limited range, often hiss and it was probably recorded outside which means there are more background noises on the tape than just one person. I also doubt he spoke directly into the Walkman's microphone. I fail to see how this compares.

With what evidence? According to people i have talked to on this site and others who use Melodyne, that is a computer vibrato, even look at the sound waves, it's too perfect to be human

When I get the time, I will show how Melodyne reveals how the vibrato has not been edited on the a cappella of "Breaking News". It will take a while as I've got more important things to take care of for a few weeks, but I will.

and the only other Cascio track that has me raising eyebrows (i have heard Water, Soldier boy, Stay and All I Need aswell) was All I Need

Funny how that's the least processed Cascio track so far.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^^ clearly made notes on what songs? Not the Cascio ones.....There's no shred of evidence...They were happy to show notes on numerous other MJ songs...why not the Cascio ones? And why do they sound the most complete? Yet are 'rough demos', right?

And because theirs no proof of all the other songs we dont have hand written notes from Michael didn't write those either... The are complete (mostly) rough demos, Billie Jean demo 2 is a demo, but it is a completed Demo, vocalisation finished, but it was not the final product
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

And because theirs no proof of all the other songs we dont have hand written notes from Michael didn't write those either... The are complete (mostly) rough demos, Billie Jean demo 2 is a demo, but it is a completed Demo, vocalisation finished, but it was not the final product

They were happy to show notes on songs that are genuinely sung by Michael Jackson...They haven't shown a single handwritten note on any of the Cascio songs, the songs sound the most complete, yet are rough demos, and Michael was so happy with them he wanted all destroyed? Not suspicious to you at all?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Did she record that assault in a quiet environment (similar to a basement) on multitrack equipment with proper microphones in a high enough resolution? I don't think so, you said it was on a Walkman in 1985, which means cassette tapes. Cassette tapes have low fidelity and limited range, often hiss and it was probably recorded outside which means there are more background noises on the tape than just one person. I also doubt he spoke directly into the Walkman's microphone. I fail to see how this compares.

When I get the time, I will show how Melodyne reveals how the vibrato has not been edited on the a cappella of "Breaking News". It will take a while as I've got more important things to take care of for a few weeks, but I will.

Funny how that's the least processed Cascio track so far.

Uhh no it was in her bedroom, and the voice lineups were recorded in similar conditions also on cassette tape... On the topic of the vibratos, i have done my own analysis of the sound waves in the Acapella, the vibrato is Melodyned, its not human, and All i Need was just in a deeper tone so i guess thats why i had doubts, i also had doubts about 2000 watts, but im just meant to "take their word for it" with that one too... uhh YES
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I support the album, i dont support Sony's decision to include BN, however i suspect it's because they want to save the best material till last

Another oxymoron. You support the album, but do not support Sony's decision to include a song with half fakeness. You don't support fakeness, yet you support the album.

The Cascios aren't returning any money my friend, they would have MADE SURE it was Michael before purchasing the rights to 12 songs from people who no one knew about, they tried, and they failed by putting BN on the album, it pretty much messed with everyone's subconscious

The album Michael, despite its underperformance and controversy, still sold millions around the world. From a business perspective, it's not a bad investment. Only the name Michael Jackson can provide such result. Artistically speaking, it's a disaster.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

They were happy to show notes on songs that are genuinely sung by Michael Jackson...They haven't shown a single handwritten note on any of the Cascio songs, the songs sound the most complete, yet are rough demos, and Michael was so happy with them he wanted all destroyed? Not suspicious to you at all?

Songs that he had registered with the estate and put in the vault to continue working on, to me he wasn't happy with the Cascio tracks, and its possible he didn't like them for the reasons mentioned, but as i said just cause we don't have hand written notes of Remember The Time doesn't mean he didn't write it
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

2000 Watts sounds totally like MJ to me. Same with Whatever Happens and that's lower toned, too.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Uhh no it was in her bedroom, and the voice lineups were recorded in similar conditions also on cassette tape... On the topic of the vibratos, i have done my own analysis of the sound waves in the Acapella, the vibrato is Melodyned, its not human, and All i Need was just in a deeper tone so i guess thats why i had doubts, i also had doubts about 2000 watts, but im just meant to "take their word for it" with that one too... uhh YES

Okay, fair enough about the bedroom thing.

Explain the process of your analysis and how you came to your result because of it, please. As someone who uses Melodyne, I look forward to reading it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Another oxymoron. You support the album, but do not support Sony's decision to include a song with half fakeness. You don't support fakeness, yet you support the album.

The album Michael, despite its underperformance and controversy, still sold millions around the world. From a business perspective, it's not a bad investment. Only the name Michael Jackson can provide such result. Artistically speaking, it's a disaster.

They paid 250 million for the contract, plus an unidentified number for the Cascio tracks and got a return of 12 million... yeah great investment... NOT
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Uhh no it was in her bedroom, and the voice lineups were recorded in similar conditions also on cassette tape... On the topic of the vibratos, i have done my own analysis of the sound waves in the Acapella, the vibrato is Melodyned, its not human, and All i Need was just in a deeper tone so i guess thats why i had doubts, i also had doubts about 2000 watts, but im just meant to "take their word for it" with that one too... uhh YES

This sentence in bold is one of the proofs my friend that your ear isn't trained enough if you don't hear MJ on 2000 Watts and if you have to take anyone's word for it. I never ever had a slightest doubt about 2000 Watts, I could immediately recognize Michael's voice. The voice is the same as in the beginning of Man In The Mirror. The only fifference is the rhythm and the tempo.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Songs that he had registered with the estate and put in the vault to continue working on, to me he wasn't happy with the Cascio tracks, and its possible he didn't like them for the reasons mentioned, but as i said just cause we don't have hand written notes of Remember The Time doesn't mean he didn't write it

But, you said he clearly made notes on the Cascio tracks.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

2000 Watts sounds totally like MJ to me. Same with Whatever Happens and that's lower toned, too.

I use to skip 2000 watts cuz i thought it wasn't MJ, but some rapper, i heard half of the first verse and im like, meh screw it, it wasn't until i was told it was him did i listen to the whole thing
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Yeah, never once had a doubt about 2000 Watts. Plus, pitch it up as high or as low as you want, stretch it, skew it, chop it, Teddify it and it'll still sound like Michael Jackson I betcha by golly!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

They paid 250 million for the contract, plus an unidentified number for the Cascio tracks and got a return of 12 million... yeah great investment... NOT

Ummm you are a bad accountant, what about the copyrights and broadcasts and all the publicity?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Songs that he had registered with the estate and put in the vault to continue working on, to me he wasn't happy with the Cascio tracks, and its possible he didn't like them for the reasons mentioned, but as i said just cause we don't have hand written notes of Remember The Time doesn't mean he didn't write it

I'm not talking about handwritten notes of proof that he wrote it....just notes in particular that showed he had any involvement whatsoever.....I don't need notes to prove anything...I have ears....All I'm saying is that they were eager to produce notes on songs that are obviously sung by him....Yet, the songs that are questioned, they can't provide any type of proof of involvement...NOTHING.....

Using RTT as a comparison is null because it's a genuine MJ song and obviously sung by him....
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Okay, fair enough about the bedroom thing.

Explain the process of your analysis and how you came to your result because of it, please. As someone who uses Melodyne, I look forward to reading it.

The software i used was MELODYNE, and i zoomed in to the vibrato sections and compared them to other Melodyne vibratos i had done myself... perfect match
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

They paid 250 million for the contract, plus an unidentified number for the Cascio tracks and got a return of 12 million... yeah great investment... NOT

I don't know whether the Cascio tracks are part of the $250 million contract. What I know is that the $250 million contract is a 10-project deal that retrospectively include the soundtrack of TII, which was a success. The deal also includes distribution right to Michael's past catalog. So far, it's indeed a good investment.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

This Is It grossed at least 20 million worldwide.