Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Of course just turn it on me cause you can't come up with anything original.

Look i'll tell you something, we can not trust that we hear Michael or Jason or neither on the tracks! it just isn't plausible, our ears are not attuned to be able to sort out things like this, it's just scientific fact, one case of our senses failing miserably is a woman who was raped recorded it with her sony walkman, and she tried to identify the rapist via voice line up, she put a man in jail, and he was released 10 years later after DNA evidence proved it wasn't him, and to this day when she hears the voice of the real rapist she can't hear it on her tape.

Im sorry guys but saying "you dont hear Michael" isn't plausible, and if people went with feelings like this during the MJ 2005 trial, then he would be alive, in jail right now, if you want to discover the truth you must be logical, following your feelings won't get you anywhere

How can one draw parallel from the example you provided in your post? To compare a woman's inability to identify her rapist voice and fans' inability to hear Michael in the Cascio tracks is ridiculous, almost laughable.

Fans are not undergoing extreme stress when hearing the Cascio tracks. We are not being inhumanely violated when listening to the songs. We are not trying to escape for lifes.

You claim to be logical and scientific. Then, show me the result of the scientific analysis? Not a statement or a claim, but actual result. Do you realize you rely on people's claims, not scientific evidence?

Many people here, like Pentum, TPIMaster and Bumper, tiredlessly compiling support to backup their opinions, you simply choose to close your mind and dismiss them as illogical.

You blatantly ignore the lack of proof on the Cascio tracks.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

The same flawed process? Why can Best Of Joy be compared with real Michael Jackson songs then and not any of Jason's songs? Why can't Hollywood Tonight be compared with Jason's songs? Why can Breaking News be compared with Jason's songs but not any of Michael's songs?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

larry, have you HEARD those five comparisons made by TPIMaster?

yes i have, as i said, he only cut fragments that sounded the same, yes Malachi sounds very much the same in CERTAIN parts because he discovered Michael's singing technique, but thats like comparing 4 different opera singers singing a high note, they sound the same, but they are not the same person, its just the same technique
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

The parts he cut out don't sound like Michael at all. That's not Michael's technique???? I'm confused now. Where did Michael sing with shaky/goat vibrato and scream that with that Tell It Like It Is husk? I have yet to hear a comparison... This does not make me happy so please show me where we can compare to prove it's Michael. Or can we never do this but we can do it with Best Of Joy?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

How can one draw parallel from the example you provided in your post? To compare a woman's inability to identify her rapist voice and fans' inability to hear Michael in the Cascio tracks is ridiculous, almost laughable.

Fans are not undergoing extreme stress when hearing the Cascio tracks. We are not being inhumanely violated when listening to the songs. We are not trying to escape for lifes.

You claim to be logical and scientific. Then, show me the result of the scientific analysis? Not a statement or a claim, but actual result. Do you realize you rely on people's claims, not scientific evidence?

Many people here, like Pentum, TPIMaster and Bumper, tiredlessly compiling support to backup their opinions, you simply choose to close your mind and dismiss them as illogical.

You blatantly ignore the lack of proof on the Cascio tracks.

She RECORDED IT, people in the court room heard it, even the Jury stated she picked the right man! THEY WERE WRONG, there was ONE person who happened to be a singer in the Jury stated it was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL!, Bumper don't goto extremes, thats just plain stupid, all i'm saying is that when similar voices are compared, the human brain can almost never distinguish it, especially when you are convinced from the get go
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

yes i have, as i said, he only cut fragments that sounded the same, yes Malachi sounds very much the same in CERTAIN parts because he discovered Michael's singing technique, but thats like comparing 4 different opera singers singing a high note, they sound the same, but they are not the same person, its just the same technique

One cannot "discover" Michael's singing technique, it's not a computer program with a instruction mannual. Michael's singing tecnique is a combination of his talents, his instincts, his years of experience and years of training.

Malachi's technique is nothing like Michael Jackson; however, Malachi's voice timbre is very similiar.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

One person in the court who was a singer said it was impossible to tell? So musicologists or anyone who can analyze vocals studied for pointless reasons then? You can't tell. They are delusional, right?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

According to Larry, unless you don't have a clear statement officially, you can't trust your ears. Which means that all what we hear is only an illusion and that we can't but accept ONLY what has officially been reported. No questions asked!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

The parts he cut out don't sound like Michael at all. That's not Michael's technique???? I'm confused now. Where did Michael sing with shaky/goat vibrato and scream that with that Tell It Like It Is husk? I have yet to hear a comparison... This does not make me happy so please show me where we can compare to prove it's Michael. Or can we never do this but we can do it with Best Of Joy?

It has been established already that they are computer vibrato's... Jason doesn't even use that vibrato, i have all his music, i listen to it alot, and i can definetly say i have heard only 1 "goat" vibrato from him
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It is no computer vibrato. Listen to it. The songs were sung that way, I'm sorry. That is a fact.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

One person in the court who was a singer said it was impossible to tell? So musicologists or anyone who can analyze vocals studied for pointless reasons then? You can't tell. They are delusional, right?

They analyse with a COMPUTER, which CAN decipher the differnce, this case was in 1985! the man was let out in 1995 after DNA evidence was used to prove his innocence
larry141094;3383491 said:
She RECORDED IT, people in the court room heard it, even the Jury stated she picked the right man! THEY WERE WRONG, there was ONE person who happened to be a singer in the Jury stated it was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL!, Bumper don't goto extremes, thats just plain stupid, all i'm saying is that when similar voices are compared, the human brain can almost never distinguish it, especially when you are convinced from the get go
Well maybe your brain can tell the difference between Barry White and Céline Dion, but our brain can tell the difference between Jason and Michael. This latter is backed by the numerous comparisons.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

She RECORDED IT, people in the court room heard it, even the Jury stated she picked the right man! THEY WERE WRONG, there was ONE person who happened to be a singer in the Jury stated it was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL!, Bumper don't goto extremes, thats just plain stupid, all i'm saying is that when similar voices are compared, the human brain can almost never distinguish it, especially when you are convinced from the get go

It was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL, to quote you. Then, why are you telling us it must be Michael Jackson?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It is no computer vibrato. Listen to it. The songs were sung that way, I'm sorry. That is a fact.

With what evidence? According to people i have talked to on this site and others who use Melodyne, that is a computer vibrato, even look at the sound waves, it's too perfect to be human
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Also, convinced from the get go? I was excited to hear Breaking News. I wanted to believe it was him. I have heard the songs over and over and over and over again. I bought the album the first week it came out to support Michael. I wanted to have faith in this project. :(
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL, to quote you. Then, why are you telling us it must be Michael Jackson?

Because he trusts what he is been told and not what he hears. Check mate! lol
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It was IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL, to quote you. Then, why are you telling us it must be Michael Jackson?

Because there was 1. WITNESSES to the recording, 2. 2 COMPUTER ANALYSIS concluded it was him and 3. He WROTE the songs himself! even the time in which he spent at the Cascio's fits the recording sessions, it was just over 3 months, Michael had the songs in hand and recorded rough demos
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

larry, I think they were sung that way and they were definitely processed and corrected like everything Jason sings. They are so messed with and stacked that I have even used your argument before that it's impossible to tell, but you have to be pretty suspicious. Quincy Jones even said that he couldn't tell because of the stacked vocals and stuff but he still seemed quite skeptical of the entire thing.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

With what evidence? According to people i have talked to on this site and others who use Melodyne, that is a computer vibrato, even look at the sound waves, it's too perfect to be human

'according to people I have talked to'.....have you based anything on your own conclusions? or just what others tell you? Such as the estate's statement? What do your ears hear??? That vibrato is the exact same on Malachi's little home demo recording he did without studio effect......So, explain that...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Because there was 1. WITNESSES to the recording, 2. 2 COMPUTER ANALYSIS concluded it was him and 3. He WROTE the songs himself! even the time in which he spent at the Cascio's fits the recording sessions, it was just over 3 months, Michael had the songs in hand and recorded rough demos

lol lol
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Stop putting so much faith on an official statement. Just because a statement is released from the authority does not guarantee truefulness.

The Japanese government claimed the nuclear plant accident was under control for weeks before admiting the severity of the radiation leaks. We are talking about the lifes of thousands and thousands of people. Anybody remember Chernobyll? The Soviet government lied. And, we are are not talking about three songs. We are talking about LIFES...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

"And yes, this is also where he would take showers..."
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Because he trusts what he is been told and not what he hears. Check mate! lol

No, actually i had the same WTF reaction when i first heard BN, although i didn't have that reaction for Monster and KYHU, and the only other Cascio track that has me raising eyebrows (i have heard Water, Soldier boy, Stay and All I Need aswell) was All I Need, the fact that i didn't have a WTF? reaction to all the tracks imediatly made me think to wait and see, Sony cam out with a statement, the Cascio's went on Oprah, and i concluded that BN was VERY BADLY done, after listening to how much was actually recorded (on the acapella) you can tell how much has been sung by someone else, despite the catchyness of the song, i still maintain that another song would probably have been better.

On the topic of people saying that they werent sus from the Get go, after you heard BN you were expecting the other Cascio tracks to be fake, and hence they were
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I wasn't. I didn't come to this conclusion until way later. I heard Stay and heard Michael 100%. First listen of KYHU I heard Michael 100%. Explain that bias. I used to bump Monster all the time and loved it. Thought it was Michael. That's total bias from the get go, huh?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Stop putting so much faith on an official statement. Just because a statement is released from the authority does not guarantee truefulness.

The Japanese government claimed the nuclear plant accident was under control for weeks before admiting the severity of the radiation leaks. We are talking about the lifes of thousands and thousands of people. Anybody remember Chernobyll? The Soviet government lied. And, we are are not talking about three songs. We are talking about LIFES...

Dont go saying things like this unless you have the facts, FACT: The company who owned the plant covered up the leak FROM the government, the Government was just the ones who conveyed the message, when they found that it wasn't safe, they immediately notified the public.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

@Larry , do u realize that u r contradicting the official statement? According to them, they were not rough demos, but the most complete songs!!!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

On the topic of people saying that they werent sus from the Get go, after you heard BN you were expecting the other Cascio tracks to be fake, and hence they were

So making assumptions is your argument here? loooool
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I wasn't. I didn't come to this conclusion until way later. I heard Stay and heard Michael 100%. First listen of KYHU I heard Michael 100%. Explain that bias. I used to bump Monster all the time and loved it. Thought it was Michael. That's total bias from the get go, huh?

Ok so where do you stand exactly? From all i have heard, gathered and seen, the ONLY track with "fakeness" is BN, at least HALF of it is someone else (james porte?), but that was obvious from the Accapella leak
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

@Larry , do u realize that u r contradicting the official statement? According to them, they were not rough demos, but the most complete songs!!!

Uhh... the statement is from the estate... they don't even HAVE any MJ songs, thats all in the vault, when they say complete they mean the vocals and instrumentals obviously, so they were complete rough demos... whats your point