Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I hope they'd just release what they have. I think they should just release the raw demos of things and if there is a song that deserves to be mixed properly, mix it properly, but I think we should just be able to hear songs, basically, as they are. Like I think they should have released the Hollywood Tonight demo as maybe a bonus track on Michael like they did with Beat It on This Is It and stuff.

Things like that... I think we should be able to just listen to the different session recordings, him talking and everything, mumbling, making noises. I think those should at least be made available at some point.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I witnessed when they annouced it live on the radio that Freddy Mercury died. I was really sad. I remember it very well, it was in November 1991.
After hard work, they succeeded to release a posthumous album which did quite well and a tribute concert which was also successful:




What has been done for Michael Jackson?


For unfinished vocals, they could have used more instrumentals and put them as bonus tracks, and release good finished songs which they do have!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

As big as Freddie Mercury is and as much as I love Queen, I think Michael Jackson is felt of as more of a threat in the music industry and in the world so they want to minimize him. I think this is an agenda of theirs. Of course they still want to milk what they can out of him but while also keeping him 'in place'.

Michael was and still is such a powerful figure and his influence on the public I don't think should be underestimated and I do think that certain people have felt threatened by his way of living peacefully and lovingly for truth and honesty.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Unfortunately, Freddie Mercury was supported by his own band, which is why they were able to do so much for him. MJ was solo for a long time, it would seem weird for The Jacksons to perform loads of tribute concerts to support an album that they're not even on. Though I do see your point, Freddie's had a great posthumous career despite the greatly unfinished material, while MJ's has been rocky, to say the least (This Is It was spectacular, The Experience is amazing, Vision is a mixed bag and the album could've been much better supported).
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

We still have a long way to go with Michael's posthumous career, though, it's only been a couple years yet.

I still am baffled how Sony or the Estate ever thinks that Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up will ever be recognized as real Michael Jackson songs as time progresses and more real Michael Jackson songs come out and people don't understand why he sounds so different in those songs???

Like, say, after a decade and his children are saying it's not him, if they do, or whatever happens.. I still don't think these songs will stand up next to other Michael Jackson songs over time, even though some people might be into them right now just because they're brand new.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Michael's posthumous career is clearly underexploited. The only real things that they achieved are This It It and The Experience game.

Jermaine really wanted to organize a tribute cncert, but nobody followed him. He had to cancel. Not to mention all the negativity each time that man tries to defend or do something for Michael. At least nobody can criticize him that he didn't try.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I still am baffled how Sony or the Estate ever thinks that Breaking News, Monster and Keep Your Head Up will ever be recognized as real Michael Jackson songs as time progresses and more real Michael Jackson songs come out and people don't understand why he sounds so different in those songs???

ugh, this is what makes me sick...knowing these songs will forever be in his discography.....:puke:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I have been thinking recently about what Eddie said, in one interview when they asked when he worked with Michael he stated that Michael came "I'd say early 2007, he was ready to work." Then in another interview he says "August 2007". That's much later in the year than "Early 2007". I am confused by that.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I have been thinking recently about what Eddie said, in one interview when they asked when he worked with Michael he stated that Michael came "I'd say early 2007, he was ready to work." Then in another interview he says "August 2007". That's much later in the year than "Early 2007". I am confused by that.

He meant "early" in the morning in August. :lmao:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Also, does anyone know who manutd is? They never have posted and they're browsing this thread all the time. They never post? Say hey, fellow. :) We won't bite too hard, it's all playful ;)
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

As big as Freddie Mercury is and as much as I love Queen, I think Michael Jackson is felt of as more of a threat in the music industry and in the world so they want to minimize him. I think this is an agenda of theirs. Of course they still want to milk what they can out of him but while also keeping him 'in place'.

Michael was and still is such a powerful figure and his influence on the public I don't think should be underestimated and I do think that certain people have felt threatened by his way of living peacefully and lovingly for truth and honesty.

Agreed with every word you said. It's true that many in the music industry are threatened by Michael's unprecedented talents and power. There is a clear agenda to minimize him. When reviewing the album Michael, some critics mentioned Michael's absence is beneficial because the "perfectionist" was not there to second-guess himself. Or, how Michael was a better album than Invincible. I know in my heart that these are attempts to downplay Michael's talents again.

And, it's true that Michael was just too special, peaceful, loving and innocent for this world.

BTW: what a sexy avatar!

Unfortunately, Freddie Mercury was supported by his own band, which is why they were able to do so much for him. MJ was solo for a long time, it would seem weird for The Jacksons to perform loads of tribute concerts to support an album that they're not even on. Though I do see your point, Freddie's had a great posthumous career despite the greatly unfinished material, while MJ's has been rocky, to say the least (This Is It was spectacular, The Experience is amazing, Vision is a mixed bag and the album could've been much better supported).

The Vision actually sucks! It could have been much better. Sony is either not ready or was not willing to spend the money to upgrade the materials. So sad to see Michael's grounbreaking short-films be presented in such a lousy way.

As for the Jackson's involvement, many fans do not trust the family. Many think all the siblings are one entity. They don't separte Jermaine the vocalist to Jermaine the brother who sang Words to Badd. I mean Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Randy are good musicians themselves. They just did not find the huge success enjoyed by Michael and Janet. Many just wrote them off as failed muscians who are lazy and greedy.

Granted, some of them did exhibit questionable behaviors in the past. However, this continuous trashing over the brothers is unfair. So far, I've never seen anything outrageous from Jackie or Tito or Marlon. Why people just can't give them a chance?

If anyone whose last name is not Jackson who helped produce Destiny and Triumph, they would be hailed as successful musicians. But, the Jacksons forever live in the shadow of Michael. I realize the Jacksons could not be as successful as they were without Michael. But, many just don't give them any credits.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I don't know much about them... I did like Word To The Badd!! for a while and I always thought it was kind of suspicious to me and thought is this directed at Michael at all? And then I find out it was and I didn't really like it as much, although it's a catchy tune. :lol: I like Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin', too.

I love all the Jackson 5 stuff and Jacksons stuff, of course, but like I said I just don't know them like I know Michael, so I haven't ever really followed them. I listen to Janet's music a lot. I guess I've always felt they are talented but just can't get into their sound as much as Michael's.

My taste in music is always growing, though, so I'll be sure to look into them more!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jermaine's Words to Badd was a poor judgement. I have no doubt he was jealous of Michael's phenomenal success. Everyone makes mistake. Even Michael made mistake. We accept Michael's faults, but many just won't give Jermaine a chance. Jermaine is not the talent-less singer many label him. Jermaine's voice is not bad at all. I'm far from Jermaine's fan, but I acknowledge his talent.

I enjoy all the Jackson 5 and the Jacksons albums. Destiny and Triumph are such delight. The brothers' voices actually blend beautifully with Michael's vocals. Many great harmonies in the Jackson's songs.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Word to the Bad, is a catchy song, though i frown upon its meaning. Tell me im not dreamin' and Planet of the Ape men are great songs :) but the jacksons are blah. Though i heard Marlon is coming out with a new album, i think i may buy that.

If Michael was still around he would be charting all the time, instead of Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber, and others. He would dominate the charts, his fan base is so large.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I can't imagine what it's like to be Michael. He had a tough life. I also can't imagine what it's like to be Michael's siblings. Having a larger-than-life brother is not easy neither. I don't know. I'm just quite sympathetic to Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I can't imagine what it's like to be Michael. He had a tough life. I also can't imagine what it's like to be Michael's siblings. Having a larger-than-life brother is not easy neither. I don't know. I'm just quite sympathetic to Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy.
I agree with you.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I can't imagine what it's like to be Michael. He had a tough life. I also can't imagine what it's like to be Michael's siblings. Having a larger-than-life brother is not easy neither. I don't know. I'm just quite sympathetic to Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy.

Jermaine had some great tunes:






Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jermaine's videos do not age well... :lol:

Nevertheless, his voice is not bad, better than many R&B singers we have these days.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jermaine's videos do not age well... :lol:

Nevertheless, his voice is not bad, better than many R&B singers we have these days.

True, but it reflects well the funky freshness of the time.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I witnessed when they annouced it live on the radio that Freddy Mercury died. I was really sad. I remember it very well, it was in November 1991.
After hard work, they succeeded to release a posthumous album which did quite well and a tribute concert which was also successful:




What has been done for Michael Jackson?


For unfinished vocals, they could have used more instrumentals and put them as bonus tracks, and release good finished songs which they do have!

Great album cover!

Great song!

Great performance from Sir Elton John!

Will the Estate of Michael Jackson initiate projects that truly honor Michael's legacy? One can only dream. Sigh...

So far, except for This Is It, which is beautifully put together (thanks Kenny), all other projects seem to be very commercially oriented. I can't help but feel Michael Jackson is now truly "itemized" and is being used to generate money.

Fortunately, fans still honor Michael Jackson our own way. I work near Times Square in New York, which is a very lively neighborhood and is a tourist attraction. There are many street performers. Many times, I see groups of young people blasting Michel's music and dancing to his routines. Their performances always attract people's attentions. The audience watch the young people and shout "Michael... Go Michael..."

I find comfort in knowing many people truly love his catalogue of music and are always attracted to him. To many of us, he'll never be a product. His spirit is still very much alive.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I completely agree. They must be kidding us.

Btw, Michael found piracy funny: http://youtu.be/NQ07NI6q4mU

Just kidding but that's what he said: "I am speechless about the idea of putting music fans in jail for downloading music. It is wrong to download but the answer cannot be jail. It is the fans that drive the success of the music business; I wish that would not be forgotten."
God bless him!

Sorry for my late response. I didn't get the chance to watch the youtube clip earlier...

OMG... this is actually quite hilarious. That IFPI chairman put Michael in the spot. He definitely tired to use Michael to push his opinion on piracy... Michael was not 100% with him, his body language showed!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Is there evere gonna be a tribute concert for Michael as for other big artists?

Can you imagine some of his contemporaries paying him homage:

-George Michael
-Phil Collins
-Elton John
-Cindy Lauper
-Janet Jackson
-The Jacksons
-Will I Am

-Jason Malachi (oops, not him lol)
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It would be incredible.

I hope he gets more and more credit over time.

For some reason people almost seem to jealous to admit how great he is sometimes, because they are all pretty much far below him talent-wise.

I think we should remember people like him every single day and the artists in the industry should have definitely gotten together for Michael and done a tribute.

Wouldn't they want one done for them?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

We should make a petition and contact all major artists! Jermaine tried, but wasn't backed. Maybe it was too soon. It requires lots of preparation.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Michael Jackson 2012 Tribute Concert has a nice apocalyptic/futuristic edge to it and is just the right amount of time after his passing to do the show. :) Although... All I can see see is artists butchering his songs, except maybe a couple people.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Michael Jackson 2012 Tribute Concert has a nice apocalyptic/futuristic edge to it and is just the right amount of time after his passing to do the show. :) Although... All I can see see is artists butchering his songs, except maybe a couple people.

Well people butchered Freddy's songs, but at least they paid him due tribute.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

You know i can imagine Michael shaking his head at all this, his fans bashing his music and calling it fake, the reason nothing has been done and nothing ever will be done is because the songs are him, why is it so hard to conceive that Michael was "Marking" or that he wasn't well on the recordings? It really is just that simple, Bumper seems to like bagging on the Cascio song names like it's silly or something, but theres plenty of weird and wacky MJ song's that are unreleased, "Pyramid Girl", "Red Eye", "D.I.E", "Buffalo Bill", what are these fakes cause of their names? Of course not.

The Cascio tracks are real Michael Jackson tracks, there is too many expert opinions and people who worked with Michael recently who say it is him to just turn your back because the songs don't "Sound like him".