Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

@Bumper, I don't really care if that's how they perceive me, I'm just commenting that they do perceive me in that way. Personally, I wouldn't like to live the boring lives most of them do!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Hellz yeah :D As long as he's willing to give it ;)


The question is not what would I be willing to give, but how would you take care of me? :D
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Jesta, I could be considered very weird, too, possibly crazy.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

*Apologies to those that hate me talking about school*

Guys, I just remembered! My Year Manager has permitted me to not go into school anymore for unnecessary lessons! Effectively meaning I can go and leave as I please!

@Aniram, glad to know I'm not alone in a world that demands conformity :)
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Arklove, do I have your permission to post the cover I made for you so the guys can see it, or do you prefer for you to only have it, considering I did make it especially for you?

Yes, we are all insane...

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Comformity is for comfy people, I'm not one of those. I stand tall and strong among the stars and toot my boat's horn whenever the opportunity for a scrabble competition mumbles the bowels of the deep entrenchment you're decompartmentalizingal whimsy of belligerent humble too potty's, if you know what I'm saying. Bumper doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Andrey better be back soon! How long has it been?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Comformity is for comfy people, I'm not one of those. I stand tall and strong among the stars and toot my boat's horn whenever the opportunity for a scrabble competition mumbles the bowels of the deep entrenchment you're decompartmentalizingal whimsy of belligerent humble too potty's, if you know what I'm saying. Bumper doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.

I am comfortably seated on my sofa and read your insanities. :D
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I am comfortably seated on my sofa and read your insanities. :D
So many comformists on internet. I hang upside down while I type.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

So many comformists on internet. I hang upside down while I type.

Yes, but I didn't say that I was typing on the computer. Actually, indeed I am comfortably seated, but I don't use neither a computer, nor a laptop, nor an ipad, nor anything like that. I have no any device whatsoever. I just have internet.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I believe you, that makes me more nuts than you.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I believe you, that makes me more nuts than you.

Well, I am not competing, I am out of any category.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Hey, I'm more nuts than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY????????????????? OKAY???????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? BUMPER SNIPPET? HELLO? CAN YO HEAR ME? ARE YO UHTHERE?!?!? WHERE ARE YOU. :( Come back I'm sorry!!!! AH I HATE MYSELF AHHHH
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Hey, I'm more nuts than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY????????????????? OKAY???????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? OKAY?????????????????????? BUMPER SNIPPET? HELLO? CAN YO HEAR ME? ARE YO UHTHERE?!?!? WHERE ARE YOU. :( Come back I'm sorry!!!! AH I HATE MYSELF AHHHH

As an expert in "nutsology", I have already confirmed that you were nuts. Indeed. You forgot your shirt at your rehabilitation center:

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

@Aniram, and Nurse Arklove will quietly take you back there. Here she is now!

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Okay, Arklove, take me away, I'm pregnant with God's baby and I'm hearing Jason Malachi on the Michael Jackson album, please help! :( It's not looking good for me.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I have a basic lesson for the Cascios and Teddy as far as vocals are concerned. When Freddy Mercury died, some songs were unfinished. At least we clearly could hear when Freddy sang his part and when Brian May sang his. Respect!

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Okay, Arklove, take me away, I'm pregnant with God's baby and I'm hearing Jason Malachi on the Michael Jackson album, please help! :( It's not looking good for me.

But these are all true events....I can't help you...

BTW, YAY, I'm at home now, and I can sign in (obviously)....So it's all been resolved....Looks like you all are stuck with me :D
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I think almost all of us feel that these songs were faked, except a very small amount of people.

The question I wonder is, will Sony ever do anything about this, how will this be resolved? They are such a large corporation, I really think they'd fight their hardest in an as terrifying manner as possible to protect their legacy. They would show no mercy to the fans... That's what I feel. I worry for fans safety even discussing these sorts of things, because it seems basically out of control.

If Sony decide to lie to us and do this, it almost seems like all we can do is boycott the album. I agree with that helpless feeling a lot of others feel... It's sad. And I think Sony knows that and they figure people will just move on and not do anything, like most have.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Out of curiosity, if they did decide to release some major unfinished work, i.e. a verse and a chorus only, who would you want to sing additional vocals on the track? I would personally want the This Is It vocalists to.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

BTW, YAY, I'm at home now, and I can sign in (obviously)....So it's all been resolved....Looks like you all are stuck with me :D

:) good to hear that this time it took less time to solve it :) enjoy.