Michael - The Great Album Debate

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

^^I understand how they don't want to put all eggs in one nest. They have to save some songs for future releases. But, to replace the good songs with questionable songs is simply wrong, especially on the first Michael Jackson posthumous album.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

TPIMaster or Pentum, this post is directed at you.

I wanted to request something if you ever can do this for me and for us the fans.

Your comparison videos are excellent! But what I think would do some extra benefit is also comparisons of maybe Hollywood Tonight, Best Of Joy and Hold My Hand with previous Michael Jackson works. Pentum did this a while back, he made a clip that compared Best Of Joy to Someone Put Your Hand Out, One More Chance, and maybe another I can't think of, but it worked wonders to prove a point to me.

I think if you could find examples in Michael's previous work to compare to the real songs also so that people can see the difference, that'd be awesome!

If you could even just try it with Hollywood Tonight, that song is known to have some controversy and I don't think I've seen a comparison to prove it's legitimacy like I saw with Best Of Joy.

Hope you consider doing this! I think you're doing a great job and look forward to more of your information in the future.

I can't make comparisons of course, but off the top of my head, this is what I found...

Here's All Night Dancin' from 1978 ....Listen to 2:55...he does this high-pitched cry type sound.....


Now, compare with Hold My Hand from 2007.....At 3:11.....Identical sound, 29 years later! So, yeah....Don't tell me his voice sounded different after the 80s...(not you, Aniram)

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Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Have you guys seen this?

LOL :lmao:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

It's by Worldwide! I love it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

This is getting a tad heated now. This is a debate, not 'my opinion is fact and that's it.'
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

TPIMaster or Pentum, this post is directed at you.

I wanted to request something if you ever can do this for me and for us the fans.

Your comparison videos are excellent! But what I think would do some extra benefit is also comparisons of maybe Hollywood Tonight, Best Of Joy and Hold My Hand with previous Michael Jackson works. Pentum did this a while back, he made a clip that compared Best Of Joy to Someone Put Your Hand Out, One More Chance, and maybe another I can't think of, but it worked wonders to prove a point to me.

I think if you could find examples in Michael's previous work to compare to the real songs also so that people can see the difference, that'd be awesome!

If you could even just try it with Hollywood Tonight, that song is known to have some controversy and I don't think I've seen a comparison to prove it's legitimacy like I saw with Best Of Joy.

Hope you consider doing this! I think you're doing a great job and look forward to more of your information in the future.

I'm sorry, but I have some personal stuff I have to take care of 'till about the end of June. If you are willing to wait 'till then, I will gladly do them.

He thinks Hollywood Tonight it's fake or what?

Aniram said this:

I have one.

"Who's bad?"

He's going Malachi, He's going Malachi tonight! It's true Jason may never ever have that chance again.

And Worldwide made that video after that.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

So why they start all this Mess in the first place??

Ah, now I see where you're coming from.

except starting all this mess by tweeting around..

It seems you believe, they started the controversy.
It seems you think, people here wouldn't have come up with all this by themselves because they need somebody to tell them ...
Let me put this thing the other way around: What have Sony done to show us, who is singing?
They talked about some forensic musicologists (not revealing the process) and started the whole "those songs are real" mess ...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I really don't understand why we are labelled as negative and hostile people. Many of us remain very respectful when expressing our opinions. But still, we are met by condescending remarks. Since when celebrating Michael's legacy means being mindless sheep who accept whatever offereed to us by Sony and praise anything and everything? I'm tired of being silenced in the name of preventing negativities.

Michael was the voice of the voiceless. He followed his heart and did not care what the popular opinion was. I'm so saddened by many's apathetic attitude and disappointed after reading Gaz' response to why MJalen's campaign thread is deleted.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Ah, now I see where you're coming from.

It seems you believe, they started the controversy.
It seems you think, people here wouldn't have come up with all this by themselves because they need somebody to tell them ...
Let me put this thing the other way around: What have Sony done to show us, who is singing?
They talked about some forensic musicologists (not revealing the process) and started the whole "those songs are real" mess ...

Contact the Jacksons , tell them to sue Sony , then they have to show you.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I was thinking this tonight, too.... Why has Janet done nothing? It's her brother.. Has she not heard the ridiculous songs?
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

To all the "2 persons on the lead" theorists:

1) According to Sony a forensic musicologist confirmed the authenticity of the songs
2) According to Cascio "this is Michael Jackson's voice"
3) According to Riley "no one can replicate this strong scream"

Now: Do you feel like you have been lied to?
Do you feel you have been played games with?

When there is no transparency, there is high possibility of conspiracy, because there is something to hide.
They didn't just hide, they lied ... on Oprah !

Or did they? Well, "this is Michaels voice" relates to the adlibs alright. "No one can replicate that strong scream" also does. "This album contains vocal tracks by Michael Jackson" that's also true.

But: "This album contains 9 previously unreleased vocal tracks performed by Michael Jackson"
For me, this is not true. Unless you call a collection of different adlibs a "previously unreleased vocal track".

Now still people are defending those songs. I can't believe it.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Grent, less and less are defending them every day, though! Our numbers are definitely not decreasing, but increasing greatly!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

This video made me laugh even more than your video worldwide.....
Is this really written by Eddie Cascio? I mean is this the level of writer and producer that Michael Jackson would record a whole album with?
How ridiculous
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

This video made me laugh even more than your video worldwide.....
Is this really written by Eddie Cascio? I mean is this the level of writer and producer that Michael Jackson would record a whole album with?
How ridiculous

OMG, these twins INDIGO are from my country, some pathetic talentless losers.:lol:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

TPIMaster or Pentum, this post is directed at you.

I wanted to request something if you ever can do this for me and for us the fans.

Your comparison videos are excellent! But what I think would do some extra benefit is also comparisons of maybe Hollywood Tonight, Best Of Joy and Hold My Hand with previous Michael Jackson works. Pentum did this a while back, he made a clip that compared Best Of Joy to Someone Put Your Hand Out, One More Chance, and maybe another I can't think of, but it worked wonders to prove a point to me.

I think if you could find examples in Michael's previous work to compare to the real songs also so that people can see the difference, that'd be awesome!

If you could even just try it with Hollywood Tonight, that song is known to have some controversy and I don't think I've seen a comparison to prove it's legitimacy like I saw with Best Of Joy.

Hope you consider doing this! I think you're doing a great job and look forward to more of your information in the future.

Piece of cake

Listen to Hollywood Tonight and compare it with the voice in the songs such as:

Get it (duet with Stevie Wonder), Privacy, Why you wanna trip on me, (the beginning of) Will you be there, (parts of) Who is it and even Billie Jean

Listen to Hold my hand and compare it with the voice in Cry, We've had enough, Keep the faith, On the line, etc
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

They tried really hard? How so?
Too late? and why you guys still here?
too involved in this Mess you said? So why they start all this Mess in the first place??

they + the Jacksons are the one that can help you guys , they have the connection , the power, the money...
and what have they done so far? except starting all this mess by tweeting around..

Instead they are now are Very busy making deals and money?
Joe selling some bad taste and cheapy wines, Katherine selling flowers, making deals with some porn guys and all the lawsuits with the estate, etc.

Make me wonder if they really care about their uncle's or Michael's legacy!
Just something to think about......

What does ANY of your argument have to do with:

Strong possibility that the cascio tracks are fake (regardless of how the Jacksons behave)?

And if one, two or three members of your own family are frauds or seeking money in different deals, does it mean that:

A) YOU too are corrupt only beceaus eyou have the same family name?
B) Cascio tracks would be genuine or false depending on the Jacksons behavior?

And finally, when you don't have any proof and your lawyers advise you --because of lack of proof-- not to get involved in an affair that will cost you time and money and tarnish your own credibility (because of lack of proof) --therefore tarnish your career-- and consequently all what you say in the future, you don't go simply like that in front of a judge shouting "FAKE!" the same way the Cascios and Teddy "proved" "it's Michael" without presenting any piece of the slightest evidence.

If you leave money in a hotel room and the cleaning staff steals it, you have no proof whatsoever that it was the cleaning staff who stole it. You can always try to present all the arguments you want, but without vifdeotaped proof you just wasted your time and even more money.

Likewise, the Cascio tracks are so f*cked up that it's impossible to prove without Michael being with us to tell the truth behind them.

So, I can understand why Janet is silent. But being silent now, doesn't mean that she agrees that it's Michael on the tracks. When more evidence comes to light, I am sure you will have the whole Jackson family on the Cascio neck, I can guarantee you that!
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Good point about Janet, Bumper.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)


Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I was in no doubt these are not Michael,but after listening to the comparisons I am so convinced JM is on the Album!
Oh and Bumper your siggy is :hysterical:
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I was in no doubt these are not Michael,but after listening to the comparisons I am so convinced JM is on the Album!:
That's why it is important to share these comparisons wherever we can...to make the people see what we see.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

That's why it is important to share these comparisons wherever we can...to make the people see what we see.

Exactly.....We may not be able to do anything in court, but at least make people aware of these comparisons and who is obviously singing...
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I just read that too.... Joe vogel's blog right? I love reading stuff like that....
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

Lol @ the final part about the guy from Hall & Oates.
Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)

I burst out laughing at that. :D Felt sorry for him, but still a funny story and a nice way of telling it.

Makes me fall with that song again. :p ... Okay, that was lame but his thread needs lightened up a little.

How was everyone's Easter, was it nice? That was a bit ago, wasn't it.. Hm...