that is EXACTLY what happened. sony requested a ban not for sharing links, but for speaking out against the injustice that has been carried out against michael's legacy. it's obvious Sony is watching this thread. well, if they are (this is a note to SONY, not to the MJJC):
i don't care who you silence, i don't care what "forensics" you release, you have to know that you will never fool the MJ fan base into accepting these tracks or keeping this quiet. we know the truth and we're not going to stop.
so go ahead. continue with your little games, ban the very fans that support your business, create divides in the biggest mj fan community on the web, do whatever you want. you make me sick.
like sam said earlier, maybe you should concentrate a little less on covering your tracks from awesome fans like pentum and kapital, and concentrate a little MORE on releasing actual michael jackson tracks on michael jackson cds.
what's next? are they going to ban anyone who speaks out? is it going to stop at the mjjc, or are you going to take it to youtube, facebook, twitter? You were just looking for an excuse to nail them. are you going to ban me too? too bad sony can't request a ban on grounds of "being a good fan and knowing what michael actually sounds like" or i guess i'd be history.
at least i can rest easy knowing that SOMEONE at sony has seen these posts and is obviously upset about them. this fan base is not just a money-making machine. We ARE the best fan base in the world, and that's a fact. we give to michael exactly what he gave to us, so stop screwing with us and show us some respect.
worried about your twisted little games instead of quality/upholding the mj legacy. i am so disgusted.