Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)
So you think three songs will affect how future generations feel about his music and legacy? Three songs, out of a wide catalog of material spanning from the 60's all the way to 2001 and beyond? Really?
Please don't take our words out of context. We never for one moment underplay Michael's genius. You know Arklove is among the most passionate about Michael's talents, so such question is quite unnecessary.
Generation after generation of people will always be amazed from Michael's catalog from the 60's to 2009. I actually find comfort knowing Number Ones still outsells Michael.
However, I cannot deny the fact that many people in the world bought Michael and thought the Cascion tracks are genuine. Some of these people will be underwhelmed.
I mentioned it before posthumous releases are insignificant to the overall Michael Jackson legacy. Michael's legacy does not depend on posthumous releases. But, if a posthumous album is released. It's my sincere hope that such album is handled with the respect that Michael deserves.
Even if you think the Cascio tracks are totally legit, we can agree, from fans standpoint, the Cacsio tracks do not do Michael's talents any justice and are poor choice for the first posthumous album.
Many people rediscovered Michael Jackson after seeing TII. Many people have new found interest in Michael's music. Many people looked forward to this album. Then, they managed to kill people's excitement with this controversy. Some of these people's interest in Michael may be diminished.
Before checking people's comments on iTune and amazon last night, I thought the controversy talk is only limited to the hard core fan base. I am wrong. The public actually talks about the vocal issue. This album is remembered not for outstanding songs such as Best of Joy and Behind the Mask, but for the unnecessary vocal controversy.
How unfortunate!