Re: Michael - The Great Album Debate (Only Go Here if You Want To Continue The Controversy)
How about "you are a freak", "freaky boy" etc used in Ghosts?
and isn't "monster" is used both for the person in the song and the media?
Totally agree with you. It is an awful insult. But that's the word that the press uses against Michael:
a freak, a weirdo, a w acko, etc.
Michael did not use the word against people or their profession. Look at the whole symbolic there. He's playing the maire, and looking into the mirror. Only this gesture actually is a reference to the Man In The Mirror:
"If you want to make a better place, take a look at yourself then make a change."
So if you call someone freak (like the media did it with Michael), Michael answers them "[how about taking a look into the mirror and see] who's freak now."
It is also a metaphor of Jesus's words when he said:
"You see the sliver in your friend's eye, but you don't see the timber in your own eye."
In other words, "look into the mirror".
And finally, let's not forget that all this was a part of a scenario, not of song lyrics on an album.
So, Ivy, why are you defending those lyrics in the song Monster, when obviously they're quite plain compared to what Michael offered us?
Air under me can be used when you are in a high elevation (such as mountain top, in an airplane etc) and have air above and under you.
I'll assume sucking the air would mean that you would fall. and it would make sense as in the previous line he's talking about "rising up" and "flying".
can be? assume? would mean? would make sense?
So in other words, you are actually not sure at all.
actually running in zigzag pattern is recommended if someone has a gun and shooting at you - running in a straight line would make you an easier target.
So running zigzag isn't about running away faster, it's about not being a target.
And who's
got a gun?
Janie? Is she the mom in the song?