Michael - The Great Album Debate

I haven't been hiding, I needed a break :) :8-25-03blow::poke::shutup::trumpet::baby_sleeping: :naughty:

So how have you been everyone? Still fighting who's right or wrong? :naughty:

After all 12 songs leaked in full, I think pretty much everyone know.
Poor Jason, lol, had to leak the same day as DIG :p

Other than the speed, the other obvious differences I noticed are the singer says "Monstah!" in the interlude, and at "why can't you.. stalkin me" the "stalk" is higher pitched than the final version which has been changed.
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The Monster demo just convinces me even more this is MJ singing.
LOL! The "Monster's" during that break in the demo where 50 Cent's rap would go, is so blatantly obvious Jason Malachi and not Michael Jackson.

The bridge during Black Widow is eerily similar to Michael's in Hollywood Tonight demo, like a blatant attempt at copying.
It sounds like Porte doing the backing vocals. The Monster sounds like Malachi to me, regardless of who it is, whether it's Malachi or Porte, it isn't the person it's labeled as being, which is Michael Jackson. And I never said Eddie did have access to them, they still sound eerily similar, I know Michael did similar things in other released songs so it most likely isn't a attempted duplicate of demo they may have or not heard at the time, it just sounds that way.

Yea, I stand by what I said. I think it's Malachi, I'm almost certain, the "doo's doo's doo's" backing vocal is Porte's. That attempt at Michaels gruff while singing "Monster" is definitely Malachi, IMO.
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LOL! The "Monster's" during that break in the demo where 50 Cent's rap would go, is so blatantly obvious Jason Malachi and not Michael Jackson.

The whole song, actually all 12 songs are so blatantly obvious Jason Malachi and not Michael Jackson.
The Monster demo just convinces me even more this is MJ singing.
The whole song, actually all 12 songs are so blatantly obvious Jason Malachi and not Michael Jackson.

ah, the Malachi connection... Still a big believer in that one, eh?

And lol at the guy who thought the bridge was "obviously" sung by Malachi, only to learn in the next post it's actually Porte...
ah, the Malachi connection... Still a big believer in that one, eh?

Truth be told, this demo actually enforces my belief that Michael isn't singing. The vibrato isn't his, the pronunciation isn't his. Nothing on this recording mirrors anything Michael is proven to have done vocally.

Mind sharing why you think it's him? I know you have in previous posts, but use this demo as a catalyst if you can.
ah, the Malachi connection... Still a big believer in that one, eh?

And lol at the guy who thought the bridge was "obviously" sung by Malachi, only to learn in the next post it's actually Porte...

Only to learn nothing. Where's your proof it's Porte? Just because someone told you so.
ah, the Malachi connection... Still a big believer in that one, eh?

And lol at the guy who thought the bridge was "obviously" sung by Malachi, only to learn in the next post it's actually Porte...
All you do is post about the Cascio subject, do you even have any interest in anything else? Almost every single post of yours is Cascio related. Sad, bro, really sad. And by bro, I mean never my bro.

LOL @ you. Just LOL.
People can call me harsh for saying this but anyone who thinks that these Cascio songs are sung by Michael are in denial
Only to learn nothing. Where's your proof it's Porte? Just because someone told you so.

Which bridge are we referring to? There is no bridge on any Cascio track sung by James Porte and no evidence to even suggest as such.
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Which bridge are we referring to? There is no bridge on any Cascio track sung by James Porte and no evidence to even suggest of such.
They are talking about the instrumental part where the rap is suppose to be right after "like a vegtable"

It can be anyone saying "monster" (or Monstrou, which is sounds more like, Spanish for Monster). It can be Porte alone, Porte with Jason, heck, it can even be Eddie. The word is clearly manipulated, pitched, etc.

The demo makes it yet even more obvious it's Jason. Listen to "mama say mama got you in a zig zag, and you runnin and you just to escape it, but they gunnin for the money so they fake it", it's basically Jason just talking, especially the first and latter part. If you have heard Jason talk, it's 100% his voice.
Which bridge are we referring to? There is no bridge on any Cascio track sung by James Porte and no evidence to even suggest of such.

I really don't know what he was referring to. But I can recognize which parts are sung by James and which by Jason without someone telling me.
AlwaysThere;3968539 said:
Truth be told, this demo actually enforces my belief that Michael isn't singing. The vibrato isn't his, the pronunciation isn't his. Nothing on this recording mirrors anything Michael is proven to have done vocally.

Mind sharing why you think it's him? I know you have in previous posts, but use this demo as a catalyst if you can.

Thanks for being interested in discussing instead of being snarky or just resorting to the old « well why don’t you just GO then? » response of the sectarian.

We've had a number of leaks in the previous days. Just for fun, let's imagine the following situation :

We're in March 2014. The Michael album was never released. All we know is that there is an MJ song in the Copyright Office database listed as « Monster ». He apparently recorded it some years before his death with a friend, Eddie Cascio.

Remember, the Michael album never happened.

A number of leaks happen one day after the other, so we expect new leaks.

Then somebody leaks this « demo » of Monster that we’re discussing.

What do you think happens then? Do you think that people go, « wait-wait-wait, that’s not MJ, it’s James Malachi, that unknown guy we haven’t even talked about or given any thought to in years »?

I think what would happen is this : « Wow, another leak, and now it’s that famous Monster track we’ve been reading about for years! It’s finally here, and it’s great! MJ’s even reused some parts from Al Capone in it! ».

I think that, without the whole context of what happened, if that song had leaked for the very first time today, without the whole pre-BN and post-BN suspicions, Monster would be accepted by everybody as a long-lost track we’re finally so glad to hear.

And you know what everybody would be saying? « I hope Breaking News leaks next!" :)
Come on kreen, not this again....

No, regardless of whatever context, it is blatantly obvious to us that it is not Michael Jackson singing lead on those songs. We do not need the Jackson family or anyone else to tell us that.
kreen;3968726 said:
Thanks for being interested in discussing instead of being snarky or just resorting to the old « well why don’t you just GO then? » response of the sectarian.

We've had a number of leaks in the previous days. Just for fun, let's imagine the following situation :

We're in March 2014. The Michael album was never released. All we know is that there is an MJ song in the Copyright Office database listed as « Monster ». He apparently recorded it some years before his death with a friend, Eddie Cascio.

Remember, the Michael album never happened.

A number of leaks happen one day after the other, so we expect new leaks.

Then somebody leaks this « demo » of Monster that we’re discussing.

What do you think happens then? Do you think that people go, « wait-wait-wait, that’s not MJ, it’s James Malachi, that unknown guy we haven’t even talked about or given any thought to in years »?

I think what would happen is this : « Wow, another leak, and now it’s that famous Monster track we’ve been reading about for years! It’s finally here, and it’s great! MJ’s even reused some parts from Al Capone in it! ».

I think that, without the whole context of what happened, if that song had leaked for the very first time today, without the whole pre-BN and post-BN suspicions, Monster would be accepted by everybody as a long-lost track we’re finally so glad to hear.

And you know what everybody would be saying? « I hope Breaking News leaks next!" :)


That's exactly what happened in 2010. Songs were leaking like these couple of days. Much Too Soon, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, Stay, All I Need, Blue Gangsta, Monster snippet, Keep Your Head Up, Hold My Hand snippet.

We knew nothing about your friend Eddie Cascio and his good friend James Porte but somehow we could easily recognize which songs are Michael Jackson and which songs are not Michael Jackson. We knew nothing about these songs, nothing! Who wrote them, when, where.. Nothing. But we knew.
Wait, what from Al Capone is in Monster? And no Kreen, your situation wouldn't happen because thats not what happened in 2010 when BN was released while real Michael demos were leaking. People knew it wasnt him and was another singer.

You're delusional if you think because theirs no album announcement that people won't suspect or question why the voice on Monster is so different from Michaels voice on leaks like Hollywood Tonight, DiG, POTW and TWYLM, and why it sounds completely identical with another voice of an vocal impersonator. That every Michael fan has come to know. Your excuses just don't add up.

I admire your dedication to your allegations, but Michael Jackson isn't present on this Monster demo, outside of ripped ad-libs.