Michael Jackson's Vision' DVD Boxed Set Available Everywhere Monday November 22


Of TDCAU I like the version the most when Michael makes hand gestures. :) I think that was cut out from the TV version - I'm not sure why, maybe they deemed it violent too? (The hand gestures look like he is loading a gun.)

No problem :)

I'm not sure why they removed them. For instance, just before Martin Luther King is shown, Michael just sticks up his arm to make a gesture and I see nothing wrong with that.

At the end of the video, he makes another gesture with his hands and fingers but I don't know what it's supposed to be. Are you sure it's a gun?
No problem :)

I'm not sure why they removed them. For instance, just before Martin Luther King is shown, Michael just sticks up his arm to make a gesture and I see nothing wrong with that.

At the end of the video, he makes another gesture with his hands and fingers but I don't know what it's supposed to be. Are you sure it's a gun?

I associated to a gun when I saw that, but I could be wrong. Can it be some kind of "gang sign" or something? Any idea?
Re: Michael Jackson Vision DVD - More problems

Sorry, but that guy is totaly cluless. Don't belive the crap he and others here say.

1. For so long time many people complained (not only here), but general public, why the WS videos are presented in 4:3 and not anamorph 16:9.
Now they finaly did that.
the whole dvd is 16:9 (ws) compiled. the menus and the ws videos like Jam,RTT; wii, and ect. are perssented in 16:9, meaning no black bars on top and bottom (except wii cause it's has ratio of 2,35:1).
the 4:3 full screen videos get black barrs on the sides. and if that smarty over there has set his tv properly, every time he watches a 4:3 movie on ws-tv he'll get black barrs on the sides. So to match all videos the black bars are added in the dvd, so your tv won't have to do that.

2. the videos are from new transfers used for the Number ones and visionary dvds. the thriller videos were remastered for the thriller 25.
All videos are shot on film and film IS grainy. the History and dangerous dvds are blurry, unsharpen and are from dirty prints. the new transfers are better. cleaned, little to much sharpened and color corected.
I think the dangerous videos, that were not on number ones and visionary, are taken just from the dangerous dvd.

when you compare the history dvds, number ones and visionary, not just by watching, but frame to frame, you'll see that the transfers are different.

3. few videos are either in differen edit or new audio mix is used.

YANA has two versions. one was the history dvd version and the regular tv version with no angel Michael.

TDCAU (prison) is a slightly differen edit, then the two versions shown on tv. Still not the full uncensored violent version.

WYBT was edited new and for worst I think. the dangerous tour footage looks great, but the MTV 10th is bad quality and the ending is changed with some logo blured segment.

BOW is the original version without graphites on the windows. they were added for the dangerous dvd later.

Who is it has new audio mix. the audio on Dangerous dvd was slightly on one part different, but in all same as the album version.
this time they added new effects and arranged new.

Speed demon to me its was pointless to use the full segment. it takes time and space, what could have been used for something else.

I still havnt seen it in full, so that are the few differences i notice for now.
overall, all videos are presented in full version as possible.

4. no 5.1.
THANK YOU SONY for not puting a 5.1 mix like you did on the history and dangerous dvds. THEY WERE HORRIBLE. it's such pain to listen. uncompresed stereo is the best they can do.
5.1 upmix never sounds good. better job does the prologicII upmix on your audio receiver.

5. Film is shot in 4:3 and then mapped in ws. True widescreen video has either no black barrs on top and bottom or when its in ratio over 2,35:1 then it has barrs.
no tv channel has showed the ws videos or the fullscreen videos in 16:9.
in some tv specials they were croped.

Even if one day there is a blu-ray relese of his videos, the 4:3 videos will be blackboxed like they are here. they will make new transfers for the Hi-def version, but the full screen videos don't let much space to enhance them for 16:9 without losing importand information. and i doubt the film negatives have any more information then the Original Aspect Ratio of the videos used.

So nothing wrong with the dvds. Overall the video and audio quality is very good. only on few places here and there is some degradation. And because of the letterboxing of the full screen videos, the resolution is slightly smaller and the quality suffers.
everyone who says the History and dangerous dvds have better video quality, don't know what he is talking about. they were full with scratches, dirt, blurry and the colors were dull.
Due the blurryness on the previous dvds, the stretching on the HDtvs make the video appear more soft and to some it looks better. because the new transfers show more of the original grain and the intended sharpening then looks more bad on HDtvs.
Keep in mind that this is a dvd. and dvds are conceived for SD-tv's.
when you watch them on HDTV and especially with some stupid upscale enhancements they look even worst.

That's how I see it.

Complete and utter nonsense.

Thank you for not having a 5.1 surround sound setting? Hahaha :) Yeah, thanks for the lesser quality Sony! Thanks man!

Everyone online has complained of problems with it - buyers on Amazon, fans on MichaelJackson.com, fans all over Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Maybe you'll have an answer as to why Black or White has a black box around it while Remember The Time doesn't? No? I didn't think so.

Maybe you'll also have a reason why Sony are selling an NTSC DVD in the UK? Where the PAL format is the standard? No? I didn't think so.
Here's one post on michaeljackson.com:

"I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I put the second disc in my DVD player. There is literally no consistency from video to video. The first video, Black Or White, plays with a big black box around it. The second video, Remember The Time, plays full screen. Then In The Closet plays with a big black box around it. Then Jam plays full screen. Then Heal The World plays with a big back box around it. In brief, as you watch the second disc, the picture size changes from video to video. It's maddening. There's no continuity in terms of picture size or quality, almost like a homemade bootleg where all the videos have been downloaded from different sources.

Every single video on disc one has the big black box around it and so do the majority of videos on discs two and three. There is absolutely no good reason for this at all because the majority of the videos have been released on previous MJ DVDs and have played perfectly well in full screen. This is a total bodge-job. Billie Jean on disc one has always had a box around it, so on this release it becomes a video in a box in another box and literally fills about 50% of your overall screen!

Also, Sony claims to have remastered the videos but the quality is actually worse than it is on previous releases. In the full body shots on the Don't Stop Til You Get Enough video, his face just looks like a smudge. No definition at all. It looks like the videos have been uploaded from VHS copies! Another video getting lot of complaints from fans is The Way You Make Me Feel. So not only do the videos play in a smaller window than ever before, but also at lower quality.

Moreover, Sony has inexplicably released the American format DVD in Europe. American DVDs use NTSC and European DVDs use PAL. Sony has released the NTSC format in Europe. NTSC and PAL play at different speeds; NTSC at 29.9 frames per second and PAL at 25 frames per second. The upshot of this is that in the vast majority of European DVD players, Vision will be designed to play at 29.9fps, battling a DVD player set to run at 25fps. The result is a jittery quality, almost stop-start, a bit like when you stream a low quality video online. A friend of mine put her copy in the player and said that with the big black box around the videos and the jittery quality, watching Vision was like plugging her laptop into her TV and playing the videos off of YouTube.

And the problems don't even end there. This is a music DVD with no sound options. All previous MJ DVDs have had the option to toggle between different sound systems, such as Dolby 5.1. Inexplicably, Vision - supposedly the definitive and highest quality MJ DVD set ever - has no such option so you're stuck watching in Stereo 2.0 even if you've got seven speakers dotted around the room. To have no sound options on a music DVD is beyond lazy. It's negligent.

It's a real shame because on the surface, this seemed like such a nice set. The packaging is great, the booklet is a lot nicer than it needed to be and the new menus and animated video intros are all really well executed. Additionally, unlike most Sony MJ releases, it contained quite a lot of unreleased content. But the one thing you'd think it was impossible to screw up - the videos themselves - they've managed to bodge completely. You sit through a beautifully executed, full screen animated video intro and think 'this is posh!', but then the video starts and it fills around 50% less screen space than the animated intro and plays at about 50% of the quality. So what you have here is a boxset that's supposed to showcase the genius of Michael Jackson's videos but actually pays them absolutely no respect, allowing them to be upstaged by the DVD menus.

In summary, the majority of the videos on this set play in a small window, surrounded by a big black border, for no discernible reason - most of them have been released on DVD before and played perfectly well in full screen. No quality control seems to have been applied whatsoever, particularly to the second disc, where the screen size changes from video to video to video without rhyme or reason.

The packaging is nice and the menus are nice, but this set feels like an exercise in style over substance. They've clearly put a lot of work into making the set quite deluxe, but paid no attention to the quality of the videos. Sony's claim to have remastered them seems to me, and many other fans, to be a complete lie. Most fans are in agreement Vision, sadly, is the worst these videos have ever looked."
I associated to a gun when I saw that, but I could be wrong. Can it be some kind of "gang sign" or something? Any idea?

Hmm, not sure. He swings his arm from left to the middle, brings it down, brings it up and points upwards, then does some little Satan sign (I think, could be wrong) to the side while holding it with his other hand then points at the camera.
I'm having to buy a new DVD player on Tuesday because of the format of Vision. In my DVD, which is a cheap one, it jumps because European DVD players are PAL formatted, not NTSC. Going to have to buy a new DVD player that can cope with the speed. On my laptop though it works fine, no jumping whatsoever.
I'm having to buy a new DVD player on Tuesday because of the format of Vision. In my DVD, which is a cheap one, it jumps because European DVD players are PAL formatted, not NTSC. Going to have to buy a new DVD player that can cope with the speed. On my laptop though it works fine, no jumping whatsoever.

Unbelievable that Sony have managed to screw this up so badly. Simply unbelievable.
I was going to buy Vision for my mother for x-mas, but I just realized I'd have to buy her a new tv as well :bugeyed

She has a nice new home theater system that has no problems with NTSC, but her telly is from last millennium so it doesn't work right :doh:

Otherwise I don't see there a problem with it being NTSC, didn't someone say it's actually quite usual with music video compilations??
Re: Michael Jackson Vision DVD - More problems

Complete and utter nonsense.

Thank you for not having a 5.1 surround sound setting? Hahaha :) Yeah, thanks for the lesser quality Sony! Thanks man!

Everyone online has complained of problems with it - buyers on Amazon, fans on MichaelJackson.com, fans all over Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Maybe you'll have an answer as to why Black or White has a black box around it while Remember The Time doesn't? No? I didn't think so.

Maybe you'll also have a reason why Sony are selling an NTSC DVD in the UK? Where the PAL format is the standard? No? I didn't think so.

You know when you read something, you should try the understand it too. If you don't have a clue what I was writing about, just shut up.
I'll give you a hint. RTT is 16:9 widescreen video. BOW is 4:3 full screen.
I'll repead myself the whole dvd packed is 16:9.
1. go back and read carefuly what i've wrote.
2. and then go and educate yourself abour Aspect ratios widescreen fullscreen and ect.

Now to give you all some view whats been done in all these dvd releases, here some screens.

History 1 dvd

thriller 25th


history dvd (see the white stripe on the left)

thriller 25th

history 2 dvd (see mj chin)

thriller 25th

history dvd


the old videos like BJ, thriller are cleaned from scratches. to all videos are color correction applied and noise reduction. thats way definition is lost. And since the 4:3 videos have black barrs on the sides, TO FIT TO THE WIDESCREEN VIDEOS LIKE RTT, JAM, WII, YRMW which are presented in anamorph 16:9, the letterboxed videos lose resolution, definition and quality.

And again, todays dvd-players are all able to play ntsc. thats why there is no reason for every company (not just Sony does this way) , to release two versions. Just the disc has to be region free.
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Re: Michael Jackson Vision DVD - More problems

You know when you read something, you should try the understand it too. If you don't have a clue what I was writing about, just shut up.
I'll give you a hint. RTT is 16:9 widescreen video. BOW is 4:3 full screen.
I'll repead myself the whole dvd packed is 16:9.
1. go back and read carefuly what i've wrote.
2. and then go and educate yourself abour Aspect ratios widescreen fullscreen and ect.

Now to give you all some view whats been done in all these dvd releases, here some screens.

History 1 dvd

thriller 25th


history dvd (see the white stripe on the left)

thriller 25th

history 2 dvd (see mj chin)

thriller 25th

history dvd


the old videos like BJ, thriller are cleaned from scratches. to all videos are color corection applied and noise reduction. that way definition is lost. And since the 4:3 videos have black barrs on the sides, TO FIT TO THE WIDESCREEN VIDEOS LIKE RTT, JAM, WII, YRMW which are presented in anamorph 16:9, the letterboxed videos lose resolution, definition and quality.

And again, todays dvd-players are all able to play ntsc. thats why there is no reason for every company (not just Sony does this way) , to release two versions. Just the disc has to be region free.

So Sophielo shouldn't need to buy a new dvd player? Just look up a code on the net to make it region free?
Re: Michael Jackson Vision DVD - More problems

You know when you read something, you should try the understand it too. If you don't have a clue what I was writing about, just shut up.
I'll give you a hint. RTT is 16:9 widescreen video. BOW is 4:3 full screen.
I'll repead myself the whole dvd packed is 16:9.
1. go back and read carefuly what i've wrote.
2. and then go and educate yourself abour Aspect ratios widescreen fullscreen and ect.

Now to give you all some view whats been done in all these dvd releases, here some screens.

History 1 dvd

thriller 25th


history dvd (see the white stripe on the left)

thriller 25th

history 2 dvd (see mj chin)

thriller 25th

history dvd


the old videos like BJ, thriller are cleaned from scratches. to all videos are color correction applied and noise reduction. thats way definition is lost. And since the 4:3 videos have black barrs on the sides, TO FIT TO THE WIDESCREEN VIDEOS LIKE RTT, JAM, WII, YRMW which are presented in anamorph 16:9, the letterboxed videos lose resolution, definition and quality.

And again, todays dvd-players are all able to play ntsc. thats why there is no reason for every company (not just Sony does this way) , to release two versions. Just the disc has to be region free.

What a particularly stupid post.

Michael Jackson's Thriller, filmed in the early 80s, directed by John Landis, is shown in cinemas across America in it's native 16:9 format.

Michael Jackson's Black or White, filmed almost 10 years later, directed by John Landis, is filmed in 4:3???

People like you deserve to be lied to. And deserve to waste their money on this shambolic DVD.

Michael Jackson hired John Landis to film in 4:3? What a completely stupid post.
aprilshack;3098752 said:
So Sophielo shouldn't need to buy a new dvd player? Just look up a code on the net to make it region free?
Well, depending on how old his player is. If it's max 5 years old, then his player can probably play ntsc alöso. And yes, you can set your player reginon free. Just look on the net how it's done, what menu, code and so on.
In "Vision" case, the discs are region free.

Also if you have flat screen the input signal must be set right too.
I was going to buy Vision for my mother for x-mas, but I just realized I'd have to buy her a new tv as well :bugeyed

She has a nice new home theater system that has no problems with NTSC, but her telly is from last millennium so it doesn't work right :doh:

Otherwise I don't see there a problem with it being NTSC...

Other than having to buy a new TV to watch it??? Unbelievable! You don't see a problem with having to buy a new TV to watch a DVD?
I hate the Refugee camp mix from "Blood On The Dancefloor" , don't understand why they don't used the original for the VISION dvd .... :(
Re: Michael Jackson Vision DVD - More problems

Dude just shut the f*ck up.

You have no idea what you talking about.
the original aspect ratio of thriller always have been 4:3. that how it's transfeted to masters used for vhs, tv and dvd releases. Same with BOW.

Movies are filmed in native resolution of 4:3. then they are maped to wide screen in 1,85:1; 2,35:1; 2,40:1 ratio.
thats why you have full screen and wide screen versions of movies.


Well maybe you should have a look at the original film reel :)

Want to tell me to shut the f*ck up now? Hahahaha...


What's that say? I'm a bit old... my eyes are not what they used to be... shot in 1:85? Oh... you mean the the most common aspect ratio used today in the presentation of films in movie theaters? That aspect ratio? Ahhhh got it...

What else? Dolby? Ahhhh... wouldn't it have been nice to be able to play these DVDs in Dolby... like the original 'vision'???

Conversation over. There's been a monumental balls-up Sony... and we want answers!

And, Iom Kit, I'll await that apology :) Filmed in 4:3 yeah??? Hahahahahahahaha
samhabib;3098776 said:
Other than having to buy a new TV to watch it??? Unbelievable! You don't see a problem with having to buy a new TV to watch a DVD?
samhabib, you crossed the limit of ignorance…:doh:

It has already been told to you – you obviously can read what not necessary involve you are capable to catch on what you read.

januska was shopping and had bought some Christmas presents for her mother, and if a TV is like 20-25 y.o. it’s high time to buy a new one.

That is what januska did and not because of the format like you wish to make it out trying to discredit the Vision set.
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Just watch the video I posted and you'll get what i mean.

And thats the film reel send to the cinemas. not the print (original reel) from the camera.
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Wenghua;3098832 said:
samhabib, you crossed the limit of ignorance…:doh:

It has been already told to you – you obviously can read what not necessary involve you are capable to catch on what you read.

januska was shopping and had bought some Christmas presents for her mother, and if a TV is like 20-25 y.o. it’s high time to buy a new one.

That is what januska did and not because of the format like you wish to make it out trying to discredit the Vision set.

I've just posted the showreel tin of the Thriller film. The film was shot in 1:85. Not in 4:3 as some posters are claiming. That's concrete proof that the film was shot in a widescreen format. CONCRETE. The 'Vision' set isn't Michael's 'vision'. He had that film shot in widescreen. With Dolby. The 'Vision' set doesn't have a widescreen version of Thriller and it doesn't have Dolby settings.

This is a complete rip-off. Of monumental proportions. WE CAN LITERALLY SEE with our own eyes why Michael never wanted to work with Sony again!

Here you are:

I give up. but look at this to understand how movies are done. And the video i posted.

And thats the film reel send to the cinemas. not the print (original reel) from the camera.


and this about open matte


PS: if you have old 4:3 tv, you really are screwed with this dvd. But this dvd is made with intention to match the current tv standart and that is wide screen (16:9).
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I give up. but look at this to understand how movies are done. And the video i posted.

And thats the film reel send to the cinemas. not the print (original reel) from the camera.


and this about open matte


PS: if you have old 4:3 tv, you really are screwed with this dvd. But this dvd is made with intention to match the current tv standart and that is wide screen (16:9).

No. You give up because you've been proven completely incorrect. You've tried to claim that the Thriller video was filmed in 4:3. It wasn't. Provably.

You've also thanked Sony (?!?), incredibly, for not allowing any sound options although the Thriller video had Dolby sound. Which was Michael's vision as he paid for the Thriller video from his own pocket. Again there is concrete proof of that.

But you'd rather thank Sony and enjoy their 'vision'? Well shame on you, that's all I can say, if you claim to be a fan and prefer their 'vision' to Michael's.
Ok guys, looks like some guys confused; here is my DVD player settings for original aspect ratios. With these settings, I can watch like original; if source is 16:9, I can see 16:9, if video is 4:3, I can watch in 4:3

Philips DVP5980 - 1080p upscale with HDMI



and the other thing; if you use an LCD TV, try to connect HDMI cable; don't use scart cable (poor quality)

I didn't take my copy yet...
What's with all the hostility in here? Calm down. Just enjoy Michael's gifts.
dude, dolby doesn't mean 5.1.

Dolby sound is stereo. (see the picture of the reel).
What you have on Vision is lossless cq quality of the audio.
Do you have 5.1 sound system? If not, you cant understand how bad the 5.1 mix was done.

Nothing was proven. you don't understand what i've posted the whole time. And not trying to understand. See the video. read thetwo links i posted.


Red line is 4:3. Wellow is 16:9. thats how movues are filmed and later in the postproduction adjusted.

If you have Wide-screen tv, then the settings on your dvd player must be set as
output signal (16:9). And your tv must be set to automatic.
Ok guys, looks like some guys confused; here is my DVD player settings for original aspect ratios. With these settings, I can watch like original; if source is 16:9, I can see 16:9, if video is 4:3, I can watch in 4:3

Philips DVP5980 - 1080p upscale with HDMI



and the other thing; if you use an LCD TV, try to connect HDMI cable; don't use scart cable (poor quality)

I didn't take my copy yet...

You are showing hdmi set up. That's for high definition.The dvd isn't a blu ray, so am i missing something?
Ok guys, looks like some guys confused; here is my DVD player settings for original aspect ratios. With these settings, I can watch like original; if source is 16:9, I can see 16:9, if video is 4:3, I can watch in 4:3

Philips DVP5980 - 1080p upscale with HDMI



and the other thing; if you use an LCD TV, try to connect HDMI cable; don't use scart cable (poor quality)

I didn't take my copy yet...
thank you DJ.
I was looking for such screen shots to post for those who have problems with the viewing, but couldn't find.