Michael Jackson's Vision' DVD Boxed Set Available Everywhere Monday November 22

Here's a conspiracy theory for all of you:
The booklet lists quite a few people in charge of restoration, remastering, audio remastering etc , but you'll watch the DVD, and it won't be too hard to see, there's nothing new here - it's the same old videos that are on the other older DVD's (same or lower quality video, 2.0 audio, incorrect aspect ratios etc)
Is it possible that sony actually restored/remastered the whole video collection (again, as stated in the booklet) but than close to deadline decided to use the old video masters because they figured more work was needed and they wanted to get this out in time for the holidays? Or maybe they wanna have a real selling point when they release this on Blu and they will say "Fully restored from the original sources bla bla bla" to convince everyone to buy it again?
I have a feeling it's really one or the other, because otherwise they would release both the DVD and BD sets at the same time like everyone else is doing.
I really strongly feel that what's on these DVD's isn't what the packaging/ promotional campaign suggested it was.
This are the same old vids in the same old quality.
No the quality is great of most of the videos. If you have a home cinema you will love the sound. fact is I compared Vision to History on Film and the sound is the best improvement. And I don't mind the 4:3. if you watch Bad in fullscreen and than 4:3.
4:3 makes the image better in my opinion
I will reserve judgement until I have my DVD arrive but from what I have seen from the TWYMMF images the quality doesn't seem to have much of an improvement which is a shame but here's hoping one day it will.
the numbers 1's dvd from 2003 had poor quality versions, no remastering or any attempt at improving quality... it sold millions, and sony say, hey, we don't need to put any work in, they buy regardless of quality... and 7 years later same thing!
i blame anyone who bought it, i brought mine back in 2003 and I am not gonna waste money to watch my fancy tv which cost hundreds only to see rubbish transfers of MJ vids...

they are too lazy to get the original master recording, transfer it, remove crap, and hey presto we have good images...
they don't coz they can hide the bad images behind fancy packaging... I knew the minute I seen the price of this 3 dvd special it was the same old garbage sony release. thats why no bluray, could u imagine how bad it wud looK!
I hope my order from Amazon arrives tomorrow, but I will go to Best Buy anyway and pick up a copy. At least I have something to look forward to.
yes. look forward indeed... to poor quality work from, sony, not MJ's fault. and by buying it fans encourage more cheap transferred dvd's of his work, well done for that...
yes. look forward indeed... to poor quality work from, sony, not MJ's fault. and by buying it fans encourage more cheap transferred dvd's of his work, well done for that...

Why are you being snipy? If you aren't looking forward to the release fine, no one is forcing you to buy it! Someone else is looking forward to the release & you make a snarky comment!

What is wrong with some people on the board today!
Why are you being snipy? If you aren't looking forward to the release fine, no one is forcing you to buy it! Someone else is looking forward to the release & you make a snarky comment!

What is wrong with some people on the board today!

thank you
most have not even seen it
and only negative judgments
this makes me sick:(
Here's a conspiracy theory for all of you:
The booklet lists quite a few people in charge of restoration, remastering, audio remastering etc , but you'll watch the DVD, and it won't be too hard to see, there's nothing new here - it's the same old videos that are on the other older DVD's (same or lower quality video, 2.0 audio, incorrect aspect ratios etc)
Is it possible that sony actually restored/remastered the whole video collection (again, as stated in the booklet) but than close to deadline decided to use the old video masters because they figured more work was needed and they wanted to get this out in time for the holidays? Or maybe they wanna have a real selling point when they release this on Blu and they will say "Fully restored from the original sources bla bla bla" to convince everyone to buy it again?
I have a feeling it's really one or the other, because otherwise they would release both the DVD and BD sets at the same time like everyone else is doing.
I really strongly feel that what's on these DVD's isn't what the packaging/ promotional campaign suggested it was.
This are the same old vids in the same old quality.

Can't say i'm very surprised about this, it IS very sad though. Basically no difference at all from the Dangerous short films DVD and HIStory DVDs. Especially with times like these that owning a HDTV is pretty normal and 'standard' it should have full screen, no borders or any shit like that. What a disgrace, i certainly ain't in any hurry to get this one, sorry.
earthlyme;3091050 said:
So I ordered mine from CDWOW and I've got a confirmation... HOW trusted is this site??? I know I should've asked this b4 I ordered from there but was just wondering...


I have always received my stuff from them, however, i have a feeling that the cheap price means that it is an import.If you have bought the £12.99 one, i think you will have to wait a little longer.I have bought stuff from them & they don't tell you they have to get certain items from abroad.This has happened to me but i have always got what i have ordered.
Hopefully mine will be deilvered tomorrow, good thing I only have two hours of school tomorrow!
Some people are complaining when they haven't even seen it, grow up. Loads of people who own it say how many aspects of the videos have been improved.
I can't imagine SONY investing money into remastering the video catalogue just to please the fans, I don't think we'll see a Blu-ray version of Vision for many years to come. If they didn't do it now, why the hell do you think they'll do it in the future?
Can't say i'm very surprised about this, it IS very sad though. Basically no difference at all from the Dangerous short films DVD and HIStory DVDs. Especially with times like these that owning a HDTV is pretty normal and 'standard' it should have full screen, no borders or any shit like that. What a disgrace, i certainly ain't in any hurry to get this one, sorry.

As far as transfer quality I am with you, these videos SHOULD look better, and they COULD look better without doing much. They could be striking new digital files from the broadcast tapes. I have my set now and can confrim these are the same transfers from HIStory and other MJ dvds. They have boosted the contrast and color and zoomed into various videos to create a 16x9 image. That is about all the work that was done to these videos.

But every video on this set is presented in it's PROPER aspect ratio! These videos were framed for tv viewing (when tv's where sqaure!). Just because they were shot on film DOES NOT mean they were meant to be seen in widescreen. The videos that were framed for widescreen appear in widescreen on this set. If you desire to have your screen filled, use the zoom button. Because that is the same thing Sony would have done to make 4x3 images 16x9.

There are plenty of legit reasons to be disappointed (horrible transfers designed for 1980s-1990's tv's) with this set, but aspect ratio or "filling the screen" is not one of them.

I have made countless posts explaining the deal with 16x9 and MJ's videos, most of you don't want to listen, it seems like you guys WANT to hate this set. I'm done trying to explain it, I'll just sit back and laugh at the people who blindly hate.
As far as transfer quality I am with you, these videos SHOULD look better, and they COULD look better without doing much. They could be striking new digital files from the broadcast tapes. I have my set now and can confrim these are the same transfers from HIStory and other MJ dvds. They have boosted the contrast and color and zoomed into various videos to create a 16x9 image. That is about all the work that was done to these videos.

But every video on this set is presented in it's PROPER aspect ratio! These videos were framed for tv viewing (when tv's where sqaure!). Just because they were shot on film DOES NOT mean they were meant to be seen in widescreen. The videos that were framed for widescreen appear in widescreen on this set. If you desire to have your screen filled, use the zoom button. Because that is the same thing Sony would have done to make 4x3 images 16x9.

There are plenty of legit reasons to be disappointed (horrible transfers designed for 1980s-1990's tv's) with this set, but aspect ratio or "filling the screen" is not one of them.

I have made countless posts explaining the deal with 16x9 and MJ's videos, most of you don't want to listen, it seems like you guys WANT to hate this set. I'm done trying to explain it, I'll just sit back and laugh at the people who blindly hate.

I hear why you say.It doesn't sound perfect by any means, but i'm looking forward to it nevertheless.
Most fans have no standards?!!! Are you deliberately trying to piss people off?

I'm not trying to piss anyone off, aprilshack. All i wanted to say was that most fans buy stuff they already have, like This is it compilation or Vision etc... One video or unreleased song is enough for buying the entire set.
It's not stupid at all. Sony knows that most MJ fans have no standards at all and that they will buy everything that has MJ's name on it. So it's an easy way for them to make some cash. I'd say it was a smart move. :)

I dont buy everything with MJ name on it, I buy everything with MJ name on it that i know i will enjoy. I dont have everything sony released. So please talk on your behalf and not in everyone's
I dont buy everything with MJ name on it, I buy everything with MJ name on it that i know i will enjoy. I dont have everything sony released. So please talk on your behalf and not in everyone's

have to agree.I don't buy everything mj either.I don't have the dangerous short films or number ones on dvd.I have stuff on vhs.SInce i don't have a video player anymore, now is the time to update my mj music video collection.
aprilshack;3091056 said:
I have always received my stuff from them, however, i have a feeling that the cheap price means that it is an import.If you have bought the £12.99 one, i think you will have to wait a little longer.I have bought stuff from them & they don't tell you they have to get certain items from abroad.This has happened to me but i have always got what i have ordered.

I orderd the DVD from them, I ordered the Album from Amazon. As long as I get it without any Scratch I'll be happy. Thankyou for the info!!! :D
