Michael Jackson's Mother to Attend Press Conference to Announce International Fan Convention

Man, I have a little feeling that this is going to end up being a Joseph Jackson venture and he some how got Ms. Katherine to attend this press conference or maybe it will be a video clip like she did on behalf of Jermaine's tribute attempt.

I mean, when you think about it, shouldn't the ENTIRE family be behind this convention?

Especially the brothers, since they were the ones who performed with Michael during the early days. I think folks "might" enjoy seeing the brothers, way more than Geneiveve, Omar and the first cousin.
Man, I have a little feeling that this is going to end up being a Joseph Jackson venture and he some how got Ms. Katherine to attend this press conference or maybe it will be a video clip like she did on behalf of Jermaine's tribute attempt.

I mean, when you think about it, shouldn't the ENTIRE family be behind this convention?

Especially the brothers, since they were the ones who performed with Michael during the early days. I think folks "might" enjoy seeing the brothers, way more than Geneiveve, Omar and the first cousin.

Yeah that's true, doesn't even mention the brothers does it?
Gary turned against him just like everyone else when he needed support, the people and the mayor/city didn't want to have anything to do with Michael JAckson during 2003-2005 that is a well known fact. Michael spent roughly 10 years there only he never went back not even once, it's safe to say he had no intention in living in the State of Indiana at all. If anything Gary is Joseph's home. I was born somewhere completely different from where I live now and I don't have any kind of ''love'' to that place nor do I consider it my home, my home is where I grew up and have been living for the most of my 18 years. Britney Spears for example was born in McComb Mississippi did you ever hear her state that is her hometown? LOL! Of course not, she considers Kentwood Louisiana her home that is where she grew up till 17.
Michael went back in the 70's, he went back i think in the 80's and he went back in 2003 and in 2007. Maybe he went back more, not everything has to be publicized. What did the city say during 2003-2005? so what if he didn't want to live in indiana? how is gary joseph's home?... it's the home of the jacksons. don't compare yourself or britney to michael, michael and his family call gary their home so if you have a problem with it then too bad.
Yeah that's true, doesn't even mention the brothers does it?

No it doesn't. I've tried to find out about this for you all..

The only people mentioned are

Katherine Jackson
Omar Michael Bhatti
Aphrodite Jones
Genevieve Jackson
Jennifer Batten
David Norhdal
Keith Jackson..?

...not the brothers or Latoya, or Joe which some people might find surprising. They don't seem anything to do with it.

I've tried to find more about this but I'm confused big time.

There's a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/North...al-King-of-Pop-Fanvention/391942705037?v=wall and a youtube.

I feel like its something to do with this Keith Jackson because he is the one who is tlking directly on a youtube video... and in reality if someone else was organising one of these would they invite this Keith Jackson to perform? but there is a woman's voice recording here for the fanvention youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/fanvention

There is a twitter - http://retwite.appspot.com/fanvention

The person said they managed to get the Jackson family who live in Gary to participate..they mean keith jackson?

It says organised by Fluid Productions LLC - Karen Williams

Karen Williams
Fluid Productions, LLC
1-877-653-2658 x501

The press release says Donald Thompson is the event director.

Gen is mentioned about the fanvention on twitter - http://twitter.com/genevievejaxn
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personally i think its great... i would love to join it... of course i cant afford those horrifying ticket prices. which are absolutely ridiculous... but okay, thats how it is.

but i guess the event itself is worth joining... if i would have the chance i would go.
Thread cleaned. This isn't a thread to argue whether Michael considered Gary his home, it's about the convention. Back on topic please.
I think there sould be a get-together for Europeans organised in London around the same time.
well i think the main thing about this event is that it is in gary and that they will make tours to the jackson house and so on. i dont see a sense in doing a event in europe the same time around cuz as i said the main thing is that it is in gary
I think there sould be a get-together for Europeans organised in London around the same time.

Not everybody can afford to go to Amercica and also the ticket prices for the event.
I don't mean the same level of an event should be held in London but a humble get-together for fans which doesn't cost as much money to organise.
:clapping: This ticket price is really disappointing. It's like they think just because it's Michael Jackson it should be this super expensive VIP type event. But that's just the thing. Yes Michael was the most famous pop star in the world, but more importantly he was a giving and caring man. He would be disappointed in hearing what they are charging for this, I'm sure of it. :no:

This isn't to say I'm bashing the whole idea of the convention and honoring Michael in any way, but, it just could've...should've been arranged differently, in my opinion.

completed agree 100%
well if you are all so disappointed then you'd better be prepared because this is only the beginning
the jacksons wants to build a museum a hotel and I don't know what else in Gary, honoring Michael's legacy has become a business for everyone
I'm starting to wonder if Ms. Katherine is even involved with this high-priced venture.

The program bills Genevieve as an up and coming Jackson, well I wonder what happened to Siggy and Austin. I mean, Siggy and Austin are probably better known (to the fans) then the first cousin who will be leading his own band and signing autographs. (I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing is not his idea.)

I also think, to maybe a lesser degree, that this would be a good launching pad for both Siggy and Austin, so that folks can see what they have to offer.

Were they asked and declined, or were they not asked at all. I wonder.
Tributes are supposed to be free like the one done by Spike Lee. If it is done to make money then it's not a genuine tribute. It's just done for making money!
I think there sould be a get-together for Europeans organised in London around the same time.

I was hoping something would be arranged in Europe. London, maybe. I already booked vacation days around Aug 29 just in case.....
I just want to be able to talk to people who love him and share the wonderful stories and memories they have of Michael.

So do I, but not for $800USD.

I've already lost so much money what with my planned trip to London (not only did my show get moved to March 3rd with no compensation, but then he died) and getting my "memorabilia" ticket in my state of shock and sadness.

When Michael died, I went to a local tribute On June 27th and met a lot of M.J fans. I became friends with 5 of them who are now my closest friends. 2 of them and I decided to drive down to L.A on Canada Day (July 1st) from Vancouver Canada just to be a part of everything. We slept in the car at Neverland, split gas money, ate cheese string and Red Bull because we were all broke, but we made it happen because we were dedicated. This was before we'd even heard of the Staples Memorial (which we didn't get tickets to, and even if we did I was giving them to my friends I'd made who are filming a fan made documentary who luckily ended up getting tickets.) I'd never been to L.A. and these girls were strangers to me. I will have more memories doing that, then spending a stupid amount of money to shake a Jacksons hand who to be honest, I could care less about.
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Is it not reasonable to want to discuss the location of this event and if Gary is the right place for it.
Is it not reasonable to want to discuss the location of this event and if Gary is the right place for it.

Not really no. What's the point of arguing whether Michael considered it his home or not? Not sure why some of you think you know the answer to that so well. This is about the convention, so off topic, no?
i wonder if people have already paid to attend cuz thats ALOT of money
Ouch. At that price (plus plane tickets to the US & back)... we won't be going. There's just no way... unless I win the lottery before then, which I'm always open to ;)
Yeah I was considering going too because its just a few states away. However its a little pricey. Im hoping Gary Indiana will open up that amusement park, then I will go there for sure :)
I live in Cleveland, about a 6 hour drive from Gary. I'm definitely going! It's going to be my first time in Gary.