Michael Jackson's Mother to Attend Press Conference to Announce International Fan Convention

I really don't know why fans INSIST on sh*ting on just about EVERYTHING that has to do with KEEPING MJ's LEGACY alive, because that is what this event is going to do if it becomes an annual thing. If I lived in Gary or near there I would DEFFINITLY go. Michael is not here anymore, EVERYTHING that is done in his name WILL in someway generate money...oh well that's just the way it is, so "cashing in" is inevitable. Unless you want him to fade into obscurity, stop complaining so much.

This sounds cool

I agree with you full heartedly. Fans seems to forget that any sells of official merchandise which will probably happen here since his mother has approved this will GO TO THE ESTATE WHICH MEANS MICHAEL AND THE KIDS and his CHARITIES!!! From now until eternity anything that Michael releases will make money- does that mean we are taking advantage of his death? NO! Michael knew this would happen and hoped this would happen.

This sounds really great especially if it is an annual event. It will preserve his legacy or don't you want that? I know Michael does!:clapping::clapping:
I agree with you full heartedly. Fans seems to forget that any sells of official merchandise which will probably happen here since his mother has approved this will GO TO THE ESTATE WHICH MEANS MICHAEL AND THE KIDS and his CHARITIES!!! From now until eternity anything that Michael releases will make money- does that mean we are taking advantage of his death? NO! Michael knew this would happen and hoped this would happen.

This sounds really great especially if it is an annual event. It will preserve his legacy or don't you want that? I know Michael does!:clapping::clapping:
His mother is not the Michael Jackson Estate, she even approved Jermaine Jackson's Vienna tribute and look how that turned out. More likely the money is going to Joseph and his shady partners like Oxman, Majestic Magnificent, and Leonard Rowe. Regardless this could work out if the prices wouldn't be so outrageously high. I wish these people would think before associating anything with Michael's legacy. This is Michael Jackson we are talking about not any XYZ Jackson. I don't see many people going to a convention that will cost them almost $800 or $225 for a day, these prices are ridiculous and I hope Katherine is able to reduce the prices or else it will end up like Jermaine's legendary tribute.
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I'm going to this 100%. although the price tag is very unreasonable. I should be there, if anybody else is going and wants to meet up for lunch/dinner with myself and my good friend then let me know.
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If they want to keep Michael's legacy alive, why not donate the shitload of money they are spending on such a 'fanvention' to charity?

because they have their own pockets to fill
remember Michael didn't leave them a dime?

oh I just read the prices - why so high? and where are the money going?
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No matter what we say, do, or feel, there's always a way to cash on our feelings through Michael. Over the years, how much memorabilia have you got? That was also cashing on our feelings about MJ, IMO.

It's always the same. We hate it because they make money, but if they don't make money, they don't do it. Then we also hate it for they don't have more stuff about MJ (about Captain EO I saw people soooo frustrated because Disney memorabilia for the film was so bad and they didn't have the original T-shirt, for instance).

We hate if no family member is involved (for they are too busy making money and they forgot about his brother/son :angry:). And then we hated when the family is involved (for they are too much involved and getting money out of it :angry:).

We hate it when a tribute is done (too late for those!! how can they?? :angry:) and we hate it when no tributes are done (after all MJ did for them!! how can they?? :angry:)

It's a no win situation :no:
And we (and our pockets and feelings) are caught in the middle :(

I love it. Ha Ha, you seem to hit on the varying views I have seen throughout all the threads relevant to this topic.

Bottom line to fans then is buy/view/read anything related to MJ with moderation, use of morals, use of integrity, use of ethics, apply facts, apply former knowledge of the person providing the product, etc. Do not simply buy a book because it is about MJ; do not simply read tabloids because it is about MJ, etc. Remember do what makes you happy. If we follow simple rules we will be less heartbroken.
Why would fans want someone's autograph just because that person worked with Michael?

Exactly. The only person I'd want to meet and get an autograph from is Michael and he won't be there...so yeah.

I don't get it either. Hot damn, look at that price. Where is all that going to? Hmm...makes you wonder...
This is not about honoring Michael, it is about certain people making a quick buck by using Michael and ripping his fans off.
bottom line Michael is dead and this is not gonna make us feel closer to Michael
stop twisting things around saying we're never happy with anything this is a very transparent situation and it was always like that with Michael, he was resorted to being the money making machine
we are not Jackson family fans we are Michael fans, Katherine also supported Jermaine's so called tribute that turned to dust! she is Michael's mother but she also has 8 other kids that she's more to happy to support in their schemes, not to forget Joe who a few months ago was charging $3000 for a dinner using Michael's name and later on sued his own son's estate
whoa, those are expensive tickets! And if I understand correctly the price doesn't include the hotel, yet they say the hotel must be booked through them and the only option is Radisson which is not cheap.
I hope they lower the ticket price, this is more expensive than it was to see michael in concert himself.
I'm disappointed in the ticket prices. Seems very unfair. It seems they like to just push it as far as they possibly can.
If I get a trip there for free with complimetary tickets, I'll go for sure. But I'll go just because I want to meet other MJ fans and check out the place. Not much interest with all those people who worked with MJ. Why would I want autographs from them? Just make me look so pathetic.
Supposedly it's going to cost $795 to attend the convention and $225 to attend for just 1 day.
what a joke. shame on them. nothing changes
The prices are insane, they would have alot more people attend if it was a free event. I know the big Elvis Presley convention in Collingwood Ontario (the largest in the world) is completely FREE! Charging $800 for the 4 days is beyond nuts. Hopefully they will lower this prices although I highly doubt it. I might not be going now because I don't have that much extra cash on my credit card.
Come on now, those prices are ridiculous!

Spike Lee had a WONDERFUL celebration for Michael last year, a full day of music and speeches and the ENTIRE thing was FREE!

Why in the world would anybody want to pay that much money to see Genieve Jackson, Omar, and receive an autograph from Michael's cousin?

I gotta tell ya, I'm totally shocked by those prices. I figured the entire thing was free, and folks would only pay for any souveniors they may have for purchase.

I'm sorry but this whole thing just sounds like "Vienna Tribute Part II."
You see Michael could have charged insane amounts like that to see him in concert, but he didn't. He had integrity and actually cared about the fans. One in a million for sure. :( Shame those making money on his behalf can't show the same decency.
You see Michael could have charged insane amounts like that to see him in concert, but he didn't. He had integrity and actually cared about the fans.
:clapping: This ticket price is really disappointing. It's like they think just because it's Michael Jackson it should be this super expensive VIP type event. But that's just the thing. Yes Michael was the most famous pop star in the world, but more importantly he was a giving and caring man. He would be disappointed in hearing what they are charging for this, I'm sure of it. :no:

This isn't to say I'm bashing the whole idea of the convention and honoring Michael in any way, but, it just could've...should've been arranged differently, in my opinion.
I think te convention sounds great. However, I agree the ticket prices are over the top. They wouldn't do it for free, it costs money to secure the venue, to fly in the people atending, to put them up in the hotel, food expenses, along with all the other costs. I was expecting it to be about half that cost. Its out for me, I can't afford that plus hotel and airfare :-(
WHY WHY WHY IS IT IN GARY, Michael left there when he was a kid and rarely went back.
That is where Michael is from and his birthplace (just like Little Richard is from Macon, GA even though he lives in CA and many other celebs BIRTHPLACE and HOMETOWN celeb them). But I agree the prices are outrageous.
WHY WHY WHY IS IT IN GARY, Michael left there when he was a kid and rarely went back.
That's his birthplace, his hometown. He received the key to the city. He rarely went back because he was busy but gary was in his heart.
Man, in a way, I hope Ms. Katherine doesn't show up for this press conference.

Although going to Gary was out of the question for me, at first I thought, if handled correctly, by the right people, this could end up being a great idea. But now that I know how much they are asking, I've changed my mind. Especially when one of their selling points is an autograph from Michael's first cousin.

It just seems mega tacky that they would be asking for that much money and you basically get nothing in return.
You see Michael could have charged insane amounts like that to see him in concert, but he didn't. He had integrity and actually cared about the fans. One in a million for sure. :( Shame those making money on his behalf can't show the same decency.

:cheers: I agree!
You see Michael could have charged insane amounts like that to see him in concert, but he didn't. He had integrity and actually cared about the fans. One in a million for sure. :( Shame those making money on his behalf can't show the same decency.
And people still wonder and spread conspiracy nonsense as for why Michael didn't want these people in charge or anything to do with their businesses. Why oh why. Nobody is going to pay almost $1000 to see Genevieve JAckson., Omer Bhatti and Keith Jackson . I'm sorry even the though of it is plain stupid.
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That's his birthplace, his hometown. He received the key to the city. He rarely went back because he was busy but gary was in his heart.
Gary turned against him just like everyone else when he needed support, the people and the mayor/city didn't want to have anything to do with Michael JAckson during 2003-2005 that is a well known fact. Michael spent roughly 10 years there only he never went back not even once, it's safe to say he had no intention in living in the State of Indiana at all. If anything Gary is Joseph's home. I was born somewhere completely different from where I live now and I don't have any kind of ''love'' to that place nor do I consider it my home, my home is where I grew up and have been living for the most of my 18 years. Britney Spears for example was born in McComb Mississippi did you ever hear her state that is her hometown? LOL! Of course not, she considers Kentwood Louisiana her home that is where she grew up till 17.
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You see Michael could have charged insane amounts like that to see him in concert, but he didn't. He had integrity and actually cared about the fans. One in a million for sure. :( Shame those making money on his behalf can't show the same decency.

Completely agree 100%. Michael could have charged thousands for tickets to see him and it would have sold out. What did the top tickets cost, £75. This is why we love Michael so much.