Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Uh... this is such bogus BS. This dude was trying to set up business deals with Michael WHILE he was in the midst of that tiral? That's just so wack. If that doesn't show poor moral character, then I don't know what does. Anyone who tries to deny that as a blatent attempt to take advantage of an emotionally and mentally vulnerable person is themself dillusional. The Prince doesn't seem to have any legally binding agreement to back up his claims. He just sounds like a cry baby who's mad that his money didn't produce the desired reults. Michael is a good business man, when he's himself, when he's healthy, when he's in a regualr state, none of which he was during nor following the trial. The Prince attempting to contend that Michael was mentally and emotionally "fine" during this period is nothing short of laughable. What a twat.

Is there ANY news about Grace?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

serendipity dont except everything that the prince is saying 100% true
Nealy every single person that has suied mike,has always had an agenda to twist thing & lie.

Yeap, like the ARVISIO'S!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Actually, all the best and most sound judgements about what's going on are coming from those same fans everyone who want's to automatically foul Michael are calling blind worshipers... You know, those blind worshipers who are using actual facts and direct testimony to back up their reasonings for falling down on Michael's side, instead of calling people they don't agree with names or acting holier then thou in their attitudes. But, whatever.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Actually, all the best and most sound judgements about what's going on are coming from those same fans everyone who want's to automatically foul Michael are calling blind worshipers... You know, those blind worshipers who are using actual facts and direct testimony to back up their reasonings for falling down on Michael's side, instead of calling people they don't agree with names or acting holier then thou in their attitudes. But, whatever.

Girl you know I love but I have to disagree with you. MJ fans started rubbishing this whole thing before there was any testimony. I dont deny that the Prince took advantgage of MJ's supposed unsound mind during the trial, but Michael also gave him a legitimate expectation after the trial. Legaly the Prince doesn't seem to have a case but when we look at this from a moral stand point, Michael should have advised the Prince of his reluctance to persue the said projects. All I'm saying is that both parties seem are at fault here.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Girl you know I love but I have to disagree with you. MJ fans started rubbishing this whole thing before there was any testimony. I dont deny that the Prince took advantgage of MJ's supposed unsound mind during the trial, but Michael also gave him a legitimate expectation after the trial. Legaly the Prince doesn't seem to have a case but when we look at this from a moral stand point, Michael should have advised the Prince of his reluctance to persue the said projects. All I'm saying is that both parties seem are at fault here.

Did you miss the part about Michael sending the prince a letter after his trial I think a week or so after the trial he wished to not do business with him?
Bigger Picture of Prince of Bahrain vs. MJ

Alright, I've researched as much as I can about this current case and I've got a few things I want to throw out to the forum (questions and concerns).

1. Does anyone have any idea of how MJ is being sued IN the High Court of London??
First off, in order to sue someone in a location other than his/her home, you have to establish jurisdiction. I mean none of the alleged actions or inactions took place in London (as far as I can tell) and the Prince is from Bahrain and MJ is a US Citizen. So, exactly, how did a high court in London gain jurisdiction over this trial???

2. There appears to be some unintended (or maybe it is intended) consequences of this trial. Now, follow me for a minute --- if Mike ends up loosing this case, it is quite possible that the US IRS will begin looking at this trial to see if any of the "gifts" the prince gave Michael are subject to US taxation. They may even start looking at this regardless of whether Mike wins or loses. I mean, granted the recipient of any true "gifts" is not necessarily liable to pay taxes to the IRS, but if the IRS claims that these gifts are not really gifts, but really payments, and Mike never reported these on his tax return and paid taxes on them, then it's possible that he could end up being dragged into some litigation(s) with the IRS over this.

Furthermore, it is possible that even if the US IRS doesn't look into the "gifts", the Bahrain govt. may look into it and may look to get their cut of any "income" taxes that they may be owed as a result of money / "Gifts" exchanging hands on their soil. The last thing we need is for Mike to get dragged into a Bahrainy courtroom for additional litigation over this.

3. Personally, I smell a rat in this trial. I know Mike has been sued many times before, but for some reason, something just ain't feeling right about the Prince suing Michael. I mean, do you all remember Roger Friedbrain's articles from a few years ago when Mike was in Bahrain? If you go back and look at some of the leaks that were coming out of Bahrain at the time, it almost appears as if someone that was very close to the Prince (or maybe even the Prince himself) was feeding Friedbrain and the tabloids stories about Mike from Bahrain. I mean, even when Mike left, I remember there being stories about how the Prince was going to cut him off and how he was basically "evicted" from Bahrain. Now, I'm not saying everything that was reported in the press at the time was true, but it appears that a lot of the stuff being reported had some relevance. What, if any, role did the Prince have in all this??
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

How so? He told Michael he wanted to do projects with him from the very beginning and Michael agreed. It's not like he lied to him or didn't tell him. He was upfront that he expected MJ to work with him and MJ agreed.

So calling him not genuine is not exactly correct. He's been honest with his desires and ambitions. Maybe he shouldn't have asked at that time when MJ was all messed up, but you can't say he's been dishonest.

I agree that MJ should've offered at least some money back. Just getting up and leaving without saying a word after he lived there in luxury with his kids for a whole year was not cool at all. I can understand why the prince is pissed. Anyone would be.

no he wasn't that way up front. the idea was to give MJ a haven from a harrowing ordeal. how do you offer asylum and talk about music business at the same time. the prince was not genuine about asylum.

the reality is....the prince was supposed to be giving MJ a haven from the courtroom drama. apparently, the prince has offered MJ a courtroom of harrowing drama from the courtroom of harrowing drama, for a 'haven'.

you are saying anyone would be upset at Michael. the reality is..anyone would be upset at someone who feigned a haven, and instead wanted to make Michael work, right in the midst of a time needed for recovery.

the prince is just another wannabe/ fan wanting to send MJ a demo. something that happens to MJ twenty four seven three sixty six.

unlike most artists in the music industry...MJ doesn't cut people verbally when talking about music, from all the encounters that have been posted on these forums, as reports. if the prince asked anybody else about working a project, that artist would flat out say NO. I DON't HAVE TIME FOR AMATEURS. but MJ with his heart of gold..and just happening to be the biggest star in the world will say....'i'd like to...let's see..' or somn like that. there was something posted earlier about a girl who had a chance to sing in front of Michael. she did. he complimented her effusively. the girl thought her dreams would come true. but she never heard from Michael again. Michael is just that way. he doesn't like to cut people down..and they mistake that for him embarking on automatically making their musical dreams come true. but...until MJ, of sound mind has proven that he actively pursued helping the prince musically, say, the way he actively pursued TPAIN or AKON.....the prince is gunna have to come up with betta ish than that.

now i don't see why you and some others don't see that anybody who would take advantage of you or me or anyone in time of need the way the prince took advantage of a weak MJ in time of need, would get a swift kick out the door from YOU or ME or ANYONE ELSE. but somehow....you and some of those others see MJ as not being allowed to give the same swift kick.

and..apparently MIchael sent the prince a letter saying he's not interested in working with him, after MJ was in better shape. so...MJ did not leave the prince hanging high and dry.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Girl you know I love but I have to disagree with you. MJ fans started rubbishing this whole thing before there was any testimony. I dont deny that the Prince took advantgage of MJ's supposed unsound mind during the trial, but Michael also gave him a legitimate expectation after the trial. Legaly the Prince doesn't seem to have a case but when we look at this from a moral stand point, Michael should have advised the Prince of his reluctance to persue the said projects. All I'm saying is that both parties seem are at fault here.

I've already said Michael may legally be at fault, and may very well have to pay out, though it's looking like it won't be what the Prince is currently asking for. But the Prince is the one morally at fault. He very, VERY clearly did not have Michael's well being in mind when he began speaking with him during the trial. He saw an opportunity to make money and make a name for himself in the music industry by having a relationship with Michael and that was his bottom line. He didn't invite Michael to his shitty palace to recover, he invited him there to try and get him to do business with him and bear profitable fruit for him. You don't do that to someone who was physically fucked (pardon my language, but it needs to be made clear) and emotionally and mentally rapped, which is basically what happened to Michael, let's not kid ourselves. He wasn't okay at the end of all that. How anyone could even concieve of him being alright or in his usual state of mind is beyond me. It's the Prince' own fault for trying to seduce or guilt Michael in to his own business ideas at such a vulnerable time for him. He got bit in the ass and he damn well deserved it for trying to take advantage of someone in Michael's condition. I don't care if Michael is legally in the wrong on this one, because the Prince used him in a very selfish and almost cruel manner and it makes me sick.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Uh... this is such bogus BS. This dude was trying to set up business deals with Michael WHILE he was in the midst of that tiral? That's just so wack. If that doesn't show poor moral character, then I don't know what does. Anyone who tries to deny that as a blatent attempt to take advantage of an emotionally and mentally vulnerable person is themself dillusional. The Prince doesn't seem to have any legally binding agreement to back up his claims. He just sounds like a cry baby who's mad that his money didn't produce the desired reults. Michael is a good business man, when he's himself, when he's healthy, when he's in a regualr state, none of which he was during nor following the trial. The Prince attempting to contend that Michael was mentally and emotionally "fine" during this period is nothing short of laughable. What a twat.

It does look that way imho too and the details may bear this out after everything has been "heard"..

I must admit I'm wondering how much of a role any (international) "politics" could play (in the fact that the Prince is a "ROYAL") regarding the judge's decisision to "order" Michael to spend his time, money and energy to come clear across the ocean just for them to examine "written contracts".

but hopefully "politics: is not at all a factor. but Imho, it bears at least praying about because we don't want a "transcontinental version" of the "good ole boy" system to be at play here, being that it already looks like a set-up for wasting more of MJ's time, energy and money just on principle of the fact/s that MJ changed his mind (which he did have a right to do) and stated so in writing.

MJ imho wouldn't have done that if he ddn't feel he had the strength of either the law or the friendship on his side. Even if he was betting on the friendship alone, it seems that the Prince's "good will" actions toward Michael supports Michael's reason to believe this was a somewhat oen-ended arrangement, subject to change by either party. Creative differences may have also been a factor in MJ deciding this would not be a good idea for him to proceed with. Either way, I say we do pray for actual fairness in Michael's behalf and that no "politics: getting in the way of the judge's fairness..

Somebody correct me if you know, because right now, tt would seem to me the judge could hear the contractual "evidence" without MJ having to come across an ocean to be physically present, since its said to be only about the ligitimacy of written "documents" but regardless, I'm 100% certain that if Michael absolutely has to be there that he will do his usual amazing job of calmly and truthfully representing the facts, and looking upon the past very soberly in this now present time and objectively state what took place and under what (then) existing condtions, and in all aspects the said "agreements" took place, those aspects being, written, oral, and implied.

All will come out in the wash and imho we must pray it is simply handled fairly,, above all.

The good news is MJ has been deemed by his doctor to be well enough to travel so presumably he's feeling progressively better.

Its uncomfortable as anything when having to deal with this kind of thing when not feeling very great physically, so hopefully be feeling 100%when trial time rolls around. Who knows, MJ may even be eagerly anticipating his chance to be heard.

Michael, God s still on your side. He ain't leavin' and neither are we. We saw what you were going through in 2005 and so did the rest of the world, including His Honor in London :yes: ..
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Yeah, well, I ain't happy that Michael has to go acorss the freakin' globe to give testimony he could have just as easily given via video link for such a mineal civil suit.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Did you miss the part about Michael sending the prince a letter after his trial I think a week or so after the trial he wished to not do business with him?

Well, it's not like the letter was a personal letter from MJ - the letter was actually from Raymone Bain advising the prince that Michael wanted out of the deal. Don't remember the wording, but do remember it in the news at the time. Will try to look it up.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

And Raymone Bain was working for who at the time?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Did you miss the part about Michael sending the prince a letter after his trial I think a week or so after the trial he wished to not do business with him?

I sure did, but If there was such a letter clearly it was tacitly revoked since Mike did subsequently take part in plans for that Two seas records venture right?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

It does look that way imho too and the details may bear this out after everything has been "heard"..

I must admit I'm wondering how much of a role any (international) "politics" could play (in the fact that the Prince is a "ROYAL") regarding the judge's decisision to "order" Michael to spend his time, money and energy to come clear across the ocean just for them to examine "written contracts".

but hopefully "politics: is not at all a factor. but Imho, it bears at least praying about because we don't want a "transcontinental version" of the "good ole boy" system to be at play here, being that it already looks like a set-up for wasting more of MJ's time, energy and money just on principle of the fact/s that MJ changed his mind (which he did have a right to do) and stated so in writing.

MJ imho wouldn't have done that if he ddn't feel he had the strength of either the law or the friendship on his side. Even if he was betting on the friendship alone, it seems that the Prince's "good will" actions toward Michael gave him good reason to believe this was a somewhat oen-ended arrangement, subject to change by either party. Creative differences may have also been a factor in MJ deciding this would not be a good idea for him to proceed with. Either way, I say we do pray for actual fairness in Michael's behalf and that no "politics: getting in the way of the judge's fairness..

Somebody correct me if you know, because right now, tt would seem to me the judge could hear the contractual "evidence" without MJ having to come across an ocean to be physically present, since its said to be only about the ligitimacy of written "documents" but regardless, I'm 100% certain that if Michael absolutely has to be there that he will do his usual amazing job of calmly and truthfully representing the facts, and looking upon the past very soberly in this now present time and objectively state what took place and under what (then) existing condtions, and in all aspects the said "agreements" took place, those aspects being, written, oral, and implied.

All will come out in the wash and imho we must pray it is simply handled fairly,, above all.

The good news is MJ has been deemed by his doctor to be well enough to travel so presumably he's feeling progressively better.

Its uncomfortable as anything when having to deal with this kind of thing when not feeling very great physically, so hopefully be feeling 100%when trial time rolls around. Who knows, MJ may even be eagerly anticipating his chance to be heard.

Michael, God s still on your side. He ain't leavin' and neither are we. We saw what you were going through in 2005 and so did the rest of the world, including His Honor in London :yes: ..


i don't see why some people seem to be forgetting that.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I thought Michael's lawyer said the letter was dated June 22 2006, which would be a little more then a year after the trial ended.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

It does say June 06 isn't that when Michael left? Bahrain that is also when he left two seas and told Guy Holmes goodbye and hired new lawyers
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Yeah, which means he came to his senses and the Prince got all pissy.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

^ that's just it - after the trial ended MJ went over there - a year later he decided to go with his better judgement
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

And I am more then sure lawyers went all through that contract before Michael sent that letter
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I don't want to read through 38 pages, but last time I checked MJ was supposed to testify via video link. Now I hear he's flying to London to testify. Can anyone tell me what's going on? I thought he was too ill to travel :unsure:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

And Michael should say I never asked for money from anyone I never met the guy I was totally shocked when I learned what had happend. I had no way of paying him back all of my funds were going towards my trial. I was not even sure if I was going to go to jail or no so there is no way I could promise to pay him back for that
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)


MJ is reported to have been cleared by is doc to travel and the judge is ordering him in court on Monday

And I am more then sure lawyers went all through that contract before Michael sent that letter

I would be inclined to agree
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

And Raymone Bain was working for who at the time?

Yes, but people were making it sound like Michael sent this personal letter or something to the prince instead of a pretty much public one from his spokesperson. IMO he might have had better luck the other way and still gotten out of the agreement and not had to go through the suit. Just seemed like it could have been handled better with better results all around. Just my opinion though.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

As long as Michael was leaving Bahrian the Prince would not be happy at all. I think for some reason Michael wanted to do with this guy after he left
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I don't think it would have mattered how Michael teminated the business relationship. The Prince was mad that his efforts to rope Michael in to his business ideas failed and wah la, here you have the result.
Re: Bigger Picture of Prince of Bahrain vs. MJ

4 sum odd reason i was expecting an actual picture...nice post tho
Re: Bigger Picture of Prince of Bahrain vs. MJ

Hmm I see your point(s), as for the IRS thing a gift isn't subject to being taxed unless it's over a certain amount right?? As for why the court case is in London beats me..???
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

As long as Michael was leaving Bahrian the Prince would not be happy at all. I think for some reason Michael wanted to do with this guy after he left
I feel this too, that MJ had a reason for not wanting to continue with that arrangement
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I don't think it would have mattered how Michael teminated the business relationship. The Prince was mad that his efforts to rope Michael in to his business ideas failed and wah la, here you have the result.

I don't know. We'll see how it plays out. I do think how it was terminated does matter though. Michael leaving without letting him know he had no intention of coming back, then that letter from Raymone, then not taking his calls. Well, either way the prince wouldn't be happy about the business relationship being over, but I bet he'd much rather it have looked publicly like a mutual agreement to disband rather than having it look like he was kicked to the curb. I bet to a lot of people (not MJ fans) it looks like MJ used him and when he didn't need him anymore moved on, making him look rather foolish for being so generous to MJ. I don't think it was that way and it didn't have to be made to look that way either. Bet the prince would rather have saved public face all around and IMO, he thinks the only way he can do that now is this suit. So again, in my opinion, if the termination had been handled better, MJ would still be out of the agreement and there would be no civil suit.
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