Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Does anybody know or has anybody heard this song this report says will be played in court?

"Thanki told the court on Monday that Jackson and the sheikh had a "close personal relationship" and even collaborated on a musical project -- Jackson recorded a song written by the prince which was planned as a charity single.

A recording of the song would be played in court during the trial, he said."

You mean Michael sings in Farsi with "Beat it" back beats?

Yeah that would be fascinating to hear.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

I think people need to take off the rose tinted spectacles here..................there is certainly no need to get personal.

With regards to mycomments about alot of people not beliving in MJ.................I hate to tel you but it was the case and I dont read newspapers (would waste my time) so I dont know what you are referring to there but I went onmany a demonstration and out to Santa Maria and believe me people were very very harsh. You dont have to believe what I say but I am sure many a fan will back me up.

As far as the Bahrain Royal Family is concerned..............how would you know they are not good people, are you making assumptions from newspapers/ media reports? I saw them help him and take him in I dont know about cash/gifts andlets face it neither do you.

And.....of course Michael is a good person - one of the best -just like i believe the Royal family to be - my point being its a bloody shame its come to this. Michael has listened to wrong advise b4 and i think its happening again.

ok well hoped i have answered all the critism i have got, i am just trying to beopenminded I have seen this all before and some scum have really taken MJ for a ride but i dont think that was done this time.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

"The track in question will likely be played as Michael testifies, when the world is tuning in"
what does that mean? when the world is tuning in? will the trial be played on tv?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

The Prince, is a good man, he looked after Michael and his family at a terrible time in Michael's life, and it is a shame that they have fallen out over this,QUOTE]

well said thank goodness someone else here can see this.....................................what we all need is a new album, come on MJ blow us away!!!!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)


Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

"The track in question will likely be played as Michael testifies, when the world is tuning in"
what does that mean? when the world is tuning in? will the trial be played on tv?

That's just my own prediction for when the prince will play the track in court, since that's when the most press will be on hand... No, the trial won't be played on television or anything, but the fact that Michael will be testifying will result in an onslaught of media attention that isn't there on other days. I get the impression that the prince wants the world to see what "songwriting" skills he has based on his lawyer's comments, which is why I assume that's when the track will be played.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

ok listen people:


Thanki told the court on Monday that Jackson and the sheikh had a "close personal relationship" and even collaborated on a musical project -- Jackson recorded a song written by the prince which was planned as a charity single.

A recording of the song would be played in court during the trial, he said.


Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

They played a video documentary that featured Michael singing verses from "I Have This Dream" and several other non-MJ classics while in London ("I'm Into Something Good" and "Ferry 'Cross The Mersey"). The track in question will likely be played as Michael testifies, when the world is tuning in.

TSCM.....all the rest of us have to post our sources.

What is your source for this apparent bull shite?

Please TSCM, give the source for your trite quotes.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

ok well hoped i have answered all the critism i have got, i am just trying to beopenminded

You are not trying to be open minded. Period.

TSCM.....all the rest of us have to post our sources.

What is your source for this apparent bull shite?

Please TSCM, give the source for your trite quotes.

Dang, someone has an attitude. TSCM was referring to an articles that was posted on Nov. 18th News Thread. What TSCM stated on here was posted on that thread. You can go check it out for yourself.

Moving on.....
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

TSCM.....all the rest of us have to post our sources.

What is your source for this apparent bull shite?

Please TSCM, give the source for your trite quotes.

You can probably find those quotes from one of the articles that is posted from Monday's court proceedings.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Some seem to nott know the definition of legal contract and gift.

too bad the prince was that 'naive'....

In old feudal times, gifts or gift meant something else. For example if you want to marry a girl, you come and give to her family 'gifts', if the family received those gifts, then the marriage was on.

It's an old habit, that was in Europe long time ago. and still is in some Oriental countries. I am not saying that is a bad one, but it's not a legal one. Constitutions do not recognise gifts as LEGAL contracts arrangements.

Michael is an US citizen, his definition for gift is totally different from the definition that the prince got. Michael's definition of gift is backed up by the legal system in US and England and other western countries. The trial is taking place in England, so the only chance for Prince to win this is provide LEGAL CONTRACT with exact the sum, that Mike owns them.

The gifts, sorry.... will be just gifts...
And this is hard lesson to learn for prince to not give gifts to foreigners that do not abide the local customs, no law could protect him from stupidity.

Unless he is a corrupt guy that likes to pay up people and pull strings... he got no many chances to win all these 7 milions back. The sum is way too inflated anyway....
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

^ Looking to get banned, are you? This has been discussed in past days, look it up...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

ermmmmm Bee of course I am being open minded iI love Michael Jackson but am being objective and true to myself and what I think.

What better example of an open mind can you give then seeing both sides of the story????????

sorry honey but best you read through my post properly and stop being so defensive, after all we are all fans on here ;-)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

TSCM, don't even waste your time. Some people are just attention seeking people.

And this is hard lesson to learn for prince to not give gifts to foreigners that do not abide the local customs, no law could protect him from stupidity.

You bought up a great point regarding customs and the like. The Prince probably thought that MJ was going to pay him back when he recieved his gifts. Well, it backfired.

ermmmmm Bee of course I am being open minded iI love Michael Jackson but am being objective and true to myself and what I think.

LOL. Oh, the comedy.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

A rule on this board is to be respectful
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

AP and UPI journalists are actually the most reliable. They just report the facts.

The key here is that we haven't heard Michael's side of the story. People are at a rush to blame the media for only presenting the Prince's side; however, that is all that has been presented. Michael's side has been very silent.

This is a contract dispute civil case. If Michael's attorney's felt that there was any merit to the contract they would have settled out of court. They didn't. They could have gone to arbitration, they didn't. The fact that they let it go to trial indicates there is a problem with the original contract.

They have had access to the contract that the Prince is basing the lawsuit upon. They are keeping mum for a reason: they see the loophole in the contract.

Michael is not denying that he received the money from the Prince. He is instead denying that it implied a contract. I think more will become obvious as this lawsuit proceeds.

Don't panic. Michael is a very astute businessman. Despite his being somewhat wounded when he moved to Bahrain, I doubt he lost his business acumen.

British Courts are not like American Courts. You aren't going to get a blow by blow description of what happens in court. Especially in a Civil Tort case.

Michael's attorney has not even started his case. The plaintiff (the Prince) is still making his case.

Just wait, watch, and see. Michael has a history of employing excellent attorney's when something goes to trial.

ap don't always report the facts. the media themselves are in a controversy over the newspaper business going out of business over being biased. ..i just don't always believe what i read at face value.. i need to wait and see what happens...and as far as skepticism for the media concerning MJ goes..well..we all know they have a track record. so..i'm not a bad guy for feeling the way i do about them. as far as the case goes....the pattern over the years is that quite a few people have seemed to be nice to MJ in the beginning...only to be...different, in the end, in a bad way..so that's where i'm coming from on that, along with many other fans..and we're not wrong for being that way. i agree that MJ must have a case...but i remain on that he is only human..and he can get vulnerable, and he can be weak because of situations..and...people find that time to take advantage of him. he'll always have a great number of fans who will support him because of that. and that's the least that he deserves...and there's nothing wrong with that. what bothers me is, that there are people who have a problem with that. but that doesn't really matter. because those mass of supportive fans will remain. MJ deserves them. and we'll stick by him through thick and thin. and MJ and his fans will remain, no matter what the naysayers say. in conclusion, this man, the prince is the latest in a long line of people who have used Michael to get their fifteen minutes of fame.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Not sure if this was posted before, some details of what the Prince said about MJ in court:


Singer Michael Jackson is to give evidence at London's High Court to counter allegations that he breached a music contract with an Arab sheikh.
The star is due to appear in court next week after his lawyer announced that he had been cleared by his medical advisers to travel from the US.
Mr Jackson, 50, is expected to arrive in the UK over the weekend and will give evidence on Monday afternoon.
An application for him to appear via video link was withdrawn.

'Fantastic intellectual'
"He has been cleared by his medical advisers to travel in two days' time," said the pop star's barrister, Robert Englehart QC.
The King of Bahrain's second son, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, claims Mr Jackson reneged on a music deal.
He is suing the performer for £4.7 million, claiming that under their agreement, an album, stage play and candid autobiography were to be produced.
Sheikh Abdulla called Jackson a "delightful" person

The Bahraini royal gave evidence on Thursday, and agreed under questioning that Mr Jackson is an "emotionally vulnerable" person.
But he added that he was a "delightful" person and always "with it".
"I regarded him in the same way as other businessmen. He is a person who is very switched on, a fantastic businessman and fantastic intellectual," Sheikh Abdulla said.

He confirmed to the court that he sent Mr Jackson $350,000 (£236,210) and then $1 million (£675,000) during the singer's child abuse trial in 2005.
But he denied the payments were gifts, and told the court they "were sent to help Michael, and many times he confirmed to me he would pay me back".
The pop star was invited to Bahrain after his acquittal by the Sheikh, and stayed in the Gulf state for six months.
The court has already heard that the sheikh planned to revive Mr Jackson's career with songs he had written himself.

'Suitable dressings'
Mr Jackson has rejected the allegations, saying there was no valid agreement and that the case was based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence".
He added that no project was ever finalised, and any payments he received from the sheikh were "gifts".
Earlier this week, the court heard that Mr Jackson may be suffering from an unspecified medical condition and that "even in a best-case scenario it would be unwise to travel" to the UK to give evidence.
A letter from the singer's doctor was shown to the court but not read out.
At the time, Mr Jackson's lawyer added that he was awaiting the outcome of test results.
The sheikh's legal team contended that the outcome of pathology tests would take no more 48 hours to be determined.
The defence team's experts also said that, even if test results were positive, it would be possible for Mr Jackson to fly to London with "suitable dressings". The case is being held in London by mutual agreement of both parties.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Not sure if this was posted before, some details of what the Prince said about MJ in court:


Singer Michael Jackson is to give evidence at London's High Court to counter allegations that he breached a music contract with an Arab sheikh.
The star is due to appear in court next week after his lawyer announced that he had been cleared by his medical advisers to travel from the US.
Mr Jackson, 50, is expected to arrive in the UK over the weekend and will give evidence on Monday afternoon.
An application for him to appear via video link was withdrawn.

'Fantastic intellectual'
"He has been cleared by his medical advisers to travel in two days' time," said the pop star's barrister, Robert Englehart QC.
The King of Bahrain's second son, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, claims Mr Jackson reneged on a music deal.
He is suing the performer for £4.7 million, claiming that under their agreement, an album, stage play and candid autobiography were to be produced.
Sheikh Abdulla called Jackson a "delightful" person

The Bahraini royal gave evidence on Thursday, and agreed under questioning that Mr Jackson is an "emotionally vulnerable" person.
But he added that he was a "delightful" person and always "with it".
"I regarded him in the same way as other businessmen. He is a person who is very switched on, a fantastic businessman and fantastic intellectual," Sheikh Abdulla said.

He confirmed to the court that he sent Mr Jackson $350,000 (£236,210) and then $1 million (£675,000) during the singer's child abuse trial in 2005.
But he denied the payments were gifts, and told the court they "were sent to help Michael, and many times he confirmed to me he would pay me back".
The pop star was invited to Bahrain after his acquittal by the Sheikh, and stayed in the Gulf state for six months.
The court has already heard that the sheikh planned to revive Mr Jackson's career with songs he had written himself.

'Suitable dressings'
Mr Jackson has rejected the allegations, saying there was no valid agreement and that the case was based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence".
He added that no project was ever finalised, and any payments he received from the sheikh were "gifts".
Earlier this week, the court heard that Mr Jackson may be suffering from an unspecified medical condition and that "even in a best-case scenario it would be unwise to travel" to the UK to give evidence.
A letter from the singer's doctor was shown to the court but not read out.
At the time, Mr Jackson's lawyer added that he was awaiting the outcome of test results.
The sheikh's legal team contended that the outcome of pathology tests would take no more 48 hours to be determined.
The defence team's experts also said that, even if test results were positive, it would be possible for Mr Jackson to fly to London with "suitable dressings". The case is being held in London by mutual agreement of both parties.

that's very laughable..the whole thing, because anyone in this fruckus actually believes MJ's career needs reviving. he's in the spotlight, for heaven's sake..doesn't that tell you anything???

anyway....the prince shoulda made it clear what the purpose of the 'gifts' were. if MJ said he would pay him back..it was the knee jerk statement of a good hearted guy. at that point, it's the prince's cue to indicate whether or not MJ should have to pay him back. say..no..it's a gift..or...ok...i look forward to u paying me back. if it were the latter, i would laugh at that...cus MJ didn't need his help. i'm sure that if the prince hadn't 'offered help' that MJ wasn't in such a state that he and his kids wouldve had to go to a welfare office.

having said that...i'm guessing MJ was going to give the prince the benefit of the doubt because of MJ's good heart, and accept the help..cus..well..if he didn't..i'm sure there would be loads of people who would say that MJ is too proud to accept a kind gesture from another person. and, i'm sure that in MJ's lonely state, as he has spoken in many of his songs...he would like to think there is a person out there who would like to extend a hand of friendship to him..even in this stage of his tortured life with regard to friends...

but..i guess..apparently....wrong again, MJ...once again, you're being taken to court.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

so do we have a realistic outcome from this case?? ie settlement for the sheikh or a landslide mj victory???
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

in a couple of months this trial will be gone and forgotten just like all the others...I hope this is the last one I'm so tired of all the drama I'm sure Michael is too
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)


Bahraini Prince Takes on King of Pop

LONDON, Nov. 20, 2008

The Bahraini prince accusing Michael Jackson of reneging on a multi-million-dollar contract took the stand in London's High Court today to be cross-examined by the King of Pop's legal team, whose client is expected to testify Monday.

Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, 33, answered questions about his relationship and business dealings with Jackson, 50, on day three of the hearing, which could last up to 12 days.

Meanwhile, Jackson was summoned to appear in the London High Court next week, although his lawyers had argued that he was too ill to attend the proceedings and hoped he could testify via video link from Los Angeles.

But the prince's lawyers protested the claim, saying that the medical evidence was insufficient. And, in court today, Jackson's lawyer, Robert Englehart, said that Jackson was medically cleared to travel to London.

Jackson is expected to take the stand Monday at 2 p.m. local time. Cameras are banned in the courts of Britain.

The prince is suing Jackson to the tune of $7 million for what he alleges was Jackson's backing out of an agreement that was to have included work on an album, a screenplay and an autobiography.

Jackson's lawyer repeatedly pressed the prince about the pop star's mental condition at the time of their talks, asking if he believed Jackson was "emotionally vulnerable." Bin Hamad Al Khalifa disagreed, saying that Jackson was "composed" and "with it."

"Michael is very switched on," he said, also describing Jackson as a "fantastic businessman" and an intellectual.

Early questioning also surrounded the prince's relationship with Jackson's brother, Jermaine. Bin Hamad Al Khalifa said that Jermaine Jackson "was interested in doing music" and that the two were "planning to do a record."

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's lawyers declined to speak to ABCNews, saying they could not comment during the hearings. The judge also made it clear that bin Hamad Al Khalifa was not permitted to speak to the media while the case is ongoing.

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's dealings with Jermaine Jackson took place between late 2004 and early 2005, according to today's testimony. The prince reportedly paid for Jermaine Jackson's travel to and from Bahrain and purchased a Rolls Royce car for him in California. These expenses tallied nearly $450,000, and the prince acknowledged today that he never expected the money to be paid back.

But while the prince had hopes of going into business with Michael's older brother, the four songs he recorded with Jermaine Jackson were never released, he testified. He said that Jermaine Jackson also began to get sidetracked with other business interests.

During testimony on his relationship with Michael Jackson, the prince said that he and Jackson began by speaking on the phone. When the prince became interested in bringing Michael Jackson to his record label, 2 Seas Records, Jackson made his terms clear.

Recounting the conversation, the prince said, "If any brother or [Jackson] family member worked there [the record label], I'm not going to do the deal," referring to Jackson's comments.

Jackson and bin Hamad Al Khalifa had what was described in court today as "very involved" conversations about a potential musical collaboration, which doesn't amount to a binding agreement, Jackson's lawyers are arguing. These conversations took place while Jackson was facing trial on child molestation charges in 2005.

The prince constructed a recording studio after Jackson had "expressed interest in coming back into music," bin Hamad Al Khalifa said.

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa also provided $1 million to the King of Pop through Jackson's personal assistant, Grace Rwaramba, which Jackson understood to be a gift, according to testimony. But the prince thought otherwise.

"To me it was never seen as a gift," bin Hamad Al Khalifa told the High Court. "These payments were seen as helping Michael, and numerous times he told me he would pay me back."
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)


All this drama over a b.s. trial. :doh:

That's all I gotta say. Holla!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

Early questioning also surrounded the prince's relationship with Jackson's brother, Jermaine. Bin Hamad Al Khalifa said that Jermaine Jackson "was interested in doing music" and that the two were "planning to do a record."

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's dealings with Jermaine Jackson took place between late 2004 and early 2005, according to today's testimony. The prince reportedly paid for Jermaine Jackson's travel to and from Bahrain and purchased a Rolls Royce car for him in California. These expenses tallied nearly $450,000, and the prince acknowledged today that he never expected the money to be paid back.

But while the prince had hopes of going into business with Michael's older brother, the four songs he recorded with Jermaine Jackson were never released, he testified. He said that Jermaine Jackson also began to get sidetracked with other business interests.

So, the difference between what happened between the prince and Jermaine, and what happened between the prince and MJ, is what exactly? The prince gave both of them money and 'gifts' and had hoped that each of them would get his 2 Seas Records going. It didn't work out with Jermaine, nor with Michael, but only Michael is expected to pay back the expenses?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)


Bahraini Prince Takes on King of Pop

LONDON, Nov. 20, 2008

The Bahraini prince accusing Michael Jackson of reneging on a multi-million-dollar contract took the stand in London's High Court today to be cross-examined by the King of Pop's legal team, whose client is expected to testify Monday.

Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, 33, answered questions about his relationship and business dealings with Jackson, 50, on day three of the hearing, which could last up to 12 days.

Meanwhile, Jackson was summoned to appear in the London High Court next week, although his lawyers had argued that he was too ill to attend the proceedings and hoped he could testify via video link from Los Angeles.

But the prince's lawyers protested the claim, saying that the medical evidence was insufficient. And, in court today, Jackson's lawyer, Robert Englehart, said that Jackson was medically cleared to travel to London.

Jackson is expected to take the stand Monday at 2 p.m. local time. Cameras are banned in the courts of Britain.

The prince is suing Jackson to the tune of $7 million for what he alleges was Jackson's backing out of an agreement that was to have included work on an album, a screenplay and an autobiography.

Jackson's lawyer repeatedly pressed the prince about the pop star's mental condition at the time of their talks, asking if he believed Jackson was "emotionally vulnerable." Bin Hamad Al Khalifa disagreed, saying that Jackson was "composed" and "with it."

"Michael is very switched on," he said, also describing Jackson as a "fantastic businessman" and an intellectual.

Early questioning also surrounded the prince's relationship with Jackson's brother, Jermaine. Bin Hamad Al Khalifa said that Jermaine Jackson "was interested in doing music" and that the two were "planning to do a record."

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's lawyers declined to speak to ABCNews, saying they could not comment during the hearings. The judge also made it clear that bin Hamad Al Khalifa was not permitted to speak to the media while the case is ongoing.

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa's dealings with Jermaine Jackson took place between late 2004 and early 2005, according to today's testimony. The prince reportedly paid for Jermaine Jackson's travel to and from Bahrain and purchased a Rolls Royce car for him in California. These expenses tallied nearly $450,000, and the prince acknowledged today that he never expected the money to be paid back.

But while the prince had hopes of going into business with Michael's older brother, the four songs he recorded with Jermaine Jackson were never released, he testified. He said that Jermaine Jackson also began to get sidetracked with other business interests.

During testimony on his relationship with Michael Jackson, the prince said that he and Jackson began by speaking on the phone. When the prince became interested in bringing Michael Jackson to his record label, 2 Seas Records, Jackson made his terms clear.

Recounting the conversation, the prince said, "If any brother or [Jackson] family member worked there [the record label], I'm not going to do the deal," referring to Jackson's comments.

Jackson and bin Hamad Al Khalifa had what was described in court today as "very involved" conversations about a potential musical collaboration, which doesn't amount to a binding agreement, Jackson's lawyers are arguing. These conversations took place while Jackson was facing trial on child molestation charges in 2005.

The prince constructed a recording studio after Jackson had "expressed interest in coming back into music," bin Hamad Al Khalifa said.

Bin Hamad Al Khalifa also provided $1 million to the King of Pop through Jackson's personal assistant, Grace Rwaramba, which Jackson understood to be a gift, according to testimony. But the prince thought otherwise.

"To me it was never seen as a gift," bin Hamad Al Khalifa told the High Court. "These payments were seen as helping Michael, and numerous times he told me he would pay me back."


So the prince covered with money and gifts Jermaine, the one who lied to him, and he is suing mj! because MJ did not pay him back the bill of his stay in Bahrain.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

So, the difference between what happened between the prince and Jermaine, and what happened between the prince and MJ, is what exactly? The prince gave both of them money and 'gifts' and had hoped that each of them would get his 2 Seas Records going. It didn't work out with Jermaine, nor with Michael, but only Michael is expected to pay back the expenses?

THAT is the question. he sees MJ as the cash cow and Jermaine as a has been..other than that he was part of the Jacksons...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

in a couple of months this trial will be gone and forgotten just like all the others...I hope this is the last one I'm so tired of all the drama I'm sure Michael is too

this one yeah, everyone seems to have a spare copy of 2005 one with 93 related bit though. some people got a tabloid memory stick rammed some uncomfortable place in they anatomy of both body and brain. < give light amusement to thread.!!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

So, the difference between what happened between the prince and Jermaine, and what happened between the prince and MJ, is what exactly? The prince gave both of them money and 'gifts' and had hoped that each of them would get his 2 Seas Records going. It didn't work out with Jermaine, nor with Michael, but only Michael is expected to pay back the expenses?

Yep, and I keep thinking about that dang Rolls-Royce. Jermaine was gone from Bahrain, but the Prince was STILL giving him gifts. In the case, a Rolls-Royce in California.

I don't know, I ain't no lawyer, but this whole Jermaine thing doesn't sound good for the Prince. Man, Jermaine didn't just get any old car, homeboy got a ROLLS-ROYCE, for nothing. I just can't get over that!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread: (UPDATE: Michael to testify next week)

So, the difference between what happened between the prince and Jermaine, and what happened between the prince and MJ, is what exactly? The prince gave both of them money and 'gifts' and had hoped that each of them would get his 2 Seas Records going. It didn't work out with Jermaine, nor with Michael, but only Michael is expected to pay back the expenses?

It went a lot further than a hope with Michael. If Michael signed a contract, and it seems he did, than that's a major difference. An album was announced and MJ must have known what was expected of him.
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