Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests *Merged*

Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Child abuse is a very, very bad thing (something that Michael is NOT guilty of), but it seems to me falsely accusing people of child abuse for financial or publicity gain has become an industry. (Already Mary A. Fischer pointed out in her article for GQ that 48% of all child sex abuse charges prove to be false!) This is just another example of that. People write to this group, presenting them facts of the two cases but they don't even listen! It's obvious why: the only thing on their agenda is to get publicity on the back of Michael Jackson! So they plug their ears when somebody is telling them facts and the truth because that would shoot their agenda. They wouldn't have to say: "OK, MJ was not guilty", but any person with a little brain should give him at least the benefit of doubt after reading the facts and say: "OK, maybe he wasn't guilty - and I wouldn't like to be involved in maybe falsely accusing an innocent person, so we back off and mind our own business". That would be the honest thing to do.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

If you do some investigating on Robert Hoatson and his attorney John Aretakis,
They are NOT clean_ his attorney was also barred from practicing

Robert Hoatson Attorney John Aretakis suspended for one year; read the decision
ALBANY — Controversial attorney John Aretakis was suspended from practicing law for one year
after he was found guilty of professional misconduct charges in a decision issued by the Appellate
Division of the state Supreme Court Thursday.


Robert Hoatson is an EX priest who also filed false allegations against bishop Hubbard
This case was ALSO dismissed in 2009 by the supreme court


Great find!

Maybe who goes there in support of Michael should take copies of this document with them and give it to press people if the protest gets loud.

Maybe it should be sent to the National Museum of Dance too, so that they won't become discouraged by these people.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Thanks for the info...^ for those who might attend this protest, the above suggestion would be a good idea. A little knowledge goes a very long way. Looks like these two peas in a pod lawyer and priest have picked up Sneddon's dirty tricks of using their political, religious and judicial power to level false allegations without blinking an eye...this should make people pause and ponder how many others in their community who have status are abusing that power.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

This is disgusting! I can't believe they are targeting Michael...well I can because it brings attention to them doesn't it. Thanks to those of you who are fighting this, respectfully. It would be brilliant to get some presence down at the place this is happening, peacefully I cannot stress enough. Do not sink to their level. In the end they are the ones who look foolish.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

This is disgusting, Oh for Gods sake when will these people stop and leave Michael alone sometimes this world drives me crazy!!
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Just...man this makes me so angry!!!
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

for those who are writing him, please do it with respect. We're not gonna get anything if we treat him like dirt (even though that's what he is :D)
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Here is a post from someone who wrote him a very thorough, well-researched, well-intended and polite e-mail: http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/20...heir-fury-at-a-completely-innocent-man-again/

You can see from the guy's answer that he just doesn't care about facts and arguments. He decided in his mind that Michael was a pedo and he is not even willing to read any intelligent argument. From his answer it's obvious he didn't even read the fan's mail.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

We will never stoop to their level and thanks to everyone for being so respectful despite what BS is being spewn.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

this is doubly tragic, in that, first of all, these people will continue the trend of framing innocent people for publicity purposes, and secondly, these people will damage children, in the future, who actually do get molested, because the court system may be afraid to take the cases to court, on behalf of children, because they won't know if they should take the cases seriously.

so their protest is a compound evil, all in the name of fifteen minutes.

abuse of any kind is truly abuse. including abuse of freedom of speech.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Here is a post from someone who wrote him a very thorough, well-researched, well-intended and polite e-mail: http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/20...heir-fury-at-a-completely-innocent-man-again/

You can see from the guy's answer that he just doesn't care about facts and arguments. He decided in his mind that Michael was a pedo and he is not even willing to read any intelligent argument. From his answer it's obvious he didn't even read the fan's mail.

I had the same experience :-/
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I hope they get shut down by some fans. I understand that they may have suffered because of the actions of some disgusting wackjobs, but Michael isn't like their predators. Damn, they won't even let the man get freakin' credit for pathing the way for so many artists/dancers out there.

Can some of ya'll please school these kids?
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I feel so powerless when I hear this stuff. I sent 3 e mails to these people in the past days (no answer for me) where I suggested to read articles and some transcripted testimonies which prove that accusers where liars... but I feel like nobody is hearing what I'm saying, they will just go on straight without caring of the truth. How can you convince someone who refuses to open his mind? You just can't.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

these would be protestors have to learn a thing or two about respect.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

If you do some investigating on Robert Hoatson and his attorney John Aretakis,
They are NOT clean_ his attorney was also barred from practicing

Robert Hoatson Attorney John Aretakis suspended for one year; read the decision
ALBANY — Controversial attorney John Aretakis was suspended from practicing law for one year
after he was found guilty of professional misconduct charges in a decision issued by the Appellate
Division of the state Supreme Court Thursday.


Robert Hoatson is an EX priest who also filed false allegations against bishop Hubbard
This case was ALSO dismissed in 2009 by the supreme court


So that's the reason why he is supporting and believing those allegations towards. They are all cut from the same cloth as the accusers in the MJ case.

This guy would not be convinced sorry he is someone that has hardcore opinions.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Great find!

Maybe who goes there in support of Michael should take copies of this document with them and give it to press people if the protest gets loud.

Maybe it should be sent to the National Museum of Dance too, so that they won't become discouraged by these people.

Thank You. I made my copy and will be taking a batch with me to hand out to the protesters.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

By the way guys, I am all geared up to go and do not know what day this is taking place. Can someone let me know please.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Here is an ironic post by Hoatson in which he highly values evidence, grand jury findings, etc.


I am beginning to wonder whether there is a cottage industry like unto 'poverty pimps' and tv evangelicals growing up around this - very very important - abuse issue.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Well, when they find a pedo, they can do that to them. Michael was NO pedo so get a life.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Thanks for the link. I sent an e-mail asking them for their evidence and urging them to do some research on the subject. I hope they take me advice and answer my question.
I agree. I want to tell these idoits "people are falsely accused and that does not give them the right to label someone wrong".
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I think fans should write to these directors.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Here is a post from someone who wrote him a very thorough, well-researched, well-intended and polite e-mail: http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/20...heir-fury-at-a-completely-innocent-man-again/

You can see from the guy's answer that he just doesn't care about facts and arguments. He decided in his mind that Michael was a pedo and he is not even willing to read any intelligent argument. From his answer it's obvious he didn't even read the fan's mail.
To me, that means this is someone who is looking for attention. Nothing else. people like this are dumb.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

the rev is a possibly a paedophile himself. Often those who shout the loudest are the ones who are the guilty ones. Beyond disgusted at these twisted people. It would be bad enough if they were saying these things and our beloved michael was alive, but insulting a dead person's memory, who was found innocent, and has children left behind themselves is beyond disgusting and outrageous.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Thanks for the information Catherine.

Thanks for noticing! You're welcome.

I wrote very persuasively to this priest as a fellow Catholic but received no answer. Perhaps he is busy with all his fanmail.