Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests *Merged*

I want to go!!! I live 6 hrs away, but I think it would be nice to attend:yes: Is there a thread for the people who are going to discuss it, or should we just talk here? Thanks
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Generally speaking this is what always happens when I try to give people information about the accusations. Once people have made their mind up they rarely change it at the persuasion of someone else.

If they researched themselves, completely at their own will (is there any hope of that?) and found the information they weren't expecting, they might change their mind.

I've just recieved a reply from a comment I made (on another article), I was called psychotic, delusional, and obsessive. I didn't write anything which could lead me to be called that.
When you hear people who talk like that, it is a reflection of them. they are the ones who are obsessive, delusional, and psychotic. the proof that MJ is love and you can not let a FEW idoits ruin it for you. Remembe even Jesus Christ is hated by some folks (and Jesus is PERFECT and died for our sins).
I believe I said this before, but I shall say it again. These people are in dire need for lives of their own. If they're truly against pedophilia, they should do themselves (and the rest of us) a favour and take their little protest down to the Vatican, where it truly belongs. I hear they've got a real pedophile problem down there, so their attention would be appropriate. Who knows, they could even make a difference...

My point is, they should all leave Michael Jackson alone unless they can prove to us he was what they say (which, of course, we know he wasn't.) Until such a moment comes (and it can't) their protesting his induction remains wholly inappropriate.

As I said, if they've got an itch to protest pedophilia, they can head down to their local church to scratch it. Alternatively, they can all conduct a fundraiser to raise enough money for tickets to Europe, camp out at Polanski's place, and protest to their heart's content.