Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests *Merged*

Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

[B said:
Grand Master S[/B];2869089]This is writing off anyone who is ever accused of a sex crime as presumed guilty for life. I'm surprised that a proper organization (if they even are that) could let such a ridiculous statement be released as representative of their group. Maybe if someone accused one of them of pedophilia (victims of child molestation are more prone to becoming molesters themselves than the average person) they would have a different point of view on the matter.

I get that the members of this group are probably taking out their own hostilities towards their own molesters, but I don't give a fuck. At the point that they're branding somebody else as a child molester, I don't care about what happened to them. The hell with these people and their emotional baggage.

Yea!:mat: I agree! Fuck 'em! Stupid bastards! I had things happen to me as a child, so they need to shut the fuck up. I'm a PROUD MICHAEL JACKSON FAN! Michael was the epitomy of INNOCENCE! Blind, stupid, filthy, ignorant, sorry excuses for human beings!:puke: Makes me sick! You see all this shit happening with the Catholic chuches (not all Catholics are bad not trying to insult anyone) and other people, that are proven GUILTY!..but who do they pick on? Michael Jackson! He's f*cking dead now!!! WHAT MORE DO THESE SHIT HEADS WANT!:ranting They sound so evil and wicked...and what else bothers me is that people like this are BREEDING! :banghead This world has gone to hell in a f*cking handbasket!:smilie_despairofhum INGRATES!!!!!

I say in the name of Michael Jackson...from all of us fans who have fought in the past, in the preasent..and will continue to do so in the future, "Hey assholes...BRING IT ON!!!!" :chichi:........ Where's the Tylenol???
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

That's what made the damn media. They helped Michael to gone so soon. And now a poor people who have suffered will protest because the media led the world to believe that Michael is a freak. I hate them. Burn tabloids, Bashir, Dimond and whole bunch of criminals!

Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

nobody ever considers that every walk of life can be abused, and usually is. it's very possible that these 'child abuse survivors' were never abused, but are posing as survivors, to help the lying media barrage, simply because they are haters. they were never abused by someone that rich, so they don't know what they were talking about. they know we can't prove they were not abused, nor prove that they WERE abused, so, i take them with less than a grain of salt. they come from so many places of prejudice, envy and hate, that they cannot be trusted, plus, the excuse they use, about rich people was peddled first, by the media, which knows nothing about child abuse. so, these people are copying and pasting from the media, so they are even less trustworthy, there.

and there are too many rich people that HAVE been convicted of crimes,(Ronnie Spector) for these idiots to be trusted. so, they are uninformed,(on purpose) as well.

You mean Phil Spector, Ronnie is the ex wife that was abused by Phil.

They are a bunch of attention whore anyway to do this, And I really do not think they give a crud about mike being innocent.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I would love to hear their case. Unfortunately, protesting against Michael because they heard some BS on Nancy Grace a few years ago simply doesn't cut it. Unless this guy has some sort of evidence which can show the world beyond the shadow of a doubt that Michael molested those kids, his opinion is completely devoid of value. Of course, we all know that such evidence simply does not exist, as Thomas Messereau ripped the prosecution's laughable case to shreds in a matter of minutes.

I recommend these child abuse survivors go and fight against real, proven pedophiles like Roman Polanski. You don't see them protesting his films outside the theatres, or protesting his recognition at the Oscars, do you? Hypocrites and racists until the very end, I tell you.

If these people care so much about the welfare of kids, why don't they stop wasting their time harrassing Michael (even in death, unbelievable!) and go to the Vatican. They should protest pedophilia there (now there's a real problem!), in front of the Pope. If they really have the drive and passion, they should go do something useful with their pitiful lives and leave Michael Jackson alone.
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Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

You mean Phil Spector, Ronnie is the ex wife that was abused by Phil.

They are a bunch of attention whore anyway to do this, And I really do not think they give a crud about mike being innocent.

thanks for correcting me. Phil Spector.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

This crap makes me so angry, it's outrageous. Michael Jackson was an innocent man, proven in court. FACT. How dare they? I mean how can they get away with this slander? Can nobody do anything about this? It is so infuriating.

I know, and honestly, even though I'm happy for people to love his music, I'm tired of all the comments about "we don't approve of his lifestyle, only his music". F#$% that!!! He was a damn good person and never did anything wrong, and it's bad enough they put him through that when he was alive. This is such crap that they would show up to something like that. Does anyone care? He was found NOT GUILTY! Show up and protest somewhere else. We all hate child abusers too, and Michael wasn't one, so STFU!!! Argh!!!
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I do feel sorry for those who are truly abused, but yet I wonder why people like these walk around with their 'hands out'. Talk about wanting publicity and attention. Let's look at past Presidents who have had affairs, children out of wed lock and it was all PROVEN and they still were voted in to/remained in office. Let's look at singers and athletes who beat their wives yet they still are in the halls of fame, and actors who are drug addicts yet still receive awards. Michael was never ever proven to be a sex offender, so why is he being accused as one? The family could hit these protesters with slander charges if they cared enough of what they thought. It is just so sad that there is so much ignorance in the world.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

If the bishop to whom these two priests report became aware that this action might trigger a counter protest against the bishop protectors of abusive priests, that bishop might find that kind of publicity an unwelcome prospect.

What a shameless digusting attempt to restore their reputation by abusing someone else's.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

although i have a degree of sympathy for these people, this type of behavior is simply ridiculous and ignorant.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

From what I picked up googling Aretakis, he's an ambulance chaser
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

It HAS to be America!!!!!!!!..........And New York of all places........

It's like they blame Michael for getting abused as a child!!!

We'll need to come out in force to show them who truly is KING!!!!!!........
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Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

The media advocacy team has decided to write a letter to the organisation asking not to misuse the name of the most famous, yet deceased, person on the planet, who was pronounced not guilty, to push their own agenda.
If these people truly did suffer child abuse, my heart goes out to them, but I seriously wonder if any healing can take place when they take on hate-campaigns against someone famous who was acquitted. It was lack of evidence and a very weak case that got him off, in addition to having a good defense team.
And at the end of the day, he was innocent and we knew that but the world media, out of sensationalism, wanted to paint the darkest picture possible so they twisted their stories and many in the public fell into their trap. When will people learn to think for themselves and do their own research ? It's a sad world we live in, filled with hate and fear while all Michael wanted to do was to heal the world and give very sick children a magic-filled, happy day at Neverland.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Oh,I am all over this thread...

I sent them a really angry letter...
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I think if it weren't for OJ getting off Michael wouldn't be having it so bad, these stupid people don't have a mind of their own they will believe anything the damn media throws at them.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

The Rev is a possibly a paedophile himself. Often those who shout the loudest are the ones who are the guilty ones. Beyond disgusted at these twisted people. It would be bad enough if they were saying these things and our beloved michael was alive, but insulting a dead person's memory, who was found INNOCENT, and has children left behind themselves is beyond disgusting and outrageous.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Guys just a note can we stop accusing people in this group of being pedophiles? We despise it when people call Michael one so lets not do the same thing here. Thanks.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I say let them protest. At the end of the day, they're protesting on something, whether how true or not that something is, and just wasting their time. Plus they look like idiots - maybe someone can go down and get a few photos and even have a chat to 'em and see what their proof on this is.

Plus Michael isn't here to see it - and if he was here, don't think for a second this would even be happening.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

I believe this organization chose the Dance Hall of Fame induction to wage a "protest" because the Dance Hall of Fame is a small, relatively unknown organization with changing leadership. A large, well established organization would challenge the assertions of this group. There are examples of people being falsely accused of molesting children and an accusation doesn't equal guilt without evidence. It's sad that the motives of some groups often overshadow the issue they claim to represent.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

The Rev is a possibly a paedophile himself. Often those who shout the loudest are the ones who are the guilty ones. Beyond disgusted at these twisted people. It would be bad enough if they were saying these things and our beloved michael was alive, but insulting a dead person's memory, who was found INNOCENT, and has children left behind themselves is beyond disgusting and outrageous.

i'll tell you one thing about the reverend. he broke a cardinal rule of his religion. making false accusations, and judging a person he doesn't know. as far as i know, he's as much, in trouble with his God, as he would be, if he WAS a pedophile.

and as many of the fans in this thread stated, they were bothered by the museum saying that MJ is being inducted for his talents, and 'not for his lifestyle'. this is why i believe that this is the first time in history, that we can't be helped by professionals, for our grief. if the museum actually thinks that his lifestyle of being an ambassador for children, is an evil thing, then, we are in bad shape if we are seeking professional help for our grief, because the world, for the first time(outside of the fanbase), is prejudiced, without knowledge, about a public figure, based on envy. so why wouldn't the psychiatrists, be?

as many fans on here said, people have been put in the halls of fame, of many crafts, without question, even though the inductees had truly committed grievous acts.

i truly believe that the only recourse of help, for grieving fans, is other grieving fans, on these fansites. this one, in particular. if a fan cannot be helped, by fellow fans, on here, then it will be much more help, than that fan could have received, from any other source.

i wish there could be sections on this form (that are private) that could allow fans to get, even the ugliest stuff out of their system, concerning their grief, and let other fans be the ear and shoulder, because from personal experience, i discovered that both clergy(of churches i used to go to) and professionals hated Michael Jackson while he was alive.
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Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

This makes me so angry but it's not even worth going into. Everyone knows he's innocent anyway and if people are too stupid to realise he is then that's their problem. The support of MJ's fans will ALWAYS outweigh the bittnerness of the haters, don't ever doubt that.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

This makes me so angry but it's not even worth going into. Everyone knows he's innocent anyway and if people are too stupid to realise he is then that's their problem. The support of MJ's fans will ALWAYS outweigh the bittnerness of the haters, don't ever doubt that.

i agree with you, and thanks.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Poor people..

They see everything in a negative way..

I'm sure they care about children and some of them experienced horrible stuff

but that doesn't mean they should hate anyone who is not guilty.

I feel sorry for them..
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Hi guys,

I have been corresponding with this man and the below are the back and forth emails. Please read from the BOTTOM up and help me out by hammering this man with facts.


Fact: Michael Jackson's INSURANCE company paid that settlement, not Michael Jackson. Actually if you do the research, he has stated that he wished he fought it, but his minders at the time took care of it.

And if you are wishing to go down the road of inferring that this action denotes guilt, then why not question that the alleged victims parents consulted with CIVIL lawyers first, before even going to the authorities. If it were my child, and they were REALLY being abused there is no way I would follow that order of process. It would be STRAIGHT to police and I tell you that NO AMOUNT OF MONEY could settle me.

And Michael did state that there is no problem to sleep in the same bed as a child. He also clearly stated at that same time that it is NOT sexual, that the kids slept in his bed, he slept on the floor. I am god mother to a couple of young children and they have shared my bed. I read them books, tuck them in etc. Nothing untoward is involved, and their parents trust me. Are you saying im a paedophile? Or is it OK for me because im female?

FACT: Michael consistently denied all allegations. He was found Not Guilty in front of a Jury and Natural Justice is what the USA stands by (innocent until PROVEN guilty). He was investigated for over 10 years by the FBI and when they recently released their files there was NOTHING in there of any value to suggest that any of the previous allegations were true.

Nevertheless, while this has been an interesting debate between you and I, it has become clear to me that my attempts are aimed at a person who is not prepared to challenge his own opinions nor base his opinion on FACT. It is a shame good sir, as I have no doubt you are an intelligent person, but intelligence and ignorance are two very different things.

I wish you all the best, but pity you that you have allowed yourself to swallow the pus that the media spews to the lowest common denominator in this world, and they in turn buy it. Im sure you do not consider yourself in that category, but certainly I have seen nothing to suggest otherwise.



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On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:57 PM, bob hoatson wrote:

And 20 million dollars were given to an alleged victim in a settlement. If nothing happened, why 20 million? And didn’t Michael Jackson “proclaim” on more than one occasion that he welcomed children to his bed. Sleeping with minors is child abuse.

From: Ali [mailto:ali.in.london@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 10:41 PM
To: bob hoatson
Subject: Re: [Contact Us] Michael Jackson

Hi Bob,

Yes this is a form letter. However I stand by the message. Why write my own letter when the below sums up my thoughts and opinions so well, and represents an opinion I share with so many others?

I have followed both the 1993 case and the 2003 case closely to the point of reading the court transcripts and conducting my own research in to the history and character of those making the accusations. Both cases were considerably flawed and contained MORE than enough cause for reasonable doubt. In fact Janet Arvizo was convicted of fraud after the 2005 case was laid to rest with a resounding NOT GUILTY in Michael Jackson's favour.

The verdict was delivered on solid grounds by a more than capable jury of whom 2 members only faltered in their decision when offered lucrative book deals to change their tune.

Am I to believe you doubt the integrity and validity of your country's own judicial system?

I encourage you to research more, educate yourself, seek answers, play devil's advocate to your own opinion and see if it still stands afterwards.

Certainly, even if you continue to hold your view (which you are entitled to), I would challenge you that directing your energy to bringing down an award that is being given to a dead man may not be the best place for your efforts. Why not do something more productive for the world and instead of protesting, help out with a soup kitchen, or give blood, or advocate in some other way to make the world a better place.

All the best

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 10:41 PM, bob hoatson wrote:
This is a form letter....what are your own views and opinions?

-----Original Message-----
From: webadmin@mpaads.com [mailto:webadmin@mpaads.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 2:29 AM
To: rmhoatson1@msn.com
Subject: [Contact Us] Michael Jackson

Alison sent a message using the contact form at

We were very shocked by reading about your plans to demonstrate against
Michael Jackson’s induction into the “National Museum Of Dance & Hall Of
Fame”! Your statement “Most often a not-guilty verdict means a wealthy
defendant had enough money to buy a verdict of 'reasonable doubt'!” seems
very inadequate.

Mr. Jackson could serve as a model to all of us, because he always focused
helping people, helping children and on saving our planet and make it a
better place. He was a warm-hearted and gentle person, who was treated very

badly by the media throughout his whole lifetime, especially between 2003
2005 (please read this very good article by Mr. Charles Thomson:

His humanitarian efforts were enormous! Here’s a short list of some of the
charity organizations he supported:

AIDS Project L.A., American Cancer Society, Angel Food, Big Brothers of
Greater Los Angeles, BMI Foundation, Inc., Brotherhood Crusade, Brotman Burn

Center, Camp Ronald McDonald, Childhelp U.S.A., Children's Institute
International, Cities and Schools ScholarshipFund, Community Youth Sports &

Arts Foundation, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Dakar Foundation,
Dreamstreet Kids, Dreams Come True Charity, Elizabeth Taylor Aids
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Love Match, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Minority
Aids Project, Motown Museum, NAACP, National Rainbow Coalition, Nelson
Mandela's Children's Fund, Red Cross, Rotary Club of Australia, Society of
Singers, Starlight Foundation, The Carter Center's Atlanta Project, The
Sickle Cell Research Foundation, Transafrica, Unesco,United Negro College
Fund (UNCF), United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope, Volunteers of
America, Watts Summer Festival, Wish Granting, YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw,

Democratic National Committee, Community School/Safety Havens Initiative,
Lupus L.A., United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Atlanta Children’s

Foundation, Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change, Foundation for

the Junior Blind, Oneness, Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, The International

Child Art Foundation, Go For Your Dreams, Opportunity Village, Off-Road-Kids

e.V, UNICEF, T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Research,

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, National
Solidarity Fund, Family Caring for Families, Operation Christmas Child,
Children's Defense Fund, Children's Diabetes Foundation, Boys and Girl
Ghandi Foundation for Children, Crown Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's,
L.A., Prince’s Trust, Youth Sports & Art Foundation, Jane Goodall’s Ape
Research institute, Children’s Wish Foundation, Give For Life, Wishing Well

Fund, MusiCares and Camp Good Times.

In 2000 he was listed in the “Guiness Book Of World Records” for his
support for more charities than any other entertainer or personality.

He has received a large number of charity awards throughout his lifetime and

even posthumously.

He was nominated for the “Nobel Peace Prize” in 2003.

Concerning the accusation of child molestation, we must remind you that he
was cleared of all charges (please look at the photo of the corresponding
headlines: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4254/notguilty.jpg !)!!!

So we ask you to reconsider your opinion about Mr. Jackson and to search for

more information about him instead of demonstrating against this wonderful

Thank you!
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Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

They need to get a life...
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Looks like i'm going to have to make the trip up there then, there will be wayh more fans then haters a usual anyway.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Reading his letter he obviously don't know a thing of what actually went down in 93 and 2003 but he is still he first person to judge and orchestare a demostration (though is most likely PR).
Thank you for standing up to Michael. I hope many do, so they know we got his back no matter what.

Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

Kudos to Pretty Young Thang.

and looks like we're going to have to make the trip up there, indeed.
Re: Michael Jackson museum induction to be hit by protests

If you do some investigating on Robert Hoatson and his attorney John Aretakis,
They are NOT clean_ his attorney was also barred from practicing

Robert Hoatson Attorney John Aretakis suspended for one year; read the decision
ALBANY — Controversial attorney John Aretakis was suspended from practicing law for one year
after he was found guilty of professional misconduct charges in a decision issued by the Appellate
Division of the state Supreme Court Thursday.


Robert Hoatson is an EX priest who also filed false allegations against bishop Hubbard
This case was ALSO dismissed in 2009 by the supreme court

(Statement issued by the Diocese of Albany, December 14, 2005, in response to a lawsuit filed

in federal court in New York by Fr. Robert Hoatson)

Another John Aretakis Lawsuit

John Aretakis has repeatedly discredited the cause of legitimate victims of sexual
abuse by churning out frivolous "press release lawsuits" and making false allegations
against Bishop Hubbard, other priests and public officials in the Capital District.

His allegations against Bishop Hubbard were thoroughly scrutinized and
thoroughly repudiated by an exhaustive independent investigation by former U.S.
Attorney Mary Jo White, who found that Mr. Aretakis had sought to induce people to
make false claims against the Bishop.

Mr. Aretakis has disgraced his own profession attacking judges, including a state
Supreme Court Judge who fined him $7,500 for repeatedly making false statements and
who called his arguments "so disingenuous as to be unethical and unbecoming an
attorney." He is currently facing criminal charges in Rensselaer County for allegedly
stealing documents from a process server serving court documents.

He has publicly acknowledged that he is facing multiple allegations of professional misconduct.
When it comes to "RICO" lawsuits, Mr. Aretakis is a three-time loser. Threetimes he's brought
specious claims against the Albany Diocese to state and federal courts.Three times he's failed.
The Albany Diocese looks forward to answering the false and patently absurd claims in this
lawsuit. Bishop Hubbard has never had -- nor has he ever sought to have -- any authority
or influence over Father Hoatson's priestly assignments.

Ken Goldfarb
Director of Communications
Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany


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