Michael Jackson Issues Statement Regarding Participation in a Jackson 5 Reunion

so no one likes the Dr love name for mike then...?


lol nice pic..but maybe u should have pasted a pic of mjs face on one of them
and have the two girls behind him...that way it will show he is DR LOVE!!! HAHA
If the vibe is tight, then it's alright. I'm just enjoying it for now. :yes:

And if Mike doesn't wanna tour with them, then he doesn't, simple as that.
And if Mike doesn't wanna tour with them, then he doesn't, simple as that.
completey agree with that!
it's just inconcievable to me that there would be an eager audience to watch six middle aged men tour the country with their 30-year old greatest hits

don't get me wrong... the jackson 5 gold CD is right next to my laptop as i type this (them dudes is legit) but it's unrealistic to think that aging pop stars who built their careers on high-energetic songs and dancing would even have a mega tour. ... this just doesn't happen for pop stars

the rolling stones = aging rock stars put on a good show
osmonds = toured the red states in smaller venues and casinos
the eagles = read rolling stones

none of those reunion acts have the dancing and showmanship the jacksons were known for...so they're able to age gracefully with their music. not so for the jacksons. ..they're stuck still trying to be the First Family of Music, and in this arrested development of their 70s and 80s heyday ... and can't get over the fact that their time has passed.

just give it up already. i'm glad MJ's not a part of this. it's a joke.
it's just inconcievable to me that there would be an eager audience to watch six middle aged men tour the country with their 30-year old greatest hits

don't get me wrong... the jackson 5 gold CD is right next to my laptop as i type this (them dudes is legit) but it's unrealistic to think that aging pop stars who built their careers on high-energetic songs and dancing would even have a mega tour. ... this just doesn't happen for pop stars

the rolling stones = aging rock stars put on a good show
osmonds = toured the red states in smaller venues and casinos
the eagles = read rolling stones

none of those reunion acts have the dancing and showmanship the jacksons were known for...so they're able to age gracefully with their music. not so for the jacksons. ..they're stuck still trying to be the First Family of Music, and in this arrested development of their 70s and 80s heyday ... and can't get over the fact that their time has passed.

just give it up already. i'm glad MJ's not a part of this. it's a joke.

Wow, you said it. :yes:

As for "First Family"?

The Mills Brothers surpass the Jackson 5 30 years ago! :lol:
Just because the Jacksons are middle-aged men doesn't mean they can't still move and do their thing. Man, people are really crashing down on the brothers as a whole in here. Don't get me wrong, everyone is perfectly entitled to their opinion, I just find it a bit odd that people will say they are the first family of music and then turn around and say them touring again would be a joke. Real music is timeless, and I don't see why fans wouldn't want to see it if MJ agreed to be a part of it. MJ is the star and the top talent of the group, but why is he immune from old age and the others aren't? Remember, MJ built a large part of his career on the dancing and entertainment aspect too, which is what enabled him to thrill audiences whether he was singing live or just lip-syncing. So is he now uncapable of touring and being entertaining too?

I was thoroughly impressed with ALL of the brothers in 2001.. seems logical to me to say that their music is still just as good and I personally would be thrilled to see them again if such a time ever comes.
I think that the group tour thing, is more of a santimential thing for Jermaine and other brothers. Michael said since 99 that he doesn't want to tour, and Jermaine came out each time and said the opposite.
It was wierd to hear Jermaine talking for Mike, cause when Mike announced something, he always did it himself, he didn't need Jermaine for it. Michael Said number and number of times he doesn't want to tour. He wants to do other stuff now. It were the brothers who tryed to pressure him into it.
It's been seven years, lol.

I mean, they ain't even put out a record in almost 20 years.

And have you seen Jermaine lately? God, dude is eating good like Tito and Randy for crying out loud. Marlon look ok and Jackie still embarrassing all of his younger brothers by the way. Almost 60 looking 40, lol. ^_^

If they were serious about a reunion, they should not wait on Michael to do it but do it themselves...oh wait, when they did, the label wasn't willing to support them because of the fact that their next-to-youngest brother sold 50 million off one record, lol.

Little promotion, little attention... I doubt there'll be attention around a Michael-less tour.

Like mjj_brainiac said, if there was a tour, instead of singing the Motown hits, most of which was bubblegum fluff (except probably "I'll Be There" and "Never Can Say Goodbye"), they could sing their soulful Epic material pre-1989. They could create a tour around that and make it a fan-requested thing. But everyone's waiting on Michael...Michael...Michael, Michael, Michael...

See I know some people like to blame MJ for not wanting to do what his own older brother is basically begging him to, but the point is, Michael Jackson felt like he was forced to do a tour back in 1984, he only did it for charity and when things went wrong, what did some attendees and Don King and Joe Jackson and some of the other brothers (probably Jermaine only) who blamed the negativity on? MICHAEL. Why? Because his name makes PAPERS.

It's all about attention nowadays with the Jackson brothers. Once upon a time, the brothers actually did have the talent to back it up and mainly because Motown made them an oil-ready machine (and as did Joe in the group's very early years) but now most of them aren't doing nothing productive, least known to the public.

Some are either trying to build their children's careers, which is not going well, or others are doing other things and trying to bring attention again to a "possible reunion" that may never happen again. And the men's 79-year-old father still thinks the world wants to see everything Jackson and always gotta mention Michael as a reference or whatever.

The fact that they haven't been a GROUP since 1989 speaks volumes. The reasons why the Osmonds, Rolling Stones, Eagles, Temptations and whomever are still doing it because they never stop. None of the members were megastars (not even Donny Osmond, sure he had a lot of stardom in the '70s) as Michael turned out to be. That's the only reason the Jacksons stood out.

Without it, they'll just be like the Osmonds, Sylvers, DeBarge and 'em: a talented family group. Which really that's all they were. They were a great group at one point but that all crashed after '84.

It's sad seeing grandfathers promise something only to found themselves walking around with eggs on their face, and let's face it Jermaine's head is gray and greasy than a mofo, he need to cut that sh*t off. He needs to just focus on him and him alone. I mean he's a talented musician, the f*ck is he trying to reunite the Jackson 5, Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Randy don't wanna reunite and if they do, Jermaine ain't helping them out by not reaching out to Michael.

Plus, the Jacksons' reunions are much like waiting for Michael's album or waiting for one of their grandsons or granddaughters to release a hit album which I haven't seen. Seriously after a while you're gonna get tired of hearing it. Maybe it is a double standard that we would wait 20 years for MICHAEL'S album because we're Michael fans then talk sh*t about Jermaine for wanting a f***ing reunion with hip-breaking moves that used to come SO easy for them when they were all in their twenties for the last 20 years. But hell, it is what it is.

Now shut up, Jermaine, and go on a solo tour...oh wait, didn't you say Motown forced you out of the Jackson 5 in 1975?

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I think that the group tour thing, is more of a santimential thing for Jermaine and other brothers. Michael said since 99 that he doesn't want to tour, and Jermaine came out each time and said the opposite.
It was wierd to hear Jermaine talking for Mike, cause when Mike announced something, he always did it himself, he didn't need Jermaine for it. Michael Said number and number of times he doesn't want to tour. He wants to do other stuff now. It were the brothers who tryed to pressure him into it.

It's like T-Pain saying he's doing something with Mike or Akon saying their duet was gonna be on an official album or friends saying they heard MJ's album and we don't at least get a peek, lol.

After a while, you wanna be like "shut the **** up!" :lol:

And before anyone gets at me for calling the Jackson 5 (1969-75) bubblegum fluff, lemme state what I meant by BUBBLEGUM songs that they did:

"I Want You Back" - BUBBLEGUM
"I'll Be There" - SOUL (notice the difference)
"Mama's Pearl" - PURE BUBBLEGUM
"Never Can Say Goodbye" - PURE SOUL (another difference)
"Lookin' Through the Windows" - BUBBLEGUM
"Maybe Tomorrow" - SOUL (mainly because it reminds me of a Delfonics song)
"Little Bitty Pretty One" - BUBBLEGUM (the original was for teenagers... the cover...)
"Sugar Daddy" - BUBBLEGUM
"Hallelujah Day" - BUBBLEGUM (melodic-wise, they were too damn old to sing a song like that, lol)
"Get It Together" - FUNK
"Dancing Machine" - FUNK
"I Am Love" - FUNK/SOUL
"All I Do Is Think of You" - SOUL

Now they did get a little older here, but according to the Jackson brothers, most of the songs they didn't even wanna do because they had their own compositions and Motown, which was fading at this point, was scared of seeing the Jacksons rebel like Marvin and Stevie.

Now when they became the Jacksons and went to Epic, their material got well:

"Enjoy Yourself"
"Show You the Way to Go"
"Different Kind of Lady"
"Goin' Places"
The entire DESTINY and TRIUMPH albums

That was BRILLIANT stuff. That's when, to me, the Jackson brothers became a GROUP and not another cog from the Motown machine and they weren't Joe Jackson puppets.

I don't know, I mean seriously, the only way a Jacksons reunion is going to happen is if Michael and 'em are on that stage. Until then everything coming out of any of their mouths about a reunion is a f***ing liar. Real talk. And that includes Michael, Joseph, Jackie, La Toya, Janet, etc. LOL
^^But 'cha gotta admit, Troubleman hit the nail on the head.

I mean, I understand people feeling nolstalgic, but still... some things just can't come true.
Plus, the Jacksons' reunions are much like waiting for Michael's album or waiting for one of their grandsons or granddaughters to release a hit album which I haven't seen. Seriously after a while you're gonna get tired of hearing it. Maybe it is a double standard that we would wait 20 years for MICHAEL'S album because we're Michael fans then talk sh*t about Jermaine for wanting a f***ing reunion with hip-breaking moves that used to come SO easy for them when they were all in their twenties for the last 20 years. But hell, it is what it is.

Well, at least your willing to admit that there is a bit of bias here. It's understandable to a degree. I just am a bit puzzled because I have always said that so many of the talent out nowadays are going to have short careers and that their current hits are going to inhibit their ability to grow, because how long can rap and hip-hop artists go before they don't look believable on stage singing things like "I Wanna F*ck You" or "Shawty Snappin"? And now there are people placing The Jacksons in that very same group? Wow.

Michael Jackson is definitely the driving force behind the group and without him the "retail value" of The Jacksons takes a nose dive, but even when they hit the bottom of the pool they are still on a level above many. If The Jacksons ever could move on without MJ and do something on their own (purely theoretically speaking here), then I think there is still a market for them: Motown groups with half the original members still tour to a somewhat successfull degree.
It's like T-Pain saying he's doing something with Mike or Akon saying their duet was gonna be on an official album or friends saying they heard MJ's album and we don't at least get a peek, lol.

After a while, you wanna be like "shut the **** up!" :lol:

No, what I meant, is Michael, said he doesn't want to tour, and Jermaine went everywhere and officially stated that there will be a tour. It shows that they try to make Michael do stuff he doesn't want to do, because of their santimential reasons. Michael wants to go, different way on his own, he doesn't need his brothers on his head right now. There was an interview with Marcel Avram, not too long ago, where Michael said what he feels about it:

But see that's the problem, Super, they CAN'T. "It's up to Michael, it's up to Michael..."

Lemme tell you something, when New Edition does their reunions, which is often, they don't wait for Bobby, do they?

What do they say? "We'll be on tour, the five of us but if Bobby wants to come, we got the microphone waiting for him." And guess what? SOMETIMES Bobby does show up and people have fun.

The Jacksons don't even have the balls to do it because they're afraid nobody will come to see them and it's obvious they're still thinking THE BIG TOURS, meaning "MICHAEL, WE NEED YOU TO DO THIS!" when Michael probably doesn't want to.

Like an old saying mentions: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
No, what I meant, is Michael, said he doesn't want to tour, and Jermaine went everywhere and officially stated that there will be a tour. It shows that they try to make Michael do stuff he doesn't want to do, because of their santimential reasons. Michael wants to go, different way on his own, he doesn't need his brothers on his head right now. There was an interview with Marcel Avram, not too long ago, where Michael said what he feels about it:


OIC, nevermind. :lol:
Jermaine's problem is that he keeps dropping Michael's name like it's hot. And that's wrong. It probably pisses Michael off royally that his brother is going around on television commiting him to professional projects without having even asked or considered that Michael might be obligated to his own work. It's just stupid. He probably hasn't even spoken to Michael in God knows how long. It's time the Jacksons accepted the fact that Michael is a solo star, he was and is bigger as a solo artist then the Jackson Five/Jacksons ever were as a group and he has NO insentive to go back. The fact that he stayed with them until 1984 is remarkable in itself. People need to stop using Michael, and that includes his own family.

The only member of the Jacksons besides Michael who has a voice is Jermaine. Let's be real. The others are, at best, passalble vocalists. And Jermaine has practically zero stage presence. He's not a good performer. They NEED Michael. It's plainly obvious. You can say whatever you want about how talented they are. I mean, I think Jackie and Randy are good song writers, and all that. But to go on tour you need to haver performing talent, and that involves the ability to sing if it's a musical tour, and the ability to hold people's attention if the tour is going to be successful. People say Jermaine deserved to be bigger then Janet, but he didn't. Because Janet has charisma and she's a good performer. She doesn't have a very good voice, heck, I don't even think she's a very good dancer, but she knows how to hold your attention and keep it there.
I respect Jermaine, I think he has spoken the truth many times about his family, but never about this reunion.
I knew that MJ would never go to a J5 tour, simply has no sense, and I'm kind of disappointed that this situation came to the point that MJ had to do an official release about the fact his brother is telling sh*t about him.

Good MJ, we are waiting for you!
does this mean he will release an album before the concerts??
does this mean that the album will be released soon? llooololol

She does respond to some people still. She is still in his camp but she may not be a spokeperson. It is just like Quincy Jones who is no longer Michael's producer but Q still is contact with Michael and gives MIchael advice. she is not gone.

Michael and Quincy aren't in regular contact, and haven't been for years according to Quincy Jones.

Just because the Jacksons are middle-aged men doesn't mean they can't still move and do their thing

I was thoroughly impressed with ALL of the brothers in 2001.. seems logical to me to say that their music is still just as good and I personally would be thrilled to see them again if such a time ever comes.

I agree, and I think Michael and his brothers could put on an amazing performances with cool dance routines. I was also very impressed with all of Michael's brothers at his MSG concerts in 2001. Jackie gave a great performance and he must have been 51yrs old at the time. As Janet said recently all of her brothers look younger and are in great shape for their age !!!

I respect Jermaine, I think he has spoken the truth many times about his family, but never about this reunion.
I knew that MJ would never go to a J5 tour, simply has no sense, and I'm kind of disappointed that this situation came to the point that MJ had to do an official release about the fact his brother is telling sh*t about him.

Good MJ, we are waiting for you!

Great post ! ....... I also have respect for Jermaine but his Jackson 5 reunion talk really get's in my nervous. Time and time again on almost every interview he talks about a Jackson tour and album. These false statements get lot's of media coverage and lead to nothing except egg on Jermaine's face and some fans on this site to get aggressive and insist the Jackson 5 are touring and that the only reason the J5 album isn't released is because of so called "contract issues" Michael can't get out of.

Most fans here have been proven right that Jermaine has never been telling the truth about a Jackson 5 reunion, and that their never has been any newly recorded Jackson 5 songs with Michael. Also Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Randy have never spoken about a Jackson 5 reunion. Tito does the most interviews aside from Jermaine and not once has he ever name dropped Michael about touring with a reformed Jackson 5 etc. I get the feeling Jermaine only get's on talk shows with the promise he has some exlusive news about Michael.

Jermaine should do something productive, ie write the Jackson 5 book he talked about on the Richard & Judy Show in early 2007. And he produced the life story of The Jacksons for television, so he could make a documentary about the Jackson 5 (please write that book !!!). I like Jermaine he is an intelligent man, and there are a lot of things he can do to promote the Jackson 5 that would be of great interest to millions of people, without talk of a Jackson 5 reunion that at present (if ever) has little chance of happen.
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"in concert soon."

OMG!!! OMG!!! This is unbelievable! :bugeyed I was starting to wonder if he would ever do a concert again....

Usually his statements are quite vague say, we got exciting things comming up or working on music for an album.... but "share in concert soon" just made hopes come alive again!! :wild:
**Anxiously awaits more news....... :timer:
this is so exciting my sisters want to go and see him in concert as well
i wonder when he will annonce the dates and on sale it will be michael mania again
so looking forward for this
soon in michael time or soon in everyone esle time?

just what i was thinking... the Michael-'soon' are totally not comparable with anyone's else's-'soon'....

so don't expect anything 'soon' ...

a reunion (c)(w)ould be great though... 2 bad it's not happening...
i would fly around the world just to see the Jackson family back together on stage...
so the jackson five tour will have

there is five of them !!!!!!!!!!!! no michael

jermaine must look like a fool now jermaine don't say anything till michael signs on the dotted line mate