Michael Jackson Issues Statement Regarding Participation in a Jackson 5 Reunion

...especially the CONCERT bit.....and SOON!!

:lol: In michaeljacksonary.com it means "maybe in two years" or something.

"soon" = "maybe in two years"
"sooner than you think" = "in four years"
"sooner than they think" = "in ten years"
How bout 100 yrs.....it seems like it will that long to me!
jermaine is an amazing talent. has a kick ass voice, not too bad of a dancer, and can write good songs. the whole point is to have mj there so it can be a FAMILY thing. there's already enuf rumors about mj not speaking to them or this and that and if they were to do a tour w/o him, the media would run w/ it.

jan said she'd be willing to open up for them and she'sbeen trying on her end to make it work.

at the end of the day, he's got three kids to raise and those are his priorities so he's taking his sweet time w/ everything and guess what????

just what i was thinking... the Michael-'soon' are totally not comparable with anyone's else's-'soon'....

so don't expect anything 'soon' ...

a reunion (c)(w)ould be great though... 2 bad it's not happening...
i would fly around the world just to see the Jackson family back together on stage...

You know any time them Jacksons say "soon", it's five-ten years in their time. ^_^

Or no-time with some of them. Where's La Toya's album? :giggle:
elusive moonwalker pointed out that it's just an alias Michael used in releasing the statement. He was being funny. There is no Dr. Thome.
oh so did mike actually say the word tochme>?
I don't care if MJ released it, or if some PR dude did. As long as MJ actually said it at some point.

We already knew this already, but it's still pretty exciting. "In concert soon" sounds like he already has something planned...hmm...
elusive moonwalker pointed out that it's just an alias Michael used in releasing the statement. He was being funny. There is no Dr. Thome.
AHH REALLY? LMFAO that's funny, if that is the case. Whether this guys is real or not though, at least Michael did send out this statement.

"Dr. Tohme"... can mean "Doctor Told me"... :bugeyed :hysterical: Cause it did sound something liek that to me when I first read it.. ADFKHSCDIAUSFOSJDGHAHAH /;!

Okie.. I'm all good. :) :mello:
wow the fact that u guys find this funny is odd.....and the fact that people want to google....shall we run every employee out that mj hires? fake or not, it's a shame that people r willing to investigate someone for no reason other than wanting to know as much about them as they can.

borderline obsessive behaviours...u know that, right?

I'm jusT only curious about "Dr. Tohme". What's a problem?
I dunno disrespecting nobody...C-U-R-I-O-U-S!
Sometimes the people are very.......
Never mind!:(
I just found it funny because to me it sounds like told me.... :mellow: sorry if that bothers you, but I found it funny, about what this poster said here. Like I said before... whether the person name is real or not... we have a statement from MJ and that makes me glad. Dang, now I feel bad cause I found something a lil' bit amusing to me :/ next time I'll keep it to myself. & I didn't once have to searched for this Tohme guy either... o_o'
curious then do it urself and keep it to urself.

reminds me of the fans emailing raymone everytime they had a question or wanting things confirmed. i pitty everyone that works for this man. y 'allnever quit

and please don't start w/ the over dramatics...of omg well i can't do this or that....

finding something funny is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than if this man was a real person and y'all googling his info. cuz when it was raymonebeing googled, i dunno how many times her info got posted and had to be removed.

a joke is one thing....we have humor. but when it goes too far, then y'all is tripping.
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Oh,please God!Forgive me for want to know who Tohme is! :praying: :dropdead:

Sasha, you're right!We have the oficial's Michael statement!:wub:

About Tohme we will know soon...Or not!

:rofl: oh geezzz lol you're all nutters

I don't think I'll ever understand the lengths people will go to stick their nose in things :lol: but the answer was given, it's just a funny alias, so let's alllll move right along thanks ^_^
*TRRIIIEEESSSS to calm down and talk as objectively as possible* i don't know what "in concert" specifically means...but there is definitly a change in tone. i mean for MJ to actually mention "concert" means the plans are much much further than just "i'm in the studio". it's like...his plans have already moved on. so no matter how soon the "soon" is.... MJ definitely has some sort of EXCITING plan now. ARGHHHHHHHH this type of news explodes me.
look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."

woooow .....
i cant believe this
im waitting for this date.....
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