Michael Jackson Issues Statement Regarding Participation in a Jackson 5 Reunion

What about her( Jonanna Thomae)??I doubt it..lol
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ee i hope this actually happens - i'm so excited.

Oh No what if i can't get tickets, ill be devastated.
curious then do it urself and keep it to urself.

reminds me of the fans emailing raymone everytime they had a question or wanting things confirmed. i pitty everyone that works for this man. y 'allnever quit

and please don't start w/ the over dramatics...of omg well i can't do this or that....

finding something funny is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than if this man was a real person and y'all googling his info. cuz when it was raymonebeing googled, i dunno how many times her info got posted and had to be removed.

a joke is one thing....we have humor. but when it goes too far, then y'all is tripping.

I totally and completely understand this post and agree with it!

Some of us definately became too cozy with Michael's Former Team, causing problems in our community.

Kudos to Michael for handling things more professionally now.
elusive moonwalker pointed out that it's just an alias Michael used in releasing the statement. He was being funny. There is no Dr. Thome.
AHH REALLY? LMFAO that's funny, if that is the case. Whether this guys is real or not though, at least Michael did send out this statement.
that only my opinion though. but tbh it seems the obvious thing seeing as we had had b michael and now this dr.
u guys, this is simply a statement. we're being distracted by ALL THE WRONG things here. hello....massive apperances andnew pics galore!
I know..its getting too much to handle now :lol:
elusive moonwalker pointed out that it's just an alias Michael used in releasing the statement. He was being funny. There is no Dr. Thome.

Is it a fact? No. So let's not take it as such.

Dr. Tohme or whoever could be a real person that does not want to be identifed. Let it be the way it is. Fans forget that they are FANS not the MEDIA. It is starting to become a fine line between the fans and the media. I mean, I am about to ask, which of some of the members here are fans and which members are the media. LOL.
This is a copy of the statement from another Michael Jackson fan site.

Michael Issues Statement On J5 Tour (31-10-2008) Michael Jackson has issued a statement saying he will not participate in a Jackson 5 reunion in 2009.
"My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we’ve certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."
The statement comes in response to his brother Jermaine Jackson's recent comments at a TV industry function in Sydney (Australia) this week, where the musician said the Jackson 5 has plans to reunite next year. Jermaine Jackson was in Australia to help launch a new "greatest hits" TV channel for Foxtel.
Source: MJFC / Billboard / Scoop Marketing (Dr. Tohme)


This information undoubtedly is not any different than what is shown on this thread, but the title seems to be a bit different, (MAYBE)...Scoop Marketing (company name) Dr. Tohme (representative of company).

Of course, I do not care one way or the other...the message got out...isn't that the only thing that MATTERS!

Is it a fact? No. So let's not take it as such.

Dr. Tohme or whoever could be a real person that does not want to be identifed. Let it be the way it is. Fans forget that they are FANS not the MEDIA. It is starting to become a fine line between the fans and the media. I mean, I am about to ask, which of some of the members here are fans and which members are the media. LOL.

Well said, Bee! :flowers:
The Above fan site mistated the source ..
Scoop marketing has NOTHING to do with Dr. Tohme
SM was just forwarding a statement _ from MJ's camp

Scoop Marketing's representative is Larry Solter

ORIGINAL publication iof this statement is from Scoop Marketing/Larry Solter

Last update: 7:39 p.m. EDT Oct. 30, 2008

LOS ANGELES, Oct 30, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's spokesperson, Dr. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's participation in a Jackson 5 reunion, has issued the following statement from Michael Jackson:
"My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we've certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing

Scoop Marketing Larry Solters,

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It has been my number 1 dream for many many years to see michael in concert,as i have never been to one of his concerts before,i am forever watching the concerts on dvd wishing that i could be in the audience,so reading this statement has made me so happy to think that my dream might actually come true!! please please please michael say this is for real.
Anything is possible, but squeezing hope from that statement is like Jim Carrey in one of his movies. He fancies a girl and she doesn't like him. He asks how big of a chance there is that they can become an item. She says there's a 99% chance they don't end up together. To which Carrey says: so you tell me there is a chance....