Michael Jackson Issues Statement Regarding Participation in a Jackson 5 Reunion

His statement was credited to a spokesperson dubbed "Dr. Tohme." The publicity firm that distributed the statement declined to elaborate on the person's identity

That means that "Dr. Tohme's" identity will not be disclosed or idenitfied.
That means that "Dr. Tohme's" identity will not be disclosed or idenitfied.

well, NOW my real question is: WHY???

the last time he was Mr.Michael B. or B .Michael....=Blanket + Michael LOL
Damn, I stil can't believe it!
excuse me, I gotta jump around a bit, too much energy and joy!!!!

save it for when we'll have actual dates :yes:

soon (in michaels lang) = 10 years (in eng) LOL

ok sorry dont mind me im just way too anxious for a public appearance i guess.
wow. that's the most direct statement i have heard from Michael in a long time. now i guess it's our job not to blow it out of proportion. LOL
but i am certainly glad to hear he is giving us new things
sorry if my question sounds stupid, I've only learned English in School, and that's long ago. But in my opinion means this "with my fans in concert" nothing else than "in common with my fans".

Your question is not stupid! You are quite right, "with my fans in concert" could be read as "in common with my with my fans." However, there are two meanings to the word "concert.". The other is "a musical performance." Looking at the context of what is written, in this case I think he means "concert," as in music, with fans present.


Your question is not stupid! You are quite right, "with my fans in concert" could be read as "in common with my with my fans." However, there are two meanings to the word "concert.". The other is "a musical performance." Looking at the context of what is written, in this case I think he means "concert," as in music, with fans present.


oh thank you! But yes, I think in this case it will actually mean in concert musically. Thanks God.
"My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we've certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."

GAHHH!!!!!!!!! :wild::clapping::wub:

Please let this be true. :angel:

Thanks for this, msSnoop!
save it for when we'll have actual dates :yes:

soon (in michaels lang) = 10 years (in eng) LOL

ok sorry dont mind me im just way too anxious for a public appearance i guess.

I am with you on that one, I aint saying I am not happy hearing this but like someone else said a few pages back when you have been a fan so many years and you hear so many times I am doing this I am doing that and it don't happen you kind of don't get excited anymore :lol:

Now I am not saying Michael shouldn't say things because he can do what he pleases when he pleases, and may change his mind a few times LOL!

If dates are announced then i'll be the first to go :wild: :lol:

Until then I am staying pretty calm :shifty:

When you are ready Michael :p

But don't be too long :fear:

JK :lol:

Well, let's not spread any 'I heards'. Let's just stick to what we really know at present.

I dont see any harm to it.................just speculating more detail on what we already know. :)
How do you have a reunion concert without the person that sang the vast majority of songs.

Its interesting at the amount of positive I've been reading about this. Of course I prefer a MJ only concert but I still wouldn't mind a complete Jackson tour because that would be amazing as well.

I guess its just all bad timing since Michael has been working on this stuff for God knows how long. But I do find it odd that he did not attend a lifetime achievement award a few months ago.

I would like to be excited but umm....we've heard this for at least the past two years. Its only brought to our attention again because of the Jackson Tour being planned. So I'll believe it when he releases a real statement about an album.

This is however the first I've heard him mention doing a concert and or a tour so that is one positive I got out of this.
Oops Jermaine has jumped the gun again, I really like him but he should keep quiet until something is definate.

I would love to see Michael perform with the brothers, the old J5 songs are ledgendary, but he is obviously focused on his new music and that is good news. Can't wait to see and hear him again. Better start saving up.
Michael Jackson Issues Statement Regarding Participation in a Jackson 5 Reunion

Last update: 7:39 p.m. EDT Oct. 30, 2008

LOS ANGELES, Oct 30, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Michael Jackson's spokesperson, Dr. Tohme, in response to recent rumors regarding Michael's participation in a Jackson 5 reunion, has issued the following statement from Michael Jackson:
"My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we've certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."

SOURCE: Scoop Marketing


Copyright Business Wire 2008
i think i just had a tiny orgasm
That means that "Dr. Tohme's" identity will not be disclosed or idenitfied.

:lol: Translation: Don't try to reach or contact the good Dr. with a bunch of bullcrap. Keep it movin'. lol

sorry if my question sounds stupid, I've only learned English in School, and that's long ago. But in my opinion means this "with my fans in concert" nothing else than "in common with my fans".

omfreakingGod, you're right!! :bugeyed I read the statement a couple of times and that line made me think hmmm.....he didn't say concertS as in a tour, but just concerT as in maybe ONE performance. Had he said "in A concert", THEN maybe we could think he meant a stage performance. BUT he used "concert" in a different way as mjdove described, which could be translated to mean he will share all his plans with his fans TOGETHER/AT ONE TIME soon.


I think we MAY have made a Jermaine sized eff up here. :doh::dropdead::rofl:
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:lol: Translation: Don't try to reach or contact the good Dr. with a bunch of bullcrap. Keep it movin'. lol

omfreakingGod, you're right!! :bugeyed I read the statement a couple of times and that line made me think hmmm.....he didn't say concertS as in a tour, but just concerT as in maybe ONE performance. Had he said "in A concert", THEN maybe we could think he meant a stage performance. BUT he used "concert" in a different way as mjdove described, which could be translated to mean he will share all his plans with his fans TOGETHER/AT ONE TIME soon.


I think we MAY have made a Jermaine sized eff up here. :doh::dropdead::rofl:

youve lost me on that one how can mj saying in concert mean anything else but in concert ie musical.

That means that "Dr. Tohme's" identity will not be disclosed or idenitfied.
well, NOW my real question is: WHY???
imo its just mj taking the mikey. remember b michael and now this. using strange names is his way of playing imo. when its coming from him and no one else. maybe there isnt a offical spokesperson on board so hes making up names for a laugh
:lol: Translation: Don't try to reach or contact the good Dr. with a bunch of bullcrap. Keep it movin'. lol

omfreakingGod, you're right!! :bugeyed I read the statement a couple of times and that line made me think hmmm.....he didn't say concertS as in a tour, but just concerT as in maybe ONE performance. Had he said "in A concert", THEN maybe we could think he meant a stage performance. BUT he used "concert" in a different way as mjdove described, which could be translated to mean he will share all his plans with his fans TOGETHER/AT ONE TIME soon.


I think we MAY have made a Jermaine sized eff up here. :doh::dropdead::rofl:
If that's what he meant.... I will be very mad for getting so excited.
Michael should know better than to use the word 'concert' if he doesn't mean HAVING CONCERTS!

But most people don't use concert in that way..
Okay I've been dormant for too long I must offically say YES THANK YOU MICHAEL WE LOVE YOU!!
Let me add to the confustion....

I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon

'with my fans in concert' must mean the fans have to give a concert, and that Michael will come and watch, right...?

youve lost me on that one how can mj saying in concert mean anything else but in concert ie musical.

imo its just mj taking the mikey. remember b michael and now this. using strange names is his way of playing imo. when its coming from him and no one else. maybe there isnt a offical spokesperson on board so hes making up names for a laugh

The other way of using the phrase "in concert" is a formal way of saying that some action or actions will be done "together"...."in total".


If he didn't mean concert as in musical, then you gotta laugh just a little bit....it's kinda funny how we all jumped on that like white on rice. We desperate, no?! :lol:
The other way of using the phrase "in concert" is a formal way of saying that some action or actions will be done "together"...."in total".


If he didn't mean concert as in musical, then you gotta laugh just a little bit....it's kinda funny how we all jumped on that like white on rice. We desperate, no?! :lol:

ok. ive never really heard of that before. but ppl are picking the statement apart way to much. concert only means one thing and w all know what that is:clapping::tease:
Was pleasantly surprised to see this announcement on the BBC website today. Its nice to have something a little more than a vague reference to future plans coming straight from Michael himself. He's looking really happy these days too.

Good things are coming!