Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

Thanks for the info Smooth Criminal! :happy:
Mikey is still kicking asses YAY!! :clapping: I thought The Beatles were gonna beat Michael, knowing they have lots of hardcore fans too.
Thanks for the info Smooth Criminal! :happy:
Mikey is still kicking asses YAY!! :clapping: I thought The Beatles were gonna beat Michael, knowing they have lots of hardcore fans too.

No chance will The Beatles beat MJ. A death is much bigger then a re-release of older albums. The Beatles are still doing very well in the US don't get me wrong (roughly 3 million albums sold in 2009) but MJ has them beat (7.5 million albums sold in 2009).

Globally, The Beatles will have sold 10 million albums this year, while MJ is double that at 20 million.

Also, the global chart numbers will be updated tomorrow due to a delay in data from Media Traffic.
10 million?... wow that's just way too much :?

-After two weeks at #1, THIS IS IT Drops To #2 After Robbie William's New Album Surges To The Top Spot.

-THIS IS IT Sells Another 319,000 Copies Taking The Grand Total So Far To 1,500,000 Sold In Just 3 Weeks!

-No Other MJ Albums Made The Top 40 Due To A Staggering Ten (10) New Releases Including Some Big Names.

-Number Ones (34,000) And Thriller (32,000) Just Narrowly Missed The Top 40, But Would Have Made The Top 50.

-Overall, MJ Sold Another 510,000 Albums This Week Around The World!

-Total Album Sales Since MJ's Death Are Now 18.7 Million!

-As We Go Into The Next 3 Weeks, Expect Less MJ In The Charts Due To A Huge Number Of Albums Being Released Including New Albums From John Mayer, 50 Cent, Susan Boyle, Adam Lambert, Rihanna, Chris Brown etc.
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Bottom Line: Michael Jackson sold more albums in 2009 than any artist on this planet bar none. It doesn't matter if you're in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, etc. MJ will be #1 this year.

Remember in addition to the 20 million+ albums, MJ will have also sold 20 million digital downloads/singles, 6-7 million DVD's, 2-3 million ringtones, and had a #1 box office movie all in one year. That in itself is amazing!

So its: 20+20+6+2= 48 (50) mil. records???

actually if i remember correctly MJ has around 30 million singles, not 20 but w/e it's still a great number.
SC....,how many albums(official) did Number Ones sold last week in US.,I think it still in the Billboard top 20 Comprehensive Albums Chart..
Number Ones sold 29,000 copies last week in the US, a very solid showing considering how well it's done all year. Since MJ's death the album is closing in on the 2 million mark in sales!
No chance will The Beatles beat MJ. A death is much bigger then a re-release of older albums. The Beatles are still doing very well in the US don't get me wrong (roughly 3 million albums sold in 2009) but MJ has them beat (7.5 million albums sold in 2009).

Globally, The Beatles will have sold 10 million albums this year, while MJ is double that at 20 million.

Also, the global chart numbers will be updated tomorrow due to a delay in data from Media Traffic.

Sad but true Smooth :yes:. Many people didn't know what they had until they lost him. :(
And I don't get you wrong, I'm a Beatles' fan too but I :heart: EVEN MORE Michael ;).

-THIS IS IT sold 96,000 copies this week dropping to #7 on the Billboard 200. That's after a string of new releases from John Mayer, Norah Jones, 50 Cent, Justin Bieber plus renewed interest in the New Moon soundtrack.

-Number Ones sold 25,000 copies dropping to #37 on the charts. This is again due to the huge number of new releases.

-Thriller shifted 10,000 copies this week while Essential sold 12,000 copies.

-Overall sales this week in the US were 175,000 down from 210,000 last week.

-Michael Jackson broke over the 7 million mark in US album sales this week since his death!

-Expect sales to continue to fall next week as another slew of new albums hit store shelves including Susan Boyle's new album which is expected to sell 500,000 to 600,000 copies, the deluxe version of Lady Gaga's The Fame, Adam Lambert's new album, and Rihanna's new album. So it will be a very busy week!
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thanks man... we're coming close to the 20 million baby:D
^^ Yep just 1.3 million albums away from the 20 million mark. We will just make it by the end of December. With the busy Christmas season approaching (starting with Thanksgiving in the US), Jackson's sales should pick up enough to have him break through the 20 mil by years end. We have 6 more reporting weeks left of 2009, the first of those is tonight. So Jackson must sell 217,000 albums or more each of those weeks to break the 20 million.
Just thought I'd mention, this was the first week Billboard started to count catalogue albums on the Billboard 200. Finally, the US top albums list actually reflects album purchases. You can thank MJ for this rule change. (His death shocked the music business by proving to Billboard that old music can be much more popular than new music for a long period of time). Thanks to this new rule, MJ has 6 albums in the list:

#7. This Is It
#37. Number Ones
#70. The Essential
#85. Thriller
#132. Ultimate Christmas Collection (Jackson 5)
#181. Bad

Remember, If Billboard had of made this rule earlier this year then MJ would have had the #1, #2, and #3 best selling albums in the US the week of his death (an all time record). During the week of his memorial, Jackson would have had the #1, #2, #3, #6, #7, and #10 best selling albums in the US (another all time record).

-Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT drops to #5 from #2 due to a string of new releases. Total sales were 241,000

-THIS IS IT has now sold 1,744,000 copies since it's release and has officially entered the Top 10 biggest selling albums of 2009.

-No other Jackson titles made the Top 40 due to the huge number of new albums released in the past two weeks. This will continue in next week's charts as well.

-Thriller sold 28,000 copies while Number Ones sold 30,000 copies. The latter officially broke over the 3 million mark since Jackson's death while Thriller is approaching the 3.3 million mark (2009 totals are a bit higher).

-The Essential is approaching the 2.5 million mark and will break past it next week.

-Total album sales this week were 410,000 around the world down from 510,000 the week before.

-Michael Jackson has sold a staggering 19.1 million albums around the world since his death and is now only 900,000 away from hitting the unprecedented 20 million mark.

Expect Susan Boyle to claim the #1 when next week's charts are released. Her album will sell close to 1 million copies in the US and UK alone, with another 200,000 to 300,000 in other countries giving her a huge #1 global debut.
Just thought I'd mention, this was the first week Billboard started to count catalogue albums on the Billboard 200. Finally, the US top albums list actually reflects album purchases. You can thank MJ for this rule change. (His death shocked the music business by proving to Billboard that old music can be much more popular than new music for a long period of time). Thanks to this new rule, MJ has 6 albums in the list:

#7. This Is It
#37. Number Ones
#70. The Essential
#85. Thriller
#132. Ultimate Christmas Collection (Jackson 5)
#181. Bad

Remember, If Billboard had of made this rule earlier this year then MJ would have had the #1, #2, and #3 best selling albums in the US the week of his death (an all time record). During the week of his memorial, Jackson would have had the #1, #2, #3, #6, #7, and #10 best selling albums in the US (another all time record).

he have this records! i dont care what these bastards are doing. michael is holding these records.
thats the king of pop :clapping:
I am just waiting for the Billboard Awards!!!

Michael will rule the ceremony, and he should be awarded with several special awards for his record breaking reign the charts....!
Guys I've got major issues with the figures to be honest. The global numbers don't seem right to me in terms of splits. I've seen figure where number ones has only sold 200k more copies globally than in USA. That's just not how MJs sales work. Generally it's a 30% / 60% split us then global.
Can anyone shed any light? The more I look at it the more I think 19 mill is very low
Guys I've got major issues with the figures to be honest. The global numbers don't seem right to me in terms of splits. I've seen figure where number ones has only sold 200k more copies globally than in USA. That's just not how MJs sales work. Generally it's a 30% / 60% split us then global.
Can anyone shed any light? The more I look at it the more I think 19 mill is very low

My numbers are from Media Traffic directly. Number Ones was much bigger in the US then around the world this year. Remember that Number Ones topped the charts in the US for 6 weeks this summer and has been a strong seller ever since. Globally there was King Of Pop which isn't sold in the US and it shifted a large amount. The Essential was also a big seller globally. It all balances out. There are of course some countries that simply don't report album sales. The ACTUAL numbers are likely 10-15% higher due to this. But the figures I have been reporting are very realistic.
Yeah I still think they are higher. Number ones is available globally and it would totally break the trend to have that album sell more is USA than global. Sorry, don't beieve it. Hope Sony clear this up next year. 19 mill is really low when you think about it.
Yeah I still think they are higher. Number ones is available globally and it would totally break the trend to have that album sell more is USA than global. Sorry, don't beieve it. Hope Sony clear this up next year. 19 mill is really low when you think about it.

Your forgetting however that many Americans did not buy Mj albums before his death and had a re-awakened interest in Jackson after he died. While the rest of the world happily bought up his albums, the US ignored him. Which is why when Number Ones was initially was released in 2003 it sold only 1,000,000 copies in the US but 5,000,000 overseas. (That's a 1:5 ratio, compared to the usual 1:3 sales ratio). Number Ones was simply playing catch up in the US. These numbers are very accurate, and furthermore impressive in today's CD sales era. Many people illegally download entire albums and those aren't counted in these figures. When 2009 is over, MJ will have sold 21 million albums for the year which is amazing. The nearest competitor is The Beatles at 10 million, as they re-issued their entire catalogue this year. The next in line is Taylor Swift around 5-6 million, then Lady Gaga at 4-5 millionish. So, don't shake your head at MJ's sales...they are phenomenal especially given in 2008 he sold 6 million albums worldwide, and in 2007 he only sold 4 million.
Your forgetting however that many Americans did not buy Mj albums before his death and had a re-awakened interest in Jackson after he died. While the rest of the world happily bought up his albums, the US ignored him. Which is why when Number Ones was initially was released in 2003 it sold only 1,000,000 copies in the US but 5,000,000 overseas. (That's a 1:5 ratio, compared to the usual 1:3 sales ratio). Number Ones was simply playing catch up in the US. These numbers are very accurate, and furthermore impressive in today's CD sales era. Many people illegally download entire albums and those aren't counted in these figures. When 2009 is over, MJ will have sold 21 million albums for the year which is amazing. The nearest competitor is The Beatles at 10 million, as they re-issued their entire catalogue this year. The next in line is Taylor Swift around 5-6 million, then Lady Gaga at 4-5 millionish. So, don't shake your head at MJ's sales...they are phenomenal especially given in 2008 he sold 6 million albums worldwide, and in 2007 he only sold 4 million.

6 million in 2008? Really? It was that much?
6 million in 2008? Really? It was that much?

Yes, 2008 was a good year for Jackson due to Thriller 25 which spurred the purchase of several other albums as well. Overall sales including J-5 for the year were about 5.9 million, 2007 was a duller year with sales of only 3.89 million.