Michael Jackson Album Sales After Death: An In-Depth Look

Do you mind explaining this article (Its not recent) but just wanted someone to clarify what the article states. Ive interpreted it that Elvis since his death has made 600 million in 30 years and Michael at just 2 months and bit has made 100 million?

Keeping Michael Jackson’s Legacy

Who will keep the King of Pop, Michael Jackson’s legacy to play on and on? To date, the King of Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley is said to be the #1 non-living star. Elvis Presley’s worth is over $600 million according to TIMESONLINE. His death was over 30 years ago.

Michael Jackson is predicted to surpass that; with over $100 million earned since his death on June 25. Another 60 million is said to generate by the end of 2009.

There will be considerable amounts that will have to pay off the hundreds of millions that he has been said to be in debt. With the executors of the estate managing these, his mother will receive 40% of this.
We will see mostly family members participating in the Michael Jackson legacy.

michaeljacksonrehearsal_this_is_itLo Toya and Jermaine have already been giving interviews about maintaining Neverland for the King of Pop’s final resting place. A new Graceland or Neverland will keep the legacy.


From reading this article, I take it as Elvis Presley's estate have earned US $600 million since his death and that Jackson's estate is expected to earn US $160 million in 2009 alone. I imagine Jackson's estate will earn much more, probably $200-250 million as This Is It will be a smash success and the soundtrack album will sell millions not to mention the DVD as well.
Thanx for clearing that up!

Michael will hold Elvis' record for #1 non-living star within the next 2 -3 years the way he is heading! To think it took Elvis estate 30 years and Michael probably 3 years to earn that title! Truly the KING! Michael's legacy in 30 years will be mind blowing considering his greater impact globally! He holds the record for the most successful entertainer in history and now will hold the record for #1 non-living star as well (how unfortunate, I'd rather him be here and let Elvis keep that record).

Thanx for clearing that up!

Michael will hold Elvis' record for #1 non-living star within the next 2 -3 years the way he is heading! To think it took Elvis estate 30 years and Michael probably 3 years to earn that title! Truly the KING! Michael's legacy in 30 years will be mind blowing considering his greater impact globally! He holds the record for the most successful entertainer in history and now will hold the record for #1 non-living star as well (how unfortunate, I'd rather him be here and let Elvis keep that record).


Elvis fans would strongly argue, and calling you - nuts.

read my thread - http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75514

One of their quotes
Annie: I'm so sick of the media overkill surrounding Michael Jackson. He was an OK singer who had a few major hit albums but that in no way can compare to what Elvis achieved during his lifetime. In 10 years time it will be Michael who? Elvis however will live on forever.
Well, WE just have to make sure to keep Michael's music and legacy alive for the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. I've no doubt that Michael will be just as revered and respected for his contributions to music and entertainment as Elvis is 50 years down the line.

Elvis fans are just jealous because they never thought someone would come around and surpass their idol's success, achievements, and love from the world.

But IMO, there is room enough for Michael, Elvis, Beatles, and all those greats to co-exist together in history.
Well, WE just have to make sure to keep Michael's music and legacy alive for the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. I've no doubt that Michael will be just as revered and respected for his contributions to music and entertainment as Elvis is 50 years down the line.

Elvis fans are just jealous because they never thought someone would come around and surpass their idol's success, achievements, and love from the world.

But IMO, there is room enough for Michael, Elvis, Beatles, and all those greats to co-exist together in history.

Well said, just like many top bands and musicians cited Elvis as a huge success, the exact same applies to MJ. Think of how many artists cite MJ as a MAJOR inspiration. Hell, atleast 80% of all contenders on American Idol cite Jackson as their biggest influence. Every season just go online and read it on their profiles. Michael's influence has really began to be felt after the year 2000 once young artists had time to grow up and become mainstream. Now this entire industry is Michael's legacy from hip-hop, rap, pop, rock...all the formula for success started with Michael. And Michael took some pages from Elvis and The Beatles. It's how the industry works. People can sit and argue that The Beatles are bigger then Elvis, or Elvis is bigger then Michael, or reverse, it doesn't really matter. The three of them have each made huge contributions to the industry. That's a fact. Fans of each will obviously argue in favor of their idol. But no one deserves to be undermined.

-I'm sorry to say that the new Beatles albums have erased at least 2 of the records held by Jackson including the most albums on the Top 40 (The Beatles had 14 entries), and all spots between #1 and #14 are new entries. 13 of those albums are all Beatles. The Beatles sold a staggering 2.68 MILLION (Vs 2.79 million for Jackson at his peak this summer) albums this week around the world including 630,000 in the US. I project them to sell 10-11 million by years end including over 3 million in the US.

With that out of the way, obviously Jackson's albums fell given the slow week plus The Beatles albums and Jay Z knocking MJ's albums right out of the top 20.

-Jackson's highest entry was Thriller at #22 (selling 76,000 copies).

-His Number Ones was at #26 (68,000) while his Essential was at #29. (58,000)

-Other charting Jackson albums include Bad at #33 (55,000), and King Of Pop at #36 (47,000).

-All together, Jackson sold 460,000 albums this week around the world bringing his total to 14.7+ million. He will cross the 15 million mark next week.

The good news from this is that his sales won't drop as much next week due to the VMA's and Oprah which should slow down the weekly plunge. And don't worry guys even though the charts are infested with Beatles this week, and probably the next 3-4 weeks to come, just think that by the end of October Michael will have a new movie soundtrack CD out. This CD will be #1 on the Global charts and US charts (I'm betting on it), and this will help pull up sales of his other albums as well. This is during the Halloween period when Jackson's CD sales usually sell well especially Thriller. With the theatrical release of This Is It plus the now confirmed CD, Jackson's sales will surge in the time period from October 28th-Nov 16th. Then we get close to Christmas and I know Sony has some serious Jackson marketing up their sleeve.


And some people still think the Beatles are irrelevant. :rolleyes: Please. I'm not even a Beatles fan (well, yet anyways) and even I knew the re-release of their albums were bound to break records and be at the top of the charts. The Beatles are still popular 40 years later like how MJ will still be popular 40 years from now.

On another note, good to know MJ's album sales didn't drop too much. Sales will definitely increase next month because of, I think, the following reasons:

1) This Is It film
2) New single release
3) This Is It soundtrack release
4) re-release of his autobiographical book Moonwalk, I believe it's called
5) Halloween (we all know that "Thriller" is basically a traditional Halloween theme song every year)

The problem that I have about the new single release is that people may choose to just download the song off of iTunes instead of buying the This Is It soundtrack, especially if the soundtrack turns out to be just another greatest hits album.

Nevertheless, the next few weeks are gonna be VERY interesting.
seriously anyone who can call Michael an ok singer shouldn't open their mouth, in regards to elvis vs mj elvis is faaar too overrated and in 1000 years time people will still be listening to Michael while Elvis's fan base becomes forgotten
elvis is faaar too overrated and in 1000 years time people will still be listening to Michael while Elvis's fan base becomes forgotten

Overrated? Yes! Forgotten? Absolutely not!! He died in 1977 he should’ve been forgotten long time ago but he have fans who kept his legacy going 32 years later and counting.
Who ever compares Michael and Elvis is just an idiot. their eras, music, contribution, are all too different. Personally I never ever liked Elvis' music, I thought it was boring like hell music for junkies. But I understand people that lived their fondly youth at his time are crazy about it.
There's one thing though that however one may compare MJ with anyone, they will always be found lacking: MJ is by and large the most global of all starts, more than any other has been -and most likely, than any other will be (we're in a more balanced multicultural world now). MJ is a legend in places like the Middle East, India or China, where the others are unheared of..
Like someone from Iran said on facebook "noone knows Elvis here, but everyone knows MJ".. And that's SOO true!!
And Moonwalker.Fan, you're SO not an MJ fan -i have no doubt left.. After all the negativity about the beatles surpassing MJ sales in 2009 (while as it turned out the combined sales of all their albums in the first week would not have made them no.1 even if they were counted together), now you bring this MJ-Elvis competition here to upset the fans.. Please change course, -or go away..
There's one thing though that however one may compare MJ with anyone, they will always be found lacking: MJ is by and large the most global of all starts, more than any other has been -and most likely, than any other will be (we're in a more balanced multicultural world now). MJ is a legend in places like the Middle East, India or China, where the others are unheared of..
Like someone from Iran said on facebook "noone knows Elvis here, but everyone knows MJ".. And that's SOO true!!


Well... that's their opinion.

I think Mike will actually be more remembered in a hundred, thousand year time..... not only by musicians, artists but also by historians, sociologists.. and others as well.

His life is certainly more interesting than Elvis. More enigmatic. More Dramatic and sadly more tragic. Plus, we have records of him from an age as early as 5 yrs old. He is a child prodigy!!!!

It's been proven time and time again in history that the 'eccentric' artists with talent and genius will live forever!
When news broke that Michael Jackson has died of apparent cardiac arrest, the outpouring of first shock, then grief, was the largest, most instantaneous of its kind the world had ever known. Though the deaths of John F.Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. affected history more, and the deaths of Elvis Presley, John Lennon and Kurt Cobain signified the end of epochs, no single death has ever moved so fast around the globe as swiftly as Michael Jackson’s did. – Rolling Stone Issue, Sep 2009.

Michael Jackson outshines Elvis Presley

After Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977, he became the biggest entertainment icon ever. However, he has been overshadowed by Michael Jackson, who died on June 25, 2009. Michael is now the real king.

Perhaps part of the reason for this is because Michael, unlike Elvis, had a lot of talent. Michael Jackson might have acted strangely (and in some cases, pathetically) but he was able to sing, dance, play instruments and write songs. Elvis did the same things, but came across more as an amateur.
Perhaps the myth and legend of Elvis is starting to fade away just as it is with Marilyn Monroe. They were icons for years after their deaths but as time went on, their myths started to come apart. Michael Jackson will be remembered long after these two.
It's becoming clear that to Americans, it doesn't matter how much popular Michael Jackson was in other parts of the globe. Only America matters. Selling out concerts in American concerts is way more important than selling out in other countries! And of course, who cares if Michael Jackson wrote his own songs, produced his own albums and made up his own dance moves that most people in the world know about?
I have nothing against Elvis. I never heard his music, but to become an icon you have to be great, and that's what I'm presuming what Elvis was. GREAT. But the rest of you saying that Michael doesn't even compare is stupid. To Americans he may be a washed-up junkie and a pedophile, but to the world, he was a great entertainer who influenced many singers and artists all around the world. This is just a gut feeling, but there seems to be a lot of malicious, sadistic and racist feelings towards Michael Jackson in America. The man is DEAD. I don't know what you gain by attacking him.

ANDY COMER: Is Michael Jackson the most famous person not named Jesus?

Comments 60 | Recommend 7
July 02, 2009 12:00
Andy Comer
The Monitor

A January 27, 2009, column in Vanity Fair by Dee Dee Myers proclaims that U.S. President Barack Obama is the "most famous living person in the history of the world."

Written at perhaps the absolute peak of Obama's popularity, just after his inauguration, Myers puts Obama ahead of such luminaries as the late Princess Diana or former president Bill Clinton. Even the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali can't match Obama's star power, according to Myers.

With all apologies to Myers and Obama, the president's celebrity status may never equal that of Michael Jackson, who died June 25 at the age of 50. Jackson, after all, was a performer for 40 years; Obama himself is only 47 years old. The "King of Pop" has had decades to spread his influence around the world to generations of people, while Obama has really only been in the international consciousness for about two years.

Let me put it this way: The only person more recognized than the "King of Pop" would have to be Christ himself. According to www.adherents.com, Christianity is the world's largest religion with about 2.1 billion followers, or one-third of the Earth's human population. The world's 1.5 billion Muslims also recognize Jesus in their holy scripture, the Quran, and surely some of the 1.1 billion non-religious people have at least heard of Christ. That's a pretty decent fan base.

Second to Jesus, however, would have to be Jackson. No other person has crossed cultural and physical boundaries like he has. Jackson was the first international pop star to perform in post-Soviet Russia, for example. In a June 26 article on www.CNN.com, one Russian recalled that "For Russians, America was like another planet and Michael Jackson was the king of that planet ... (He) was seen as the face of the crazy American life."

Both Jackson and Presley have legions of die-hard fans and even followers who have made careers out of being Elvis or MJ impersonators. Presley, however has been dead for 32 years and never had the benefit of MTV, the Internet or the 24-hour news cycle of the new millennium. As a major Elvis fan, even I have to grudgingly admit that the "King of Rock ‘n' Roll" may no longer be more well-known than Jackson, especially with Jackson's recent passing. As of this writing, Jackson occupied 39 spots on Apple's iTunes Top 100 song downloads and 21 of the top 100 album downloads. Jackson also hogged 14 of the top 25 best-selling music items on www.amazon.com.

England's Times Online reported that the 750,000 tickets to Jackson's 50 planned "This Is It" concerts at London's O2 Arena sold at a rate of 11 per second, or about 40,000 per hour. Even though Jackson had not performed in years, fans were falling over themselves to see "The King of Pop." I can't imagine any other band or artist that could garner that much attention.

If people didn't somehow know of Jackson's musical accomplishments, they certainly saw Jackson as at least a curiosity. For example, he paraded his children around the world as he and the kids all wore surgical masks to hide from the cameras. Jackson, who as a boy was obviously black, somehow became white over the years and drastically changed his facial appearance, too. And perhaps his most famous moments of the past decade, unfortunately, were when Jackson was accused of child molestation and the trial that followed. If nothing else, Jackson was just plain weird to many people, which may have only added to his fame, albeit as a punch line.

If you still don't think Michael Jackson is the second-most famous person to ever walk the Earth, look no further than YouTube. The Web site features a video of hundreds of Philippine prison detainees dancing in unison to Jackson's "Thriller." The video has more than 27 million views. I can't imagine Obama or anyone else being remembered in such a way in any third-world country, let alone in a prison.

I'm sure some of my dear readers might disagree that Jesus is the most famous person to ever live, or even that Jackson is second to Jesus in terms of celebrity. In time, perhaps Obama may surpass Jackson, but surely not Jesus. In that case, I ask you: Who is the most famous person to ever live? Where does Michael Jackson rank?

I'm eagerly awaiting your response to this "Thriller" of a column.

Andy Comer is a copy editor and columnist for The Monitor. You can contact him at acomer@themonitor.com.

In the hall of million-dollar dead stars, Michael Jackson will be king.

August 14, 2009, (Splash News)

Jackson's estate is expected to make $200 million in what is left of 2009 and he will rise to become the top-earning of dead stars.

Executors for Jackson have already run up $100 million from merchandising contracts and the Sony Pictures movie of his recent rehearsal footage.

John Branca, 59, and co-executor John McClain, 54, said they are set to earn more than Elvis Presley, who earns in death the kingly sum of an annual $55 million.

Branca said: "When you look at what the Presley estate has done, you see the opportunities here. "I quite frankly think this will be a bigger estate."

Jimi Hendrix has made $150 million in all the years since his death in 1970.

"Clearly it's a new record for estates that likely will not be broken," Branca said.

The Jackson estate's estimated $2 billion will be offset by huge debts the star owed - said to be $415 million, according to a lawyer for Branca.

Kurt Cobain is the top-earning dead star. Cobain has amassed $750 million since his death in 1994. The others follow as: Elvis [$600 million]; John Lennon [$235 million], Jimi Hendrix and reggae legend Bob Marley, who has made $40 million but been blighted by bootleggers.
MJ is a legend in places like the Middle East, India or China, where the others are unheared of..
Like someone from Iran said on facebook "noone knows Elvis here, but everyone knows MJ".. And that's SOO true!!

I agree. Michael generated huge number of sales all around the world where there isn’t enough accurate figures to count them and there are lots of places where his music were pirated, if we were able to count those we’d be looking at a massive record. When you look at how Michael is famous around the world then yes there is no comparison with Elvis who remains unknown in many places around the world.

I think the comparison seems unfair with Beatle’s new remastered albums because Michael didn’t release a new album! When most people hear about a new release they would want to buy it because it is the latest in the market especially when it is from an icon or a legendary artist and especially when they are long awaited for and noticeably improved originals. We’ll see when ‘This Is It’ gets released.

Well... that's their opinion.

I think Mike will actually be more remembered in a hundred, thousand year time..... not only by musicians, artists but also by historians, sociologists.. and others as well.

His life is certainly more interesting than Elvis. More enigmatic. More Dramatic and sadly more tragic. Plus, we have records of him from an age as early as 5 yrs old. He is a child prodigy!!!!

It's been proven time and time again in history that the 'eccentric' artists with talent and genius will live forever!


There is just no question about it! The white glove and the moonwalk is enough to be remembered for all time little own everything else that is associated with the brand Michael Jackson. There never was and there will never be anyone like Michael Jackson!

He holds the record as the most successful entertainer in history for clearly a reason, he is the greatest entertainer who ever lived. The fact that is is already going to surpass 30 years worth of earning the title as the Top Earning dead Celebrity from Elvis says enough about the power of his fame. To think what that record will be in 40 years from now is just mind blowing!
And Moonwalker.Fan, you're SO not an MJ fan -i have no doubt left.. After all the negativity about the beatles surpassing MJ sales in 2009 (while as it turned out the combined sales of all their albums in the first week would not have made them no.1 even if they were counted together), now you bring this MJ-Elvis competition here to upset the fans.. Please change course, -or go away..


shut up honey...

I have done more for Slovak and Czech MJfans than any other fan from these countries!

If you dont know me, SHUT UP!

I have been a Michael fan for 20 years, running the biggest info blog in Slovakia and the Czech rep. (mjjsource.eu - especially during the trial, MJs passing coverage...), and been and co-founder of Moonwalker mag for fans, creating a real fan community with all the stuff about and with Michael Jackson..., supporting this MJJC as the leader of all MJ fan pages and boards!

So dont write BSs and do not offend me and my fanship!
You are nothing opposite me and my fanship.

If you dont understand my comments, its your fault, not mine. (btw, read all of my comments to get a point, not one comment and judging me...)
... dont waste your time to react to my posts, instead of that post me a PM!
Elvis fans are nuts. Why the hell are you even quoting them? Who gives a crap what they think! Michael Jackson is bigger than Elvis and that's a fact Elvis fans refuse to believe for their sanity.

Its just an example of the thinking of Elvis fans.
read my thread in the link and youll see my point, why I encourage all the MJ fans... and the importance of being active... of MJs fans against Elvis nuts!

This thread about Album sales is an excellent proof. :agree:
Just a quick update on I-Tunes Music Video Charts for September 17th 2009. It appears the VMA's and Oprah Special have helped Jackson with music video sales. I imagine some of these were much higher too towards the beginning of the week. Here, take a look:

#7. Thriller
#10. Scream
#23. Smooth Criminal
#34. Billie Jean
#37. She's Out Of My Life
#54. Beat It
#61. Remember The Time
#64. Black Or White
#77. Dirty Diana
#79. Bad
#85. Thriller

What does this mean? Michael Jackson is the king of music videos. No other artist has EVER had this many videos in the Top 100. After Jackson's death, his videos occupied the entire top 10! Jackson still has 10/100 videos, or 10% of all music video sales are MJ. Way to go, this is impressive especially considering most of these videos are 15-30 years old.

Source: I-Tunes

Thanks for the iTunes info. I am also waiting to see an update on HitsDD. Last closing was on 15th and I think it will update after the weekend?

Last week worldwide sale:
Thriller - 76,000
No1's - 68,000
Essential - 58,000
Bad - 55,000
King Of Pop - 47,000
Dangerous - 41,000
Off The Wall - 40,000
Invincible - 30,000
History - 20,000
Motown Years - 16,000
J5 - Ultimate - 13,000

Total 464,000

13 5 (2) Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
14 6 (2) Beatles Abbey Road
17 9 (2) Beatles Revolver
19 10 (2) Beatles Rubber Soul
20 15 (21) Michael Jackson The Essential
32 21 (2) Beatles The Beatles
38 RE (-) Michael Jackson Bad
39 29 (2) Beatles Help
43 31 Beatles Past Masters
45 37 Beatles A Hard Day's Night
48 52 Michael Jackson Thriller
49 33 Beatles Magical Mystery Tour
55 38 Beatles Please Please Me
59 61 Michael Jackson & Jackson Five The Very Best Of
63 49 Beatles Let It Be
64 51 Beatles With The Beatles
70 56 Beatles Beatles For Sale
72 75 Michael Jackson Off The Wall
Thanks Moonwalker.Fan for the update, almost three months since Michael died and still he is selling very good :)
yeah, and it's only going to go up as we get closer to the film and then the Xmas season.

Oh why did Michael have to pass away for this to happen?!?!

I think MJ fans are just as passionate as Elvis fans and even more so because Michael's career was longer and Michael just went through so much more (good and bad) in his life.
Last week worldwide sale:
Thriller - 76,000
No1's - 68,000
Essential - 58,000
Bad - 55,000
King Of Pop - 47,000
Dangerous - 41,000
Off The Wall - 40,000
Invincible - 30,000
History - 20,000
Motown Years - 16,000
J5 - Ultimate - 13,000

Total 464,000

Hey Moonwalker.Fan can you confirm these numbers.....are these official Mediatraffic numbers??? Because I and most of fans are really interesting about these actual numbers. And please post these numbers every week if you can, speacially numbers below 40,000 mark....
Smoothcriminal05 said MJ had sold 460,000 units last week globally......according to Moonwalker.Fan it's 464,000.......I'm really interesting to know about Moonwalker.Fan's numbers.
Smoothcriminal05 said MJ had sold 460,000 units last week globally......according to Moonwalker.Fan it's 464,000.......I'm really interesting to know about Moonwalker.Fan's numbers.

There is no international body that calculates global record sales. Media Traffic only gives Top 40 sales. Michael of course had many albums outside the Top 40 last week. My numbers are based on mathematical formulas created from his sales history. I say 460,000 and Moonwalker says 464,000. The truth is that we both could be wrong, but you can be rest assured these numbers are within 10,000-20,000 of the real sales figures.
yeah, and it's only going to go up as we get closer to the film and then the Xmas season.

Oh why did Michael have to pass away for this to happen?!?!

I think MJ fans are just as passionate as Elvis fans and even more so because Michael's career was longer and Michael just went through so much more (good and bad) in his life.

When Michael died he shocked the world… Elvis fans must be very jealous that Michael outshines Elvis in everything and that’s why I think these days they are more aggressive… People compare Michael’s death to world leaders and I don’t think any other artist comes close to this standard. Here is a video on how he conquered the Internet:

I think there's a huge possibility that MJ will regain the #1 spot in Catalog Album Chart after one week stand from the Beatles. The best selling albums of the Beatles is not the new remastered collection. It's Abbey Road.,may be because of the 14 in 1 cost factor. So MJ still strong considering the reputation of the Beatles, there was no other huge album selling acts than the Beatles. Even they can't sell big these days....It's remarkable what MJ did.
I believe MJ's worldwide fan base is much stronger than the Beatles....I think Beatles are mainly popular in English speaking countries while MJ is known allover the world. Everyone who know Beatles knows Michael Jackson but I don't think everyone who know MJ knows the Beatles. I don't think after MJ there will be any other act who will be so successfull worldwide.

Publicity from the VMA's and Oprah Winfrey Special last week slightly lifted the Jackson catalogue. Sales of his Number Ones album were up 10% over last week allowing it to move up two positions on the charts to #8 (The album sold almost 50,000 copies). It appeared that Taylor Swift received the largest bump with her Fearless album up over 30% from last week moving to #10 from #17.

Overall sales for Jackson's entire catalogue this week were 145,000, up from 132,000 last week. He had three (3) albums in the top 50 including Number Ones (#8), Essential (#31), and Thriller (#39).

Michael has now sold 5.31 million albums since his death in the United States. He will break 6 million by the years end without a doubt.

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