"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

In America Germany or Spain don’t exist either, it is Europe, American tourists go to Europe.
And if they visit Britain it's England. Wales? Scotland? - no, it's all England. I do love Americans but this is a little bit frustrating! :D
And if they visit Britain it's England. Wales? Scotland? - no, it's all England. I do love Americans but this is a little bit frustrating! :D
Also have you noticed how Europeans in general don’t say they go to the USA? No they will visit Florida or New York or California etc. They do make the distinction between the States usually.
Surely they wouldn't!!!
Who sang the songs in Elvis and Bohemian Rhapsody? And the other biopics, if anyone knows?
In both movies the lead actor sung parts that were mixed with stems of the original artists. For Bohemian rhapsody, another singer was also used to fill in the parts. It was a blend of actor/singer for both movies.
I understand and I respect that. I on the other hand would not. It wouldn’t make much sense for Jafar to have a fake duet with MJ when he’s supposed to be MJ 😂. Just messing
If it's one way to "finish" the song it makes plenty of sense to me.
I understand and I respect that. I on the other hand would not. It wouldn’t make much sense for Jafar to have a fake duet with MJ when he’s supposed to be MJ 😂. Just messing
This project is the perfect time for The Estate to ACTUALLY release some new music for Michael on his own; since the last time they did that was before the meteor hit the dinosaurs. 🥴 I really hope they don't waste this opportunity by doing something that will irritate tf outta my soul like neglect the opportunity to give you all some new Michael. 🤦🏾‍♀️ (And make the damn thing also sound as good as possible, at least.) 💀 I enjoy Jaafar and I think it's adorable how he gets to be Michael but, BOY, if they release a bunch of songs of him singing a whole lot when they haven't given Michael a new album in so long.... 🙂 The lack of creativity and lack of artistic visions of any kind from The Estate is driving me insane!

They definitely can include vocals from Jaafar because it's possible to make it nice and be a bit emotionally impactful. I just desire that for ONCE they think a bit about what Michael would do to balance things out, and there has to be some well thought through ideas they come up with. 🥴

Every single day I'm practically BEGGING for The Estate to get more creative than they have been ever since Michael was killed. 😕

I miss his sense of magic so damn much. I miss his perfectionism. I miss his love for his art. I really do hate it here without him. 💔
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While we wait for the OFFICIAL teaser. I simply put together this "concept teaser" 😊
VERY SIMPLE editing haha.
I just had fun with it. Something like this would be amazing. Simple yet so EPIC, you know? It would stand out from all the other teasers 🔥

Hmm, it did get me thinking whether they would be recreating the panther scene. It was a big thing then!!
Hmm, it did get me thinking whether they would be recreating the panther scene. It was a big thing then!!
Now that would be something to see. I'm curious. Btw @Billie Jean 78 , your signature got me in my feelings! I seriously LOVE that song. 😭

Also, does anyone have any links to some really good video(s) of Jaafar dancing on YouTube? I don't follow him or anything so I don't know what his best skills, media, songs, or choreography moments are. I remember that "Got Me Singing" song he put out back in 2019, and I really liked it. 💖

It would probably take me forever to sift through everything he's ever done to find his best work; since I haven't watched him from the very beginning when he first started his career like I have with Michael. 🤣
This project is the perfect time for The Estate to ACTUALLY release some new music for Michael on his own; since the last time they did that was before the meteor hit the dinosaurs. 🥴 I really hope they don't waste this opportunity by doing something that will irritate tf outta my soul like neglect the opportunity to give you all some new Michael. 🤦🏾‍♀️ (And make the damn thing also sound as good as possible, at least.) 💀 I enjoy Jaafar and I think it's adorable how he gets to be Michael but, BOY, if they release a bunch of songs of him singing a whole lot when they haven't given Michael a new album in so long.... 🙂 The lack of creativity and lack of artistic visions of any kind from The Estate is driving me insane!

Dude, they literally released new music 2 years ago for Thriller 40. What are you talking about?

Also, I'm not a fan of the Estate either, but I don't believe they have a "lack of creativity". They gave us a successful Broadway musical and 2 separate successful Cirque de Soleil shows for crying out loud.
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Dude, they literally released new music 2 years ago for Thriller 40. What are you talking about?

Also, I'm not a fan of the Estate either, but I don't believe they have a "lack of creativity". They gave us a successful Broadway musical and 2 separate successful Cirque de Soleil shows for crying out loud.
I'm not talking about them releasing something that was just meant to, again, ride off of the coattails of Thriller. 🤣 The music on Thriller 40 has become some of my favorites. Thriller 40 is a classic move. It's just them going: "Hey, here's THRILLER." What would be more interesting is working harder on their albums that are supposed to create the illusion of Michael's creations like Michael and Xscape. Michael doesn't have 7 "eras" that he created for nothing. Each album was like stepping into brand new chapters of his life and he did this purposely because it was fun as hell to experience. 🥱 That's why they started off that way because that's actually what they're SUPPOSED to be doing. 😂 You're all basically watching The Estate only do half of their job. They're doing great at the making money part, but they're also supposed to be creating for the fans in Michael's style. Michael wanted his work to "live" forever which meant he wanted his estate to continue for him by creating the illusion that he's "still alive" by following his process. 🙃

If you know about business and understand Michael's creative process then you probably know about all that already. Creating those experiences was important to him and him establishing those "eras" is what the fans have attached themselves to. That was The Genius that everybody is always talking about, the storytelling, the fantasy, and all of that. He set the whole thing up for them to easily replicate, they just aren't doing any of it and that's why his fans are constantly pissed off. LMFAO! 🤣

MJ The Musical and Cirque are beautiful. But EVERYBODY doesn't have access to them. 🙃 Creating things that are more accessible would actually help the reputation of The Estate because the fans that can't see those shows will no longer feel left out or ignored. These were all vital elements of Michael's plans for creation, marketing, promotion, inclusivity, sustainability, and longevity. 😂

I agree with you though because you're right about the stuff they did do, for sure. As someone who loves theatre, the broadway production had me ecstatic. 🥳 Considering how much Michael dreamed of having his own musical, I wish he could've seen it. ✨
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MJ The Musical and Cirque are beautiful. But EVERYBODY doesn't have access to them. 🙃 Creating things that are more accessible would actually help the reputation of The Estate because the fans that can't see those shows will no longer feel left out or ignored. These were all vital elements of Michael's plans for creation, marketing, promotion, inclusivity, sustainability, and longevity. 😂
Like a biopic with an international release? I agree there is more the estate can do but judging by the sales of posthumous releases, new music isn't what the world wants.

Sadly, Michael is a legacy artist. Releasing songs that he only ever half finished is never going to generate buzz (whichever producer you have finishing it). And Michael never wanted those unfinished songs to be released anyway.
The only thing I see ignored is anything having to do with The J5/Jacksons. That's what I'm more interested in. Mike's solo stuff doesn't need anymore promotion. That stuff is played on the radio all the time, or at least the Quincy Jones era is (in the USA), plus a few later ones like You Are Not Alone, Butterflies, Black Or White & Remember The Time. Thriller (the song) is brought up every Halloween. His videos has many 100s millions of views on Youtube & even a billion in a few cases.. The Jacksons don't.
The only thing I see ignored is anything having to do with The J5/Jacksons. That's what I'm more interested in. Mike's solo stuff doesn't need anymore promotion. That stuff is played on the radio all the time, or at least the Quincy Jones era is (in the USA), plus a few later ones like You Are Not Alone, Butterflies, Black Or White & Remember The Time. Thriller (the song) is brought up every Halloween. His videos has many 100s millions of views on Youtube & even a billion in a few cases.. The Jacksons don't.
Hopefully Triumph and some vintage J5 tunes get a big push next.
They gave us a successful Broadway musical and 2 separate successful Cirque de Soleil shows for crying out loud.
Mere "product", just like this biopic. Same template for every big star -- Elton John, the Beatles, Elvis, Queen, etc. --, they just change the details and put it out for casuals to lap it out because they want to hear the hits and get the "feels" from the same Hollywoodized life-movie tropes. I want unreleased music and footage from MJ.
The only way to get some songs from Destiny or Triumph to get recognition is to include them on “new“ albums. Many fans aren’t even aware of the existence of songs like time waits for no one because they are not credited as “Michael Jackson”. The short sightedness baffles me. The difference in streaming numbers between The Jacksons and solo MJ are laughably huge.
Like a biopic with an international release? I agree there is more the estate can do but judging by the sales of posthumous releases, new music isn't what the world wants.

Sadly, Michael is a legacy artist. Releasing songs that he only ever half finished is never going to generate buzz (whichever producer you have finishing it). And Michael never wanted those unfinished songs to be released anyway.
The biopic being released internationally would be fine, but that's not something that's actually new or creative for real. Michael's life story has actually been told time and time again, honestly. Most of the people around Michael struggled to even understand him. He knew 1000s of people but still always felt lonely. A lot of people I've talked to who also know him have admitted to me that they never really understood him. And these were other people he also talked to EVERY SINGLE DAY or worked with on albums/tours which meant they spent YEARS with him! This is just the way it was. That's why there's still so much "mystery" surrounding him now and why there was when he was alive.

A lot of the other famous people in the industry can't tell you anything about him for real or much beyond his surface. Michael enjoyed being around non-famous people and obscure people much more. However; we're not famous (obviously) so whatever we know can't really reach that many eyes like the famous can. I'm just hoping The Estate will actually cooperate with The Jacksons and avoid pissing the family off (which The Estate has a habit of doing) because The Jacksons at least know what Michael was like BEFORE he became The King Of Music. They know the Michael that I know who was just that wild kid from Gary, Indiana. 😂 Even though he distanced himself from them, too, they at least know the most important part of his life which is his childhood. The affects that our childhoods had on us meant everything to Michael. 💖

They can give more details and stories from his childhood that aren't all just his traumatic experiences, to actually help people understand Michael's personality. Most of his characteristics that made him so interesting and unique started back then or came about during his childhood stage. Him becoming a bookworm who studied the greats started when Mama Katherine would bring him books on things he was interested in. This is where that giant library of 10,000 books in his adulthood began. This is where "Study The Greats And Become Greater" began. Those details have often been completely ignored, glossed over, or entirely forgotten in his life stories.

People don't understand him because they've never paid any proper attention to his childhood (except the trauma) and this is what Michael had literally been begging for people to do more of. He just wished people would look closer at his beginnings because his childhood explains his depths.

I'm glad they're doing this project because at least it could be something more accessible, if they distribute it properly, but I know Michael so I know they won't have much to say. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Michael was prone to keeping his mouth shut a whole lot and holding most of the folks in the industry at arm's length. If they actually provide NEW information that the internet hasn't already seen, then that'll be lovely. If they don't, that's still fine and I won't be shocked or disappointed because it's expected. 💯

Also, the world does want new music. If they didn't, every leak and unreleased track that exists wouldn't keep being talked about literally every single day. This isn't just here either. The 100,000s of fans in the Reddit groups and the Facebook groups also have these discussions. Those groups are filled with people from all over the world. The problem is that, again, The Estate hasn't been following Michael's process like they're supposed to. As I mentioned before, that man had a whole system to how he got things done. 🥴

There's supposed to always be a high level of promotion before the albums even come out to create anticipation. Then, the albums should drop but the music is supposed to be pristine (they didn't do this with Michael and Xscape because they basically just threw the music together), and the fans could tell. 💀

Michael talked about his creative process all the time about HOW he made his music, he worked with 100s of people that The Estate can contact for notes, he had several teams who've seen him work so they've witnessed and heard many of his tricks to make his creations high quality. The Estate basically just hasn't done any of this or followed ANYTHING that Michael said about making his music. 🤣 They will never be able to make the music perfect the way he did, but the way they did that Michael album (The very FIRST thing that they put out) immediately showed me that they didn't even try. This is why I'M pissed because I know they're only doing half their job and I know that Michael would hate it. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Michael was an S-tier business man so he wouldn't mind The Estate doing what they have to do, this includes releasing his unfinished work, he would just want them to DO IT RIGHT. And they're not. Michael knew he was going to die soon around the late 2000s and he knew that meant his children and Mama Katherine were going to need his estate to make money for them. He knew his unreleased stuff probably couldn't stay unreleased forever. That's simply just logic and Michael wasn't a dummy thinking otherwise. 😂

Anyway, once an album releases, there should be at least 3 short films (or more if possible). The short films are also a part of Michael's promotional plans. The short films promote the album. They used to get released like huge movie premieres and people would say "Wtf has that Michael Jackson kid done now!? 👀" Then; they would watch his films in some grand releases, love them, and buy more of Michael's albums. 🤣

I'm telling y'all what Michael himself did, and everything he said, and it was a whole thing!

Finally; he would tour (which The Estate can replace this with "Making Of" documentaries because The Making Of Thriller back in 1983 sold over 10 Million copies, and people can't help but to be nosy to know HOW something was created. The documentary also helped to boost the sales of the Thriller album into the stratosphere. This was all planned and it's kind of like a 3 part system. Album, then Short Films, then Making Of or Global Tour. (And in that order.)

They *could* also try that hologram thing again to replicate tours if they want more money... but they'd really have to work on that thing to make it much better than it was. 😂 Michael touring was his LARGEST means of promotion because the tours were global. This was that "international distribution" method. 😌 But, if they can't get the hologram thing right, then "Making Of" documentaries can also be released internationally. Free clips can be put on social media and then people can buy the full films from The Estate, etc. The fans will, as always, take the free clips from online and make hella edits from them that go viral all over the place from their thousands of fan pages. How many MJ fan edits have you seen on the internet and how many views have they gotten? 🤭

Stuff like that.

The fan pages are basically the equivalent of the press always talking about Michael each time that man sneezed. Except, the media coverage from the fan pages is actually loving and kind. This is ALL literal FREE promotion for Michael and his art. Whether a person hates him or loves him, talking about Michael gives him free promo.

So, yeah, The Estate is only doing a mere portion of their job and Michael would be mad as hell. 💀

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So, yeah, The Estate is only doing a mere portion of their job and Michael would be mad as hell. 💀
@Mister_Jay_Tee I hate that there's so much to explain about Michael and I always have to type out so much because I'm truly exhausted every single day. BUT, that's just what it was with Michael. 🤷🏾‍♀️

He had A LOT more to him than meets the eye, there's so much about him that people don't know, and it's impossible to explain everything in 1 tiny paragraph. 😭 I really wish it wasn't like that because it's a lot of work for me. 😕

But, it is what it is. Gotta do my job. 🕊

Michael was literally going to start doing all this himself after This Is It was over but, obviously, he didn't get that chance. 🙃
@PRINCESS MJ Please. Did you draft that in Microsoft Word? That thesis essay?
If you think what Michael has me doing now is a lot of reading and writing, imagine being directly connected to HIM! 😂 The bookworm himself. 💀 He loved to be out here reading NOVELS of 100s of pages from cover to cover for fun. 🤣

He wasn't so smart for no reason, you know?

He read and wrote A LOT, much more than I do, and then he'd always want to just have chit-chats about it all to exchange ideas. 😂

The pieces I have to write are actually SHORT in comparison to what Michael liked to do.

He would write letters to you BY HAND that were 3 FULL PAGES of loose leaf! LMFAOOO! 🤣 Some of his letters were long as hell! 💀 But, MAN, they were amazing to read because he could write his ass off. 🥴
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