"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Also, the world does want new music.
I don't know about that. The general public don't pay much attention to new recordings by veteran artists like Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Sting, Madonna, etc. They make a lot of money touring, but they're mostly performing their decades old hits. Most of their fans aren't buying the new albums. The Beatles still sell more than any new albums Paul or Ringo has released in current times. The new stuff isn't played on the radio either. Classic rock stations don't play new songs and Top 40 only plays current generation artists, not boomer era ones. Only hardcore fans care about unreleased songs, the general public mostly. cares about hits. As I mentioned, Mike has a lot of material that is released from 1969 til 1984 that isn't given much attention, except a few songs like I Want You Back & Shake Your Body & songs from the Christmas album that is played on radio stations at the end of the year. He has 4 solo albums on Motown.
I don't know about that. The general public don't pay much attention to new recordings by veteran artists like Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Sting, Madonna, etc. They make a lot of money touring, but they're mostly performing their decades old hits. Most of their fans aren't buying the new albums. The Beatles still sell more than any new albums Paul or Ringo has released in current times. The new stuff isn't played on the radio either. Classic rock stations don't play new songs and Top 40 only plays current generation artists, not boomer era ones. Only hardcore fans care about unreleased songs, the general public mostly. cares about hits. As I mentioned, Mike has a lot of material that is released from 1969 til 1984 that isn't given much attention, except a few songs like I Want You Back & Shake Your Body & songs from the Christmas album that is played on radio stations at the end of the year. He has 4 solo albums on Motown.
You listed a lotta artists that are alive. Michael is dead.
I don't know about that. The general public don't pay much attention to new recordings by veteran artists like Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Sting, Madonna, etc. They make a lot of money touring, but they're mostly performing their decades old hits. Most of their fans aren't buying the new albums. The Beatles still sell more than any new albums Paul or Ringo has released in current times. The new stuff isn't played on the radio either. Classic rock stations don't play new songs and Top 40 only plays current generation artists, not boomer era ones. Only hardcore fans care about unreleased songs, the general public mostly. cares about hits. As I mentioned, Mike has a lot of material that is released from 1969 til 1984 that isn't given much attention, except a few songs like I Want You Back & Shake Your Body & songs from the Christmas album that is played on radio stations at the end of the year. He has 4 solo albums on Motown.
Everything you said is what marketing and promotion is for. That's why these elements were such a big focus for Michael and he studied them and he worked hard to master them. The methods of the artists you've listed have nothing to do with him though. 🤷🏾‍♀️

If their teams haven't created promotional methods to bring their new music to the new generations, or the ideas that they've tried haven't worked, then it's back to the drawing board. If they themselves haven't also done this, which they're supposed to do because artists shouldn't only rely on the promoters to promote them, then that's why things look the way they do for them. 🥴 Creators, business owners, and artists are supposed to improve our work in ways that can appeal to new audiences. That's part of our whole job. 💀

Marketing and promotion are the keys to the win. If that isn't done right then, no win. 😂

This is where all the being innovative comes in, adapting to the changes of the industry, etc. You know? All the aspects of business that come with being an artist. ✨️ We're supposed to study what's currently doing well and incorporate those elements, things like that. I don't know if you run a company but if you do, then you know all that already. These are just the things I've learned from owning my company over these last 15 years or so. Michael also learned all of these things, and he constantly did them, which was why he became so big like he is. It all works together.

But, you're definitely right that it's difficult to do. 💯 That's why it's great that at least appealing to the fans that Michael already has with new creations is exactly what Michael would want The Estate to do. Michael has BILLIONS of fans all over this planet. Plenty of Michael fans are all over the earth IF The Estate ACTUALLY followed Michael's creative process or his plans. 😂

I agree with you that all the older stuff before Thriller isn't focused on. And that's a shame because correcting that is what the labels and The Estate are supposed to do. It's their job to promote and all of that, as I mentioned.

Unfortunately, if the labels don't help promote then artists might struggle pushing out. This goes for every artist which is why many today dislike their labels, and why Michael spoke on the ways that the labels hurt their artists. 💖
You listed a lotta artists that are alive. Michael is dead.
That's the point. If people aren't interested in artists who are still recording and releasing new music, why would they be interested in some old undreleased songs by a long deceased artist. It's not like those albums of unreleased songs by Elvis Presley, Prince, John Lennon, or Little Richard got a lot of attention. If a band who has not existed since 1970 (The Beatles) can outsell new albums by still living members, that means the mainstream audience are not checking for them. There's an old joke that says when an old artist performs a new song in concert, that's when people go to get snacks or use the restroom. 😄 Even with Mike the only after death song that got a lot of radio play had Justin Timberlake on it, who was currently popular at the time. Paul McCartney got a hit by appearing on a song with Rihanna & Kanye West.
You listed a lotta artists that are alive. Michael is dead.
I forgot to say this but this is also a huge point. Michael would've been doing so much cool stuff if he was still alive. That's why leaving Sony was so good for him. He was going to have EVEN MORE creative freedom.

Then, of course, they destroyed him with the trial and then killed him. 😕 He didn't even get to truly enjoy his time of no longer being held back by Sony's grip for even a few years. 😕
That's the point. If people aren't interested in artists who are still recording and releasing new music, why would they be interested in some old undreleased songs by a long deceased artist. It's not like those albums of unreleased songs by Elvis Presley, Prince, John Lennon, or Little Richard got a lot of attention. If a band who has not existed since 1970 (The Beatles) can outsell new albums by still living members, that means the mainstream audience are not checking for them. There's an old joke that says when an old artist performs a new song in concert, that's when people go to get snacks or use the restroom. 😄 Even with Mike the only after death song that got a lot of radio play had Justin Timberlake on it, who was currently popular at the time. Paul McCartney got a hit by appearing on a song with Rihanna & Kanye West.
You see how you said that the song that did well for him since his death is the one that had Justin on it?? THAT'S marketing and promotion done properly! Collaborations are a part of Michael's creative plans. 🙃

I said earlier that The Estate were doing things (almost) right at first, the way Michael wanted, and THEN they just stopped and starting messing sh¡t up. 💀 LMFAOOOOO!

Michael worked with many great artists for a reason. The Estate is supposed to do that!
You see how you said that the song that did well for him since his death is the one that had Justin on it?? THAT'S marketing and promotion done properly! Collaborations are a part of Michael's creative plans. 🙃
Really? I seem to recall people on this site complaining about Drake using Mike's voice on a track. But that song was a hit. Some also did not like Invincible or the remixes with acts Fergie which are things Mike actually released himself.
Really? I seem to recall people on this site complaining about Drake using Mike's voice on a track. But that song was a hit. Some also did not like Invincible or the remixes with acts Fergie which are things Mike actually released himself.
I’m not sure I understand your point. The formula used for Drake was the same formula used for Justin; a duet/feature that was a hit. What does fans not liking the Drake track have to do with the point that MJ’s Princess made?

I‘m not trying to shut you down by the way. I’m genuinely confused 🤔
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Really? I seem to recall people on this site complaining about Drake using Mike's voice on a track. But that song was a hit. Some also did not like Invincible or the remixes with acts Fergie which are things Mike actually released himself.
I read a lot of those reviews and those people who didn't like that Drake song didn't like it because it was done poorly. But, The Estate was at least doing their job a bit by collaborating with a popular artist. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Unfortunately, it was done poorly. You can't just work with ANYBODY, you have to work with the right people who can help you create great work. Again, this is where it's important to actually know and understand how Michael did things. 🤣

This is where the perfectionism comes in. There's a difference between the quality of "Love Never Felt So Good" with Justin in 2014 (back when they acted like they were at least trying to do things the way Michael would've wanted) compared to "Don't Matter To Me" with Drake in 2018 (long after they just started messing stuff up). 💀 "Love Never Felt So Good" was closer to how Michael collaborated.

Michael always tried to work with The Best in order to try to produce The Best when it came to his brand new albums. When Michael was alive, nobody that Michael has collaborated with on his big albums was just any-old-anybody. And this also included quality. Quality was the biggest thing. He was extremely picky and he was bringing the big dogs into the studio and THEN the whole team needed to create PERFECTION and nothing less. 😂 All you have to do is listen to all the interviews from those who worked with him talk about what it was like to work with him on his projects. That man was never playing and nothing was a game. Michael wanted excellence when you worked with him, and if it wasn't, then we're starting over or doing it again or keeping at it until it's right. 🤣 Working with him in any way was the most incredible opportunity any artist could have because everybody knew that the things he created needed to be FIRE. Other perfectionists and creators like me loved all that lol.

Remixes with artists were always just something to do. His original songs with the features and his main albums were usually his primary focus. Many of those extra albums sometimes happened just because Michael was contractually obligated to release them or they were released on his behalf. Nothing he could do about that. That was simply part of the job. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Collaborating with Michael on one of his MAIN albums as a feature that included all of his other marketing techniques sitting behind it, was any artist's true goal. 🤣 An artist was lucky to be on any remix album, but those main features were massive opportunities.

The Invincible album is one of the best selling albums of that time. Artists and creators of all kinds would slap our own mama for a chance to have over 10,000,000 sold while also not having proper support or promotion like Michael didn't have at the time. Many can only dream of that. LMFAO! 😂
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I’m not sure I understand your point. The formula used for Drake was the same formula used for Justin; a duet/feature that was a hit. What does fans not liking the Drake track have to do with the point that MJ’s Princess made?

I‘m not trying to shut you down by the way. I’m genuinely confused 🤔
You're also 100% right. If the Drake song was still a hit, then they did their job the way they should've lol. I don't know all the details on the Drake song itself in terms of the numbers though. I've got enough on my plate when it comes to the work that Michael left behind. 🥴

However: high quality was still the name of the game for Michael, so if the fans thought that the Drake song was done poorly then that was supposed to just be a learning lesson for next time to try and do better with their next collaboration. That's not only a part of the job, but also simply a part of life lol. 💖
Really? I seem to recall people on this site complaining about Drake using Mike's voice on a track. But that song was a hit. Some also did not like Invincible or the remixes with acts Fergie which are things Mike actually released himself.
The "last" Beatles song became a top 10 Hit literally just a year ago. Xscape went number 1 in multiple countries. MJ has gotten Two top 10 hits in the 2010s. There is interest and there is a chance for success. Especially if they make a duets album.

MJ in the last years of his life unfortunately was not quite looked at fondly. Post This Is It though, the potential would've only gotten better.
That's the point. If people aren't interested in artists who are still recording and releasing new music, why would they be interested in some old undreleased songs by a long deceased artist. It's not like those albums of unreleased songs by Elvis Presley, Prince, John Lennon, or Little Richard got a lot of attention. If a band who has not existed since 1970 (The Beatles) can outsell new albums by still living members, that means the mainstream audience are not checking for them. There's an old joke that says when an old artist performs a new song in concert, that's when people go to get snacks or use the restroom. 😄 Even with Mike the only after death song that got a lot of radio play had Justin Timberlake on it, who was currently popular at the time. Paul McCartney got a hit by appearing on a song with Rihanna & Kanye West.
People do not appreciate people until they're gone.
People do not appreciate people until they're gone.
With Prince, it's still The Revolution era records that get the most attention today. Purple Rain in particular. It surely isn't any of the albums Prince released after he changed his name to the symbol, lol. People in general are interested in popular hits or songs they heard on the radio, not everything an artist released. Like I said in another thread, most today people aren't checking for Little Stevie Wonder albums. Or his later records like Jungle Fever either. It's primarily Stevie's 1970s albums that get the most attention and media attention. Maybe the late 1960s in a Greatest Hits compilation, not so much the original 1960s albums. Many people are not checking for the pre-Rumours lineup Fleetwood Mac stuff either. Such as their early blues records with Peter Green. I don't think that many people even know Journey has 3 or 4 albums before Steve Perry joined, when they were a prog rock band.
With Prince, it's still The Revolution era records that get the most attention today. Purple Rain in particular. It surely isn't any of the albums Prince released after he changed his name to the symbol, lol. People in general are interested in popular hits or songs they heard on the radio, not everything an artist released. Like I said in another thread, most today people aren't checking for Little Stevie Wonder albums. Or his later records like Jungle Fever either. It's primarily Stevie's 1970s albums that get the most attention and media attention. Maybe the late 1960s in a Greatest Hits compilation, not so much the original 1960s albums. Many people are not checking for the pre-Rumours lineup Fleetwood Mac stuff either. Such as their early blues records with Peter Green. I don't think that many people even know Journey has 3 or 4 albums before Steve Perry joined, when they were a prog rock band.
I disagree with your point overall and your examples are predominantly bad. But that's enough
I feel like this thread is drifting away from the main subject (the biopic). People are discussing topics unrelated to the film. Please continue those discussions in other threads or via DMs. Let’s get back on topic.
It's much much farther away than drifted but that's what people intend. When they resent this film they come in and disrupt the topic.
MJJC isn't what it used to be. Lately, some immature individuals have been causing unnecessary arguments and derailing conversations with off-topic discussions that have nothing to do with the thread.
I'm not really excited by the biopic if I'm honest, but I am excited to go he cinema and hear Michael's music blasted loud.

No disrespect but I hope they don't have Jaafar singing