"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Another reason why I think when Graham King said the movie was gonna cover MJ's entire life he said it only to please fans and to people who thought the movie wouldn't cover all of his controversies. Seems like Michael Prince was telling the honest truth when he said the movie wasn't even going to go as far as the HIStory album. If we're lucky though, they might plan on making a sequel that covers the rest of MJ's life past 1993 depending on how well the first movie is received.

But it is pretty disappointing that the movie won't even cover the creation of the HIStory album which is arguably one of the most important albums in MJ's career. One of the things I was hoping to see the most was to have a scene after the 93 allegations where it would show MJ and Brad Buxer working on Stranger In Moscow, no chance in hell that's happening now lol. I hope they at the very least plan on covering the creation of the Thriller/Bad/Dangerous albums the most they can.
Another reason why I think when Graham King said the movie was gonna cover MJ's entire life he said it only to please fans and to people who thought the movie wouldn't cover all of his controversies. Seems like Michael Prince was telling the honest truth when he said the movie wasn't even going to go as far as the HIStory album. If we're lucky though, they might plan on making a sequel that covers the rest of MJ's life past 1993 depending on how well the first movie is received.

But it is pretty disappointing that the movie won't even cover the creation of the HIStory album which is arguably one of the most important albums in MJ's career. One of the things I was hoping to see the most was to have a scene after the 93 allegations where it would show MJ and Brad Buxer working on Stranger In Moscow, no chance in hell that's happening now lol. I hope they at the very least plan on covering the creation of the Thriller/Bad/Dangerous albums the most they can.
Why would you want to see that in a "movie"? That would make sense for a anniversary release of History itself, and especially with real Michael being in studio.

I can promise you there will also not be any unseen Beat It music video scene, nor an unreleased song sung bx Jafaar. 😁😘
Why would you want to see that in a "movie"? That would make sense for a anniversary release of History itself, and especially with real Michael being in studio.

I can promise you there will also not be any unseen Beat It music video scene, nor an unreleased song sung bx Jafaar. 😁😘
Because apart from the song being one of the most popular songs in MJ's career it can also be used to show how Michael felt after 93 allegations which clearly brought a huge effect to his life afterwards? You're acting as if this is all what I want to see in the whole movie lmfao. All I had in mind was a scene that shows the song being written and it'd take no more than a few minutes of screen time at most. They can easily do something like this for songs like the way they did on the Bohemian Rhapsody film. I really don't see what's that fuss of yours about lol.
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Not gonna happen, it's biopic. No Marvel movie
I'm thinking of the possibility of a sequel, not a cinematic universe though lol.

Hasn't there been words about a sequel to Bohemian Rhapsody for a while now? Could easily be a thing for this film as well.
Everyone parrots what's said from Martin Bashir, i genuinely don't think 1993 was a bigger controversy then 2003-05
That may be true but it's all kind of reductive anyway. It ain't a contest that's for sure. They can blend those events together in that case, Diane Diamond was attacking MJ for the same things and worse in 1995.

I was surprised and confused at the amount of people in this thread that completely disregarded Michael Prince when he said it would end before History era, which Domingo has now seemingly corroborated.
People that have seen the trailer said MJ in the 2000s can be seen. So that's certainly points against these claims. That's a decade I expected not to be seen.

I think the film will show moments of MJs whole life, that just doesn't mean a blanket collection of "Eras". It's years in MJ's Life.
Everyone parrots what's said from Martin Bashir, i genuinely don't think 1993 was a bigger controversy then 2003-05
Oh it absolutely was!!

Considering he was never able to shake off the original allegations, it forever tainted his reputation.

The stuff in the 2000s was looked at as oh he's at it again. The 93 stuff changed everything.
I was surprised and confused at the amount of people in this thread that completely disregarded Michael Prince when he said it would end before History era, which Domingo has now seemingly corroborated.
Because he's not the director or one of the producers. And they have been saying the opposite.

We aren't crazy for choosing to believe the people who actually wrote the script. If anything disregarding the producers is crazy.

Both Colman and Michael Prince could be talking about the scenes they are involved in/know about. The last years of Michael's life he was not touring in the 2000s so why would MP be around for those scenes they filmed for that era? And there are large chunks of Michael's life where Joe was not around. I doubt he and Colman were on set for every single scene that was filmed. They filmed/worked on their respective parts and went home.

Some of you fans seem to have this blind trust for people who were apart of Michael's life. You hang on their every word and refuse to question them just because they knew him. Well I have news for you, they are human beings, they can be mistaken, they can be attention seeking, they can be just plain wrong.
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Because he's not the director or one of the producers. And they have been saying the opposite.

We aren't crazy for choosing to believe the people who actually wrote the script. If anything disregarding the producers is crazy.

Both Colman and Domingo could be talking about the scenes they are involved in/know about. The last years of Michael's life he was not touring in the 2000s so why would MP be around for those scenes they filmed for that era? And there are large chunks of Michael's life where Joe was not around. I doubt he and Colman were on set for every single scene that was filmed. They filmed/worked on their respective parts and went home.

Some of you fans seem to have this blind trust for people who were apart of Michael's life. You hang on their every word and refuse to question them just because they knew him. Well I have news for you, they are human beings, they can be mistaken, they can be attention seeking, they can be just plain wrong.
Sharp edges of her speaking aside, she does have a point. The main point in fact. There's certainly conflicting info about this all, it's not cut and dry at all.
I just don't think it's dropping off at 93. 97 seems like a fair point.

He first started getting dosages of propofol from doctors in 97. That through line would easily link to 2009.
Hard to tell. We will know more shortly I’m sure. They could just address Chandler and stop at that... That’s the ghost that’s been haunting MJ for so long.
They lave literally said multiple times that the movie is covering his entire life until This is It. Until we know more information speculation is useless.
Now, in terms of details about the flick -- Graham says it'll be a lengthy feature, as they wanted to do Michael's life full justice ... and he says in order to do that, they needed a long runtime, although he doesn't say exactly how long it'll be.
I had a long talk with King about this last week after the premiere on Broadway of “MJ The Michael Jackson Musical.” He sat with the John Branca, who runs the Estate. They are on the same page. The movie is not based on the musical and will go beyond 1992 to the end of Michael’s life in 2009.
1979-2009 = 3 decades. The j5/jacksons stuff can easily be weaved in with flashbacks and narration. We dnt need an entire jackson 5/ jacksons segment. We have American dream already.
We already know what we are getting, 1979-2009 is 3 decades which is what Jafaar plays. We have a short section which covers young Michael featuring the actor.
[...] Both Colman and Domingo
Colman Domingo. It's one person.

could be talking about the scenes they are involved in/know about.
He's done 3 or 4 of these little interviews now. Any of the main actors that do these interviews before next year aren't going to say much bc they won't be allowed to give anything away. Colman Domingo has more or less repeated himself each time. None of them would be allowed to discuss specific scenes, it's far too early for that. Although Colman did mention Motown 25 and I can't remember if that has cropped up already. :unsure:

The last years of Michael's life he was not touring in the 2000s so why would MP be around for those scenes they filmed for that era?
I suppose it would depend on whether they were going to include TII bc MP was on board for that. Not that I'm saying that proves any involvement from MP. I'm just saying he was working with Michael at the end. But there are plenty of other people they could consult for more details of the TII period. Kenny, Brad, Travis etc.

And there are large chunks of Michael's life where Joe was not around. I doubt he and Colman were on set for every single scene that was filmed. They filmed/worked on their respective parts and went home.
Well, they sat in their trailers. Actors don't leave the set just bc they are not filming that particular day. And the actors and crew talk to each other. Plus the actors have read the entire script and will know when script changes are being made. But they wouldn't be talking about all of that. Not yet, anyway.

Some of you fans seem to have this blind trust for people who were apart of Michael's life. You hang on their every word and refuse to question them just because they knew him. Well I have news for you, they are human beings, they can be mistaken, they can be attention seeking, they can be just plain wrong.
All of this is understood. People will still speculate and have conversations.
Why would you want to see that in a "movie"? That would make sense for a anniversary release of History itself, and especially with real Michael being in studio.

I can promise you there will also not be any unseen Beat It music video scene, nor an unreleased song sung bx Jafaar. 😁😘
If a soundtrack album comes out it makes no sense what comes to history30 how the estate works
1979-2009 = 3 decades. The j5/jacksons stuff can easily be weaved in with flashbacks and narration. We dnt need an entire jackson 5/ jacksons segment. We have American dream already.
Are there any chances, that they can change his bio for the movie? For example, can they move second allegations from 00s to the end of 90s so it would be easier for them to cover every moment in MJ life? Or Michael biopic will be accurate with dates?
The last years of Michael's life he was not touring in the 2000s so why would MP be around for those scenes they filmed for that era?
The 2000's was when Michael Prince was most involved in MJ's life, so if he was going to be consulted about any period, it would be that one!

Maybe you don't know the extent to which Michael Prince has been involved in the Estate's projects when compared to most of Michael's other collaborators

I'm not saying the producer/director/writer are liars either; the film could easily (and most likely) end in '93 and contain an epilogue detailing the trial and up to 2009.

Bohemian Rhapsody did the same thing, pushing Mercury's aids diagnosis back a few years so that the film would end in 1985, rather than 1991. Don't underestimate the writer's ability to significantly alter the dates of major events.
The 2000's was when Michael Prince was most involved in MJ's life, so if he was going to be consulted about any period, it would be that one!

Maybe you don't know the extent to which Michael Prince has been involved in the Estate's projects when compared to most of Michael's other collaborators

I'm not saying the producer/director/writer are liars either; the film could easily (and most likely) end in '93 and contain an epilogue detailing the trial and up to 2009.

Bohemian Rhapsody did the same thing, pushing Mercury's aids diagnosis back a few years so that the film would end in 1985, rather than 1991. Don't underestimate the writer's ability to significantly alter the dates of major events.
If they plan on going right up to 2009 this is exactly how they would get around it, by altering the dates to fit everything in and doing an epilogue.

This is a movie, not a Wikipedia A to Z. Some fans need to accept that it won't be 100% accurate.
Okay, and where is it? Where is sequel to BR? It doesn't exist. Let's be realistic. There won't be sequels to biopics, because it doesn't fit with this genre
Brian May has said that he wants a sequel and they have talked about it. Rami Malek won an Oscar for his role as Freddie so I'm sure they want to show the last part of his life too.
If the biopic were to continue until 2009, there would be a very special drama, because Michael was practically born on the stage and he also died there.
The talent he was blessed with made him appreciate show business, which he hated in his younger days because it took away his childhood.
If the director does it right, he could develop great dramatic potential from it.
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Brian May has said that he wants a sequel and they have talked about it. Rami Malek won an Oscar for his role as Freddie so I'm sure they want to show the last part of his life too.
It would have to be a full on drama in a Philadelphia style way.

I can't see a sequel ever working and since Bohemian Rhapsody had already shot itself in the foot by changing the timelines, it would be strange to see them disregard the ending they created.
It would have to be a full on drama in a Philadelphia style way.

I can't see a sequel ever working and since Bohemian Rhapsody had already shot itself in the foot by changing the timelines, it would be strange to see them disregard the ending they created.
I can see Malek being nominated or even winning another Oscar so I'm sure the producers aren't against it being mostly a drama.
Okay, and where is it? Where is sequel to BR?
Still being worked on. If Bohemian Rhapsody is getting a sequel I say it's very possible that Michael can get one too.

Assuming the movie ends exactly in 1993 a full length sequel is very doable with the material we got left. The movie could start with Michael getting back on his feet after the settlement and show events from the HIStory era like some of the making of the album itself, the tour, the birth of his children, the video clips, etc.

Then it goes on to show the events from the Invincible era like the accident from the MJ & Friends concert, the 30th anniversary concerts, the recording of WMCIG, and the release of his last album.

As for 2002-2009 it shows the birth of Blanket, the Bashir documentary and the repercussions of it, the second allegations, the trial, and once the trial ends it could show a bit of MJ's stay at the middle east. Then it goes on to show MJ signing up for the TII concerts and preparing for them, and at last, his death.

Hell, MJ had such an extensive career that you could easily make multiple movies or a TV series out of it. In fact I would've preferred if the biopic was a TV show so they wouldn't have to rush out any events. There's only so much that they cram into a 2-3 hour feature film.
Hell, MJ had such an extensive career that you could easily make multiple movies or a TV series out of it. In fact I would've preferred if the biopic was a TV show so they wouldn't have to rush out any events. There's only so much that they cram into a 2-3 hour feature film.
Mm, but film is an art form and you get the immersive experience on a grand scale and Michael was larger than life so cinema feels like the right place for him. Film, a good one, has an ongoing afterlife that doesn't always apply to tv, even the successful shows. The big screen, the collective experience ... it's just different. There will be lots of music which works better in film, imo.

Even a tv series wouldn't be able to fit in every part of his story - his life was so eventful and his career was so long - and they would still play around with timelines, combine characters (Michael's managers, for example) and invent stuff that didn't even happen.