"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Mm, but film is an art form and you get the immersive experience on a grand scale and Michael was larger than life so cinema feels like the right place for him. Film, a good one, has an ongoing afterlife that doesn't always apply to tv, even the successful shows. The big screen, the collective experience ... it's just different. There will be lots of music which works better in film, imo.

Even a tv series wouldn't be able to fit in every part of his story - his life was so eventful and his career was so long - and they would still play around with timelines, combine characters (Michael's managers, for example) and invent stuff that didn't even happen.
Yeah I guess as a film it'll have a bigger impact and will reach for more audiences. It's just unfortunate that it'll inevitably come with the downside of many events having to either be cut or rushed out in order to fit the limited runtime.
I don't think the 3 decades is just limited to only 3 decades in his life, it feels like there is a huge main focus on those 3 decades but it doesn't mean anything else is not talked about. then again we don't have much to go off, even then the 3 decades doesn't seem limited as we already have confirmation of pre 70s MJ as a kid, would the 3 decades then just be 60s,70s and 80s. But that being said it doesn't seem like the J5/Kid MJ era is that important, more like a flashback thing. Graham King said everything till his death, I do trust and believe that but I think that means there is more of a focus on MJs prime, doesn't mean anything post 93 is off the table. We just got to wait for some more updates.
At the end of the day it's 50 years of a life that played out in real time versus a retelling in a few hours. All we know is it'll show his success, his struggles, and the scrutiny he faced. It'll take portraying that in a logical and concise way for your average casual fan and your average non fan who's just curious to learn more.
I personally will boycott it they don't devote an extra hour to the Will I Am sessions

The fans here don't even like The HIStory Tour, or Invincible, or The MSG shows? Why the insistence they somehow appear? Dangerous Side 2 of the album and HIStory is really what a lotta these "fans" (talk like @kelley) care about.
Disney has just released a one minute teaser for Snow White with the release date 21 March 2025, just one month before Michael. Let's hope to have a glimpse on Michael's birthday.
I reckon some of the 2000's and up until his death will probably be covered but it will likely be short clips/montages. Nothing in depth like the other eras.
People who saw the leaked footage said there's a montage of his 80s songs, and the first performance is the Ed Sullivan.
I personally will boycott it they don't devote an extra hour to the Will I Am sessions

The fans here don't even like The HIStory Tour, or Invincible, or The MSG shows? Why the insistence they somehow appear? Dangerous Side 2 of the album and HIStory is really what a lotta these "fans" (talk like @kelley) care about.
Hmm, it's not really about liking or not liking. I really dislike Oprah and Bashir, but I think they should be included.

And on a side note, if the movie really does end in mid 90's, the only way for me not to be disappointed would be a sequel. There definitely is enough drama to do a second movie. Yes there is. And yes, I know it has never been done before in a biopic. Has there ever been a Michael before though?
Hmm, it's not really about liking or not liking. I really dislike Oprah and Bashir, but I think they should be included.

And on a side note, if the movie really does end in mid 90's, the only way for me not to be disappointed would be a sequel. There definitely is enough drama to do a second movie. Yes there is. And yes, I know it has never been done before in a biopic. Has there ever been a Michael before though?
Fair Points.

I'll kinda consider This Is It and Thriller 40 and Bad 25 and the OTW Documentary's to also all be sequels/companions to this film. And if it's ever made, a really good documentary on the allegations.
Slightly off-topic but it makes me happy! Michael, Brad and MP. :)

Ahh yes, Brad before he got the big head and started taking credit for Michael's song writing.

Look hows he's gushing in this video about MJ writing all his music in his head.

I wonder what happened, now when he talks he acts as if he was God's gift to Michael and is very arrogant. I guess the attention gassed his head up.
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Ahh yes, Brad before he got the big head and started taking credit for Michael's song writing.

Look hows he's gushing in this video about MJ writing all his music in his head.

I wonder what happened, now when he talks as if he was God's gift to Michael and is very arrogant. I guess the attention gassed his head up.
Actually, I posted the vid bc Michael Prince is there, clearly working closely with Michael in the 2000's, the two of them laughing together and being comfortable together as they would be, having already worked on a few projects at this point. The vibe between Michael, Geraldo and Michael Prince is what I love so much about the vid.

As for Brad's SIM narrative, I choose to ignore it.
No Tom Mesereau role means no depth focus on the 2005 trial
Seriously though, that trial alone would be enough of a motive to secure a sequel!!!
Short "introduction" of the movie would show the Invincible era and him being backstabbed by Bashir, which would then lead to the trial and that trial would deservingly represent the main part of the movie.

When you think of it, such a sequel, focusing on the trial and the years prior and after, would not be as costy as the first movie as there would be no need to redo any of his high profile videos. Apart from the actors' fees, I could even see it as a relatively low budget sequel.
Still being worked on. If Bohemian Rhapsody is getting a sequel I say it's very possible that Michael can get one too.

Assuming the movie ends exactly in 1993 a full length sequel is very doable with the material we got left. The movie could start with Michael getting back on his feet after the settlement and show events from the HIStory era like some of the making of the album itself, the tour, the birth of his children, the video clips, etc.

Then it goes on to show the events from the Invincible era like the accident from the MJ & Friends concert, the 30th anniversary concerts, the recording of WMCIG, and the release of his last album.

As for 2002-2009 it shows the birth of Blanket, the Bashir documentary and the repercussions of it, the second allegations, the trial, and once the trial ends it could show a bit of MJ's stay at the middle east. Then it goes on to show MJ signing up for the TII concerts and preparing for them, and at last, his death.

Hell, MJ had such an extensive career that you could easily make multiple movies or a TV series out of it. In fact I would've preferred if the biopic was a TV show so they wouldn't have to rush out any events. There's only so much that they cram into a 2-3 hour feature film.
Again. It doesn't exist. 5 years passed and there is no sequel to BR. That's why It's too early to talk about sequel to Michael, because according to facts we have right now (not speculations) it's not possible. It's biopic. It's gonna be complete product, which fully covers his life time.
Short "introduction" of the movie would show the Invincible era and him being backstabbed by Bashir, which would then lead to the trial and that trial would deservingly represent the main part of the movie.
It's too few moments for a full movie... There won't be sequel. They can't just shoot the whole film about 2000s. It's insanity
If the biopic were to continue until 2009, there would be a very special drama, because Michael was practically born on the stage and he also died there.
The talent he was blessed with made him appreciate show business, which he hated in his younger days because it took away his childhood.
If the director does it right, he could develop great dramatic potential from it.
But he died in his bad...
This is the storyline on IMDB, so I assume they will touch upon his later years:

The story of "King of Pop" Michael Jackson. From his childhood of being the star of the Jackson 5, through times of abuse by his father Joe Jackson. To his hit Thriller, and the purchase of Neverland Valley, into his tragic, and unsuspected death on June 25, 2009. —Christian Kodia
This is the storyline on IMDB, so I assume they will touch upon his later years:

The story of "King of Pop" Michael Jackson. From his childhood of being the star of the Jackson 5, through times of abuse by his father Joe Jackson. To his hit Thriller, and the purchase of Neverland Valley, into his tragic, and unsuspected death on June 25, 2009. —Christian Kodia
I doubt this is official because the estate tip toes around calling Joe abusive because of the family.

Anyone can edit imdb
I doubt this is official because the estate tip toes around calling Joe abusive because of the family.

Anyone can edit imdb
True, could be false but it's also weird to post such a specific storyline
I've never seen a biopic with a sequel. This should've been a mini series or TV series. A movie just can't do justice for 50years of Michael jackson alone.