"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Why do fans want to see Michael's lowest point being recreated?
I've always been of the opinion that this film is not for us, it's for the casual fan and general public.

The audience needs to know what he went through, the suffering and perhaps reasons for the way he was.

It cannot be sugar coated, he suffered terribly in life during his low moments So it needs to be portrayed in such a way.
All I'm going to put here, we literally don't know much and its all speculation right now, but this is what is officially been stated

"I had a long talk with King about this last week after the premiere on Broadway of "MJ The Michael Jackson Musical." He sat with the John Branca, who runs the Estate, They are on the same page. The Movie is not based on the musical and will go beyond 1992 to the end of Michael's life in 2009. (It could really be a miniseries.)"
Why do fans want to see Michael's lowest point being recreated?
It's not that we want to celebrate Michael's lowest points, but we really want this movie to show the general public and casual fans the pain Michael went through. Also its a biopic, it has to show the real human that was Michael Jackson.
im deffo for it to be a raw and gritty as possible. it should be cut throat and brutal because m endured so much, and fought so much for his life and his rights to be who he was. A good human. that's why he is six feet under and the public and future fans certainly need to know the pain we endured watching this happen. it wasn't all sparkly gloves, short films, heehee's and llamas.

[i am a newly found prince fan and i wish for a biopic because i wasn't there to experience his life, mindset.. . endure with him etc so a biopic is the only thing i have to 'connect' to the prince legacy you know? ]
So ..yes .. this biopic is not made for me [ long time supporter] i am hoping that with this Michael biopic they leave nothing out or sugar coat anything.
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so a biopic is the only thing i have to 'connect' to the prince legacy you know? ]
A biopic is not a history lesson or a documentary. They often have made up stuff in them for dramatic purposes or the things happen out of order that they did in real life. A biopic also might have people that didn't exist in them, like a character that may be based on 2 or 3 real people combined into 1 person that is given a made up name. A lot of entertainers have books written about them either a biography or autobiography, many that will never have a biopic because they are not popular enough for a movie. A book biography/autobiography usually are more in depth than a biopic movie. But a book might make the subject look good by leaving out bad stuff, which more likely happens with an autobiography, or it might be a tell all gossip style. They can also have made up stuff (Albert Goldman).
10 songs that are a must to be featured extensively in the film:

I Want You Back, Man In The Mirror, Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller: those are no brainers

- Who’s Loving You: to showcase Michael’s impeccable vocals at such a young age
- They Don‘t Care About Us: because despite it’s youtube popularity I think it can still gain a lot of extra popularity due to its lyrical themes
- Childhood: the song that is a window into his heart
- Who Is It: because it is MJ’s most passionate vocal performance imo and the song is completely unjustly forgotten
- Dancing Machine: because how many people bar us fans know he was a tremendous dancer already in the 70s?
10 songs that are a must to be featured extensively in the film:

I Want You Back, Man In The Mirror, Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller: those are no brainers

- Who’s Loving You: to showcase Michael’s impeccable vocals at such a young age
- They Don‘t Care About Us: because despite it’s youtube popularity I think it can still gain a lot of extra popularity due to its lyrical themes
- Childhood: the song that is a window into his heart
- Who Is It: because it is MJ’s most passionate vocal performance imo and the song is completely unjustly forgotten
- Dancing Machine: because how many people bar us fans know he was a tremendous dancer already in the 70s?
I agree with all this 👏

Would also love to see a tour version of Human Nature performed (I think we will get it tbh) it won't be a full performance but the best bits, including the robot at the end.
10 songs that are a must to be featured extensively in the film:

I Want You Back, Man In The Mirror, Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller: those are no brainers

- Who’s Loving You: to showcase Michael’s impeccable vocals at such a young age
- They Don‘t Care About Us: because despite it’s youtube popularity I think it can still gain a lot of extra popularity due to its lyrical themes
- Childhood: the song that is a window into his heart
- Who Is It: because it is MJ’s most passionate vocal performance imo and the song is completely unjustly forgotten
- Dancing Machine: because how many people bar us fans know he was a tremendous dancer already in the 70s?
+The Lost Children, BOW, ES, YANA and Smile! These songs perfectly express Michael's soul and true nature

Early 2000s? That means 2001, 2002 and 2003. But what are they gonna show? Sony vs MJ accident and second accusation? What about court and TII
Adding in the previous paragraph:

Colman Domingo interview, The Times, 15 August 2024
by Kevin Maher

"Joe fiercely loved his children", Domingo says. "He may not have been a warm person, but he loved them. And he had a different way of showing it, like, 'I'm going to make you the best that you are, because that's my way of loving you.' He was a very complicated man."

And on whether the film, which has been approved by the family, will address the accusations ... he says, "We go through three decades of Michael's life and we get to the early Noughts. That's all I can say." He adds that the Jackson family are "on board with us making the most complex film possible."
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Early 2000s? That means 2001, 2002 and 2003. But what are they gonna show? Sony vs MJ accident and second accusation? What about court and TII
Early 2000s to me sounds like 2000 - 2005

I think there will be a time skip to This is it and his death because they wouldn't end it before he dies.

I don't think it will be text shown at the end of 05 saying "Oh he won the 2005 case and 4 years later he died and it was very sad"
If it does go into the early 2000s, Jafaar will have to act his ass off to convince us he's mature MJ.

Make up has to be on point too. I'd hate for him to come across like Flex with the long straight wig and red shirt combo aka scary movie piss take style of MJ that was everywhere in the 2000s.
I'm a little relieved to know the movie will go into the 00's... Surely the process will be included... But would it be a suitable end though? The Vindication being the big finale and then showing 2009 when the movie ends.

Would you prefer to have the Vindication be the big happy end moment or the WMA's in 2006?
If it does go into the early 2000s, Jafaar will have to act his ass off to convince us he's mature MJ.

Make up has to be on point too. I'd hate for him to come across like Flex with the long straight wig and red shirt combo aka scary movie piss take style of MJ that was everywhere in the 2000s.
10 songs that are a must to be featured extensively in the film:

I Want You Back, Man In The Mirror, Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller: those are no brainers

- Who’s Loving You: to showcase Michael’s impeccable vocals at such a young age
- They Don‘t Care About Us: because despite it’s youtube popularity I think it can still gain a lot of extra popularity due to its lyrical themes
- Childhood: the song that is a window into his heart
- Who Is It: because it is MJ’s most passionate vocal performance imo and the song is completely unjustly forgotten
- Dancing Machine: because how many people bar us fans know he was a tremendous dancer already in the 70s?
Some great suggestions. I also loved Music & Me's inclusion in Moonwalker. That could fit well, too.
That's a relief lol. Now I'm curious to see what they could show from the early 2000's as there's only a few events that are relevant enough to make it to the film. I wonder if it'll just be the second allegations or if they'll show more stuff like the Jacksons reunion from the 30th anniversary concerts, the release of the Invincible album (still doubt they'll be showing anything from Invincible), the baby dangling incident, or if they'll mix in events from other eras.
If it does go into the early 2000s, Jafaar will have to act his ass off to convince us he's mature MJ.

Make up has to be on point too. I'd hate for him to come across like Flex with the long straight wig and red shirt combo aka scary movie piss take style of MJ that was everywhere in the 2000s.

From the photos that leaked the wigs don't seem very good tbh..
Early 2000s? That means 2001, 2002 and 2003. But what are they gonna show? Sony vs MJ accident and second accusation? What about court and TII
Note sure why you keep taking his words absolutely literally when it's clear he throws words and terms around that aren't always literal. The movie covers Michael's entire adult life. He died 2009. Colman isn't saying it's literally only 2000-2003. For goodness sakes.
Note sure why you keep taking his words absolutely literally when it's clear he throws words and terms around that aren't always literal. The movie covers Michael's entire adult life. He died 2009. Colman isn't saying it's literally only 2000-2003. For goodness sakes.