Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yeah, I would really like to do this again too.
It's really interesting to see what different people get out of it, then finding all the connections and stuff.

L.O.V.E. to all :heart: :heart: :heart:
Yeah, I would really like to do this again too.
It's really interesting to see what different people get out of it, then finding all the connections and stuff.

L.O.V.E. to all :heart: :heart: :heart:

L.O.V.E to you and everyone :huggy: :heart:
Hey people :) I had a dream with Michael in it last night, even though it wasn't really that long. I remember I was in a large room, and there were quite a few people in there talking amongst theirselves. I was there on my own, just kinda standing around lol. Then I remember Michael kinda appearing in front of me. I said hi to him, although as you can imagine, I was a little suprised to see him. He started talking to me, and describing a field or green area. :scratch: It sounds boring but it sounded so beautiful. :heart: I know I, and I think some other people have had fields or something similar in their dreams? Either way, it seemed familiar for some reason. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you. :wub:
Oh man, this is so interesting. The similarities of you guys freak me out.
Unfortunately I gave up after about 15 minutes. I was too negative, I had a little arguement with my mum before it and Brittanys passing was like a flashback.
But I really tried, but I left because I thought in case it works I don't want to spread negativity.

We need to try it again. It's so amazing to hear all your expierences!!
mjbunny, your experience was amazing. It gives me so much comfort that you hear Michael say those things...

How did you see/hear it though?

Like dreams we see at night or thoughts?

I missed this because I simply forgot! :angry:

Do you guys wanna do this every 20th? Like the major prayer on every 25th?
This morning I was in bed and I could hear the intro to ‘Beat It’ before the bass kicks in and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. The radio was on so I thought they were playing it, but they weren’t. I could still here it when other songs were playing. I then said, ‘Michael’ and it just stop. So I don’t know what to think of that really.
I have had the most random day thought I would share as I had some Michael moments for the first time in ages!
My phone ringtone is Dont stop till you get enough and for the whole day I swear I have been hearing the first few bars of the song and each time I have jumped and thought it was my phone but it wasnt. On the way home from work on the train it happened about three times in a row so I thought to myself very funny Michael you've got me more than once and now it has this is probably just me hearing sounds and thinking it was my phone/complete coincidence but this was really weird and quite funny!!
I have had the most random day thought I would share as I had some Michael moments for the first time in ages!
My phone ringtone is Dont stop till you get enough and for the whole day I swear I have been hearing the first few bars of the song and each time I have jumped and thought it was my phone but it wasnt. On the way home from work on the train it happened about three times in a row so I thought to myself very funny Michael you've got me more than once and now it has this is probably just me hearing sounds and thinking it was my phone/complete coincidence but this was really weird and quite funny!!

I would believe it's Michael if I was you!


Only he of people would do that :lol:
Louise - glad you had a Michael dream :wub:
The place he described sounds quite similar to some of the places the girls have dreamt about, if I remember correctly? So yeah, maybe you connected too and saw the same place?

To those hearing music, thats interesting. I've heard music before (sadly not Michael's) and often wondered if my ipod is on or something. But yeah, maybe it is Michael just messing around :lol: or letting you know he's there.

Hope everyone is gooood. I'm watching the snow fall. It's so beautiful.
Still buzzing about yesterdays meditation :) thanks to everyone for taking part and to those who didn't we will surely be doing it again and would love more peeps to join :)

I hope Mrs.Music got to LDN okay.

:heart: to all
I hope Mrs.Music got to LDN okay.
I didn't... :( Got at the airport and they told the flight was cancelled, and no other flights this week. Booooo. But well...guess it must've had a reason, I had a intuition I wouldn't be in London, I just didn't see myself there. Guess my over sensitive intuition was right...again. :lol:
But yeah, sucks big time...was so lookin' forward to the exhibition and stuff.
I didn't... :( Got at the airport and they told the flight was cancelled, and no other flights this week. Booooo. But well...guess it must've had a reason, I had a intuition I wouldn't be in London, I just didn't see myself there. Guess my over sensitive intuition was right...again. :lol:
But yeah, sucks big time...was so lookin' forward to the exhibition and stuff.

Oh boo! That sucks.
But yeah maybe it was your intuition telling ya. I think it worked out for the best, even though the exhibition would of been awesome, everything happens for a reason.
Ah well..I'm changing plans now for the end of January so hopefully that'll work out!
But thanks for caring guys! ;D
Hey people :) I had a dream with Michael in it last night, even though it wasn't really that long. I remember I was in a large room, and there were quite a few people in there talking amongst theirselves. I was there on my own, just kinda standing around lol. Then I remember Michael kinda appearing in front of me. I said hi to him, although as you can imagine, I was a little suprised to see him. He started talking to me, and describing a field or green area. :scratch: It sounds boring but it sounded so beautiful. :heart: I know I, and I think some other people have had fields or something similar in their dreams? Either way, it seemed familiar for some reason. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you. :wub:
Yeah, not only did some of us see a place like that in yesterday's meditation, but a lot have in dreams. Here and in the Dreams thread I've read that several times. Cool dream. :) I think I dreamt a bit of Michael last night, but I can't remember anything specific. It's been a long dryspell in the great MJ dreams department.

mjbunny, your experience was amazing. It gives me so much comfort that you hear Michael say those things...

How did you see/hear it though?

Like dreams we see at night or thoughts?

I missed this because I simply forgot! :angry:

Do you guys wanna do this every 20th? Like the major prayer on every 25th?
Well, it was a meditation, so in the mind. Think of a vivid daydream that feels like you're not entirely making it up. Like at first I just focused on the intention of hooking up with all of you and then waited until something happened, having no idea what or where I'd find myself, then there was a swirly tunnel I was being sucked down and I thought "well, this is interesting!" lol. You just have to let it happen, allow it to flow. Which isn't easy and I don't claim to be a master.

An example would be to imagine as vividly as you can that you're walking up to your house, putting the key in the lock, opening the door, walking down the hall, etc. You'll 'see' it in your mind fairly clearly ... at least the main points, but it wouldn't be satisfyingly real. And in a meditation you have to try to let go of that control over what's happening and just let things happen. Sometimes that's easier than others. Over the years I've had experiences with meditations and stuff like shamanic journeying with vastly varying vividness (< how's that for alliteration, lol). This one was like a 5 or 6 on scale of 1-10 I'd say. I wish I could make it all more 'real'. I wish I could know that it is real! But when so many of us get the same general things... I mean, whoa. Obviously there's something to it.

This morning I was in bed and I could hear the intro to ‘Beat It’ before the bass kicks in and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.
LOL, music from beyond! I would welcome any such weird experiences, as long as it's MJ's music :lol: (But suddenly I had the phrase "I am a magnet for all kinds of deeper wonderment" from Alanis Morissette's song Wunderkind jump into my head. I always wished I could've heard Michael sing that song, with some minor lyrical adjustments. I know ... totally random. Nevermind :lol:)

I have had the most random day thought I would share as I had some Michael moments for the first time in ages!
My phone ringtone is Dont stop till you get enough and for the whole day I swear I have been hearing the first few bars of the song and each time I have jumped and thought it was my phone but it wasnt. On the way home from work on the train it happened about three times in a row so I thought to myself very funny Michael you've got me more than once and now it has this is probably just me hearing sounds and thinking it was my phone/complete coincidence but this was really weird and quite funny!!
Whoa, and talk about coincidences -- while I was reading your post, the very microsecond I got to the part where you wrote the words "... Don't stop till you get enough..." guess what played on the TV?! You got it: DSTYGE! A clip from the vid in a lookback at 2009 show. I literally read DSTYGE as the words matched on the tv. Considering that's not played all the time, I'd say pretty darn cool :angel:

I didn't... :( Got at the airport and they told the flight was cancelled, and no other flights this week. Booooo. But well...guess it must've had a reason, I had a intuition I wouldn't be in London, I just didn't see myself there. Guess my over sensitive intuition was right...again. :lol: But yeah, sucks big time...was so lookin' forward to the exhibition and stuff.
Ah, Mrs Music, that does suck. At least you're safe, though. I guess nobody can get anywhere the last couple days.
suddenly I had the phrase "I am a magnet for all kinds of deeper wonderment" from Alanis Morissette's song Wunderkind jump into my head. it. I have this type of "music from beyond" happen to me all the Where suddenly a random lyric or whole song will pop in my head - and I realize it will be affirming something I've been thinking about, or answering a question I have or something. I love it when that happens. :angel: (and I love that song by Alanis btw! :p)

- glad to hear you are at least safe! :huggy:
I had also had a coincidence earlier today .. I was in the living room and I randomly sang one of Michael's songs , and then I decided to switch channel to MTV and they were showing the memorial with 'You are not alone' playing in the background.. :)
LOL, music from beyond! I would welcome any such weird experiences, as long as it's MJ's music :lol: (But suddenly I had the phrase "I am a magnet for all kinds of deeper wonderment" from Alanis Morissette's song Wunderkind jump into my head. I always wished I could've heard Michael sing that song, with some minor lyrical adjustments. I know ... totally random. Nevermind :lol:)

Whoa, and talk about coincidences -- while I was reading your post, the very microsecond I got to the part where you wrote the words "... Don't stop till you get enough..." guess what played on the TV?! You got it: DSTYGE! A clip from the vid in a lookback at 2009 show. I literally read DSTYGE as the words matched on the tv. Considering that's not played all the time, I'd say pretty darn cool :angel:

Ah, Mrs Music, that does suck. At least you're safe, though. I guess nobody can get anywhere the last couple days. it. I have this type of "music from beyond" happen to me all the Where suddenly a random lyric or whole song will pop in my head - and I realize it will be affirming something I've been thinking about, or answering a question I have or something. I love it when that happens. :angel: (and I love that song by Alanis btw! :p)

- glad to hear you are at least safe! :huggy:

Oh I have these music/lyric type of things sooo often too. That seriously happens to me once ever 2 or 3 days or something. Just these things that are too much coincidence to be a coincidence ya know. :lol:

Thanks you 2 as well! It's such a chaos out here...I've never seen that much snow laying in The Netherlands in my whole life - everyone's stuck here and there, like being in a war-area or sth. Sickkkk! :mello:
Soo I just watched Michael on tv, MSG concert.
Me and my friend were all really excited, but my friend kept using past tense like Michael was so amazing, I'm like NO, Michael is amazing. Still. He's still here. (Even though I got slightly emotional :cry: )

I find great comfort in this thread cos it just highlights how Michael is still around his children, family and fans. Even though he's not here physically, he's with each and everyone of us spiritually. And that is just beautiful and amazing.
Sorry for this randomness.

I just wanna send L.O.V.E. to you all and of course to Michael.
Aw, I feel the same, DarlingDear. I really love this thread. :huggy: :heart:
Hey all, I've been really missing Michael since yesterday because "you know what" reminded me of "you know what" :cry: So, I was really sad before I went to sleep last night. I asked Michael if maybe he could sing me a lullaby or something. Then I heard inside my mind some kind of Jackson 5 song I've never heard before.

Today was really chaotic for me, and I'm still missing Michael, but I took the time today to get a couple of toys and give them to less fortunate children. I hope Michael is proud I did it. It is my Christmas present to him. All for L.O.V.E. :heart:

I did remember something else I saw from that meditation yesterday. I saw a pyramid and it was like a camera was panning around the pyramid. I think I was trying to picture Michael standing on top of it, but I couldn't make anything else out.
My mom dug out an old movie the other day called "The Littlest Angel". And it was about a young boy named Michael that passed away and wanted to go home. It was such a strange movie and it made me think of Michael so much.
heres the cover:

My spirit has been feeling really sad, weak and tired lately. It could be that this year is almost over and now im just scared to go into 2010 like what lies ahead.. .God I just miss Michael so much :cry:
last night i had the weirdest dream of Micheal my dream was about him dying and there were premiering his song i cant remember the whole song but its was like " Susie want to go home or to find her way home ???? " i know the song about Susie but i never heard this before
^ I think I've seen that movie before, but I can't remember a thing about it! Ah, thought that kid looked familiar. He was in Family Affair. Wow, things I watched as a kid in the 70's, lol.

While we're on the subject of old movies, I saw a classic recently for the first time that's just... whoa, ouch. About lives being destroyed by the false accusations of a child -- sound familiar? The Children's Hour (Shirley MacLaine & Audrey Hepburn -- however the plot is shocking because of what they're accused of -- that this is sooooo horrifying to people in 1961. I mean, holy crap.)

Hey all, I've been really missing Michael since yesterday because "you know what" reminded me of "you know what" :cry: So, I was really sad before I went to sleep last night. I asked Michael if maybe he could sing me a lullaby or something. Then I heard inside my mind some kind of Jackson 5 song I've never heard before.

Today was really chaotic for me, and I'm still missing Michael, but I took the time today to get a couple of toys and give them to less fortunate children. I hope Michael is proud I did it. It is my Christmas present to him. All for L.O.V.E. :heart:

I did remember something else I saw from that meditation yesterday. I saw a pyramid and it was like a camera was panning around the pyramid. I think I was trying to picture Michael standing on top of it, but I couldn't make anything else out.
I've felt like that today too. :( It didn't help that a channel here played documentaries about his death and then the MSG concert. Man, oh man. Interesting about the pyramid. I remembered something else this morning too, just out of the blue. I remembered that when I asked MJ in the meditation if it was really him that I felt when I get that certain feeling and he said "sometimes, yes"... I had asked in my mind "how do I know it's you then? Is there some way I can know for sure?" And then I saw an image, a symbol. Nothing strange, just want to keep it personal. But anyway, weird I had forgotten that until today. I can't feel that a symbol helps me much, though, because then I'll just wonder if I'm making up the symbol because I want it to be Michael who's visiting :smilerolleyes:
Everyone was feeling down yesterday?! Wow...'cuz I was feeling like that too, had the worst night in weeks...and another member from here I spoke too had the exact thing as well!

Interesting how often we report we feel the same on days.
Everyone was feeling down yesterday?! Wow...'cuz I was feeling like that too, had the worst night in weeks...and another member from here I spoke too had the exact thing as well!

Interesting how often we report we feel the same on days.

I was feeling like that too yesterday. :(
What does it mean when you see sparkles in the corner of your eye, and then they are gone in an eye blink?
I tried meditating last night.

I got random images of Michael's face and his little moonwalking feet. LOL.


Did I say little feet? :mello:
All I could remember from my dream last night was that the Jackson 5 were in it. I could remember it as soon as I woke up but now, it's gone :(
I think Michael was in it, I felt like he was.

:hug: to everyone feeling :cry:

I think I'll try meditating again later on, if I can. Ever since I saw that face I've been a bit scared to try it again lol, but then again I want to try it, to see if anything else appears or something.
All I could remember from my dream last night was that the Jackson 5 were in it. I could remember it as soon as I woke up but now, it's gone :(
I think Michael was in it, I felt like he was.

:hug: to everyone feeling :cry:

I think I'll try meditating again later on, if I can. Ever since I saw that face I've been a bit scared to try it again lol, but then again I want to try it, to see if anything else appears or something.
Ah, geez I'm so curious about the face too..Does someone know what it means ? All I can remember from my dream last night is a guitar .. :lol: