Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yes, this was the first time for me too. It was creepy , yes. After the face disappeared the left side of my body was so cold. So, why did we see the face ? I saw other things too , but they were so blurry and unclear , but the face was so clear !

I don't know tink, but I'm glad someone else saw it too! I couldn't believe it. I wanted to hold the image of the face longer, but like cos it freaked me out a bit, I lost it cos my eyes flinched :lol:
I wonder who it was? It was so clear. I'm so excited. Sorry to keep going on and on about this face lol, but man it was so clear.

Oh Louise! Don't feel bad, we will do it again sometime :) Please join in.
OMG, so I'm going back to read everything everyone wrote now and comment, lol...
I don't know tink, but I'm glad someone else saw it too! I couldn't believe it. I wanted to hold the image of the face longer, but like cos it freaked me out a bit, I lost it cos my eyes flinched :lol:
I wonder who it was? It was so clear. I'm so excited. Sorry to keep going on and on about this face lol, but man it was so clear.

Oh Louise! Don't feel bad, we will do it again sometime :) Please join in.

I'm very curious about this too . Maybe it was a spirit guide ? Because I also kept asking ; who's my spirit guide ? Who's my spirit guide? Please connect me to all the others ...
even though I had a scatterbrained meditation, it was fun to try, I hope we can all try it again soon. Next time I'll keep repeating everyone's screenname. After being on the mountain with the field of grass and the blue sky it did remind of the painting where MJ is walking with the children with his red shirt and fedora while I was meditating.

It was also funny while I was meditating I was trying to remember the guy's name and when I was thinking the wrong name he said "no you dolt, it's David Humphrey", I was laughing to myself.
I'm very curious about this too . Maybe it was a spirit guide ? Because I also kept asking ; who's my spirit guide ? Who's my spirit guide? Please connect me to all the others ...

mmmm, I was thinking that, when their face appeared I thought is this my spirit guide. But I shook it off cos I wasn't asking for them cos I thought the more I ask, the more it won't happen, so if I just let myself drift off. But yeah, you could be right though tink.
If we do it again, maybe they will appear again?
even though I had a scatterbrained meditation, it was fun to try, I hope we can all try it again soon. Next time I'll keep repeating everyone's screenname. After being on the mountain with the field of grass and the blue sky it did remind of the painting where MJ is walking with the children with his red shirt and fedora while I was meditating.

It was also funny while I was meditating I was trying to remember the guy's name and when I was thinking the wrong name he said "no you dolt, it's David Humphrey", I was laughing to myself.

yeah I wanna try it again soon! I repeated peoples screens names like pleaaaase, higher self connect me to them pleaaaaaaase. :lol: I felt a bit crazy.
Wow darlingdear and tinkerbell2, I would be creeped out by seeing an random face, especially with the eyes darkened...whew! Hopefully if you guys see a face next time it shows the full face and not a darkened one.
Ok, I'm amazed, really. Some of the similarities... incredible :) Crazy about the face (or guy) some of you saw. I wonder too if that's a spirit guide, like some folks saw their guides? I find that totally possible. I've seen Jesus in meditations before (imagine that shock the first time, lol), so it's interesting people mentioned the face was like Jesus. I didn't see anyone else tonight, though. As far I experienced it was just you guys and then Michael. Hmmm. Maybe I was too busy watching MJ when the dude popped up in the circle and I missed him :lol:

I'm sorry everyone else didn't see Michael, lol. I didn't plan on that and I was thinking "no way", but I'm in shock about others seeing us sitting or standing in a circle. Holy...! It was Michael in my meditation who asked us to sit there in the circle! Amygrace, you said we sat in a circle and left a spot open, like for Michael. I mean, whoaaaa.

And the green grass and blue sky and even that hill some of us saw. For me it looked kind of like the ruins of an old lookout tower or monument at the very top. And then the WHITE SPACE.... another whoaaaaaa.

And when I saw Michael, what he was wearing matches with darlingdear's dream of him and the hill and grass reminding tarah of the painting of him wearing that same outfit.

You guys, I would call this a success. I mean, do you feel like we met on some level? I do! I've done that before with friends and things matched up shockingly well, so I really believe it's possible. I think it was real. To what degree and why we didn't all see exactly the same, that's the question. (But if you believe mine... you all got to hug and kiss Michael, so ya'll best be smiling right now, lolol)
Wow darlingdear and tinkerbell2, I would be creeped out by seeing an random face, especially with the eyes darkened...whew! Hopefully if you guys see a face next time it shows the full face and not a darkened one.

Well I could see their face, like their hair colour too. But just the eyes were like shadowy.
I'm not sure if he had a moustache though..or whether it was just the shadowing?
Ok, I'm amazed, really. Some of the similarities... incredible :) Crazy about the face (or guy) some of you saw. I wonder too if that's a spirit guide, like some folks saw their guides? I find that totally possible. I've seen Jesus in meditations before (imagine that shock the first time, lol), so it's interesting people mentioned the face was like Jesus. I didn't see anyone else tonight, though. As far I experienced it was just you guys and then Michael. Hmmm. Maybe I was too busy watching MJ when the dude popped up in the circle and I missed him :lol:

I'm sorry everyone else didn't see Michael, lol. I didn't plan on that and I was thinking "no way", but I'm in shock about others seeing us sitting or standing in a circle. Holy...! It was Michael in my meditation who asked us to sit there in the circle! Amygrace, you said we sat in a circle and left a spot open, like for Michael. I mean, whoaaaa.

And the green grass and blue sky and even that hill some of us saw. For me it looked kind of like the ruins of an old lookout tower or monument at the very top. And then the WHITE SPACE.... another whoaaaaaa.

And when I saw Michael, what he was wearing matches with darlingdear's dream of him and the hill and grass reminding tarah of the painting of him wearing that same outfit.

You guys, I would call this a success. I mean, do you feel like we met on some level? I do! I've done that before with friends and things matched up shockingly well, so I really believe it's possible. I think it was real. To what degree and why we didn't all see exactly the same, that's the question. (But if you believe mine... you all got to hug and kiss Michael, so ya'll best be smiling right now, lolol)

bahaha, mjbunny the last part of your post made me :D

I think this meditation was a success I have to say. At first I was all like really impatient like come on, please let this happen. But then I thought calm down and just don't think.
There are many similarities between what people experienced and that. I think I did ask for Michael, and I did send love to Brittany too.
Yeah I saw white space too, like I think in your first post on this meditation you said after while it was just white, I had that too, just vast whiteness.

I think cos, for me personally, I'm kinda a "newbie" and this meditation stuff, the trying to meet up wasn't quite as powerful cos obviously I'm just learning how to do things, but I mean I was envisioning us holding hands like and as I said before, really focussing on that hand holding for the connection.
But I mean, the fact that me and tink saw that face. Whoever it was, the fact we both saw it, just blew me away.
yeah I wanna try it again soon! I repeated peoples screens names like pleaaaase, higher self connect me to them pleaaaaaaase. :lol: I felt a bit crazy.

I was like that too :lol: I'm new to this so i was kinda lost , if you know what i mean :p
MJ just seems love wearing the red shirt and black pants like he wore in the painting when he was walking with the children... I as well as many others have said how they saw MJ wearing that same outfit in past dreams and visions(I saw him wearing it in my first MJ dream). What do you guys think about that?
Felt good knowing you guys were in the same thoughts. I felt very full of energy, my whole body was 'moving' know, that shaky feeling...and I had it hot and cold at the same time. Further didn't feel so much, I'm too stressed out I guess...and my phone rang...gotta pick up my friend now...gee, timing.Love you guys! :heart:
OMG, it's so cool because you said you wouldn't be able to do it! And at one point you sort of peeked in but didn't completely join the group (for me this was when we were waiting for others in the dark cemetery, wondering what to do next). It was like, oh, Mrs Music is here! Hey, didn't know you could join us! And I know Tinkerbell was there. She came a bit after amygrace and a couple of others. And the names MJStarlight and Dance of Zenab also came to my head while there, but they haven't checked in. I wonder if they were there as well.

A named popped into my head, David Humphrey died in 1982 from a car accident, from hitting a mind was making up things(the name sounds close to brittany murphy and my cousin died from the same type of accident).
Don't mean to freak you out, but have you ever thought of yourself as being able to talk with spirits? I mean, maybe there really was a guy named David Humphrey who had some kind of connection to someone you know and he was saying "hi". Or to someone here? I wonder. If not then I wonder who the heck he is and if he was the guy that other people saw?

Then as I was coming out of meditation I smelt this smell, which I had never smelt before, I can't describe it either. I smelt around lol, like my clothes and hair, and pillow but it just didn't register with that smell I smelt. Then I tried to re-smell it, but I dunno maybe I sucked it all in :lol: it disappeared.
When I read this I thought about how everyone mentions how great MJ smelled. Which made sense to me if I believe my experience that we all hugged him!

The cemetry :lol: a bit of a creepy place to hang out, but still!
I know, isn't that weird??? And interesting no one else saw that, lol. But that's where we first met in mine while waiting for everyone. Tarah mentioned the hill with people at the top and at one time the figures were all black. Wonder if it's a connection to the dark. I thought just now that the cemetery thing may have been because my mind was on the fact that in the last two hours the AP was meeting at F.L. with MJ fans leaving things there for Christmas.

^ mjbunny: I was asking for Michael many times in my meditation and kept saying , we love you , but I didn't see him :(
Wow! We were saying that, for certain. All of us. In mine, anyway. So either you didn't see him or I've just got a wild imagination.

Wow darlingdear and tinkerbell2, I would be creeped out by seeing an random face, especially with the eyes darkened...whew! Hopefully if you guys see a face next time it shows the full face and not a darkened one.
When was it mentioned the eyes darkened? Sorry, maybe I missed something. It's just that it reminds me of how souls are described in the book Journey of Souls, that the spirit doesn't have eyes like human eyes, but dark spots, like pools of infinite blackness (not in a scary way, of course).
I was like that too :lol: I'm new to this so i was kinda lost , if you know what i mean :p

Yeah, I was just hoping for anything, trying to clear the ol'mind and just intensely focussing on the group and energy.
Maybe cos we're new at this stuff, the same person appeared cos of that? Just easing us in, letting us know it's working, and that we're building up slowly.
If that makes aaanny sense.
When was it mentioned the eyes darkened? Sorry, maybe I missed something. It's just that it reminds me of how souls are described in the book Journey of Souls, that the spirit doesn't have eyes like human eyes, but dark spots, like pools of infinite blackness (not in a scary way, of course).

Yeah like the eyes, how to describe them, like you know...shadowy. I couldn't see for sure the actual eyeballs just the black shadows.
Oh wow, I never knew that about the spirits eyes, thats interesting. Thanks. (Even though you say not in a scary way, I still got pretty :eek: haha)
I hope the others post what they experienced while dreaming/meditating.

Hearing about Brittany broke my concentration because I felt bad for trying to shut her passing out of my head and trying to focus on doing a meeting with you guys. Maybe next time everyone will be more focused. Also I think the music I was listening too wasn't too great because at one point in it you can hear horses galloping, lol. I think next time I will use just the sounds my fan in my room(kind of a white noise).
Yeah, I was just hoping for anything, trying to clear the ol'mind and just intensely focussing on the group and energy.
Maybe cos we're new at this stuff, the same person appeared cos of that? Just easing us in, letting us know it's working, and that we're building up slowly.
If that makes aaanny sense.

That makes sense :)
Yeah like the eyes, how to describe them, like you know...shadowy. I couldn't see for sure the actual eyeballs just the black shadows.
Oh wow, I never knew that about the spirits eyes, thats interesting. Thanks. (Even though you say not in a scary way, I still got pretty :eek: haha)
It says in the book (not that the book is gospel, but seems pretty compelling) that many people find this kind of spooky at first, yes.
...First I was visualizing a field of green grass and a blue sky and saw several people standing in different spots. Then my head starts moving like 15 minutes into it like a circular motion(I tried meditating sitting up in the past but my head would move then and I thought it was because my neck couldn't support my big head lol). I tried doing it while laying down today and it was still moving around.
ETA: I did feel heat too, which was odd because now I'm cool again(I put my fan on before I started meditating). I tried to listen to some calming music while meditating this time, so maybe next time, I'll try to do it in silence. I'm glad the phone didn't ring, lol.
Oh god, I had te EXACT same thing! I definitely felt like being in a field or something...with a tree, but it was more dark. Like mjbunny just said, it could've well been that 'cemetary' like...or just an space without anything surrounded.
And yeah, I also felt hot and then cold and stuff, and shaky in my I said!

I got an impression of some of us just meeting in an "empty space" there were no surroundings. And we huddled together in the same way a sports team would do before a game...standing in a circle, arms around eachother. It felt like only some of us were there and we were waiting for more to come. After that there was a bit of nothingness. Then I had the impression of us "picking" a location. We ended up in a field/meadow setting next to a big tree like what some of us had already experienced...because it was familiar and just felt good. I then envisioned us sitting together in a circle holding hands...but we didn't close the circle. Meaning, we left one space open... for Michael. I don't think he showed up, but it symbolized to me how we all come together here in support for one another...and how we all try to "keep our doors open" for experiences for Michael. He's always welcome, and our experiences with him brings us together.
Awesome! This is what I felt too, the circle! It wasn't so clear as mjbunny or you had, but definitely yeah....standing in a reminded me of my dream I had when I saw Michael in a big grassfield with one big tree and he had wings and we sat down and hugged and stuff. I got back a bit to that dream. :scratch:Maybe it was because it was similar or anything?
At one point we saw/knew of Mrs Music, like she was peeking in somehow and we were like "oh! you joined us somehow anyway!"

It was kind of like... ok, what do we do now? We decided to wait a bit, in case some others would come. At one point I lost focus and the rest of you seemed to have walked a bit away. I caught back up. I wanted to try going somewhere else. I guess others did too. Someone wondered aloud if we could see Michael. I said I'd invited him to join us before I started, lol.
Then... then... Michael showed up! He sort of walked down and ahead toward us from out of the white light. He was wearing a red shirt and black pants and fedora, no sunglasses. He smiled and giggled, we all ran to him. Each of us hugged him one at a time, while the others crowded around, sort of like a big group hug with MJ in the middle, moving from one to the next of us. (I thought... oh come on, I'm just making this up, right? LOL But honestly it was one of the more vivid sights of him I've had in a meditation since early A, like ugust!) We all cried and smiled and hugged him. It was amazing.

Then he wanted us to sit down in a circle on the floor. I was about 2 or 3 people from him in the circle, to his right. I think later he moved to the center of the circle more and we stood up. Seemed like a bit of minor jealousy about who got to hold his hand in the circle, lol. Anyway, he told us thank you and that he knows how we feel and that we don't need to be sad, but he understands it's not easy. He thanked us for keeping love alive, that we need to keep bringing love into the world. Someone across from me (sorry, don't know who) mentioned major love prayer. He smiled and said "yes, I love that". And I said, "That's one thing, yeah" (meaning of the many things we can do, are doing, will do). He said he's always with us, we don't need to cry.

Someone asked about seeing sparkles and then Michael made sparkles with his fingers, lolol. So he could like snap sparkles into the air ;) We all laughed and thought COOL. He giggled at that too. Then I asked if the feeling I felt (the warmth, presence) was really him. He said, "sometimes, yes" ;) And reiterated that he's always 'around', we're not alone, spread love, heal the world ...not exact words, but general sentiment.

We moved toward him again, and each got another hug. I hugged him so tightly and he kissed me on the forehead and I kissed him along the bottom of his cheek, near his left ear :wub: Then I opened my eyes and saw my bedroom again, but felt kind of weird, like people were all around me. Then I thought, wait -- MJ's not left yet and I don't want to miss a moment of seeing him, lol! So I watched him, but it was all fading, as he hugged and kissed the rest of you. Then he waved bye to us and I opened my eyes and came here to write this!

So, now I feel a bit crazy.
Ohmygod...I'm crying here, it's so amazing that you really saw me coming in there later....and I absolutely can relate to a lot of parts you describe there. How awesome! Gee...I didn't thought I would 'get into it' since I am so stressed out today and didn't really had a clear 'story' I could feel or see, only flashes of things, and got out of it in like 5 minutes. :(
Whoa...just those parts like...being in a circle, seeing Michael, the field...and yes, I also felt like communicating with him on my own in some part....I just couldn't quite get it all together and make something off it. But now it's really clear....damn, I'm definitely not experienced enough yet in meditating, but this tells me I'm going the right way.
Beautiful....thanks for writing it down like that.:boohoo:

I'm now off to bed, hope I can make it to London tomorrow and my flight won't be cancelled or delayed!
Wish everyone a nice week, talk to you guys soon!
Something weird I found... there was a hoax email going around in July that claimed to be from John Branca about how he's sent his assistant "Agent David Humphrey" to Africa with some copy of MJ's will because MJ wanted money to go to his fans and not to Joe, blah, blah. Anyway.... David Humphrey. Freaky, no? to the last message there)

P.S. I just mean freaky because I was surprised to find that name in connection with MJ at all, I mean besides him being a fan or something.
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Something weird I found... there was a hoax email going around in July that claimed to be from John Branca about how he's sent his assistant "Agent David Humphrey" to Africa with some copy of MJ's will because MJ wanted money to go to his fans and not to Joe, blah, blah. Anyway.... David Humphrey. Freaky, no? to the last message there)

P.S. I just mean freaky because I was surprised to find that name in connection with MJ at all, I mean besides him being a fan or something.

that is funny though...I didn't think of looking up the names together mjbunny!
I don't think I got much out of this meditation. I think I probably should have turned off the lights because that seems to help me better. And I kept getting distracted by my own thoughts, mostly thinking "This is not working" lol. And I kept getting distracted by noises, like the sound of my laptop running and hearing a plane flying overhead. I'm too easily distracted I guess.

I didn't see too much. I did see what have might have been purple colored shadowy figures. It might have been you guys. And I think I might have seen the face too, like I could make out a nose, but again it was just a shadow. I didn't see any vivid images or any images at all really. I'm a novice when it comes to this. I was actually a bit worried I was going to have a AP or OBE or something while doing it, so maybe I should have relaxed more.

mjbunny, that's awesome you saw Michael. :) Nice about the sparkles too. I've seen those a couple of times before.
Ack I had to go grocery shopping and that put me 2 pages behind! Just read through everything though...this is all sooo interesting and I'm really feeling excited, like, we should try again at another time! Especially since not everyone could (consciously) participate. This could really help to encourage some of us to meditate more if we don't that often (like myself) and it will help strengthen our abilities.

mjbunny said:
It was kind of like... ok, what do we do now? We decided to wait a bit, in case some others would come. At one point I lost focus and the rest of you seemed to have walked a bit away. I caught back up. I wanted to try going somewhere else. I guess others did too. Someone wondered aloud if we could see Michael. I said I'd invited him to join us before I started, lol.
This is EXACTLY what I got...when we were all standing around in "nothingness"/white space... was that we were waiting for some others to come, and then we were just kinda like...ok now what? :p Also, I remember when we were sitting in the circle on the lush green grass, with the space left open for Michael...someone mentioned that maybe we should really call on him to come in. So we put our energy out to call him and for just a couple seconds I saw him come, and he was in a red shirt/fedora!! Which I rarely envision him in. I didn't mention this earlier 'cause I felt like this was just my "wishful thinking" and it didn't really happen...I was almost sure of it. But after reading what you experienced, I'm starting to think he DID show up but I quickly dismissed the experience because I felt like he had better things to do or something. lol. Damn I need to trust myself more!

mjbunny said:
This went by very quickly and then I seemed to see the cafeteria from some of our dreams, lol. But then that faded away quickly as well
Omg...same thing here. For me this happened when we were in nothing but white space before the meadow/tree scene though...when we were "deciding" where we wanted to hang out. I saw the cafeteria go by in a flash.
Oh..and I also remember us briefly talking about Brittany... this was in the beginning while we were just standing around waiting to get everyone together and stuff.

Love reading all these connections!
:punk: Rock on! How incredibly cool! Wow, so you saw him... and wearing the same thing! :faints: Ah, thinking we were actually all there with Michael :wub: I'm telling you guys, I saw each and every one of us getting a hug ;) I hope it's true. I hope we all did!

I don't know why this should surprise me. We used to do stuff like this occasionally in a group I was in. I remember one meditation journey when four of us took a guided trip up a tree into the clouds and then the narration stopped at that point and we just went on our own. I saw a cloudy tunnel and knew "the library" was up around the bend. Then I saw my friend K leaning far too close to these window/portholes to other time periods that were in the sides of the tunnel. I knew that if you leaned too close you could fall in, so I tried to stop her repeatedly, but she stubbornly resisted. I just wanted to go on down the tunnel to the library! I never saw the other two friends in this at all.

When we 'came back' the very first thing K said to me, before anyone had yet uttered a word was, "What's your problem?! I was trying to watch the scenes that were playing in the doorway things and you kept trying to pull me away! And where the hell were you two?" LOL, so she and I clearly saw each other & had the same experiences (!) and neither of us had seen the other two participants. Where were they? They never saw us either! They saw each other though... both dorking around doing cartwheels in the air off in la la land instead of following through with our journey, lolol. It was amazing, because it meant we were either SO in synch mentally ... or this stuff really happened!

Like today! :wild:
I'm telling you guys, I saw each and every one of us getting a hug ;) I hope it's true. I hope we all did!
God I hope so too!! :wub:

mjbunny said:
Then I saw my friend K leaning far too close to these window/portholes to other time periods that were in the sides of the tunnel. I knew that if you leaned too close you could fall in, so I tried to stop her repeatedly, but she stubbornly resisted. I just wanted to go on down the tunnel to the library! I never saw the other two friends in this at all.
When we 'came back' the very first thing K said to me, before anyone had yet uttered a word was, "What's your problem?! I was trying to watch the scenes that were playing in the doorway things and you kept trying to pull me away! And where the hell were you two?" LOL, so she and I clearly saw each other & had the same experiences (!)
Hah, that is crazy cool! I'm sure that if we keep trying these meditations here we'll have even more vivid/detailed stories that much up like that. I mean we're already off to a GREAT start.
Yeah, I think we should definitely do it again even though I didn't really see anything (I wanna see Michael hug me! lol) This is really amazing to think that this is all possible. It would make this thread become really interesting.