Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yeah, this is just SICK...and it wasn't even the celebs dying only, there's happened so much more awful stuff! Really unbelieveable!
Makes me wonder what causes all this, you know.

Now I'm afraid to fly tomorrow in this weather, it's such a chaos here....and knowing it's still 2009. Yikes.:ph34r:

Geez :eek: Take care :heart:
I have this bad energy in me right now .. I feel like crying :( Can't wait
for 2010 ..
^ I know what you mean. Occasional relapses into this are to be expected, I guess. Hope to feel better in the next hour and half before our experiment. And good luck to all who are traveling in the snow in the US and Europe (like Mrs Music and the flying... I totally understand the 'eeek' feeling, but statistically you should be more than alright ;) )
^ I know what you mean. Occasional relapses into this are to be expected, I guess. Hope to feel better in the next hour and half before our experiment. And good luck to all who are traveling in the snow in the US and Europe (like Mrs Music and the flying... I totally understand the 'eeek' feeling, but statistically you should be more than alright ;) )
Hahah, I know. It's just the thought.

Hmm wish I could join the meditation but not gonna make it. Really needed something like that. :(
Ah well...I'll be back for the major prayer on the 25th again.
I'm still really shocked about Brittany, sorry to keep hammering back to that. I don't mean to bring all this bad energy. It's just so like :eek:. And really highlights the fragility of life.

I'm hoping this meditation will bring around positive energy tonight.
I have a nervous but excited feeling in my stomach at the moment.

Mrs.Music, don't worry. I'm sure your flight will be just fine. I know how you're feeling though, my sister just returned from the US for christmas and I was a bit worried, what with the bad weather over here! But it'll be just fine :)
Now I'm afraid to fly tomorrow in this weather, it's such a chaos here....and knowing it's still 2009. Yikes.:ph34r:

*sends you positive vibes for a safe and happy flight tomorrow*

I'm still really shocked about Brittany, sorry to keep hammering back to that. I don't mean to bring all this bad energy. It's just so like :eek:. And really highlights the fragility of life.

I hear you... especially on it "highlight[ing] the fragility of life". I own some of the movies she was in, and remember listening to that dance track she was featured on ("Faster Kill Pussycat"). I didn't see this coming today. And seeing the words "Cardiac arrest", "TMZ", "Los Angelas" is just bringing me back to 06/25 all over again.

Here's to hoping for a better new year. Love to all. :heart:
I'm kind of negative right now. 2009 is just shocking. I'm so shocked that Brittany Murphy died and that with 32. This whole year is just unbelievable... it suddenly feels like a flashback :(

But I'll try to not let negative energy control me and influence my meditation. I was so looking forward to it. It will be fine.

Spreading LOVE & HOPE!!!!

Mrs. Music & mjbunny It feels good that I'm not the only one with seeing something in the corner of the eye. Recently I haven't seen anything, but the sparkles are always there (...btw, I haven't posted anything on that, but what I read yesterday says the almost same as the flashes of lights). But I always think at first too that someone is standing there but then it disappears. Very strange. Research again? Tomorrow!

He said... WHOA... he ALSO has had this in the last two days. Three or four times he's seen someone standing in our house out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned like 'who the heck?' there was no one there. So it's not just me!!!! But neither of us were the slightest bit scared by this, oddly. I don't feel frightened by it, just puzzled. What the heck?

OMG, this sounds scary and pretty interesting at the same time. I hope you find out, who this is.

Now I'm afraid to fly tomorrow in this weather, it's such a chaos here....and knowing it's still 2009. Yikes.:ph34r:

Take care everything will be fine. Please tell how it was, because I'm thinking of visitng too, but I'm not sure yet.

No MJ dream again. But I think I dreamt AGAIN of the other Jacksons. I don't really remember. I remember it right after I awake but it didn't seem interesting to me, I forgot it again... but though I have the thought to start a dream diary again. Would be pretty intersting. Just one thing yesterday while I was meditating, meanwhile the some lyrics of "I need you" popped into my head, it made no sense, maybe there's no sense behind it, because I can't see it, but just wanted to mention it.

Ok, it's almost time... unfortunately I won't be able to report after it, because I still dont have internet at home.. but I'll post tomorrow asap. friend still hasn't arrived yet, so I think I might be able to join for a couple of minutes! :)

Just 10 mins left right?
And seeing the words "Cardiac arrest", "TMZ", "Los Angeles" is just bringing me back to 06/25 all over again.
Here's to hoping for a better new year. Love to all. :heart:
It should seem pretty obvious, but I hadn't even thought of those connections, those same words, geesh. You're right. :no:

Ok, so 10 minutes until meditation. Have got to try to purge myself of this negativity. See you guys soon, lol ... this will be interesting to see what we experience...
Ok...that was it for me, just listened to Planet Earth and watched a photo where I could look into Michael's eyes and closed mine after a little while, like I did last time with the major prayer. I love that poem so much. :boohoo:

Felt good knowing you guys were in the same thoughts. I felt very full of energy, my whole body was 'moving' know, that shaky feeling...and I had it hot and cold at the same time. Further didn't feel so much, I'm too stressed out I guess...and my phone rang...gotta pick up my friend now...gee, timing.

Love you guys! :heart:
Ok...that was it for me, just listened to Planet Earth and watched a photo where I could look into Michael's eyes and closed mine after a little while, like I did last time with the major prayer. I love that poem so much. :boohoo:

Felt good knowing you guys were in the same thoughts. I felt very full of energy, my whole body was 'moving' know, that shaky feeling...and I had it hot and cold at the same time. Further didn't feel so much, I'm too stressed out I guess...and my phone rang...gotta pick up my friend now...gee, timing.

Love you guys! :heart:
Too cool! I 'saw' you there for a minute! We were like "oh, Mrs Music made it by after all!" Amazing. About to post my probably crazy long, long recounting. Hope I don't look too nutty, lolol. Ah heck, who cares :cheeky:
I tried to meditate but I was getting all kinds of stuff(I'm new to it). First I was visualizing a field of green grass and a blue sky and saw several people standing in different spots. Then my head starts moving like 15 minutes into it like a circular motion(I tried meditating sitting up in the past but my head would move then and I thought it was because my neck couldn't support my big head lol). I tried doing it while laying down today and it was still moving around. A named popped into my head, David Humphrey died in 1982 from a car accident, from hitting a mind was making up things(the name sounds close to brittany murphy and my cousin died from the same type of accident). I got this thought after trying to do like FunkeyJay and ask who my spiritual guide was. I need some practice at this meditation thing, lol.

ETA: I did feel heat too, which was odd because now I'm cool again(I put my fan on before I started meditating). I tried to listen to some calming music while meditating this time, so maybe next time, I'll try to do it in silence. I'm glad the phone didn't ring, lol.
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It took me a while to get into it lol.

I just let my mind wander, I had so many thoughts just bouncing around. But I just didn't react to them. I just like saw all this white, and all these outlines of things were passing by I dunno I couldn't make them out. I just let it all wash over me. But yeah I was just seeing all this white, sometimes blue?

One thing that did kinda startle me, even though I didn't open my eyes was like this face appeared right. And it was kinda weird, cos it was real vivd and nothing like that has happened before. It kinda made me have one of those moments where your heart beats faster like omg, what was that?! The only thing the way the face appeared to me made me think of Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody video. Like the heads in the light, with the shadows on their faces. I dunno. Its hard to explain, but I was like ahhhhhhh what was that? Then I kinda lost focus for a bit lol, but didn't wanna overthink the face that appeared. I dunno whether it was girl or boy, just that there was brown hair...

Then as I was coming out of meditation I smelt this smell, which I had never smelt before, I can't describe it either. I smelt around lol, like my clothes and hair, and pillow but it just didn't register with that smell I smelt. Then I tried to re-smell it, but I dunno maybe I sucked it all in :lol: it disappeared.

But yeah, it was good though, even though I couldn't focus in the first instance.

How did we all get on?

L.O.V.E. :heart:
Hey guys!
Just got back to my computer from the meditation. The first interesting thing I have to point out...was like that like 20-30 minutes before we were to start...I started to feel energy rushing through my stomach...kind of like butterflies in the stomach. It kept coming and going in whooshes. So, interesting to come back and read your response, darlingdear!:
I'm hoping this meditation will bring around positive energy tonight.
I have a nervous but excited feeling in my stomach at the moment.

As far as the actual meditation....I'm very questionable about what I experienced... particularly since I don't meditate often and it could've just all been in my head. But we'll see what some of you guys report too. For me, I laid down in bed and started to prepare myself and my space for the meditation like 10-15 minutes before we were to start. Not long after that; and fully relaxing my body and mind, I got an impression of some of us just meeting in an "empty space" there were no surroundings. And we huddled together in the same way a sports team would do before a game...standing in a circle, arms around eachother. It felt like only some of us were there and we were waiting for more to come. After that there was a bit of nothingness. Then I had the impression of us "picking" a location. We ended up in a field/meadow setting next to a big tree like what some of us had already experienced...because it was familiar and just felt good. I then envisioned us sitting together in a circle holding hands...but we didn't close the circle. Meaning, we left one space open... for Michael. I don't think he showed up, but it symbolized to me how we all come together here in support for one another...and how we all try to "keep our doors open" for experiences for Michael. He's always welcome, and our experiences with him brings us together.

I think that's all I have to report...I started to feel really tired after this and dosed off for a few minutes. Which was unexpected...
Oo, wow amy. The butterflies thing :lol:

Yeah I envisioned us standing in a circle, and really focussed on the hand holding aspect.
Then I think I saw a tree, the outline of one, but at this point I wasn't sure if it was my mind just making stuff up, since I like to make my "meditation zone" under a tree surrounded by white flowers :lol:
Interesting reading your guys' experiences so far! Another thing you girls just reminded me of...was that in the middle of meditation some guy popped up out of nowhere to comment on something I was thinking or we were talking about...I can't remember exactly. (lol...this experience is turning out to be like a dream...I'm forgetting stuff already) Anyway I remember he was in a gray suit, had a mustache and small perfect circle glasses. I was Where did you come from? :lol:
I tried to meditate but I was getting all kinds of stuff(I'm new to it). First I was visualizing a field of green grass and a blue sky and saw several people standing in different spots. Then my head starts moving like 15 minutes into it like a circular motion(I tried meditating sitting up in the past but my head would move then and I thought it was because my neck couldn't support my big head lol). I tried doing it while laying down today and it was still moving around. A named popped into my head, David Humphrey died in 1982 from a car accident, from hitting a mind was making up things(the name sounds close to brittany murphy and my cousin died from the same type of accident). I got this thought after trying to do like FunkeyJay and ask who my spiritual guide was. I need some practice at this meditation thing, lol.

ETA: I did feel heat too, which was odd because now I'm cool again(I put my fan on before I started meditating). I tried to listen to some calming music while meditating this time, so maybe next time, I'll try to do it in silence. I'm glad the phone didn't ring, lol.

oo thats interesting that you got a name! Maybe you should look into it or something?
While meditating I also saw a man's face.. I don't know , but the face reminded me of Jesus .. The face just popped up , and his eyes were closed . But i had trouble meditating and couldn't concentrate because i'm very new to this .. I imagined us sitting in a meadow :)
While meditating I also saw a man's face.. I don't know , but the face reminded me of Jesus .. The face just popped up , and his eyes were closed . But i had trouble meditating and couldn't concentrate because i'm very new to this .. I imagined us sitting in a meadow :)

OMG tink!!! OMG. this is the face that I got! I think.
I definately got a face, with brown hair. Kinda shoulder lengthy? It did remind me of Jesus. His eyes were shadowed for me though(hence the comparsion to the Bohemian Rhapsody vid!)
OMG tink!!! OMG. this is the face that I got! I think.
I definately got a face, with brown hair. Kinda shoulder lengthy? It did remind me of Jesus. His eyes were shadowed for me though(hence the comparsion to the Bohemian Rhapsody vid!)

Yes! You described the face perfect !!
Sorry took longer to post. I used stupid Notepad in German and when I pasted the text here it was formatted all crazy and I had to fix it. Ok, please don't think I'm too nuts when you read below, lol. I know this is long, but I wrote down everything I experienced. I've been doing journey-like meditation stuff for some years, so maybe keep that in mind. (i.e. maybe I just have a too-vivid imagination, lolol)

Ok, well that was interesting. Did I imagine that? Ok, here's what happened for me (I'm writing immediately afterwards, so I remember everything)...

I sat on the bed, door shut, light on low, listening to a a binaural beats theta meditation track. When I first closed my eyes the light seemed to get very bright then dim again, then bright, then dim. Huh? I opened my eyes. Sure enough, the darned lamp was flickering slowly like that! And it stopped right after I witnessed it doing this and didn't do it again. Weird.

So then I thought of as many of your screen names as I could remember and thought we all want to find each other. Then it was as if I was getting sucked ahead and downward through a dark, swirlytunnel/wormhole. I ended up in a cemetery at night. Weird. Just standing in the grass, tombstones around, at night. It was very Harry Potter-esque, etc. But I 'saw' (i.e. saw a vague personage with like the forum avatars associated somehow, lol) amygrace, then funkeyjay, then I think darlingdear, MJStarlight (?) and Tinkerbell (?) and then... a few others swooped in. I didn't catch all the names. We thought what an odd place to find ourselves, in this dark cemetery. At one point we saw/knew of Mrs Music, like she was peeking in somehow and we were like "oh! you joined us somehow anyway!"

We mentioned Brittany Murphy and that we were sad about this.

It was kind of like... ok, what do we do now? We decided to wait a bit, in case some others would come. At one point I lost focus and the rest of you seemed to have walked a bit away. I caught back up. I wanted to try going somewhere else. I guess others did too. Someone wondered aloud if we could see Michael. I said I'd invited him to join us before I started, lol.

Things (when we thought of going somewhere else -- but no specific place) then got brighter and then I briefly saw a scene, like green grass, like it was the meadow with the tree I've seen before, but then it was green grass on the top of a high hill with some type of old monument on it (?) and blue sky. This went by very quickly and then I seemed to see the cafeteria from some of our dreams, lol. But then that faded away quickly as well, leaving nothing but whitness, like being in some non-descript whitish-lighted room, like a white empty space, no walls to speak of, just diffuse white light coming from everywhere (like 'the construct' in The Matrix, lol).

Someone said, soooo, are we going to ask for Michael? It felt kind of weird to do so. We were like, "Well, let's try!" and we all started saying, "Michael? Michael! Michael? Michael, we love you! Michael, can you talk?" lol. It reminded me of being outside his hotel or something, hoping for a glimpse from his window. We silly girls, you know.

Then... then... Michael showed up! He sort of walked down and ahead toward us from out of the white light. He was wearing a red shirt and black pants and fedora, no sunglasses. He smiled and giggled, we all ran to him. Each of us hugged him one at a time, while the others crowded around, sort of like a big group hug with MJ in the middle, moving from one to the next of us. (I thought... oh come on, I'm just making this up, right? LOL But honestly it was one of the more vivid sights of him I've had in a meditation since early A, like ugust!) We all cried and smiled and hugged him. It was amazing.

Then he wanted us to sit down in a circle on the floor. I was about 2 or 3 people from him in the circle, to his right. I think later he moved to the center of the circle more and we stood up. Seemed like a bit of minor jealousy about who got to hold his hand in the circle, lol. Anyway, he told us thank you and that he knows how we feel and that we don't need to be sad, but he understands it's not easy. He thanked us for keeping love alive, that we need to keep bringing love into the world. Someone across from me (sorry, don't know who) mentioned major love prayer. He smiled and said "yes, I love that". And I said, "That's one thing, yeah" (meaning of the many things we can do, are doing, will do). He said he's always with us, we don't need to cry.

Someone asked about seeing sparkles and then Michael made sparkles with his fingers, lolol. So he could like snap sparkles into the air ;) We all laughed and thought COOL. He giggled at that too. Then I asked if the feeling I felt (the warmth, presence) was really him. He said, "sometimes, yes" ;) And reiterated that he's always 'around', we're not alone, spread love, heal the world ...not exact words, but general sentiment.

We moved toward him again, and each got another hug. I hugged him so tightly and he kissed me on the forehead and I kissed him along the bottom of his cheek, near his left ear :wub: Then I opened my eyes and saw my bedroom again, but felt kind of weird, like people were all around me. Then I thought, wait -- MJ's not left yet and I don't want to miss a moment of seeing him, lol! So I watched him, but it was all fading, as he hugged and kissed the rest of you. Then he waved bye to us and I opened my eyes and came here to write this!

So, now I feel a bit crazy.
Yes! You described the face perfect !!

omg, this is kinda creepy, but very interesting.
He just appeared to me, like out the blue, really clear, well clearer than the other things. He just appeared, and I literally jumped out my skin. It was the first time a face has appeared to me! Wow!

Yes, this was the first time for me too. It was creepy , yes. After the face disappeared the left side of my body was so cold. So, why did we see the face ? I saw other things too , but they were so blurry and unclear , but the face was so clear !
^ wow mjbunny!! That is so amazing!
I'm speechless reading that, what an amazing meditation.
Just wow.
The cemetry :lol: a bit of a creepy place to hang out, but still!
I just wanna add, that in my dream of Michael he was wearing all that you said too, without sunglasses, so I dunno if that's a link there or what? But I thought I'd mention it.
My word, so incredible and intensive! But thanks for sharing it!
Oh wow.. I'm so annoyed I missed this, it sounds amazing! We should all totally do another one sometime, I'd love to join in. :)
^ mjbunny: I was asking for Michael many times
in my meditation and kept saying , we love you , but I didn't see him :(
Things (when we thought of going somewhere else -- but no specific place) then got brighter and then I briefly saw a scene, like green grass, like it was the meadow with the tree I've seen before, but then it was green grass on the top of a high hill with some type of old monument on it (?) and blue sky. This went by very quickly and then I seemed to see the cafeteria from some of our dreams, lol. But then that faded away quickly as well, leaving nothing but whitness, like being in some non-descript whitish-lighted room, like a white empty space, no walls to speak of, just diffuse white light coming from everywhere (like 'the construct' in The Matrix, lol).

Someone said, soooo, are we going to ask for Michael? It felt kind of weird to do so. We were like, "Well, let's try!" and we all started saying, "Michael? Michael! Michael? Michael, we love you! Michael, can you talk?" lol. It reminded me of being outside his hotel or something, hoping for a glimpse from his window. We silly girls, you know.

Then... then... Michael showed up! He sort of walked down and ahead toward us from out of the white light. He was wearing a red shirt and black pants and fedora, no sunglasses. He smiled and giggled, we all ran to him. Each of us hugged him one at a time, while the others crowded around, sort of like a big group hug with MJ in the middle, moving from one to the next of us. (I thought... oh come on, I'm just making this up, right? LOL But honestly it was one of the more vivid sights of him I've had in a meditation since early A, like ugust!) We all cried and smiled and hugged him. It was amazing.

Then he wanted us to sit down in a circle on the floor. I was about 2 or 3 people from him in the circle, to his right. I think later he moved to the center of the circle more and we stood up. Seemed like a bit of minor jealousy about who got to hold his hand in the circle, lol. Anyway, he told us thank you and that he knows how we feel and that we don't need to be sad, but he understands it's not easy. He thanked us for keeping love alive, that we need to keep bringing love into the world. Someone across from me (sorry, don't know who) mentioned major love prayer. He smiled and said "yes, I love that". And I said, "That's one thing, yeah" (meaning of the many things we can do, are doing, will do). He said he's always with us, we don't need to cry.

Someone asked about seeing sparkles and then Michael made sparkles with his fingers, lolol. So he could like snap sparkles into the air ;) We all laughed and thought COOL. He giggled at that too. Then I asked if the feeling I felt (the warmth, presence) was really him. He said, "sometimes, yes" ;) And reiterated that he's always 'around', we're not alone, spread love, heal the world ...not exact words, but general sentiment.

We moved toward him again, and each got another hug. I hugged him so tightly and he kissed me on the forehead and I kissed him along the bottom of his cheek, near his left ear :wub: Then I opened my eyes and saw my bedroom again, but felt kind of weird, like people were all around me. Then I thought, wait -- MJ's not left yet and I don't want to miss a moment of seeing him, lol! So I watched him, but it was all fading, as he hugged and kissed the rest of you. Then he waved bye to us and I opened my eyes and came here to write this!

So, now I feel a bit crazy.
we a least somebody got MJ in their vision lol. The rest of us just got some random guy popping up lol.
I also had a vision of a grass on a mountain with a blue sky but I also saw people standing on it, then my second glimpse of it everyone was standing on it but the figures were all black(I didn't really notice the sky).