Merged: Psychics channel Michael

^ welcome back :)

What a great experience you had last night too. I'm sure Michael did hear you, don't worry :)

Will you join all of us in an experiment Sunday? (I think its this sunday - the 20th).
Amy suggested that we all try and meet up spiritually and just see what kinda feelings and thoughts we get.

:heart: L.O.V.E. to the spiritual family

Thank you. :D

Sure, I would like to join in on the "fun." Sounds interesting.
Well, goodnight everyone. Seemed pretty quiet today, huh? L.O.V.E. and wonderful dreams of Michael to all! :angel:
This is so weird, because I am seeing 11, 1-11 and 11-11...per the numerology site this means:

These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path. Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.

I feel this is true for me, as I will admit since Michael has crossed over, I have become more spiritial, I started a new job couple months ago and I'm feeling better than ever...I have always been spiritual, but I pray now more than ever...I can honestly say that I DO feel more connected with myself, my spirituality and the direction my life is going...

I also feel Michael is working his magic from the heavens above, to convert his fans to a more of a spiritual life...Don't get me wrong, I am still distraught over his passing, however, I'm looking at the bigger picture here...Although he did so much here on earth, he can 100 times more from the heavens...

All I know is when I cross over, I want to hug him, I want him to sing to me, and I want to hold his hand while skipping through a meadow full of fresh lilies....Thereafter I want to sit with him near a running brook and just talk to him about anything and everything...
I know in my heart, I will get this opportunity....
This is so weird, because I am seeing 11, 1-11 and 11-11...per the numerology site this means:

These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path. Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.

I feel this is true for me, as I will admit since Michael has crossed over, I have become more spiritial, I started a new job couple months ago and I'm feeling better than ever...I have always been spiritual, but I pray now more than ever...I can honestly say that I DO feel more connected with myself, my spirituality and the direction my life is going...

I also feel Michael is working his magic from the heavens above, to convert his fans to a more of a spiritual life...Don't get me wrong, I am still distraught over his passing, however, I'm looking at the bigger picture here...Although he did so much here on earth, he can 100 times more from the heavens...

All I know is when I cross over, I want to hug him, I want him to sing to me, and I want to hold his hand while skipping through a meadow full of fresh lilies....Thereafter I want to sit with him near a running brook and just talk to him about anything and everything...
I know in my heart, I will get this opportunity....
I am feeling the EXACT same way. You wrote it down beautiful... :cry:

Now that he passed I feel as if there's so much more to life, I already look different to this life than most people do, but see how he is still so much alive, so powerful and able to do maybe more than he did here. It's so amazing.

I'm not afraid of dying anymore, since I now know how many beautiful people are up there, that Michael is there, and how you really can 'live on'...he prooved that...I'm 'looking forward' to the day I'll see him up there.:angel:

For the prayer thingy; so it is this Sunday the 20th now right?
I'm there. :)
Tinkerbell, how sweet you are!! You know, I kept this story close to my heart, but for some reason last night, I felt the urge to write it...Im so glad his words are comforting to you...Michael is an amazing man, even in spirit...I can't honestly say that I still havent shed anymore tears for him, because I have...But after speaking to him, the tears aren't as rapid...

I was just like you a one point, I know I was dreaming, but couldn't remember anything...One night while praying, I asked God to allow me to remember my dreams...It didn't happen all at once, but I kept praying and asking, then one morning I awoke and remembered my dream...Now, at this point, I don't remember all my dreams, but I feel that God is allowing me to remember what I need to remember, considering before I wasnt remembering anything...Pray darling, ask God for remembrance...He will assist you....

Thank you for your kind words. They are really helping me. I have been praying alot lately, and just like you said I know it will help me..with time. Thank you :)
This is so weird, because I am seeing 11, 1-11 and 11-11...per the numerology site this means:

These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path. Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.

I feel this is true for me, as I will admit since Michael has crossed over, I have become more spiritial, I started a new job couple months ago and I'm feeling better than ever...I have always been spiritual, but I pray now more than ever...I can honestly say that I DO feel more connected with myself, my spirituality and the direction my life is going...

I also feel Michael is working his magic from the heavens above, to convert his fans to a more of a spiritual life...Don't get me wrong, I am still distraught over his passing, however, I'm looking at the bigger picture here...Although he did so much here on earth, he can 100 times more from the heavens...

All I know is when I cross over, I want to hug him, I want him to sing to me, and I want to hold his hand while skipping through a meadow full of fresh lilies....Thereafter I want to sit with him near a running brook and just talk to him about anything and everything...
I know in my heart, I will get this opportunity....

That is just so beautiful. I can so picture this, and thats how I have always imagined how "heaven" would be like, just like you mensioned....meadow of fresh flowers, running water, butterfies, big green beautiful trees, animals, waterfalls, crystal blue water, white sand, green green grass, a land full of love, magic and colours. Even i believe when that day comes, and I will have to leave this earth, I wont be afraid coz I know there are people I love up there, my dear grandfather and Michael...I know I will be meeting them there....I will hold their hands one day. I believe in it with all my heart and soul.
Mrs.Music - Yep the experiment is this sunday 20th.

I had a Michael dream last night - it was short and sweet though.

It was soo weird. Jermaine was in it too. We were in Vienna in this weird bar thing and Jermaine asked me and my sister to write a tribute to Michael on paper. As my sister was trying to write, I saw Michael opposite me, but a little far away, and I just watched him. I said to my sister lets write down that that he does that shoulder from side-to-side thing a lot :lol: (You know the move, like he does in the doorway of in the closet). I was watching him for ages.
He was wearing his black fedora, his hair was all curly, and he was wearing black trousers and that silky red PJ top he wore in PHM. Then before I knew it, he was standing next to Jermaine and me, and said what are you doing? And I was like ermmmm nothing - cos I couldn't tell him I was writing a tribute to him. Then to distract him, I was like look my writing on this paper and he laughed - it was all about spelling. He told me it was funny.
And he just smiled and I remember reaching out and feeling the silk of his top, I dunno why I did that :lol: Then there was this awkward silence, I dunno why my dreamself didn't make convo with Michael! Silly.
He then went back to where he was before and shut the door - I didn't even know there was a door there - ... and then I woke up.

It was weird cos I didn't know what this tribute was for, cos before I saw Michael in the dream, it seemed like Jermaine wanted us to write this tribute cos he had passed (The Vienna Tribute, that obviously isn't happening...)but then when I saw him wasn't like he had passed...

I dunno it was weird, but I thought I would share :) Sorry for the length.
I just want to say that I absolutely love this thread... You all give me comfort when I need it, You all send me happiness with your beautiful posts , and... You guys are just so understanding. Thank God I found this thread..
I just want to say that I absolutely love this thread... You all give me comfort when I need it, You all send me happiness with your beautiful posts , and... You guys are just so understanding. Thank God I found this thread..


You are most welcome here!
Originally Posted by darlingdear
^ welcome back :)

What a great experience you had last night too. I'm sure Michael did hear you, don't worry :)

Will you join all of us in an experiment Sunday? (I think its this sunday - the 20th).
Amy suggested that we all try and meet up spiritually and just see what kinda feelings and thoughts we get.

:heart: L.O.V.E. to the spiritual family

Thank you. :D

Sure, I would like to join in on the "fun." Sounds interesting.

So what time is this and how do I join you guys? It's so hard to find time for myself lately.

Anyone have anything comforting and spiritual for me? I am having a very hard I feel very sad again...and lost. I really want to see Michael again.:cry: Feel free to PM me or just message back.
All I know is when I cross over, I want to hug him, I want him to sing to me, and I want to hold his hand while skipping through a meadow full of fresh lilies....Thereafter I want to sit with him near a running brook and just talk to him about anything and everything...
I know in my heart, I will get this opportunity....

I want to do just that too. When I imagine Michael on the Other Side, I imagine him running around with kids in a field (like at Neverland in the movie Moonwalker). It must be so beautiful. I'm so glad he can finally be at peace, free from the horrible treatment he got on earth.

I had a Michael dream last night - it was short and sweet though.

It was soo weird. Jermaine was in it too. We were in Vienna in this weird bar thing and Jermaine asked me and my sister to write a tribute to Michael on paper. As my sister was trying to write, I saw Michael opposite me, but a little far away, and I just watched him. I said to my sister lets write down that that he does that shoulder from side-to-side thing a lot :lol: (You know the move, like he does in the doorway of in the closet). I was watching him for ages.
He was wearing his black fedora, his hair was all curly, and he was wearing black trousers and that silky red PJ top he wore in PHM. Then before I knew it, he was standing next to Jermaine and me, and said what are you doing? And I was like ermmmm nothing - cos I couldn't tell him I was writing a tribute to him. Then to distract him, I was like look my writing on this paper and he laughed - it was all about spelling. He told me it was funny.
And he just smiled and I remember reaching out and feeling the silk of his top, I dunno why I did that :lol: Then there was this awkward silence, I dunno why my dreamself didn't make convo with Michael! Silly.
He then went back to where he was before and shut the door - I didn't even know there was a door there - ... and then I woke up.

It was weird cos I didn't know what this tribute was for, cos before I saw Michael in the dream, it seemed like Jermaine wanted us to write this tribute cos he had passed (The Vienna Tribute, that obviously isn't happening...)but then when I saw him wasn't like he had passed...

I dunno it was weird, but I thought I would share :) Sorry for the length.

Cute dream. :)
That would be the second night I had some kind of 'thing' happen regarding the other Jackson brothers. Yesterday morning I was dreaming that I was having a conversation with Jackie. I think Marlon and Tito were there as well. I woke up from that dream and thought, "I said I wanted to dream of Michael." :lol:

So much I have to read again :D

But this just caught my eye beause it was on the cracked me up, mjbunny. I totally know what you are meaning :lol: tonight I was dreaming about the brothers too and that I was in LA. The sad thing was that I saw Michaels gold coffin :(
When I woke up I was like "huh?! I didn't seriously dreamt of Michael's brothers??" :lol:

About the meditation, it was this sunday 2pm LA time?!

I need to read the other post asap!! :)

Love to you all :hug:
Hey guys :group: clarify, yep the group meditation will be Sunday the 20th at 2pm L.A. time. If you will be sleeping during this time, just go to bed with the intent of meeting us in dreamtime, when meditation time comes. :) Again, we're not really planning anything specific. Just intending to meet with one another and see what feelings/impressions come up for all of us. If you can dedicate half an hour to this that would be case some people start up a little late/clocks are off etc.

Hope you all are doing well today...I'm not having the best day myself. Went to record my song about Michael in the studio today...and it ended up being a bust. We're going to try again Sunday. Then I came home from recording and there were some nasty comments waiting for me on YouTube about Michael. I know it's just ignorance but just drags me down. Why do people bother to say that crap...why can't they keep their meanness to themselves?! On top of that I just feel really disconnected to Michael so...:cry: just not a good day for me. Hope tomorrow is better.

Love to you all - and as always thanks you guys for sharing your dreams and experiences. :heart:
Just stopping by to send lots of L.O.V.E. :heart: and :hug: to you all.

So glad everyone is able to join this experiment thing on sunday :)

:heart: once again, L.O.V.E. everbody, especially those who feel :cry:
We're all here for you :hug:

I just wanna echo what little tinkerbell said :) this thread is so fantastic, its my fave.
Whenever I read it I just feel all positive and uplifted. So thank you everyone.
Earlier tonight I went to have a sleep and put on some MJ music, due to the fact Im having a bit of a rough day and worrying about things. However I felt there was someone siiting at the edge of my bed and felt they touched me, as a way someone would do to reassure everything is gonna be ok.

I never felt threatend or anything just felt this loving and positive energy in the room
all of a sudden.
Just stopping by to send lots of L.O.V.E. :heart: and :hug: to you all.

So glad everyone is able to join this experiment thing on sunday :)

:heart: once again, L.O.V.E. everbody, especially those who feel :cry:
We're all here for you :hug:

I just wanna echo what little tinkerbell said :) this thread is so fantastic, its my fave.
Whenever I read it I just feel all positive and uplifted. So thank you everyone.

Sending my L.O.V.E to you and everyone :) :heart:
Earlier tonight I went to have a sleep and put on some MJ music, due to the fact Im having a bit of a rough day and worrying about things. However I felt there was someone siiting at the edge of my bed and felt they touched me, as a way someone would do to reassure everything is gonna be ok.

I never felt threatend or anything just felt this loving and positive energy in the room
all of a sudden.

Awww, that's really nice :)
I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Cool, makaveli :)

Absolutely no MJ dreams for me of any kind, not even a mention of him, last night. (Or the night before except for that weird dude-in-the-doorway experience that was supposed to be one of his brothers, lol.) Felt like I was going to cry last night listening to Speechless before bed, but then I caught myself and thought no, I'm just going to smile because I know he's ok. I haven't felt him around me the last couple of days, but I don't need him around me every day. I'm fine right now. Then I listened to Smile. :cry: Good grief. Can't even hold to my own statement for more than 5 minutes, lol. But I recovered quickly and went to bed...

amygrace... about people on youtube or wherever that feel the need to leave comments like that. :angry: I mean, they can have their opinion, by why do they have to try to make others feel bad? It's really sad. And immature. I just delete - delete - delete - delete.

I finally logged into my Facebook again today (not a big FB fan, lol) and saw this message from a good friend of mine: "I finally saw MJ's movie. I was impressed what a generous, considerate, nice human being he was. All these years the press made him out to be such a freak, but you never saw all the kindness that was portrayed in the film!"

WORD. -_- Just too bad people notice this now and not... when we did years ago...
oooh yeah I had a few questions in ma mind about the meditation, just wanna get them cleared up :lol:

So like, do we just imagine ourselves meeting up with each other? Like actually tell our higher self to connect with everyone? Or do we just let our mind wonder and see what happens? But surely we have to connect with each other? I know I'm repeating myself, but that is my train of thought atm.
I just wanna make sure I meditate the "right" way for this experiment so that I can properly do it, cos I'm a little weak on the meditation front sometimes.
amygrace... about people on youtube or wherever that feel the need to leave comments like that. :angry: I mean, they can have their opinion, by why do they have to try to make others feel bad? It's really sad. And immature. I just delete - delete - delete - delete.
Exactly! Some people just go out of their way to be mean and shove their negative opinions in everyone's's awful. :no: I delete (and block!) the second I see those comments too...but it's still just energy blow. This actually reminds me a song I wrote a few months back...about those kind of people...particularly in relation with Michael.

I finally logged into my Facebook again today (not a big FB fan, lol) and saw this message from a good friend of mine: "I finally saw MJ's movie. I was impressed what a generous, considerate, nice human being he was. All these years the press made him out to be such a freak, but you never saw all the kindness that was portrayed in the film!"
It's so great that there are people waking up to see the real Michael. It's too bad they didn't see it before...for sure. But thank God some are seeing it now.

darlingdear said:
So like, do we just imagine ourselves meeting up with each other? Like actually tell our higher self to connect with everyone? Or do we just let our mind wonder and see what happens? But surely we have to connect with each other?
Yes...ask your higher self to connect/meet up with those of us in this thread. I'd also ask the angels to help open you up to the experience. Then just...remain open and watchful. Try to keep your mind clear starting out too...not specifically imagining anything...just intending a meetup. :)
This Sunday the 20th, from 1PM till 3PM, a group of us will be at Forest Lawn. (Do a search for the thread here.) AP will be interviewiing Erin, the press will be there doing a story. My hubby's coming with me. I'll try to remember at 2PM to make "my moment of silence".
This is the first time for me going to Michael's body's resting place. (I live really close) I'm bringing some pretty Christmas-colors flowers. Hope I won't cry in front of everyone!
its nice that all of you guys will be meeting up there. I know it will be hard for u guys BIG :hug:
This Sunday the 20th, from 1PM till 3PM, a group of us will be at Forest Lawn. (Do a search for the thread here.) AP will be interviewiing Erin, the press will be there doing a story. My hubby's coming with me. I'll try to remember at 2PM to make "my moment of silence".
This is the first time for me going to Michael's body's resting place. (I live really close) I'm bringing some pretty Christmas-colors flowers. Hope I won't cry in front of everyone!
Oh yeah, that's right. Totally forgot. Wish I could be there with you guys. I sent some things to someone going, but I don't think the package has arrived in time for Sunday, at least. Heyyyy... just had a thought.. going there for the experiment? But then we'd have a target to imagine, which would defeat the purpose of just seeing what we "get", if anything sounds like it's in common. Maybe some time in the future, hmm. Goodnight all. (Or morning if you're crazy like me and still awake.) Lots of MJ dreams for all (please, please? :whine: )
CJust too bad people notice this now and not... when we did years ago...
I was SO frustrated about this for a couple of months....I can't understand how people do see it now and didn't then...what made them change their mind? Why now, when he's dead? It's so cruel! :(
But then I began to think...there are SO many people like this out there now, feeling guilty and all...I think it's special...almost as if Michael personally changed everyone's heart, you know? Can only hope that he feels all this love and that everyone will stay this way.

Had a strange dream tonight....I was sitting in bed, and all of a sudden Michael (looking Thriller-era) was in my room and jumped on my bed. We, again, didn't talk (!) but for some reason I understood he needed a map of some place to find the way. He was really affectionate and kept hugging me, but then my dream turned to a place where I walked towards my car and saw it was burned out. I ran angry towards this big open square which was surrounded with some old churches and other buildings, and all of a sudden I saw a pack of papers that had words written on it. One of the big buildings began to play Heal The World REALLY loud. Like, the whole city could hear it.
And then I read what was on the top paper of that pack, the lyrics for Heal The World and it had my name on, it was meant for me to read and keep it. :scratch:
Michael wanted to tell me something? Heal the world? I have alwasy been trying my best. He searched for a way...symbolic?
My car was burned out? Wheh....can't make a good conclusion. :lol:
^ Strange dream, yeah. (No MJ dreams again last night for me ~sigh~) I've read before that a car is supposed to represent the physical body or your life (like if you can't steer, etc), so there's one possibility if it makes sense. (LOL-- Christmas would burn just about anyone out.) However, I've had dreams about my car when it was actually about my car. Like flat tires, mechanical problems, etc -- turns out that problem would come up the next day or so. Probably just a dream this time, though, huh? ;)
Had a strange dream tonight....I was sitting in bed, and all of a sudden Michael (looking Thriller-era) was in my room and jumped on my bed. We, again, didn't talk (!) but for some reason I understood he needed a map of some place to find the way. He was really affectionate and kept hugging me, but then my dream turned to a place where I walked towards my car and saw it was burned out. I ran angry towards this big open square which was surrounded with some old churches and other buildings, and all of a sudden I saw a pack of papers that had words written on it. One of the big buildings began to play Heal The World REALLY loud. Like, the whole city could hear it.
And then I read what was on the top paper of that pack, the lyrics for Heal The World and it had my name on, it was meant for me to read and keep it. :scratch:
Michael wanted to tell me something? Heal the world? I have alwasy been trying my best. He searched for a way...symbolic?
My car was burned out? Wheh....can't make a good conclusion. :lol:
Interesting dream! I love how affectionate he was...:wub:
The Heal the World thing definitely make is sound like one of those dreams where it wasn't "just a dream" but a message you needed. Maybe it's simply that whenever you're burnt out, whenever bad things are going down, whenever your angry...still take time to find that place in your heart that is love...and spread it around. That's how we all heal the world one by one really.