I had a Michael dream last night - it was short and sweet though.
It was soo weird. Jermaine was in it too. We were in Vienna in this weird bar thing and Jermaine asked me and my sister to write a tribute to Michael on paper. As my sister was trying to write, I saw Michael opposite me, but a little far away, and I just watched him. I said to my sister lets write down that that he does that shoulder from side-to-side thing a lot :lol: (You know the move, like he does in the doorway of in the closet). I was watching him for ages.
He was wearing his black fedora, his hair was all curly, and he was wearing black trousers and that silky red PJ top he wore in PHM. Then before I knew it, he was standing next to Jermaine and me, and said what are you doing? And I was like ermmmm nothing - cos I couldn't tell him I was writing a tribute to him. Then to distract him, I was like look my writing on this paper and he laughed - it was all about spelling. He told me it was funny.
And he just smiled and I remember reaching out and feeling the silk of his top, I dunno why I did that :lol: Then there was this awkward silence, I dunno why my dreamself didn't make convo with Michael! Silly.
He then went back to where he was before and shut the door - I didn't even know there was a door there - ... and then I woke up.
It was weird cos I didn't know what this tribute was for, cos before I saw Michael in the dream, it seemed like Jermaine wanted us to write this tribute cos he had passed (The Vienna Tribute, that obviously isn't happening...)but then when I saw him dancing....it wasn't like he had passed...
I dunno it was weird, but I thought I would share
Sorry for the length.