Merged: Psychics channel Michael

@FunkeyJay: Thanks for that article, really interesting! So far my dreams about Michael have all been non-verbal....whoa. :eek:
I'm thinking back about my dreams now and....I can still feel how that felt, it was so strong. My dreams are always very strong, but the ones with Michael...aww so vivid. Gee.

@Amy: Oh I would like to participate as well... :) Very nice idea.

You guys are going fast btw! I'm missing out!
You're welcome :)

darlingdear I don't know if this was a visitation. I read a bit more and also people that expierenced them with close family members and you feel comforted when you awake. Also the one that is visiting you mostly has a message for you.

Mrs. Music I think I know what was meant with non verbal and verbal, you can 'hear' words, because like I understood they convey a message, but it's telepathic if so, they is not lip moving like they are talking to you right now. I'm happy for you and your dreams :hug: Mine were non-verbal and very strong too :)
Very interesting about the verbal/non-verbal thing. A few of the most amazing MJ dreams, like hugging him by an elevator or when I held his hand with the golden light in his eyes (although he mouthed words to me, but didn't actually speak) were without him saying anything. However, I tend to doubt blanket statements like that... that if the person speaks it's not a visitation. Remember that back in July people were saying that anyone claiming to have had any contact or visits from Michael were absolutely wrong, because spirits don't visit people for the "first three months" or some such nonsense. This info seemingly came from someone who was a psychic and claimed to know this for a fact and you can find this BS all over the internet. So, although the speaking/not speaking thing may be true for her, or even true often, I don't think it's wise to assume it's always true. I'd say to still go with your gut instinct, with your intuition.

About the experiment idea... yeah, sounds cool. But we've got that problem of different continents and drastically different time zones. :scratch:
You're welcome :)

darlingdear I don't know if this was a visitation. I read a bit more and also people that expierenced them with close family members and you feel comforted when you awake. Also the one that is visiting you mostly has a message for you.

:) Cool, thank you.

Dreams are so wonderfully powerful. It is literally like a whole nother world to experience which is so amazing. It is just magical.

mjbunny I know I was thinking about the organisation for like all the different time zones, buuut, where there's a will, there's a way right? :D
Very interesting about the verbal/non-verbal thing. A few of the most amazing MJ dreams, like hugging him by an elevator or when I held his hand with the golden light in his eyes (although he mouthed words to me, but didn't actually speak) were without him saying anything. However, I tend to doubt blanket statements like that... that if the person speaks it's not a visitation. Remember that back in July people were saying that anyone claiming to have had any contact or visits from Michael were absolutely wrong, because spirits don't visit people for the "first three months" or some such nonsense. This info seemingly came from someone who was a psychic and claimed to know this for a fact and you can find this BS all over the internet. So, although the speaking/not speaking thing may be true for her, or even true often, I don't think it's wise to assume it's always true. I'd say to still go with your gut instinct, with your intuition.

About the experiment idea... yeah, sounds cool. But we've got that problem of different continents and drastically different time zones. :scratch:

I agree. Some expierences I read where with talking parts and as I mentioned with like a TOP 10 of 'typicial' dream visitations sentences. That's why I believe it's a visitation if you have strong feeling about, when your intuition tells you so and the person gives ou some kind of messages, even if it's just a message of comfort :)

But the verbal/non-verbal confuses me a bit more, because I just remembered my very first dream with/about Michael. And it felt so real, but he thanked me in it. But I can't say for sure if his lips said it or if it's telepathic. I don't know, I just know that I was shocked to see him, like I would see him for real :) I didn't know what to say :)
:) Cool, thank you.

Dreams are so wonderfully powerful. It is literally like a whole nother world to experience which is so amazing. It is just magical.

I agree with you. Dreams are wonderful. I was always interested in them and their interpretation. I'm just starting to learn that it can be so much more than just a dream.

I'm logging off everyone. Love to you and have a good night and sweet dreams :wub:
@FunkeyJay: Yeah they were all like that, without any words but just looks at each other and 'messages' that I somehow understood when I woke up. I had one where I saw him in a big green field of grass (funny 'cuz everyone had similar dreams with grassfields in it that time) and that was the most vivid one I think...I am really sure that was a visitation, not even to start about the other ones.
Oh how I miss him... :cry: *sigh*

Goodnight girl! :hug:

@mjbunny: True, I'm always trying to be very beware of what to believe or not...guess the only thing you can trust for 100% in this is your own intuition. My intuition is strongly developed and I can almost trust that blindly nowadays....very comforting to know that actually.
I agree with you. Dreams are wonderful. I was always interested in them and their interpretation. I'm just starting to learn that it can be so much more than just a dream.
I'm logging off everyone. Love to you and have a good night and sweet dreams :wub:
LOL, see this is another issue even in the same time zone. We're both in Germany and you're probably heading to bed (since it's after 11pm now), but I'm sure I'll be wide awake for at least another six hours, lolol. I guess I dream with America :lol:
I tend to doubt blanket statements like that... that if the person speaks it's not a visitation. Remember that back in July people were saying that anyone claiming to have had any contact or visits from Michael were absolutely wrong, because spirits don't visit people for the "first three months" or some such nonsense. This info seemingly came from someone who was a psychic and claimed to know this for a fact and you can find this BS all over the internet. So, although the speaking/not speaking thing may be true for her, or even true often, I don't think it's wise to assume it's always true. I'd say to still go with your gut instinct, with your intuition.
Completely agree here. You can't really blanket statement anyone or anything... all people and experiences are different. Plus in my own experience, I've definitely had speaking visitations. These kinds of things you just gotta feel out for can't really go by what anyone says.

Anyway, for the experiment - I think we should all try a meditation. We could try it the same way the Major Love Prayer is setup...2pm (14:00) Los Angeles time...(time zone converter here) So this way - for those of us that can make it, awesome. For those that may be sleeping - just go to sleep with the intent to meetup with us when we have our meditation. Tell your higher self to make a note of it. :p That way we are all still able to do it spiritually... whether some of us are conscious or not. Sound good?? We just need to pick a day. :D
Oh also...I forgot I had a kind of cool thing happen last night. Doesn't relate to Michael but nice anyway. :) First of all, the past couple days I've been really thinking about what I can do to just help people I really want to GIVE this season. So anyway, last was almost bedtime and I was suddenly craving ice cream. I don't like ice cream very much so it was weird. Anyway I just up and decided to head to WalMart to pick some up even though it was getting late. On my way out I got the thought in my head to just go to the gas station instead. So I go there, me and my daughter picked up some icecream...and on the way out, in perfect timing - this guy has his car break down and needed a jump. Nobody else was around to help him but me. So of course I obliged and helped him! And, as we were talking, I come to find out his house had also burnt down earlier! Talk about a crummy day! He was so grateful to have someone help him out. And I was so glad I got the idea to get ice cream so that I could be there to do it! I think the angels definitely pushed me in the right direction at just the right time. :)
Oh also...I forgot I had a kind of cool thing happen last night. Doesn't relate to Michael but nice anyway. :) First of all, the past couple days I've been really thinking about what I can do to just help people I really want to GIVE this season. So anyway, last was almost bedtime and I was suddenly craving ice cream. I don't like ice cream very much so it was weird. Anyway I just up and decided to head to WalMart to pick some up even though it was getting late. On my way out I got the thought in my head to just go to the gas station instead. So I go there, me and my daughter picked up some icecream...and on the way out, in perfect timing - this guy has his car break down and needed a jump. Nobody else was around to help him but me. So of course I obliged and helped him! And, as we were talking, I come to find out his house had also burnt down earlier! Talk about a crummy day! He was so grateful to have someone help him out. And I was so glad I got the idea to get ice cream so that I could be there to do it! I think the angels definitely pushed me in the right direction at just the right time. :)
Cool :angel:

LOL, on Twitter there was a trivia question of the day "MJ wrote a song in a tree after he saw two kids playing. What song?" This was funny because I'd just been reading over in the dreams thread about people's experiences with Speechless ;) That's the answer, of course. Synchronicity :D

About the time... meditation sounds pretty cool as well. Let's see, most of us in this thread are where? The US and Europe, right? The love prayer time of 2pm L.A. is 11pm CET. Where in the US is everyone? If west coast, I wonder if noon wouldn't be better, since a lot of people can take lunch at that time, lol. Oh wait... we should do it on a Sunday or something, huh? That way most people won't be working.
LOL, on Twitter there was a trivia question of the day "MJ wrote a song in a tree after he saw two kids playing. What song?" This was funny because I'd just been reading over in the dreams thread about people's experiences with Speechless ;) That's the answer, of course. Synchronicity :D
Ah yes, synchronicity rocks!

About the time... meditation sounds pretty cool as well. Let's see, most of us in this thread are where? The US and Europe, right? The love prayer time of 2pm L.A. is 11pm CET. Where in the US is everyone? If west coast, I wonder if noon wouldn't be better, since a lot of people can take lunch at that time, lol. Oh wait... we should do it on a Sunday or something, huh? That way most people won't be working.
I think a Sunday would be a good idea. I'm in Arkansas in the US so that would make it 4pm my time.
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)
:lol: now I seem crazy.. If you look at the top right hand corner area.. you'll see eyes.. what caught my attention to it was...I was just listening to the inteview.. and those blue specks was blinking so it drew my eye the the right.. and I saw like eyes.. that when i thought someone did it on purpose u know.. I thought how sick are know.. it's just intresting.. and maybe you can't see it but i'd thought i'd share that. but that isn't nothing to do with the 'egypt' expereince.. wow that one is the special and hard to put into words online. the youtube thing i just find interesting is all.


I saw the eyes before seeing your post. I just happened to look to the right of the video footage and was like what in It looks like his eyes in the Dangerous cd case.

Interesting dream WhoseLovingYou, thank you for sharing it!

Any, I would love to try the thing you suggested. I was wondering about something, if we are going to have a setting of where we wanted to meet and focus on going to that place whether in meditation of through dreaming?
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I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.
I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)
Thanks for sharing :) The feeling you expressed in your story is just how I've felt, especially in July and August when I'd "talk with Michael" :angel: I also was told it was an accident, not murder. So you actually heard him, like a person speaking to you in your room? Or was it more like in your ear or sound in your mind? I'm not doubting... I always ask these questions, lol. I'm fascinated by exactly how people get this kind of information. And I wish it was that 'real' for me.
Thanks for sharing :) The feeling you expressed in your story is just how I've felt, especially in July and August when I'd "talk with Michael" :angel: I also was told it was an accident, not murder. So you actually heard him, like a person speaking to you in your room? Or was it more like in your ear or sound in your mind? I'm not doubting... I always ask these questions, lol. I'm fascinated by exactly how people get this kind of information. And I wish it was that 'real' for me.

Yes, When Michael speaks to me, or any person who has crossed over, they are speaking to me in my mind...If you communicate with your spirit guide, you would know what I mean...They speak to me by words, not by symbols...The voice I hear is not mine...Its their own voice, or a distinction of a voice they used here in this realm...Michael's voice sounded just like his speaking voice from his speeches...Its very smooth, child-like, but he speaks by using every syllable and vowel in a word...He has a very distinctive voice...
Wow WhoseLovingYou, thanks for sharing. Sounds like it was a wonderful experience. I still wonder, about his death. In the beginning, I felt like it was an accident...but the more I learned about things the more I started to doubt that. And, this psychic Bonnie whom most of us believe is really channeling Michael, states that she is working closely with Michael for justice...and won't disclose certain details because of the ongoing investigation. Also a couple other people have felt like they've gotten messages from Michael that aimed to the idea of murder. Of course I know that all messages come through a "filter" of sorts and can be distorted by how that particular person perceives things with their own ideas and opinions...but I still wonder. I really do believe in Bonnie...and I think that if Michael is telling other fans that it was an accident, he surely would express this with Bonnie...wouldn't he? Hmmm.....

Any, I would love to try the thing you suggested. I was wondering about something, if we are going to have a setting of where we wanted to meet and focus on going to that place whether in meditation of through dreaming?
I'm not might be more interesting to not have a place in mind, that way we can come back and see if any of us saw the same kind of place without planning it. Thoughts anyone?
Wow WhoseLovingYou, thanks for sharing. Sounds like it was a wonderful experience. I still wonder, about his death. In the beginning, I felt like it was an accident...but the more I learned about things the more I started to doubt that. And, this psychic Bonnie whom most of us believe is really channeling Michael, states that she is working closely with Michael for justice...and won't disclose certain details because of the ongoing investigation. Also a couple other people have felt like they've gotten messages from Michael that aimed to the idea of murder. Of course I know that all messages come through a "filter" of sorts and can be distorted by how that particular person perceives things with their own ideas and opinions...but I still wonder. I really do believe in Bonnie...and I think that if Michael is telling other fans that it was an accident, he surely would express this with Bonnie...wouldn't he? Hmmm.....
I totally get what you're saying about accident vs something even worse. The more time has gone on, the more I've learned, the more I'm tending toward the latter. I just don't know what the heck to think at this point, so I try not to think about it at all. I just know that I asked for an answer from Michael more than once back in July and I got the word "accident". The whole time I keep thinking... if that contact was real, then I shouldn't be stressing myself about it because it would presumably be the truth. Other things from these experiences were seemingly true... things that came out later in affidavits and stuff. But if it wasn't real and it turns out to actually be murder, then... man, what does that mean? I imagined it all? That would be a personal confidence blow (and probably one to my sense that what I feel is real), but in the end I just want the truth. Oh please God, we just want the truth. And justice. I've even wondered if maybe Michael had thought it was an accident in the beginning and has found out since that it wasn't as it seemed. (I mean, possible if we don't know everything right away when we pass.)

Sidenote: Since I've been typing the above paragraph I've seen two sparkly flashes along the wall near me and a feeling like someone is touching my head. What the...? Or I'm just really tired. (Possible. It's after 5am.)

I'm not might be more interesting to not have a place in mind, that way we can come back and see if any of us saw the same kind of place without planning it. Thoughts anyone?
Yes, I totally like that. No info. We find each other on whatever level and then see what we experienced when we come back here to the thread :yes:

Sidenote: Ok, head touching feeling is gone now. Weird.
i feel very unhappy...:(

I love Michael to and nothing has happened to me. No dreams or anything :( i am extremely unlucky
i feel very unhappy...:(

I love Michael to and nothing has happened to me. No dreams or anything :( i am extremely unlucky
Ah, Ginny. :better: My husband has loved MJ for years and he hasn't had any dreams and only a couple of 'odd' things happen that weren't anything spectacularly obviously anything. We don't remember all our dreams, you know. We cycle in and out of dreamland during sleep and usually only remember what was there when we woke up. Maybe there's been something and you just don't remember. I think I have dreams about/with Michael and don't really remember them. Aside from dreams, maybe you just need to look at more subtle signs... coincidences, synchronicities... for some reason 'clouds' popped into my mind right now, lol, no idea why. Wow, I must really be tired. Don't give up on the idea, though. I've read about people having amazing experiences months or years after a loved one passed. In any case, we here all believe that Michael's doing ok :yes: and that's something.
WhoseLovingYou, thanks so much for sharing that beautiful experience. :wub:

I've never mentioned this before because I was a little uncomfortable about it, but I tried an automatic writing with Michael back in July because I have had some success with it in the past with communicating with my higher self/God. I won't ever do it it again because I know it is subject to inaccuracy and influence from your own thoughts (or as I might think with Michael, maybe the news stories). But I did ask Michael that question if he thought his doctor was intentionally harming him, and he said "no, accident" So, I've also been on the fence about murder vs. accident. I don't want to think about it either. I hope that the truth does come out someday. I worry it may not be for a long time.

I love the idea of trying to meet up in the dream world somehow. Maybe it doesn't really matter with the time zones. What I'm saying is that some of you mentioned meeting with Michael at that table, or whatever place it was, but maybe those of us who don't remember (if we did meet up) it just hasn't happened yet? Time probably doesn't exist in dreams, like in the spiritual realm. I like the idea of trying it out though.
I saw the eyes before seeing your post. I just happened to look to the right of the video footage and was like what in It looks like his eyes in the Dangerous cd case.

Interesting dream WhoseLovingYou, thank you for sharing it!

Any, I would love to try the thing you suggested. I was wondering about something, if we are going to have a setting of where we wanted to meet and focus on going to that place whether in meditation of through dreaming?

yes thats how i see it as well.. :yes:
I've even wondered if maybe Michael had thought it was an accident in the beginning and has found out since that it wasn't as it seemed. (I mean, possible if we don't know everything right away when we pass.)
You know I've had this thought too... that maybe some were getting that it was an accident, because he initially thought it was? I mean it is possible. It also is possible that some us may have heard "accident" because we wanted to think it was....and others have heard "murder" because they really believe it was murder. It can certainly be tough sometimes to separate the truth from your own thoughts, opinions and inner wishes. One thing that was interesting for me though, on this subject, was when I was getting inspired for that song about Michael...that I was telling you guys about earlier. I started to write it, and it felt like it was coming from Michael's perspective - as if his death was a murder. I kept stopping myself during the writing process...thinking... well what's the truth? I'd stop and ask my spirit guides...was his death really a murder? Because I don't want to write this if it isn't. (side note: as I'm writing this now I'm getting that energy/vibration thing rushing through my legs like I've talked about before...interesting...) But every time I'd stop and ask that I just kept getting the sense to keep going...and more verses kept, I ended up with a full song. I dunno...our brains tend to over think things, I know. And maybe I'm too emotionally involved in the situation to get a clear answer from my intuition...but all I know is I don't feel for sure it was an, I just continue to wonder.
i feel very unhappy...:(
I love Michael to and nothing has happened to me. No dreams or anything :( i am extremely unlucky
I'm sorry :better: mjbunny gave some good advice though...that maybe you need to be more aware of subtle signs and "coincidences" that have to do with Michael. Even if it's clouds in the sky that look like the letters "MJ" or something...hehe. Sometimes we notice these things at just the right time! And also, it's definitely possible you've dreamt of him but just don't remember. Hang in there. x
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)


:cry: :wub: :cry: :wub:

...Thank you so much for sharing.
Cor! This thread has moved quickly in the last 12 hours :lol:

Okay for the experiment, the same time as the major love prayer would be a good way to organise it. I think thats 10pm my time, so that is cool. :D
And yeah, a Sunday? Kinda quiet that day for most peeps?
Gaaar, I'm so looking forward to the experiment, just wondering what is gonna happen :lol:
Either way, it will be cool to try it out with everyone here.

WhoseLovingYou all I can say is wow. :wub: Thank you so so much for sharing that with us, it sounds so amazing. What an amazing experience :)

GinnyJackson just gonna echo what the others have said, just don't give up okay. Just keep positive and it will happen when you least expect it to.

:heart: L.O.V.E. to you all.
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been crying alot lately over Michaels passing, and everytime I fall asleep I pray for him to come to my dreams, but that has not happend yet, just few images here and there but when I wake up I cant remember them that much. But like i said, I have been so sad and wondering when this hurting will stop. Today I came to this thread just out of curiosity and I found your post, I believe it was a sign for me, the words he spoke to you...telling you "Please, dont cry any longer", and the fact that he was happy and he was in the light of God, it spoke right to my heart and I feel so much joy knowing he is happy. It was meant for me to find your post, so thank you so much for sharing it with us.
LOL, see this is another issue even in the same time zone. We're both in Germany and you're probably heading to bed (since it's after 11pm now), but I'm sure I'll be wide awake for at least another six hours, lolol. I guess I dream with America :lol:

Oh actually I stayed awake much longer. It's hard to believe but I'm one of those rare people who don't have internet at home (hopefully I'll get an internet stick @ christmas, it would be the end of an era, finally Wooohoo :D ) Anyway - to be online I have to visit my mum, dad or friends. Long story short - I'm kind of a night person too :)

Anyway, for the experiment - I think we should all try a meditation. We could try it the same way the Major Love Prayer is setup...2pm (14:00) Los Angeles time...(time zone converter here) So this way - for those of us that can make it, awesome. For those that may be sleeping - just go to sleep with the intent to meetup with us when we have our meditation. Tell your higher self to make a note of it. :p That way we are all still able to do it spiritually... whether some of us are conscious or not. Sound good?? We just need to pick a day. :D

Wow, that's such a cool idea. I'm joining you guys :) That's exciting... just gimme the date :)

I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

Thanks so much for sharing your expierence :cry:
I heard some people talking about seeing flashes of light in july. In fact I saw them too. I was so much in pain and then I saw these flashes at night, and I was wondering because if someone would take photos in the middle of the night it still wouldn't affect my room. But I didn't saw more. It was before I really concentrate on spirituality ('though I was interested in it before.) To that time I also read that these light are called 'Angel light' or something like that. Anyone knows more about it?

i feel very unhappy...:(
I love Michael to and nothing has happened to me. No dreams or anything :( i am extremely unlucky

Don't worry :hug: I agree with mjbunny.
And don't force yourself having dreams, don't pressure yourself. Michael will visit you, I know it :hug:
I havent told but one other person this story, and it was my daughter, but since alot of people on this site has spoke to Michael, I would like to share with you one of my amazing experiences speaking with Michael.

First off, I have spoken with many deceased people. I am in direct contact with my spirit guide, and her name is Isabella...I speak with her daily...Also, when I'm laying in bed, I do see images of people and places and really dont know how they correlate to me or even why I am shown them...When I'm shown these things, Im not even asleep, but in a state of pure relaxation and very aware...I will see flashes of light and then the images will appear...This is how Michael came to me...

The timeframe was end of July and I, like many others and still, distraught over his passing...I, at this point, was crying daily, sometimes more than once...I was watching his videos and reading about him and just cry...and cry some more...I actually was hurting in my heart...My body just ached...This particular evening, I was sitting in bed, crying of course, and speaking to Isabella...She knew I was hurting and she was trying to take my mind off of Michael and speaking to me on other issues...I decided to call it a night and laid down to drift off to sleep...

When i laid down and closed my eyes, I remember telling Isabella, I need to rest...cause sometimes she will go on and on with things...She is a talker...Anyway, I closed my eyes to drift off...Suddenly, I saw bright lights...I see these often, as I stated above, so I wasn't startled...But these lights were quit different...They looked like daggers and silver in color...The points were aiming at me and then disappearing...They just kept comming at me in a forward manner. As soon as the point would almost like hit me, it would disappear and another would follow...After about a minute of this, I saw a flash of the brightest light I had ever saw...The light faded from the middle to the outskirts of the image...As the light opened up, I saw Michael Jackson...He was looking right at me...He looked like he did when he did "Will you be there" at the awards show...Long hair, beautiful smile...I will never forget the feeling I felt when I saw him...I couldn't believe what I was seeing...I was in shock....I immediately opened my eyes...

My heart was beating so fast, and I was asking myself, if what I just saw was real?? I wanted to believe it, but I was like no way...Still, my heart was feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest...I began to take deep breathes to calm myself, and asked Isabella if that was Michael...She didn't answered me...Again, I called to her, and asked her if that was Michael, she then stated yes...I still was having trouble believing it...Reason being was, why would Michael Jackson come to me?? Out of all the people in the WORLD, why would Michael show himself to me?? Confusion sets in...

At this point, Im relaxed again and decide to close my eyes, to see if he would reappear...After about 2 minutes laying and waiting, a collage of pictures where being shown to me...All of them were of Michael, flashing in front of me, over and over, of different times in his life...Then nothing...They stopped...After the last picture was shown, I heard his voice....He said, "Please, dont cry any longer." I asked if this was Michael Jackson and he stated yes...Isabella was with me as well...He told me again, not to cry for him, but to carry on his message of love...I couldn't see him, but I could hear him clear as day...I asked him why he came to me, and he told me that he wanted me to know that he was in the light of God and happy...He told me, no more tears, please...All I could think of at this point, is that Michael Jackson came to me to comfort me...To ease my pain over his passing...To tell me that he was fine and in the Loving hands of God...I felt so blessed...

I asked him several questions and he answered me..I will share with you what he told me...I asked him what his biggest regret was and he told me, his children...He said, not being able to ever touch them again...I felt a great sadness come over me, and he told me, don't be sad...This was my time...I also asked him, who was his greatest love, and he told me that he had had several, but he told me the name of Lisa Marie...He said, "because it was real." I asked him was he murdered and he stated, No!...He said that he blames no one for his death...He also stated that he blamed himself, because he knew what he was doing...But again, it was his time...He then gave me a final message and told me again, "Don't cry for me, but rejoice!" "Carry my message of Love to all you know" "Remember me from my music and heed my words" He then stated "He loved me" and then slowly faded away...

I have felt Michael's presence with me several times since then and spoke to him again...His spirit is so pure and filled with so much love...He is a remarkable man and I will die loving him...

Just thought I would share...:)

Thank you so much for sharing you experience.. I cried when I read it :cry: