Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I forgot to mention that in that dream I had two days ago, he looked like he did in the YRNA music video but 100x better.

I've never seen him look like that in any of my other dreams, do you think it's something got to do with the whole 'You are not alone' message?

Jeez I'm losing my mind.
That last part is how I would take it too, but then I think dream interpretation is best done by the dreamer. A symbol can mean something quite different from one person to the next based on personal experiences, so I don't put much stock into dream dictionaries. Anyway, interesting dream.
Oh I know, most of the times I'm just searching it up to see if there's any information that can open up more of the interpretation but there are useless things a lot. I also always go with my intuition.

Speaking about dreams..I just woke up, and gah...I always need like 15 minutes to escape it, I am so into the dream still.
It's always hard to transition from what I did in the dream to real life you know. Really strange.
Hey Lovelies!

I dreamt of Michael last night...yay! Not a visitation, just a regular ole dream...but I rarely get anything, so I'm happy. :) The only annoying thing is...that right after this dream, I dreamt I woke up...and wanted to make sure I remembered it all so I was typing everything up. I had just finished getting down every last detail when I woke up for real...and now I can only remember one portion of it! :doh: Oy. Oh well.

So in the part I remember,Michael was in my area at some huge place of transportation that looked like an airport. He was walking toward the doors to go out of the building and onto a big train or subway or sorts... and on his way to the doors, he saw me and quickly asked if I would hold his cigarette (wth?...this is the 2nd time I've dreamt of Michael with a cigarette!) and take it on the train for him, because I guess he knew the people wouldn’t let him on with a cigarette. So I obliged and took it for him, then he walked out and onto the train. Then I started to walk on but the guy working there by the doors stopped me…saying that I couldn’t bring my cigarette on. I don’t remember what was said but I somehow talked my way into making it ok. So I got through...then started looking all over for Michael. Suddenly the inside of the train was some kind a huge cafeteria full of people. I spotted Michael sitting at a table with a lot of girls. When I got to him I said “alright homeboy, you owe me big for this one! I had to go through a lot to get you this cigarette”… he smiled and took it, and his eyes looked at me in this sweet kind of flirty way. My emotions felt all jittery and excited like it does when you have a huge crush on someone. I sat down across from him and it felt like the girls around me was everyone from here in this psychic thread. :D We were all just talking with him, like long time friends…and sweetly flirting back and forth. I remember at one point this pair of girls came in and invited themselves at our table…they were overly confident and had a kind of “skanky” vibe. Lol. They came onto Michael too strong and he just gave them this look that was so “I’m not interested”…so the girls looked at eachother all insulted then walked away. We were happy it was just our little circle again. :p And that's all I remember. Odd and not really meaningful I guess...but it was the emotional flirty feelings that went back and forth that made it so awesome. :wub: And I'm still baffled about the cigarette thing. Why do I keep dreaming of Michael with a cigarette?! I looked up the meaning of cigarettes in some dream dictionaries but they didn't feel right...probably because they were interpreted as if I was the one smoking or holding one. Hmm... :scratch:maybe it means nothing and there's just some subconscious thing in my head about Michael with a cigarette because of that pic I've seen of him holding one.
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I wish Bonnie would just tell us if she still contacts him or not. Doesn't have to tell us what he said.
I wish Bonnie would just tell us if she still contacts him or not. Doesn't have to tell us what he said.

I was just about to post asking about Bonnie aswell.
I just want to know if Michael is still around and doing okay

amygrace Thanks for sharing that dream! It sounds really lovely! :wub:
:lol: the cigarette. It probably was cos of that pic.
Hey Lovelies!
Odd and not really meaningful I guess...but it was the emotional flirty feelings that went back and forth that made it so awesome. :wub: And I'm still baffled about the cigarette thing. Why do I keep dreaming of Michael with a cigarette?! I looked up the meaning of cigarettes in some dream dictionaries but they didn't feel right...probably because they were interpreted as if I was the one smoking or holding one. Hmm... :scratch:maybe it means nothing and there's just some subconscious thing in my head about Michael with a cigarette because of that pic I've seen of him holding one.

Do you think you dreamed about cigarettes due to the picture of MJ in the bad era when he is holding one while in a blue jacket(agreeing with darlingdear). I also have to say you had a super dream. Directly talking with MJ, just awesome!

I had a MJ related dream recently(two days ago). A friend of mine told me her friend hit the lottery for $10,000 by playing 000. Shortly after that I had a dream where I was with this friend and she was watching the number and she hit it for a big amount(not a big deal right...keep reading). Well I asked her to let me see what she played. On the ticket, big as day it said 777. I thought I had a dream where I saw what the numbers was going to be(my friend has these dreams all the times and some do fall). Only today did I think about the numbers...777...that's MJ's number!! I thought it was cute and was wondering if MJ was giving me a sign in my dream.
Hey Lovelies!

I dreamt of Michael last night...yay! Not a visitation, just a regular ole dream...but I rarely get anything, so I'm happy. :) The only annoying thing is...that right after this dream, I dreamt I woke up...and wanted to make sure I remembered it all so I was typing everything up. I had just finished getting down every last detail when I woke up for real...and now I can only remember one portion of it! :doh: Oy. Oh well.

So in the part I remember,Michael was in my area at some huge place of transportation that looked like an airport. He was walking toward the doors to go out of the building and onto a big train or subway or sorts... and on his way to the doors, he saw me and quickly asked if I would hold his cigarette (wth?...this is the 2nd time I've dreamt of Michael with a cigarette!) and take it on the train for him, because I guess he knew the people wouldn’t let him on with a cigarette. So I obliged and took it for him, then he walked out and onto the train. Then I started to walk on but the guy working there by the doors stopped me…saying that I couldn’t bring my cigarette on. I don’t remember what was said but I somehow talked my way into making it ok. So I got through...then started looking all over for Michael. Suddenly the inside of the train was some kind a huge cafeteria full of people. I spotted Michael sitting at a table with a lot of girls. When I got to him I said “alright homeboy, you owe me big for this one! I had to go through a lot to get you this cigarette”… he smiled and took it, and his eyes looked at me in this sweet kind of flirty way. My emotions felt all jittery and excited like it does when you have a huge crush on someone. I sat down across from him and it felt like the girls around me was everyone from here in this psychic thread. :D We were all just talking with him, like long time friends…and sweetly flirting back and forth. I remember at one point this pair of girls came in and invited themselves at our table…they were overly confident and had a kind of “skanky” vibe. Lol. They came onto Michael too strong and he just gave them this look that was so “I’m not interested”…so the girls looked at eachother all insulted then walked away. We were happy it was just our little circle again. :p And that's all I remember. Odd and not really meaningful I guess...but it was the emotional flirty feelings that went back and forth that made it so awesome. :wub: And I'm still baffled about the cigarette thing. Why do I keep dreaming of Michael with a cigarette?! I looked up the meaning of cigarettes in some dream dictionaries but they didn't feel right...probably because they were interpreted as if I was the one smoking or holding one. Hmm... :scratch:maybe it means nothing and there's just some subconscious thing in my head about Michael with a cigarette because of that pic I've seen of him holding one.

Nice dream. :D

I can't remember any of my dreams lately, not even the non-MJ ones. I wish I could because they are like my escape. :(
I just want to know if Michael is still around and doing okay

Yes, he's still hanging around and he's doing OK.
I have a friend who's VERY perceptive, has the ability to exteriorize from her body at will, and perceives beings without bodies with certainty. I can do it alittle but not with the certainty she has. I spoke with her last Fri 12/11. She didn't have any other info, just that he's still around us, and he's OK. I'm always asking her! LOL
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Amygrace - thanks for sharing your dream! That was really nice.

this pic you are probably thinking of:
I forgot to mention that in that dream I had two days ago, he looked like he did in the YRNA music video but 100x better.

I've never seen him look like that in any of my other dreams, do you think it's something got to do with the whole 'You are not alone' message?

Jeez I'm losing my mind.
Neat. I saw him looking like that in a meditation a while back (same type of outfit, but his hair was more like the WMAs in '96). He was stunningly beautiful and busy working with or teaching children, like in a library or large hall :wub:

I dreamt of Michael last night...yay!
Uh! Now I'm the one who's jealous, lol ;) I want to dream of Michael again! I ask every night. I love the part about the little circle of girls around him and how it was like us, lol. Maybe we were there and just don't remember (just wishing). About the cigarette... yeah, weird. Maybe it's because he's so smokin' hot? hee hee :girl_love::smoking:

I had a dream this morning that it was time for the prayer on the 25th, but my sister and I were out driving around and I missed it and had to start 12 minutes late. I was so pissed about that. But I got lots of messages from people who participated. That was cool because it seemed there were soooo many of them, including lots of friends back in the US. But then I was working on a website and Jack Nicholson (who was himself, but kind of like a mobster or something) came over and claimed I owe him something. We had a kind of fight, it was all creepy and quite weird (especially since I haven't watched anything about/with him lately... and he was coming on to me, eeek). Right before I woke up I was thinking that I had forgotten to take my birth control pill today and was about to take it, but then realized that it was possible I could be pregnant with Michael's baby, as we had seemingly, um, gotten on down a couple days before, LOLOLOLOL. Ow! I had no memory of that in the dream (unfortunately, lolol :8-25-03angel_not:), but I just sort of knew it. OMG, lol. What the...? (I can see that a baby can be an idea or project as a symbol... the idea of bringing something new into the world, something from Michael. But wow, what a way to say it, lolol.)

I had a MJ related dream recently(two days ago). A friend of mine told me her friend hit the lottery for $10,000 by playing 000. Shortly after that I had a dream where I was with this friend and she was watching the number and she hit it for a big amount(not a big deal right...keep reading). Well I asked her to let me see what she played. On the ticket, big as day it said 777. I thought I had a dream where I saw what the numbers was going to be(my friend has these dreams all the times and some do fall). Only today did I think about the numbers...777...that's MJ's number!! I thought it was cute and was wondering if MJ was giving me a sign in my dream.
Maybe :) What's weird is I also remember having a dream sometime fairly recently with the number 777 in it. Man, I can't remember what it was or if it was MJ-related!
Only today did I think about the numbers...777...that's MJ's number!! I thought it was cute and was wondering if MJ was giving me a sign in my dream.
Oh cool! It could've been Michael...but it also could've been a numerology message. When I looked it up 777 means "you have learned a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to know about life"...dunno if that applies.

CaptainEoLove85 said:
I can't remember any of my dreams lately, not even the non-MJ ones. I wish I could because they are like my escape. :sad:
Aw that sucks. Dreams are the best escape indeed. Hope you start remembering soon...and that they are full of loveliness!

jfleenor2 said:
I have a friend who's VERY perceptive, has the ability to exteriorize from her body at will, and percieves beings without bodies with certainty. I can do it alittle but not with the certainty she has. I spoke with her last Fri 12/11. She didn't have any other info, just that he's still around us, and he's OK. I'm always asking her! LOL
Interesting... glad to hear she perceives he's ok...I always feel like he's ok. I never worry about that anymore... I mainly just get really sad if I feel like he's too far away. I don't want him to ever go far away from us :cry:

MJstarlight said:
this pic you are probably thinking of...
Yeah...that pic that I happened to glance at once. Of all the things I know about Michael and feel about him...I don't know WHY in the world my head would pick out that one photo of millions and then dream it out. Crazy I tell you!

mjbunny said:
Maybe we were there and just don't remember (just wishing). About the cigarette... yeah, weird. Maybe it's because he's so smokin' hot? hee hee :girl_love::smoking:
Hehe...that's what I thought when I woke up; was all of us really there with Michael? :p It's a fun thought anyway. We all felt so closely connected...just sharing in our love for Michael and he was sharing it right felt very special. :wub:
I like the smokin' hot theory...haha...makes total sense.

mjbunny said:
Right before I woke up I was thinking that I had forgotten to take my birth control pill today and was about to take it, but then realized that it was possible I could be pregnant with Michael's baby, as we had seemingly, um, gotten on down a couple days before, LOLOLOLOL. Ow! I had no memory of that in the dream (unfortunately, lolol :8-25-03angel_not:), but I just sort of knew it. OMG, lol. What the...? (I can see that a baby can be an idea or project as a symbol... the idea of bringing something new into the world, something from Michael. But wow, what a way to say it, lolol.)
LOL...gurrl, you sure know how to keep your dreams interesting. My oh my...:baby: It makes sense with the Major Love Prayer project it was an inspired idea that came through Michael.
Omg, this is so eerie .. Did someone just dream of MJ with a lot of girls around him ? I kinda had the same dream this night ; I dreamt that we were sitting around a table , and MJ was sitting in front of me and was talking to me ( but I can't remember what he said) , and there were many girls around this table too ..
Omg, this is so eerie .. Did someone just dream of MJ with a lot of girls around him ? I kinda had the same dream this night ; I dreamt that we were sitting around a table , and MJ was sitting in front of me and was talking to me ( but I can't remember what he said) , and there were many girls around this table too ..

yeaaah, amy had a similar dream where MJ was at a table and there were lots of girls...
that is pretty eerie, but kinda cool too! Maybe you met up in dreamworld or something? If that is possible....:lol:

:heart: :hug: - this is for everyone on this thread, just showing the L.O.V.E. again.
Wow, cool Tink and Amy! Hope the rest of us were there too. Put a good word in for us, will ya? lol ;)

You know, I realized now that your dreams remind me a bit of one I had back on November 7th. I posted it below from the Dreams thread. The 'fans' I saw in the dream were all girls, btw. I remember that clearly:
MJ had just done a concert and was sitting in a large cafeteria-like room with many tables and plastic chairs. His table was situated a bit away from the others, so as to give him some privacy. He had a laptop on which he was reviewing his performance or something. I know he had curls, but I can't say exactly what he was wearing. Perhaps Bad-era something. Some fans were about 10-15 feet behind him at another table, all giggly and nervous. The other fans and I noticed each other and smiled. I don't know if I was just being annoying or courageous, but I decided to get closer and sit at a table next to his, about 5 feet away to his right. :unsure: The instrumental version of Heal the World played from his computer. He sang a bit to himself, to the delight of the slightly squealing fans in the room, lol. He just ignored us all, though. Then some of the fans behind him started to sing along quietly and I could see that he was smiling and laughing a bit to himself, but pretending not to notice anyone around him. Swept up in the moment, I also began singing along quietly. He looked over at me and smiled and started singing louder, with me :wub: It was weird, though, because at one point we both sang the wrong lyrics. We were singing IJCSLY lyrics to the tune of HTW. I wondered then why it was that we both said the same wrong words at the same time, lol. He noticed that we had the wrong lyrics and kind of motioned like "ah, who cares, just keep going" and we got back on track with HTW. I woke up at this point and felt like I'd been having a surreal daydream. I thought, man, I really need to sleep instead of having fantasies like this. But then realized I had actually been asleep the whole time and it had been a dream. Weird.
Tinkerbell2 said:
Omg, this is so eerie .. Did someone just dream of MJ with a lot of girls around him ? I kinda had the same dream this night ; I dreamt that we were sitting around a table , and MJ was sitting in front of me and was talking to me ( but I can't remember what he said) , and there were many girls around this table too ..
Hah...that was me. Super cool...maybe some us really did meetup in dream time with Michael then!

darlingdear said:
that is pretty eerie, but kinda cool too! Maybe you met up in dreamworld or something? If that is possible....:lol:
It's definitely possible...and you know, that makes me wonder...maybe we should all try some experimenting here, just for fun. Like...maybe before bedtime one night, we can all have the same intent to meetup with eachother. We could tell our higher selves that we want to meetup...and ask our angels/guides too... then see what happens? Maybe we'll come back and end up reporting the same kind of dreams? Hmm...although not all of us will be sleeping at the same time. Maybe we could also plan a joint meditation that's like the concept of the Major Love Prayer...only we all intend to come together spiritually...just us in this thread. It just might be something fun to experiment see if we all get the same kind of feelings/impressions/visions/whatever....

mjbunny said:
You know, I realized now that your dreams remind me a bit of one I had back on November 7th. I posted it below from the Dreams thread. The 'fans' I saw in the dream were all girls, btw. I remember that clearly...
Oh wow...very interesting! In a big cafeteria and!
Wow, cool Tink and Amy! Hope the rest of us were there too. Put a good word in for us, will ya? lol ;)

lol, I agree!:D

Oh cool! It could've been Michael...but it also could've been a numerology message. When I looked it up 777 means "you have learned a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to know about life"...dunno if that applies.
Good point! I do a lot of thinking to myself trying to become the wisest and humane person I can. I came to an epiphany on the day of the dream because I was questioning why I spit hateful things about people when I don't hate them at all, I just hate what they did. So I said from now on I'm going to be less vile in what I spew but not sounding hateful in my comments towards others so it won't be perceive as me hating them.

I have to say this is the 2nd dream I had that involved 3-digits, I think I'll try looking up the next ones when I have them. Thanks Amy!
Good point! I do a lot of thinking to myself trying to become the wisest and humane person I can. I came to an epiphany on the day of the dream because I was questioning why I spit hateful things about people when I don't hate them at all, I just hate what they did. So I said from now on I'm going to be less vile in what I spew but not sounding hateful in my comments towards others so it won't be perceive as me hating them.

I have to say this is the 2nd dream I had that involved 3-digits, I think I'll try looking up the next ones when I have them. Thanks Amy!
Oh wow, well that applied rather well then! Great epiphany to have, too. Spread the love! :huggy:
That's a beautiful dream journal, wow. Saw some amazing journals the other day when out shopping. Think I'd rather type mine, though, lol.

OMG, yes, July and August. That was for all of us, I think. Vivid, amazing and unexpected. I'm so thankful for that, too. I hope it wasn't all in my mind. I don't think it was. I don't feel it was.

The channeler Bonnie had a vid up in October, I think it was, that mentioned Egypt specifically. For me that means something too (not trying to be cryptic, but don't wanna write it all, lol) and a few others expressed a similar sentiment. Interesting. Oooo, all the mystery, lol. But my siggy's like that too. I mean, with a personal meaning. The 'be God's glow' with the gold eyes. That was from a dream I had in November. In it I saw like beams of gold shimmering light deep in Michael's eyes. It was amazing. The siggy doesn't do it justice. :angel:

I have that Randy Phillips interview saved somewhere. Listening to part 2 that you linked to, but I guess I didn't catch what you meant, lol. Listening again...

Hello mjbunny. everyone :) I really like your 'siggy' too,mjbunny! Yea i've had that dream journal for awhile now.. I like to type here too,although I haven't really said alot in here since way back before the forums were merged.. I had just realized that there was the MJ Dreams thread too,I had forgotten used to be altogether,I thought,cus I've posted in there too and did follow it.
I remember Bonnie Vent's post about Egypt. This link is different I think It's the newest one. November 16th if i'm not mistaken.

Michael Jackson session with Bonnie Vent
I feel the same way mjbunny. I want to share the thing(s) about Egypt and Michael,but It's real special,but I guess knowing that alot of people here felt that too back in July comforts me in knowing that i'm not alone. also I wanted to add that that happened BEFORE Bonnie Vent had made a video about it. When did everyone else have any types of expereinces with that?

I had a dream about Michael,this is something different than Egypt.. about Michael and he was telling me about his will,this was in end of July. I even saw notebook paper and words was being written in what seemed to be pencil big loop cursive writing,but i can't recall what it spelled out or said.. there's more to that dream I'll have to look and post more.
Now the link I posted the Randy Phillips interview.. that was just a 'coincidence' probably..but none the less i wanted to see if you guys could see it too. if you look,you can see a face.. eyes. it was just strange and got me off was just something that happened and I wondered why no one on youtube left a comment about it..i thought it was obvious. lol I even thought "Why Is someone 'messing' with me" you know like the person who made the video 'fixed' it like that. And since alot of ppl saw Michaels face. I mean fans,not the tabloid stuff. I saw Michael's face in something back in July,but it was a kind of drawing I made..that is a loong story to type right there,i hope i'll be able to type it all out soon in this thread.) See I've been seing his eyes too.. Has anyone else seen this and I'm not talking about this youtube link but in dreams and other expereinces?? Michael's eyes ar key with me. Here's the link again.

Randy Phillips Interview on Michael Jackson

like I said it's a 'coincidence' but still interresting none the less. I wanted to see how many people saw what i did. I didn't want to come out and just say "look",but it's kind of cool either way. Just click the link and listen and clear your mind and see if you all can see what i am talking about,but don't try to be 'lookng' for it. :wub:
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^ lol, I don't see a face in the video, well, I mean, except for the ones that should be there. Where are you looking? Is it like hidden in the rehearsal pic somehow?
Sounds like something similar to what I get, yeah! It varies, like sometimes it's just a thought in my mind, but sometimes it's like his voice, but just on the edge of real sound, yeah. (Although I have 'heard' his voice in an auditory fashion halfway in my mind, vivid, twice.) I think the more usual way must be something similar to what you explained. I don't get it often and when I do it's not like a big ole conversation. It's unfortunately more like a few words or a short sentence and that's about it, but I feel like there's way more there, but I can't "hear" it. I keep feeling frustrated, like "Do I just suck at getting messages or something?" lolol. Am I trying too hard? Not hard enough? Too many expectations? It just doesn't work like that? I feel bad that it's possible Michael would want to say something and I'm too dense to get the whole message :rolleyes2: I keep feeling like it's one of those things that's so simple somehow, like it's actually easy but I can't find the right ... place/spot/way to do it. Like someday it will just suddenly click and I'll be like "duh!" Or it will never click because it will just never function like that and my expectations are too grand or too off of reality.

But this is why I ask questions like this. You know how there are mediums on TV and whatnot and when you read their books they tell stories of how their contact helped people, but I find that they never adequately explain for me just HOW they experience the contact. Like what does "see" really mean? In the mind? Like you'd "see" the memory of your old house? Or actually visually? Explain it in explicit detail and tell me how it's evolved over time, when it started, if there's a physical sensation when it starts, etc, etc, darnit, lolol. I'd love to sit down with James Van Praagh for an hour ;)

I think basically you just have to not worry about it just let it happen

it'll happen when it happens when you least expect it :D it did with me! and I'd never done that kinda thing before either!

I was just about to post asking about Bonnie aswell.
I just want to know if Michael is still around and doing okay

amygrace Thanks for sharing that dream! It sounds really lovely! :wub:
:lol: the cigarette. It probably was cos of that pic.

seriously I don't know why people listen to this Bonnie woman she's definatley a faker (I should know!)

i like the way she says I appreciate those who are trying to assist me despite the sacrifice to their own lives(eh NO it's NOT a sacrifice at all!!!) it's not hard work talking with spirit it's no harder than talking to a living person when you get used to it!

Michael is fine yes don't worry about him, he's doing perfectly well!
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^ lol, I don't see a face in the video, well, I mean, except for the ones that should be there. Where are you looking? Is it like hidden in the rehearsal pic somehow?

:lol: now I seem crazy.. If you look at the top right hand corner area.. you'll see eyes.. what caught my attention to it was...I was just listening to the inteview.. and those blue specks was blinking so it drew my eye the the right.. and I saw like eyes.. that when i thought someone did it on purpose u know.. I thought how sick are know.. it's just intresting.. and maybe you can't see it but i'd thought i'd share that. but that isn't nothing to do with the 'egypt' expereince.. wow that one is the special and hard to put into words online. the youtube thing i just find interesting is all.

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seriously I don't know why people listen to this Bonnie woman she's definatley a faker (I should know!)
Aww well that's not very nice. I mean you're entitled to your opinion and all, but you certainly must acknowledge that you don't know for sure. Nobody really knows about any of this kind of matter how much "experience" they may have in the area.
A dream I had in August out of no where but seemed so's hard to believe that it wasn't because just how it 'was' Michael was talking to me about Debbie Rowe. He said "Debbie is a wonderful and caring person." I could see him.. he was in a house. and wearing a t-shirt,jacket/coat and baggy pants...then it went to him talking about his will. He seemed upset frustrated.. he was asking someone " Why do I have to video tape it..." and He said "Do I have to..?' Everytime I heard him was plain as day. Then that's when I seen the notebook paper. you know the like 'Mead" brand.. It was blank then by pencil words began being written in cursive and it was very 'loopy' cursive. I seen about two paragraphs,but could see the words..or it was just apage being filled..wrote out.. and then I woke know how you wake up from a dream when you feel something around?.. I can't recall what the the message said on the notebook. :(
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Hah...that was me. Super cool...maybe some us really did meetup in dream time with Michael then!

It's definitely possible...and you know, that makes me wonder...maybe we should all try some experimenting here, just for fun. Like...maybe before bedtime one night, we can all have the same intent to meetup with eachother. We could tell our higher selves that we want to meetup...and ask our angels/guides too... then see what happens? Maybe we'll come back and end up reporting the same kind of dreams? Hmm...although not all of us will be sleeping at the same time. Maybe we could also plan a joint meditation that's like the concept of the Major Love Prayer...only we all intend to come together spiritually...just us in this thread. It just might be something fun to experiment see if we all get the same kind of feelings/impressions/visions/whatever....

Oh wow...very interesting! In a big cafeteria and!

Hi:) I´m so sorry, I referred you to "someone" and not your name.. I didn´t check whos dream it was, because i was just going through the last pages and when I read about your dream, I just freaked out :)

And I love your idea! :)

And my dream was in a cafeteria-like place too :O cool :)
It's definitely possible...and you know, that makes me wonder...maybe we should all try some experimenting here, just for fun. Like...maybe before bedtime one night, we can all have the same intent to meetup with eachother. We could tell our higher selves that we want to meetup...and ask our angels/guides too... then see what happens? Maybe we'll come back and end up reporting the same kind of dreams? Hmm...although not all of us will be sleeping at the same time. Maybe we could also plan a joint meditation that's like the concept of the Major Love Prayer...only we all intend to come together spiritually...just us in this thread. It just might be something fun to experiment see if we all get the same kind of feelings/impressions/visions/whatever....

omg, lets do this. It would be so fun and really interesting too for us all to like connect spiritually and see what happens.
I'm still amazed about that connection between your dream, tinkerbells dream and mjbunnys. Maybe that is an actual place in the spiritual world...haha. But either way, I'm still like :eek: wow.

Hope everyone is good today, I am feeling much more positive today.
(maybe it has something to do with finishing uni for christmas :D bahaha)

But yeah, hope everyone is doing good :)
^^Yay! Ok so anyone else up for this experiment?

Tinkerbell & darlingdear - what country/time zones are you in?

Much love to everyone today! :group:
Oh, I didn't know that Bonnie Vent had a 'new' video up. It's so good to listen to something new. I still believe she's real :)

That dream I had a few days ago... I don't know, it comforts me still... when I try to meditate and thinking about Michael all I get immediatly is love. I haven't had that before. Such a warum feeling. :)

About dreams and visitations, I googled a bit and found a very interesting article...

Many people long for contact with our loved onesafter they die. Where do they go? Do they still exist? Can we communicate with them? These arecommon questions.

People who die DO exist in the spirit realm. I have been a student and teacher of metaphysics for nearly 25 years. From my own practice of spiritual disciplines I have learned that we can connect with the "inner levels of consciousness" or spirit world, both consciously and unconsciously. One of the easiest ways to communicate with those who have died is through dreams. When we dream, our attention is withdrawn from our conscious mind, physical body and senses. We go into the subconscious mind, or inner levels of consciousness. This is where those who have died exist. They can be with us and communicate with us.

Some dreams are actual visitations from our loved ones who died. Some dreams are symbolic, and the people represent aspects of our own Self. You can tell whether you are experiencing a "visitation dream" or a symbolic dream by the way the person in the dream communicates with you. All dreams can be interpreted symbolically. Every dream is about the dreamer and has a message for us about our own state of consciousness. In most dreams, the people in the dream symbolize aspects or qualities of the dreamer. A person who is funny represents that aspect of humor within yourself, a person who is disciplined represents a disciplined aspect of yourself, a person who is outgoing and gregarious represents the quality of gregariousness within you.

People who have died can actually appear in your dreams to relate a message to you. Pay attention to how the person "speaks" in the dreamstate. If the communication is verbal, that is, if the dream-person is speaking with words, they represent an aspect of yourself. If the communication is non-verbal, that is if they are just there looking at you or hugging you, or if the communication is telepathic, it is an actual visitation from the person who has died.

In most cases, these visitation dreams are comforting. Our loved ones on the "other side" let us know that they are okay. They give us love and well wishes and encourage us to live our physical lives without regret or anxiety.

EDIT: Is this true that there is this 'verbal' / 'non-verbal' difference? Because I just found a website with 'typicial' dream visitations sentences and the quote says that a non-verbal communication is an actual visitaion ..mmhhh... confused
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^oh awesome, thanks for that info FunkeyJay.
Thats really interesting.
I never knew the difference between the verbal, non verbal things, so thats pretty cool to learn that.
The last dream I had with Michael, he didn't say anything at all, I just walked alongside him and Janet. He only said the word Elizabeth :lol:
So do I taket this as a visitation?.
..Welll whatever it was, it was :wub: