Merged: Psychics channel Michael

darlingdear said:
I decided I wanted to walk with him, so as he was walking towards me, he held out his arm and I put my arm around his waist.
Aw this sounds so lovely!

Mrs. Music said:
I felt I was probably a known person because Michael's kids ran towards me crying and they just couldn't let me go. I remember Blanket jumping on me like a little monkey and he couldn't let go, I can still feel how he pressed his little head against my cheek, which I felt the whole dream. It was so adorable!

We walked around the house, talked, ate something with Janet and Katherine, and we talked as if I had been gone for a while...catching up you know. I remember seeing lyrics on the wallpaper in a certain room. I can't remember what it said though, but it was very drawing my attention. The house was really was something I would see Janet living in, so now I'm curious what her house looks like.

And I'm also curious who I was in that dream....I didn't feel like myself, and I also have I feeling I could've been a man. Could I've been Michael? I dunnow....strange but very hearwarming dream though.
Interesting dream indeed! How wonderful to feel like you were "part of the family" with the kids running up to hug you...that's so sweet! And maybe you were dreaming through Michael's perspective! I've had dreams like that before, where I'm experiencing a situation as someone else...but still able to have my own thoughts...just seeing through their eyes. If that makes sense.

littlesparrow said:
every minor "epiphany" I've had about my life in the past year has happened on the commuter rail.
Haha...odd. Maybe because of all the moving energies or...? I don't know...interesting though!

littlesparrow said:
I remember feeling almost fidgety/uncomfortable because his stare was really intense, almost like he wasn't looking at me, but rather at something inside me, you know?
We never spoke or approached each other or anything, just stared.
Ok...I want in your dreams. THIS is where it's at. It ranks right up there with a warm embrace. Actually, no. It's far more intimate than that... something about those deep soul stares are just... :wub: I would LOVE to experience that with Michael. Lucky girl!

Geez girls...share your dreams with meeeee!
I had three experiences from July-August... I believe them and I will always hold on to them. lol I've always wanted to talk to a psychic but one that i just knew and not one I randomly found and had to pay to see... I've felt a certain way about these things since I was a kid as far back as 3 yrs. old. I have alot I would like to know. Also.. anyone here who uses tarot cards... Where is the best place to get them and... what would be a good set for the first time using them.. you know how there are different card decks like example: celtic or alchemical anyone have a suggestion... Thank You.
Katherine and Joe had their backs to me, but Michael was facing me.

I remember feeling almost fidgety/uncomfortable because his stare was really intense, almost like he wasn't looking at me, but rather at something inside me, you know?

We never spoke or approached each other or anything, just stared.
That's all I remember.

That is so awesome! I had a similar dream like that some posts ago where MJ was staring at me and I got really nervous too. Maybe in your next dream you can make yourself say something.

OT: I was wondering if anyone else experienced this before:
Sometimes when I lay on my bed every now and then, usually when I'm sleepy, I feel like I'm on a ground and I'm slipping, about to fall. I was wondering if anyone ever had that happen to them, like they were laying down but it felt like your were standing and about to slip. It's like in my mind I picture myself slipping and I have to move my legs to stop myself from slipping. Anyone have this happen to them?

Mrs. Music, have you seen the ABC interview Janet recently did at her home, maybe you can see some similarities of that home to what you saw in your home. It sounds like you were MJ in the dream, very interesting dream indeed.

CaptainEOLove, I wish you would've kept meditating, but that does sound scary for something to lift you, so I can see why you stopped. If it happens again, will you continue meditating?

Man, you guys are having some really great MJ related dreams!
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Wow. Can I just say that I literally cried when I watched and listened to this?? Especially the end, where he says that everyone needs to stop trying to get their little piece of Michael Jackson, and that his material posessions do not matter. Wow, I am so emotionally confused right now....really believe this...the lady was too zoned out and speaking way too much like Michael for this to be fake, I think.

I have to say I watched it & was honestly NOT convinced at all!!! I know how a lot of fake psychics work (I've followed Derren Brown's work long enough to know about cold reading & all the techniques they use to make things convincing, also i myself can connect with spirit & i'm positive that was NOT Michael!)

Just my personal viewpoint no offence to those who wanna believe it, Just try not to be duped/led on by fakers

Just some of the things that were said in here, don't sound like something that people who were wanting to make money off of MJ would say.

"Stop grabbing at your little piece of Michael Jackson. There is nothing left to take."

Things along that line...

What IIII personally believe, is that this first session was done on what...July 2nd. That is still very soon after his passing...His spirit may have still been upset and distressed like is obviously seen in this video.

"I feel it is unfair that I did not get to finish the project that I was working so hard on"

Why would a psychic who is faking want to call his tour a project? Why wouldn't they call it something in very specific terms. I think the only person it was a 'project' to was Michael...

Maybe Michael wasn't trying to be that Michael that we have always known and love, because he even speaks about how "Everyone thinks they know Michael Jackson, but very, very few ever really did know me...everything else was just a show." I know that Michael loved all of his fans very, very much...but I'm sure right now his number one concern are his children and his family. If this was his first time speaking out since his passing I'm sure he had a lot on his mind and a lot he wanted to say...give it time and I'm sure, if he continues, that he will be back to 'I love you more'.

Can you tell I am a firm believer in this? I believe in psychics, and palm readers, and mediums and hauntings and ghosts...

My mother had her palm read when she was 22 in Florida and everything the palm reader predicted has come to be true.

some are fake I know I've experienced many I'm afraid not all psychics/mediums etc are real you need to not readily believe them all I should know as a psychic/medium/sceptic

i have studied all kinds of things like this for most of my life & despite the fact my mum is a white witch & i could see ghosts & predict things I still until recently didn't even trust myself until certain things started happening!

Now i know i can definatley connect with spirits & suchlike I'm now just trying to hone my skills by myself 'cause I don't trust a lot of these peopel out there I'd rather trust in myself thanks

Hi all. Hope everyone's doing ok today :)

Had a nice experience last night. One of those 'did I imagine that?' experiences. It was very late. I was lying in bed, had been crying earlier, just in general feeling really emotional. Then after a while of trying to 'open up' my energies (chakras, etc) I felt like someone was there. And the someone felt like Michael :) I can't explain really, it was like impressions of him in my mind, a presence sensation with wamth along my back, love, then I finally felt a little happy again and fell asleep :) :angel: The feeling was vivid. Woke up this morning still feeling all.... :wub: And I dreamt all of night of Michael (not with him, darn it, but of him at least)... like regular dreams, bu they included videos of MJ, people talking about him, etc. Before I woke up I was watching some 'newly discovered footage' of him, in one saying that 8 Grammy's in one night wasn't enough and he wouldn't be satisfied unless he won every single one, lol. He was wearing something very much like the white jacket below from the pre-Victory-Tour press conference (lol, I remember this well, even though my parents didn't let me go to a concert :cry:), but without the red sash thing. Oh, and he wore his glove as well. (LOL, just remembered someone's macro: "This can't be Michael Jackson. He's too sparkly to be human." LOL :heart:)

wow sounds amazing

I personally have "connected" with Michael on a number of occasions & I have to say whilst it's not helping me to heal my pain over his passing it sure does help knowing he's well!

he used me to send a message to fans (i've not sent it to many people thus far) but if anyone is interested in reading it do pm me :) I saved it for my future reading & for anyone who wants/needs it

I'm happy to let you read it :D

I don't do stuff for any particular reason at all, I just happened to have connected with Michael & I knew a few fans were in distress & suicidal & suchlike so I said to him Michael some of your fans are extremely distraught i'd like you to use me to send them a message to help them through this difficult time & so he did he took over my hands when I was at my pc and typed a message to his fans (I have as I say sent it only to a few people thus far but I'm happy to send it to anyone who wants it) he typed out a very sweet lovely message & it made me feel great knowing just how much he was concerned & how he wanted to reach out via me to those who wanted to hear from him.

despite my long time connecting with him this was the first time i'd let him (or any spirit) take over my hands to type a message but despite being a little shaky I was fine it wasn't as scary as I had imagined

well it was our sweet loving Michael after all

when i was shaking he giggled a little lol (he knew I wasn't really majorly frightened just stunned lol) he knew I was fine just shaky I laughed at how weird it was & he joined me in giggling :)
Interesting dream indeed! How wonderful to feel like you were "part of the family" with the kids running up to hug you...that's so sweet! And maybe you were dreaming through Michael's perspective! I've had dreams like that before, where I'm experiencing a situation as someone else...but still able to have my own thoughts...just seeing through their eyes. If that makes sense.
This is exactly what I had yeah! I could still think in my own thoughts but I could just feel I was someone else. I'm pretty much sure I must've been dreaming through Michael yeah, especially since I remembered some other parts through the day.

I had three experiences from July-August... I believe them and I will always hold on to them. lol I've always wanted to talk to a psychic but one that i just knew and not one I randomly found and had to pay to see... I've felt a certain way about these things since I was a kid as far back as 3 yrs. old. I have alot I would like to know. Also.. anyone here who uses tarot cards... Where is the best place to get them and... what would be a good set for the first time using them.. you know how there are different card decks like example: celtic or alchemical anyone have a suggestion... Thank You.
Welcome to the thread, souldreamer7! Hope to read more of your thoughts & experiences!

That is so awesome! I had a similar dream like that some posts ago where MJ was staring at me and I got really nervous too. Maybe in your next dream you can make yourself say something.

OT: I was wondering if anyone else experienced this before:
Sometimes when I lay on my bed every now and then, usually when I'm sleepy, I feel like I'm on a ground and I'm slipping, about to fall. I was wondering if anyone ever had that happen to them, like they were laying down but it felt like your were standing and about to slip. It's like in my mind I picture myself slipping and I have to move my legs to stop myself from slipping. Anyone have this happen to them?

Mrs. Music, have you seen the ABC interview Janet recently did at her home, maybe you can see some similarities of that home to what you saw in your home. It sounds like you were MJ in the dream, very interesting dream indeed.
Oh I have these fall experiences sooo much! Most of the times they come when I am indeed not yet sleeping, or when I am 'meditating'. I don't have the vision of really falling or slipping off of something though, but that fall-feeling...yes, a lot! I read somewhere that this can mean you're spirit is falling back in it's body? Like..when you meditate/dream your spirit is out of your body, and then it falls back.
We talked about this a couple of pages as well, if I remember correctly. :)

And yes, I have seen parts of the ABC interview, but just quickly and haven't noticed the background. Good idea!
EDIT: Okay I'm watching it completely now and am a little creeped out...these square windows were in my dream, as well as white sofas.:mello:
When we feel disconnected, I get so afraid, so afraid. :cry:

Afraid that he'll go and not visit us ever again.... :cry: :cry:
When we feel disconnected, I get so afraid, so afraid. :cry:

Afraid that he'll go and not visit us ever again.... :cry: :cry:

Don't feel like this! :(
It will happen for you. He won't ever leave his fans and he won't ever forget any one of us. It will happen when you least expect it :) just give it a little time.

To everyone that is feeling disconnected, you will feel connected again soon. Just keep positive 'kay? :)
When i suddenly fall asleep in the couch or on chair, i always have "fall dreams" .. :p
I had three experiences from July-August... I believe them and I will always hold on to them. lol I've always wanted to talk to a psychic but one that i just knew and not one I randomly found and had to pay to see... I've felt a certain way about these things since I was a kid as far back as 3 yrs. old. I have alot I would like to know. Also.. anyone here who uses tarot cards... Where is the best place to get them and... what would be a good set for the first time using them.. you know how there are different card decks like example: celtic or alchemical anyone have a suggestion... Thank You.
Welcome to the thread, souldreamer7! Hope to read more of your thoughts & experiences!

Thank You,Mrs. Music. :) I've been following this thread since August. I've posted a few times,but it was way back then. I have even shared a little bit about an experience that I had,but deleted it a month after..I guess I wasn't ready. I'm familiar with a few of you here.. :hello: everyone. Mrs. wendijane Where are you hiding.. I think that you could help with my question about the tarot card decks. :D Anyway, lol. Yea, Mrs. M. I've been wanting to talk about few experiences,but have you guys ever felt like, oh this is too strange to know the whole "people are going to think I'm nuts,bit.." Plus, since so much time has passed since everyone first started sharing their experiences,it may seem even stranger,lol.. I'll get my dream journal and find my entries from July-Sept. It's sometimes hard to type certain life events online because it at times gets lost in translation,you know,because alot of.. for example... dreams, they are very natural. And so, painting a picture by typing about them sometimes comes off unnatural. On another note, I see that many of you read Bonnie Vent's website. I don't know for sure if it's been posted already,because I've only skimmed this thread since November. But Bonnie posted a video about Michael on November 16th, 2009.
Michael Jackson session with Bonnie Vent -Check it out if you guys haven't already,if it's been posted,I apologize. I enjoy reading this thread. I also feel weary like I've seen some mention,that Michael seems far away. I guess time will tell,maybe he is Higher...but then again, we just never know. Okay,I'm off to get my dream journal. I'll stop back in and see if anyone is up to talk,share etc. :hi:
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^ :hello: souldreamer.

I would love to hear your dreams :)
:lol: I always think twice before posting my dreams. I don't want to make people sad because they havent had a dream in a while; like I don't want people to think I'm showing off, if you know what I mean? But I like to think it might give everyone in this thread positive feelings that they will experience something like it soon. Well, thats what feeling I get when I read peoples dreams on this thread.
Plus I have only had a few dreams with Michael in, so I cherish each one even though they are few and far between. But I'm not complaining :)
souldreamer7 said:
Also.. anyone here who uses tarot cards... Where is the best place to get them and... what would be a good set for the first time using them.. you know how there are different card decks like example: celtic or alchemical anyone have a suggestion... Thank You.
I have been using Tarot for a few years now...I love them! You can buy tarot cards all over the place - the key is finding one you resonate with. I've tried out many decks myself, but THIS ONE has become my favorite...I love this deck, and it's great for beginners! One thing that may seem odd to consider when buying the deck but really how the artwork looks. If the artwork isn't beautiful to you, the deck probably won't resonate with you well. But generally you just have to buy decks and try them out...see how they feel. There's also important things you should to to connect with them and infuse your energy in them so they work well with you...and it's important to treat them with care, much like a friend. That deck and book I recommended has a chapter in it all about that with some good tips. :) Good luck!

tarah86 said:
OT: I was wondering if anyone else experienced this before:
Sometimes when I lay on my bed every now and then, usually when I'm sleepy, I feel like I'm on a ground and I'm slipping, about to fall. I was wondering if anyone ever had that happen to them, like they were laying down but it felt like your were standing and about to slip. It's like in my mind I picture myself slipping and I have to move my legs to stop myself from slipping. Anyone have this happen to them?

Mrs. Music said:
Oh I have these fall experiences sooo much! Most of the times they come when I am indeed not yet sleeping, or when I am 'meditating'. I don't have the vision of really falling or slipping off of something though, but that fall-feeling...yes, a lot! I read somewhere that this can mean you're spirit is falling back in it's body? Like..when you meditate/dream your spirit is out of your body, and then it falls back.
Oh yes...I get these often too! I've also been told that when you get that "jolt" - like you just caught your body from falling and it jolts you... that that is your spirit jumping back in your body.
Wow, I seem to have quite a few falling experiences. I was just thinking about it's meaning the other day, and then I come in the thread and you're discussing it! :wub:
And yes, I have seen parts of the ABC interview, but just quickly and haven't noticed the background. Good idea!
EDIT: Okay I'm watching it completely now and am a little creeped out...these square windows were in my dream, as well as white sofas.:mello:

Awesome! Ooh, I hope you have a continuation of that dream someday. It sounds like MJ was trying to share something with you.

Okay,I'm off to get my dream journal. I'll stop back in and see if anyone is up to talk,share etc. :hi:

Can't wait to hear your dreams! I need to keep a dream journal myself!

Oh yes...I get these often too! I've also been told that when you get that "jolt" - like you just caught your body from falling and it jolts you... that that is your spirit jumping back in your body.
Whew, I'm glad I'm not the only one. If this is correct(it sounds like it is) I wonder why I'm leaving my body just before dreaming? I wonder what would've happened if I just didn't move, whew I'm scared just thinking about it(especially since some of you guys were talking about being possessed in earlier posts).

Michael gave me a little visit in my dreams last night.


Awesome! Can you tell us about it?:D
Awesome! Can you tell us about it?:D

No. :mello: 'cause I don't remember it. :lol:

I woke up after it at like 4am and remembered it all but I went back to sleep and then when I woke up..

Nope! It's gone!!
Uh-oh, missed the thread for a day and now I'm gonna be way behind ;)

Had a dream about Michael this morning, but unfortunately it was not a good dream. I think it's too depressing to share, actually. Just about people around him being a-holes and claiming crazy things, stuff like that. Ugh. Probably a consequence of a severely disturbed sleep cycle, since I was up past dawn, lol. But when I came to the puter this afternoon I saw these short videos and that nasty dream just faded away... and
Awesome! Ooh, I hope you have a continuation of that dream someday. It sounds like MJ was trying to share something with you.
Hmm yeah...I hope so too, most of the times my alarm is disturbing the dreams, argh! So frustrating. :lol:

Uh-oh, missed the thread for a day and now I'm gonna be way behind ;)

Had a dream about Michael this morning, but unfortunately it was not a good dream. I think it's too depressing to share, actually. Just about people around him being a-holes and claiming crazy things, stuff like that. Ugh. Probably a consequence of a severely disturbed sleep cycle, since I was up past dawn, lol. But when I came to the puter this afternoon I saw these short videos and that nasty dream just faded away... and
Sorry for your awful dream! Glad those Christmasvids could cheer you up, they're lovely indeed... :hug:
Thanks for the well wishes :)

Unfortunatley I'm still ill... but wooahh it helps me with meditating, I'm relaxed very fast. feel connected very fast and I read a few things on here and on anothr forum about the third eye... and now something makes sense to me. When I started to meditate seriously, I took a break between because I had this strange feeling on my forehead and I thought it made me a headache coming up... but when I talk abour stuff like this the feeling starts again--- just like now... gosh, I hope it makes sense, I'm still soo ill.. anyway, it wasn't a headache, it was/is my thrid eye..

Anyway, I think I'm getting there to have Michael dreams again. I have been begging my guardian angels for quite a few weeks now and I start to feel 'kind of' connected again. My last dreams were all Michael related though he hasn't appeared in it. Yesterday after watching 'This Is It' Video b Spike Lee I was so down and cried so hard. And again I had a MJ related dream. He didn't appear again but it was a sweet message I got (I hope it was a message, I'm not doubting it was my mind trying to ease me, I don't know, I can't think). Anyway, I was standing near a little house, it was sunny and warmth area. I knew somehow that Michael invited fans to there and strangely there were like 2 themes for invites, a regular one where a lot of fans come and a closer one for a limited number. I stood there in front of this message of the 2nd theme, the closer one. And there was the sentence something like "MJ (already) misses you/ He miss you".. I don't know the exact sentence but it was soemthing like that.. I thought that was so sweet..
Friends, please, be aware that tarot cards is satanic tactics to draw you away from God. Instead of looking to God and trust Him only, you trust to cards and trying to see answers there or managing for results using them... It's looks innocent to you, while you enjoy to play with them, to consult with them, but behind them are something not good ( you know who... ), please, remember and be aware about it.
Friends, please, be aware that tarot cards is satanic tactics to draw you away from God. Instead of looking to God and trust Him only, you trust to cards and trying to see answers there or managing for results using them... It's looks innocent to you, while you enjoy to play with them, to consult with them, but behind them are something not good ( you know who... ), please, remember and be aware about it.
This is just your personal belief...probably due to what you've been taught growing up or in your religion or something. Tarot cards are anything BUT satanic. Despite popular belief, they are not meant to predict your future, and they are not meant for you to put all your trust in. They are merely tools in helping to provide insights for you.
I had three experiences from July-August... I believe them and I will always hold on to them. lol I've always wanted to talk to a psychic but one that i just knew and not one I randomly found and had to pay to see... I've felt a certain way about these things since I was a kid as far back as 3 yrs. old. I have alot I would like to know. Also.. anyone here who uses tarot cards... Where is the best place to get them and... what would be a good set for the first time using them.. you know how there are different card decks like example: celtic or alchemical anyone have a suggestion... Thank You.
Everytime I see your siggy I'm like.... uuuhhhh. Way cool. Anyway... when it comes to tarot cards, you kind of have to let the deck choose you, so to speak. I've had several decks over the years and despite a lot of practice, I never personally found them that useful, lol, but many people do. Guess it depends on the person, like maybe I don't connect well with that type of symbolism. You mentioned a celtic one, so for that I could kind of recommend Sacred Circle Tarot ... very beautiful Celtic deck, although I have to agree with the reviews on Amazon that it's not for beginners. It's kind of odd. My favorite one ever, though, is Cosmic Tarot. The people look like movie stars at times (I know there's one that looks just like Clark Gable, lol) and the symbolism in the images works really well. I don't know what it is about this deck, but I could get rid of all my others, but never this one, even though I haven't used it for years. I got it as a gift and then left it sitting next to a pumpkin in my apt. New to a humid climate, I didn't realize that jack-o-lanterns can turn to goo with amazing rapidity. The cards got soaked through with pumpkin slime! Ugh! I washed them, let them dry, pressed them and they survived. From then on they were infused with jack-o-lantern spirit, lol. Way cool in some weird way ;)

Regarding the 'satanic' comment, I just want to point out that they're cards, not a oija board. I think there's a misconception about the 'creepiness' of tarot. I understand why, since I was raised in a religious environment, but it just doesn't ring true in reality. In the broader sense I don't see a real different between those and Color Cards, Angel Cards or even the Christian Prayer Deck I just ran across on Amazon. The cards are all a symbolic means that people use for inspiration or to gain insight into their lives. You know, like i-ching, mandalas, etc. Anyway, my opinion.
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Aaaaand, my 1.000 post is for the luvly members in the psychic thread! :D LOL...sorry!

I'm having a strange, lonely feeling since 2 hours....bluh.
About to sleep, hope a nice dream makes me feel better.

Hope you are all doing okay! :hug:
I know I was dreaming about Michael last night, but I can only remember one part and it wasn't exactly pleasant. I was in my house using the phone and I was trying to call Michael or my mom. I'm not sure who. I heard this very scary music coming from the phone and I looked at it. I saw red lettering come up on the digital display. I don't know what it said, but it frightened me so much that I was afraid to go back to sleep. :( But when I awoke I felt like Michael's presence was in the room with me.
I know I was dreaming about Michael last night, but I can only remember one part and it wasn't exactly pleasant. I was in my house using the phone and I was trying to call Michael or my mom. I'm not sure who. I heard this very scary music coming from the phone and I looked at it. I saw red lettering come up on the digital display. I don't know what it said, but it frightened me so much that I was afraid to go back to sleep. :( But when I awoke I felt like Michael's presence was in the room with me.
ugh, creepy!! That would freak me out too. Did you watch a scary movie earlier in the day? Maybe that caused the dream.
^ :hello: souldreamer.
I would love to hear your dreams :)
:lol: I always think twice before posting my dreams. I don't want to make people sad because they havent had a dream in a while; like I don't want people to think I'm showing off, if you know what I mean? But I like to think it might give everyone in this thread positive feelings that they will experience something like it soon. Well, thats what feeling I get when I read peoples dreams on this thread.
Plus I have only had a few dreams with Michael in, so I cherish each one even though they are few and far between. But I'm not complaining :)

Hello. :) Yep. I'm glad that you understand where I'm coming from,cus' I understand what you're saying as well. Everyone in this thread seems pretty open minded about it all,which is why I love this thread so much. I'll post some things real soon.

I have been using Tarot for a few years now...I love them! You can buy tarot cards all over the place - the key is finding one you resonate with. I've tried out many decks myself, but THIS ONE has become my favorite...I love this deck, and it's great for beginners! One thing that may seem odd to consider when buying the deck but really how the artwork looks. If the artwork isn't beautiful to you, the deck probably won't resonate with you well. But generally you just have to buy decks and try them out...see how they feel. There's also important things you should to to connect with them and infuse your energy in them so they work well with you...and it's important to treat them with care, much like a friend. That deck and book I recommended has a chapter in it all about that with some good tips. :) Good luck!

Hello amygrace. :) Thank you for the insight about tarot. I'll have a look at what you've linked. I kind of thought that when using tarot cards,as you said.. it should be what you are 'attracted' to,in a good sense. I agree with you about the art design,too. I really agree with everything that you've said in this post. :)

Can't wait to hear your dreams! I need to keep a dream journal myself!

:) I'll be posting mine soon.. I just wanted to reply to everyone and say Thanks. I've had my dream journal for some time now and I really wish I had gotten to record more dreams I've had about different experinces. I have a few though.. you can pick up a dream journal anywhere,or you can just take a normal journal and make it your 'dream journal'
I've been using this dream journal for awhile now


Friends, please, be aware that tarot cards is satanic tactics to draw you away from God. Instead of looking to God and trust Him only, you trust to cards and trying to see answers there or managing for results using them... It's looks innocent to you, while you enjoy to play with them, to consult with them, but behind them are something not good ( you know who... ), please, remember and be aware about it.

This is just your personal belief...probably due to what you've been taught growing up or in your religion or something. Tarot cards are anything BUT satanic. Despite popular belief, they are not meant to predict your future, and they are not meant for you to put all your trust in. They are merely tools in helping to provide insights for you.
yes I think that using tarot cards isn't satanic. For me,I believe in God.. and that he is the highest power. So for me and like most of you here seem to agree,it's not evil. It's about how you approach it. if you do things with good in your heart and soul then that's what it is. I see it like this.. "God is the highest power.. yet there is energy still surrounding us..there's still alot they we don't know about the universe..some are on higher plains than others,yet we are always ONE" So to me using tarot isn't satanic or evil.. it's like amygrace & mjbunny stated.. it's tool and insight to good energy that i feel definetly exists. I'm not saying that anyone has to agree with me about it not being 'evil' and like mjbunny says.. sure it would make you 'question' it if you have a religious background...but I think that as long as good is in your heart and you are aware it's fine.

Everytime I see your siggy I'm like.... uuuhhhh. Way cool. Anyway... when it comes to tarot cards, you kind of have to let the deck choose you, so to speak. I've had several decks over the years and despite a lot of practice, I never personally found them that useful, lol, but many people do. Guess it depends on the person, like maybe I don't connect well with that type of symbolism. You mentioned a celtic one, so for that I could kind of recommend Sacred Circle Tarot ... very beautiful Celtic deck, although I have to agree with the reviews on Amazon that it's not for beginners. It's kind of odd. My favorite one ever, though, is Cosmic Tarot. The people look like movie stars at times (I know there's one that looks just like Clark Gable, lol) and the symbolism in the images works really well. I don't know what it is about this deck, but I could get rid of all my others, but never this one, even though I haven't used it for years. I got it as a gift and then left it sitting next to a pumpkin in my apt. New to a humid climate, I didn't realize that jack-o-lanterns can turn to goo with amazing rapidity. The cards got soaked through with pumpkin slime! Ugh! I washed them, let them dry, pressed them and they survived. From then on they were infused with jack-o-lantern spirit, lol. Way cool in some weird way ;)

Regarding the 'satanic' comment, I just want to point out that they're cards, not a oija board. I think there's a misconception about the 'creepiness' of tarot. I understand why, since I was raised in a religious environment, but it just doesn't ring true in reality. In the broader sense I don't see a real different between those and Color Cards, Angel Cards or even the Christian Prayer Deck I just ran across on Amazon. The cards are all a symbolic means that people use for inspiration or to gain insight into their lives. You know, like i-ching, mandalas, etc. Anyway, my opinion.

Hello mjbunny! Does my 'siggy' freak you out? lol kidding. I always wondered what others thought of it.. it has special meaning to me.. Thank you though,it makes me more at ease that you like it. I understand how you mean too about 'it may or may not be 'the best thing for someone' depending on if a person can connect with the deck. i really just wanted to learn more about tarot and see how it would work for me. that's a real interesting expereince with that certain deck you have. thanks for sharing and all the info you gave me.

so Hello to everyone here. :) Like I said the things I expereinced was back in July- whole month of August that's when i felt things when Michael the strongest. I think that I've had some dreams after that,but again I have to look back at some, the bigger things you know,you just remember without having to look at your dream book. And Mrs. B I hope youre feeling better.. I am just getting over a bad cold,myself.

here's something I found a few weeks ago,it's youtube interview with Randy Phillips about Michael. I was wondering if you guys would click on this. Just go check it out. I'm curious about this,just listen the video clip,please.. maybe it's just me. It's kind of 'interesting' though..if you catch it.

Randy Phillips Interview on Michael Jackson

I'll be back later..i'm not feeling too well. :wub:
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Wow, I seem to have quite a few falling experiences. I was just thinking about it's meaning the other day, and then I come in the thread and you're discussing it! :wub:

Wow, so funny!!
This has always happened to me.

Just about two nights ago I was laying in bed wondering what that was.

I always just assumed it was something to do with the fact that usually when that happens to me, I'm seeing myself walking down a set of stairs in my mind, like a dream but I'm not quite asleep yet, and I slip; but in real life my leg actually shoots out like I actually did fall. So like, my body is getting confused? I don't know, it's 2:30am and I'm having a hard time thinking at the moment :lol:

Is this what you're talking about?
Like you said, Louise, so funny that I was just pondering this and then I come in here to check on everyone and see you all chatting about it, haha.

Anyway, must get to sleep. Just had to comment on this though!