Merged: Psychics channel Michael

OMG what great expierences and stories I read (amygrace & mjbunny) - it's so interesting and scary at the same time, thanks for sharing them. And good to hear how you reacted, just in case it should ever happened to me.
The only thing I expierenced with a kind of negative spirit was that bad actually. I read a few years ago that if you feel something bad you should ask them to leave you alone and go into light, I guess that's why I 'hopefully' hadn't any bad expierences yet. But what I actually wanted to mention, the negative spirit... the only thing I expierenced was when I felt something negative. Like someone standing behind me and getting bigger, hard to explain. I always felt like someone is running to me with a negative aura, but I always tried to remain calm though i was freaked out and told them to go into the light.

Sometimes I feel a tickly sensation, like things are crawling on my forehead or face (always wig out thinking spiders, lol, but nothing there).

LOL... but I started to feel that too... the last times I tried to meditate.

It was a "visualization" I guess. I don't really know what to call it. Like having a dream, but being awake, or like watching a vague movie on the inside of my eyelids.

What I saw was someone standing in front of me, with a place behind them that sort of reminded me of Neverland. There were mountains or hills in the background, and there were flowers planted everywhere.
Then suddenly I was in a field. There was only one tree, and I was standing in front of it. The person who was present before was standing between me and this tree.
I couldn't see what he looked like because he was only a silhouette. I do know it was a man though.


I know what you mean. I had a smiliar expierence while I was meditating. It was actually my first post here :) Slowly a landscape appeared and I thought I was going crazy, I didn't know what to make out of it. It's always great to read similiar expierences.

:swoon: Ok, ummm... my meditations where I "go" somewhere (i.e. journeys) are like that, with varying vividness (I've never had vivid ones like July into early August, though). And, ummm... I've been a couple of times to a field/meadow filled with grasses and wildflowers and one single tree (always sort of ahead and to the right of where I first 'enter' the meadow). The first time I was there Michael was sitting under the tree with a book. The book was something by Kahlil Gibran, something called "muse" or something that sounds like that. Another time I met MJ in "my" forest clearing and we walked hand and hand talking and ended up in a certain place at Neverland (that I've seen several times -- not sure exactly where this would be for real) and then we kept walking and ended up in the meadow with the one tree again, where we played and ran through the high grasses and flowers, lol. Amazing that you also saw one tree! Either that's an actual location on some plane of existence, it's an amazing coincidence (because I swear to God someone has mentioned this place also in the Dreams thread a while back) or it's some archetypal location deep in the human psyche.

Cool :):angel:

Wow, that's so interesting... also because littlesparrow shares a simliar expierence. It makes more sense to me now that I saw some sort of landscape, grass, etc too. :)

So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!

hahaha LOVE IT!!! :D

that was totally spontaneous and when I wasn't trying. It was about 14 to 15 years ago. I realized I'd been 'dreaming' of being in a forest clearing in what felt like California (lol), the sky was all streaked with pastel colors, then I was flying backwards at about 10,000 miles per hour and found myself then 100% fully conscious, but floating about a foot above my body. And the trippy part is that I was TWO consciousnesses at the same time. I was completely aware and existing in TWO locations at once. One was my brain, that was pretty amazed at the situation and a little apprehensive about the other part of me coming back. The other was sooooo much wiser than my dumb old brain! I felt freer and really bummed that I had to go back. I felt like I'd lose about 60% of my ability to think by going back to the brain. Then I had the thought, "Wow, this is soooo cool. What an interesting situation to find myself in! I wonder how long I can stay like this?" BAM... back in. And that was my one big experience. But I'll tell you, I was awake, 100% and if you haven't been two minds at the same time, I could never explain it, lol. Whoaaaaaa.

OMG, awesome expierence. I tried in the past too, but it nothing happened. But recently happened was kind of close 'being out of the body'. That must have been so cool. Did you see yourself laying in the bed?

I haven't had any expierences so far, haven't tried it again. But I think I'll try to meditate tonight if I feel well and positive energy around me. I never even try if I feel that something isn't 'right'.

P.S. I LOVE this thread so much!!
Michael has gone pretty quiet both while awake and in dreamland for me. Hum-de-dum...

However, before falling asleep last night I heard music in my head (sounded pretty audible). It sounded like Disney music, kinda fairytale like that. And when I woke up I had a line in my head that I thought was from one of Michael's songs, but it turned out not to be.
OMG, awesome expierence. I tried in the past too, but it nothing happened. But recently happened was kind of close 'being out of the body'. That must have been so cool. Did you see yourself laying in the bed?
No, because both of us (lol... both me's) were looking up toward the ceiling, but I had totally clear peripheral vision.

Michael has gone pretty quiet both while awake and in dreamland for me. Hum-de-dum...
I haven't had any significant MJ dreams lately either. :( Just some times when I know he was in them, but I can't remember. Or there are people talking about him, watching him on a screen, etc. Like 90% of my most recent dreams haven't had anything to do with him whatsoever. Darn. And I even clicked that MJ add/follow button from the dream the other night and still nothing :lol: I dreamt of him sooo often during the summer (not always with him, but about him) and I knew then that this couldn't continue forever, not every night like that. I knew that eventually they'd become rare and that it would suck when it happened. Yep! :mello: I suppose an expert would say it's because the mind has exhausted its symbolic dealings with the topic for now. I wonder. I wonder why they were so vivid and so often this summer and why they've dropped off now. I'm very, very thankful for all the dreams I've had, though. Especially the ones that felt special, where I was with Michael, looked into his eyes or hugged him or spoke with him. I don't know if they were constructed by my mind alone or if they were more than dreams, but either way I will always cherish them :angel:
MJ has been a bit quiet lately...(around me anyway)

Anyone had a strong feeling? Or is there an update from Bonnie?
No, because both of us (lol... both me's) were looking up toward the ceiling, but I had totally clear peripheral vision.

Okay :) Wish I had the same expierence, thought I know I'd be VERY scared at first

MJ has been a bit quiet lately...(around me anyway)

Anyone had a strong feeling? Or is there an update from Bonnie?

No strong feelings, no dreams.

As I mentioned I wanted to meditate yesterday... but lucky me, I was so tired that I fall asleep :doh:
And I had a very dumb dream. Somehow I meet with old colleagues and outside the window we saw Michael and she was taking pictures of him, I was so busy with being mad at my ex-colleague for not respecting his privacy and then suddenly my sister was there telling me that this is a double LOL After she said it I saw that his eyes weren't the same.

I will try to meditate tonight again and hopefully I won't fall asleep.
I was writing in my journal and I decided to write something "to" Michael. As soon as I wrote the words "dear Michael", the song "Dear Michael" came on.
Aw I love that kind of stuff :angel:

littlesparrow said:
During the summer, I have this tall oscillating fan set up in front of my bed. It's about my height. The first night I set it up this past summer, I woke up in the middle of the night and almost passed out from fear because the silhouette of the fan looked like someone standing at the foot of my bed looking at me. :smilerolleyes:
LOL...I've had this kind of thing happen too.
It's this kind of stuff that I think would block me from seeing real spirits/angels. Like, I keep telling them that I am open and wouldn't be afraid...but sometimes I'll sit there and think what if someone really just showed up all of the sudden right there...and I start to get nervous. But that only really happens at night...when the darkness kind of gets to me. So now I just tell my angels and guides that I won't be afraid as long as they make it gradual and show up in the day time first :lol:

No cool experiences, feelings or dreams as of late for me. I think once I improve the way I eat again and get more sleep, I will be more connected. That's usually the way it goes I've noticed. I'm much more connected when I take good care of my body. But lately I've been eating nothing but junk and was sick most of yesterday because of it. Bleh.
I remember i was at my grandfather´s house this summer,.. and i went upstairs to get my laptop, then suddenly the lights went off for a second and went on again.. Man, i got sooo scared, i ran downstairs and begged my father to get my laptop :lol: but hey, i´m only 14:p I get scared very easily :p

I am gonna try to meditate AGAIN, later.. :p

I have a story from when i was little that my mother told me.. I´m gonne try to post it today or tomorrow. :)
Only MJ reference in a dream today was when at one point I was dreaming that I was lying in a really odd position in my bed and thought I heard someone speaking deep inside my right ear. I was like, huh? Michael? Is that you? Then I heard the J5's ABC playing with low volume in that ear and realized I was picking up a radio station with my ear, LOL. It was only later that I realized I must've been dreaming, because the position I was in during this radio incident would have been impossible, lol.

Otherwise, today I slept for sooooo long and don't feel so good. I've been really tired lately in general. Most times I've tried to meditate I've just fallen asleep or found my mind starting to wander into dreamland so I can't really focus. And now today, ever since I got up I've had this awful anxiety feeling in the pit of my stomach. Really weird and unsuual. What the heck? Imagine drinking 50 cups of coffee and the caffeine only affecting your stomach area. It's a pretty icky sensation :(
Btw, just thought I'd share that I just visited another msg board I used to spend a lot of time on (non-MJ ... mostly about dreams, psychic stuff) and I was looking at posts from about Thanksgiving up to the Dec 2nd full moon. It was during this time that people here (myself included) were saying they were feeling really bummed out and depressed and disconnected. I know I felt absolutely zilch when it came to anything psychic... like I was trapped under a wet blanket. Well, on this other board people reported the SAME THINGS during that time... about feeling dark energies, being tired and depressed, negativity permeating everything, everyone in a bad mood around them. Interesting. So this was a generalized thing for everyone, not just MJ fans. Otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary to report since. Just the usual weird dreams and conspiracy theories.
Btw, just thought I'd share that I just visited another msg board I used to spend a lot of time on (non-MJ ... mostly about dreams, psychic stuff) and I was looking at posts from about Thanksgiving up to the Dec 2nd full moon. It was during this time that people here (myself included) were saying they were feeling really bummed out and depressed and disconnected. I know I felt absolutely zilch when it came to anything psychic... like I was trapped under a wet blanket. Well, on this other board people reported the SAME THINGS during that time... about feeling dark energies, being tired and depressed, negativity permeating everything, everyone in a bad mood around them. Interesting. So this was a generalized thing for everyone, not just MJ fans. Otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary to report since. Just the usual weird dreams and conspiracy theories.

That's interesting. I wish I could remember that day. I think I need to check out old posting.
What's the link btw?

I hope we all begin to feel connected again soon.

I hope so too... :(
Hmm...pretty interesting that we all have stories to share on the same times, and also feel less connected at many of the same times.

I'm also feeling less connected for like a week now or something...guess it's because I'm so busy lately. My dreams though always consist Michael in them somewhere, but not so much to really think anything of it. I in my last dream, he was a worker in this clothing store.....uuuhm right.:mello: :lol:

Still though...I'm having that constant tingly feeling in my third eye, which I did some research on a few days ago. It's weird 'cause I keep on feeling that whenever I do or think about something which has to do with Michael.
Still though...I'm having that constant tingly feeling in my third eye, which I did some research on a few days ago. It's weird 'cause I keep on feeling that whenever I do or think about something which has to do with Michael.
Me too usually. Well, not a tingly third eyes, but the warm and/or presence sensation on my right side (back, shoulder, head). Have it right now while I'm working on some badges and stuff for majorloveprayer :angel:
Me too usually. Well, not a tingly third eyes, but the warm and/or presence sensation on my right side (back, shoulder, head). Have it right now while I'm working on some badges and stuff for majorloveprayer :angel:

I get that ALWAYS.

I get that ALWAYS.

And so the next question is... did you get that before June 25th? And if yes, under which circumstances? Or did you never feel it in your life until recently? I would answer for myself, but we're about to eat a late dinner, lol, so that will have to wait a while. Curious to hear what you and others have to say, though :)
ahh ppl i m lurking here for seeing another seance of her with michael...and i read from time to time your experiences which sounds very touching...:) ahh i hope there is a new video of her on youtube..
I was talking to my grandma today about this book I'm reading right now "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (this book reminds me so much of Michael) and so the idea of what happens after death came up, and she told me that she believes she will cease to exist once she dies, and thinks life after death is a myth in her opinion. And it just made me wonder, assuming the afterlife does exist, which I believe does, then I wonder what happens to those people who die and didn't believe in it? Any thoughts?
I was talking to my grandma today about this book I'm reading right now "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (this book reminds me so much of Michael) and so the idea of what happens after death came up, and she told me that she believes she will cease to exist once she dies, and thinks life after death is a myth in her opinion. And it just made me wonder, assuming the afterlife does exist, which I believe does, then I wonder what happens to those people who die and didn't believe in it? Any thoughts?

OT: You know this book is being made into a movie, right?

My POV on your question...I believe there is an afterlife. I just can't imagine something that exists becoming nonexistent. I think everyone experiences an afterlife, whether they believed in it when they were alive or not. We are living on this Earth through more than just our bodily organs.
OT: You know this book is being made into a movie, right?

My POV on your question...I believe there is an afterlife. I just can't imagine something that exists becoming nonexistent. I think everyone experiences an afterlife, whether they believed in it when they were alive or not. We are living on this Earth through more than just our bodily organs.

Yeah, that's why I'm reading it. :)

I agree with your statements. I can't imagine not existing either. Just poof, that's it? I also think from a scientific perspective, "energy can neither be created nor destroyed" so where does all that energy go? I also think humans are here for a purpose. There is so much out there that we don't know about and have yet to discover. We can't possibly discover it all. So, I guess everyone will come to realize the truth when they pass on.
I was talking to my grandma today about this book I'm reading right now "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (this book reminds me so much of Michael) and so the idea of what happens after death came up, and she told me that she believes she will cease to exist once she dies, and thinks life after death is a myth in her opinion. And it just made me wonder, assuming the afterlife does exist, which I believe does, then I wonder what happens to those people who die and didn't believe in it? Any thoughts?

I believe in life after death personally. And yeah I often wonder what happens to people who don't believe? It kinda scares me to think that once we pass, thats it, that we just stop existing. But I have had some experiences which lead me to believe in life after death.

I think there is a quote from the film The Notebook, where he says "science only goes so far, then comes God", I just thought that might be quite fitting for this subject :)
I tried it yesterday again... and failed. I couldn't concentrate at all. And today I got ill, so I guess that why I wasn't able to meditate the last 2 days.... I'm ill ...aaaaaaahhh :cry:

Me too usually. Well, not a tingly third eyes, but the warm and/or presence sensation on my right side (back, shoulder, head). Have it right now while I'm working on some badges and stuff for majorloveprayer :angel:

Woah, that sounds familiar. I haven't paid attention to it that much. But I remember when I was sitting at the window at night talking to Michael I felt that too (several times), but it was more of a tingly feeling at my shoulder/back.
^ Hope you feel better soon, FunkeyJay!

Hmm..I went to the store today to buy a card for Michael, which I'm gonna send to someone who takes it to Forest Lawn. When I bought that card and got out of the store, that thingly feeling on my forehead/third eye was sooo heavy!
And for 15 minutes after that I had this huge headache, and now it's gone again. Gee....strange stuff, I really wanna know what that thingly feeling means.
^ Hope you feel better soon, FunkeyJay!

Hmm..I went to the store today to buy a card for Michael, which I'm gonna send to someone who takes it to Forest Lawn. When I bought that card and got out of the store, that thingly feeling on my forehead/third eye was sooo heavy!
And for 15 minutes after that I had this huge headache, and now it's gone again. Gee....strange stuff, I really wanna know what that thingly feeling means.

Yeah, feel better soon FunkeyJay :hug:

Well, I just thought I'd offer my opinion on this, I'm not an expert on these things by any means, but I always thought that this feeling means that you should try to open your third eye? And I think the headache comes because it is blocked? I dunno... I guess it seems a bit simplistic to be that.
Yeah, feel better soon FunkeyJay :hug:

Well, I just thought I'd offer my opinion on this, I'm not an expert on these things by any means, but I always thought that this feeling means that you should try to open your third eye? And I think the headache comes because it is blocked? I dunno... I guess it seems a bit simplistic to be that.
Well, I'm very sure that my third eye is open..LOL. For as far as I could find out on the internet, your third eye indicates your sensivity etc...and I am verrryyy sensitive, I always notice, feel and see everything. So maybe it means the opposite?

Dunnow...probably should do some more research, if only I got the time...argh!
And it just made me wonder, assuming the afterlife does exist, which I believe does, then I wonder what happens to those people who die and didn't believe in it? Any thoughts?
Interesting question. Because I think we all create our own reality...always. So for instance, some very religious people create their own reality here on Earth, by living the way they think they should; according to these "rules" they've been taught. Now, those rules may not really exist...but they do in this persons own mind, so that is the reality they create for themselves and live by. When they die, they can choose to still live by this way of thinking (which brings another interesting thought, that maybe all religions are neither right nor wrong...they are just choices). The same goes for people who aren't religious...and choose to live their life with more freedom; creating the reality that you do your best in life and that's all that matters. When these people die, they go on living the same way. I believe we are the same people when we die as when we were living...nothing magically changes, we simply switch realms/dimensions. Yet, for people that are strong in their beliefs that existence is no more after death...I don't think that their minds suddenly create that and they really don't exist anymore. I think they are given a choice...just as all of us are given a choice to live in whatever way we want. It may take these people a bit to realize that they are dead, but whenever they do and they see that they still exist...then they can make the choice to go whichever direction they want. So maybe some will hang around on Earth for awhile because they are in confusion, or upset that they still exist (lol)...or they simply choose to go wherever they can go; like into the light or meeting up with past family members who have died.

Case in point, I think that we all exist after death...but our personal beliefs; our own minds...create the reality that we experience on the other side, just as it did here on Earth.
Well, I'm very sure that my third eye is open..LOL. For as far as I could find out on the internet, your third eye indicates your sensivity etc...and I am verrryyy sensitive, I always notice, feel and see everything. So maybe it means the opposite?

Dunnow...probably should do some more research, if only I got the time...argh!

Oooh right :lol:
I want to open mine so I'm trying :D

Yeah, I would research it for you too, but I gotta do some studying, but let us know when you find out? I would be interested to know :)

Oh yeah I just wanted to add, I was talking out loud today to my grandmother because I felt like I had been neglecting thinking about her recently, and as I spoke I got this like tingly feeling in my legs and then goosebumps. Now I dunno whether thats a coincidence or what. But I like to think it was maybe cos my grandmother was near? I dunno I think I'm looking too much into it.
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A few nights ago I had dreams with Michael all night, don't remember details now, just know it were something good and peaceful..
I woke up and still had those clear strong warm feelings inside.. like nothing happened. Michael is still somewhere there, happy, with a smile, peaceful.
I felt really happy and excited all morning... during the day those feelings fade away a lil bit..

such a strange days now.. like waiting on something? but nothing much goin' on.. and such an emptiness inside.
trying not to think of physical.. memorial and funeral.. but it popping up in mind.. can't believe it's six months soon and I went through it? :(