Merged: Psychics channel Michael

And so the next question is... did you get that before June 25th? And if yes, under which circumstances? Or did you never feel it in your life until recently? I would answer for myself, but we're about to eat a late dinner, lol, so that will have to wait a while. Curious to hear what you and others have to say, though :)

Only after June 25th and only during prayers for MJ, thinking about him, crying or listening to his music.
Interesting question. Because I think we all create our own reality...always. So for instance, some very religious people create their own reality here on Earth, by living the way they think they should; according to these "rules" they've been taught. Now, those rules may not really exist...but they do in this persons own mind, so that is the reality they create for themselves and live by. When they die, they can choose to still live by this way of thinking (which brings another interesting thought, that maybe all religions are neither right nor wrong...they are just choices). The same goes for people who aren't religious...and choose to live their life with more freedom; creating the reality that you do your best in life and that's all that matters. When these people die, they go on living the same way. I believe we are the same people when we die as when we were living...nothing magically changes, we simply switch realms/dimensions. Yet, for people that are strong in their beliefs that existence is no more after death...I don't think that their minds suddenly create that and they really don't exist anymore. I think they are given a choice...just as all of us are given a choice to live in whatever way we want. It may take these people a bit to realize that they are dead, but whenever they do and they see that they still exist...then they can make the choice to go whichever direction they want. So maybe some will hang around on Earth for awhile because they are in confusion, or upset that they still exist (lol)...or they simply choose to go wherever they can go; like into the light or meeting up with past family members who have died.

Case in point, I think that we all exist after death...but our personal beliefs; our own minds...create the reality that we experience on the other side, just as it did here on Earth.

Oh dear Lord you make so much sense.
Only after June 25th and only during prayers for MJ, thinking about him, crying or listening to his music.
Wow, really :) Nice to know. I had that in the past, but only when I'd specifically ask to speak with someone who'd passed or sometimes spontaneously when I'd be talking with a friend or coworker and they'd tell me how they're feeling sad about a recently passed loved one or had wished for a sign from them... then... whoosh, they'd show up, lol. (Try explaining that to them out of the blue, lol.) But I really tried blocking it for the last few years because it was just too much and freaked me out and I seemingly suck at figuring out WHO is there and WHY. But then with Michael... well, it happens soooo often since about June 27th (I think that was about the first time). Mostly when I'm thinking of him :angel: And it seems to come and go, like I'll feel energy A LOT for a day or a few days then feel mostly alone for days.

Glad to know at least some of you are feeling better today. I had a major meltdown last night. I stayed up late alone and watched Moulin Rouge and when 'The Show Must Go On' was being sung... man. I just cried and cried like I haven't for some time. It was awful :cry: And then again this morning when Tito, Jackie, Marlon and Jermaine were on Larry King Live, talking about the funeral and such. God, I love Michael. So soo sooo much, for so long. Why doesn't believing in an afterlife help much at times like that? I "know" he's alright and yet still...

Had a dream this morning about LaToya. She's been in Germany recently (like checking out the memorial/monument in front of the Munich hotel Michael stayed in, on German TV, etc), so that's probably why. In the dream there was a new CD that was a compilation of songs MJ wrote for other artists. I was standing next to LaToya and I said, oh look (as I browsed through the list of artists on the CD), here you are... LaToya and Janet and Rebbie. And we just talked like totally normal like we knew each other, no big deal. I asked her if it was true that Joe wouldn't be going to (something -- some show or tribute) tonight and she said the press was always making up crazy stuff like that. Yes, he'll be there too. I was like, oh, that's cool. Odd dream.
Hi all. Hope everyone's doing ok today :)

Had a nice experience last night. One of those 'did I imagine that?' experiences. It was very late. I was lying in bed, had been crying earlier, just in general feeling really emotional. Then after a while of trying to 'open up' my energies (chakras, etc) I felt like someone was there. And the someone felt like Michael :) I can't explain really, it was like impressions of him in my mind, a presence sensation with wamth along my back, love, then I finally felt a little happy again and fell asleep :) :angel: The feeling was vivid. Woke up this morning still feeling all.... :wub: And I dreamt all of night of Michael (not with him, darn it, but of him at least)... like regular dreams, bu they included videos of MJ, people talking about him, etc. Before I woke up I was watching some 'newly discovered footage' of him, in one saying that 8 Grammy's in one night wasn't enough and he wouldn't be satisfied unless he won every single one, lol. He was wearing something very much like the white jacket below from the pre-Victory-Tour press conference (lol, I remember this well, even though my parents didn't let me go to a concert :cry:), but without the red sash thing. Oh, and he wore his glove as well. (LOL, just remembered someone's macro: "This can't be Michael Jackson. He's too sparkly to be human." LOL :heart:)
I felt like someone was there. And the someone felt like Michael :) I can't explain really, it was like impressions of him in my mind, a presence sensation with wamth along my back, love, then I finally felt a little happy again and fell asleep :) :angel: The feeling was vivid. Woke up this morning still feeling all.... :wub: And I dreamt all of night of Michael (not with him, darn it, but of him at least)...
Yay! Glad to hear this...even though I wish it was me. :p
awww, mjbunny, that sounds so lovely :) what a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing. So are you starting to feel more of a connection again?

I was feeling quite negative earlier on. I woke up really positive, so I thought I would act upon it and meditate. But I got so frustrated with myself, I tried listening to music but my computer speakers were acting up, so that started me off :lol: and of course the more frustrated I got, the more I kept thinking I couldn't do it and then bam, negative times all round which is no way conduicve to meditating.

I thought I should just get down to some work. I put my desk so I could see out my window and I just stared out of it. The sky was beautiful like creamy and light blue, then I saw this bird, just swirling around the sky, and the sun was catching its wings every so often, and I just watched it, and it made me feel so much more positive. It was like everything slowed down and I was just focussed on this birdie.
Also, watching the sunset, the sky again, was so beautiful. It was deep blue, fading down to like a greeny yellow. Really beautiful.
So yeah, now I feel completely positive and all that frustration and things I had earlier on just disappeared :)

I just thought I would share that with you all.
It's nice to hear that you are feeling Michael again :) i hope i'll feel him very soon:( i still feel a bit disconnected.. But , i have been very busy lately.. I haven't had time to meditate:(. Oh, i just want to share something, yesterday i had a presentation about Michael, and today we had guitar/singing test and i performed a MJ medley , and guess what?? I got an A on both !! I rarely get A's .. Or, i never got A's , so I am soo happy :) Thank you Michael :D
It's nice to hear that you are feeling Michael again :) i hope i'll feel him very soon:( i still feel a bit disconnected.. But , i have been very busy lately.. I haven't had time to meditate:(. Oh, i just want to share something, yesterday i had a presentation about Michael, and today we had guitar/singing test and i performed a MJ medley , and guess what?? I got an A on both !! I rarely get A's .. Or, i never got A's , so I am soo happy :) Thank you Michael :D

aww yaay, congratulations :)
Don't worry about feeling disconnected, I am too, maybe we will feel connected again soon :) we just gotta be patient.
Lucid dreams are great, and would be even more so with Michael there too!!!

It's when you 'wake up' in the dream. So you know you're dreaming and can control it. It's happened to me a few times (in one of them I ran around asking all my 'dream characters' if they knew they were only in a dream, and they just looked at me as if I was stupid, lol). It's a crazy experience, and some people train themselves to do it. Being aware of your thoughts is a step closer to it.

Sorry, decided I had the wrong place for my comment...but all the posts are hugely interesting!
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Lucid dreams are great, and would be even more so with Michael there too!!!

It's when you 'wake up' in the dream. So you know you're dreaming and can control it. It's happened to me a few times (in one of them I ran around asking all my 'dream characters' if they knew they were only in a dream, and they just looked at me as if I was stupid, lol). It's a crazy experience, and some people train themselves to do it. Being aware of your thoughts is a step closer to it.

That sound interesting... Sounds a bit hard , but i will try that out :)
It's nice to hear that you are feeling Michael again :) i hope i'll feel him very soon:( i still feel a bit disconnected.. But , i have been very busy lately.. I haven't had time to meditate:(. Oh, i just want to share something, yesterday i had a presentation about Michael, and today we had guitar/singing test and i performed a MJ medley , and guess what?? I got an A on both !! I rarely get A's .. Or, i never got A's , so I am soo happy :) Thank you Michael :D

Yeah, same here. I can't remember my dreams at all and I didn't really get any sleep last night. I've been pretty busy too. It feels like my mind has been in a million places at once.

Congrats on getting the A's! :D
Yeah, same here. I can't remember my dreams at all and I didn't really get any sleep last night. I've been pretty busy too. It feels like my mind has been in a million places at once.

Congrats on getting the A's! :D

Thank you :D These last nights i have been sleeping so lightly, and when i wake up i can´t go to sleep :( it´s very irritating:( I think i´ve been stressing too much .. And i know what you mean with your mind being in a million places at once ..
I'm glad to hear that everyone's doing alright. :)

I was feeling really down yesterday. Like, really awful.
I ended up in my college's library last night trying to write a paper, and it was almost midnight and I was completely alone in the building. I mean, there was literally not a soul besides myself. Some of the banks of lights were off, and it was just really strange and eerie.

I just felt a bad energy in there. I was already having one of those days where I was just so upset about Michael, and being there was making me feel worse and worse, to the point where I started crying and forced myself to leave.

I couldn't focus at after that. I have never had such a hard time writing. I was up until 4am just trying to string words together, and then I slept until noon today to compensate.

I don't know what that was all about, but blahh.

Today I feel really nice though. Having one of those days where I'm always thinking "wow, everything is connected! the world is beautiful!" :heart:

I made a post about the Major Love Prayer on my blog and a lot of people were interested and spread the word. So that made me happy. :)
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I'm glad to hear that everyone's doing alright. :)

I was feeling really down yesterday. Like, really awful.
I ended up in my college's library last night trying to write a paper, and it was almost midnight and I was completely alone in the building. I mean, there was literally not a soul besides myself. Some of the banks of lights were off, and it was just really strange and eerie.

I just felt a bad energy in there. I was already having one of those days where I was just so upset about Michael, and being there was making me feel worse and worse, to the point where I started crying and forced myself to leave.

I couldn't focus at after that. I have never had such a hard time writing. I was up until 4am just trying to string words together, and then I slept until noon today to compensate.

I don't know what that was all about, but blahh.

Today I feel really nice though. Having one of those days where I'm always thinking "wow, everything is connected! the world is beautiful!" :heart:

I made a post about the Major Love Prayer on my blog and a lot of people were interested and spread the word. So that made me happy. :)

Oh sorry to hear about last night, littlesparrow. Glad you're doing good now though :)

Yeah I felt really good today, well, the latter part :lol:
I had one of those days where I just thought wow. Like I said in my previous post, when I saw that bird, I just felt so peaceful, and the sky too. I love days like that.

I'm really looking forward to the Major Love Prayer! I did a little practicing this evening, I lit a candle and really focussed and I dunno the candle started to really flicker at one point which kinda creeped me out a bit, haha.
Yay! Glad to hear this...even though I wish it was me. :p
:dancin:lol ... but he's around :angel:

awww, mjbunny, that sounds so lovely :) what a wonderful experience! Thank you for sharing. So are you starting to feel more of a connection again?
I don't know if it's more connected or not, hmmm. Maybe it was just an anomaly. I had a couple of tough days, crying a lot, maybe it was part of a rebound of emotion? I don't know what happened, but I really felt it was Michael somehow :heart:
It's nice to hear that you are feeling Michael again :) i hope i'll feel him very soon:( i still feel a bit disconnected.. But , i have been very busy lately.. I haven't had time to meditate:(. Oh, i just want to share something, yesterday i had a presentation about Michael, and today we had guitar/singing test and i performed a MJ medley , and guess what?? I got an A on both !! I rarely get A's .. Or, i never got A's , so I am soo happy :) Thank you Michael :D
Congrats on the A's :punk:

I'm glad to hear that everyone's doing alright. :) I was feeling really down yesterday. Like, really awful.
Agh, me too. The last two days really. I cried yesterday and the day before a couple of times with that sort of outloud wail that can't be contained, like I hadn't done for weeks. I guess this will come and go, huh? :mello:

Yeah I felt really good today, well, the latter part :lol: I had one of those days where I just thought wow. Like I said in my previous post, when I saw that bird, I just felt so peaceful, and the sky too. I love days like that.
I was feeling quite negative earlier on. I woke up really positive....I just thought I would share that with you all.
Today I feel really nice though. Having one of those days where I'm always thinking "wow, everything is connected! the world is beautiful!"
Now isn't this interesting??? I was pretty depressed for a couple of days and then last night had my little Michael experience (or whatever that was) and then today I woke up feeling happier than I have for quite a while. So here again we have a whole bunch of us feeling the same type of thing at the same time. I wonder if it's everyone or just MJ fans, lol? ;) Really, it makes me wonder. The moon's in last quarter, a couple of days until the New Moon, so don't know what that could have to do with it.

I kind of had that connected to everyone experience as well today, like you said, littlesparrow. We went downtown to a Christmas market (to find a card or something to send to Forest Lawn :mello:) and while on the streetcar I was thinking what if it's true that we're all spirits? It all seems so NOT like that when you're down here. But look at all these people, that lady, that lady, that guy over there, that little kid... we're all souls, we're all actually one, from the same place, a place of love where we have understanding ... and what the heck is going on here? It's all rather funny in some way. No one remembers and we're sitting here ignoring each other and worrying about eating, paying rent, relationships, how fat we are, if anyone will ever love us. And in the end we're just down here in these temporary bodies, thinking it's all sooooo serious. And it's actually all just a big goofy stage production of sorts. How ridiculous. And then I decided to try to LIVE in that feeling. That although the people around me don't remember, we're actually all one, so be nice to everyone (even the crabby folks) and know the truth (namaste) and then we'll all laugh about this later. Unfortunately, this psuedo-enlightened feeling was kind of forgotten after we started shopping, lol. (I don't mean I got bitchy or something, lol. I just forgot about how I wanted to LIVE that feeling. :doh:)

I made a post about the Major Love Prayer on my blog and a lot of people were interested and spread the word. So that made me happy.
I'm really looking forward to the Major Love Prayer! I did a little practicing this evening, I lit a candle and really focussed and I dunno the candle started to really flicker at one point which kinda creeped me out a bit, haha.
Cool, thanks for spreading the word :) I keep saying to God (and Michael too, ok) that if this really helps people, if this is really something good, then please let everyone know about it and join with us :angel: I also can't wait, hee hee. You know, and since it's Christmas, how many of you will be with family that day? I won't be (at least not at 11pm my time, lol), but if you are ... hey, more participants maybe! We should try to get everyone to do it on Christmas, you know.:newyear: It's soooo fitting.
I kind of had that connected to everyone experience as well today, like you said, littlesparrow. We went downtown to a Christmas market (to find a card or something to send to Forest Lawn ) and while on the streetcar I was thinking what if it's true that we're all spirits? It all seems so NOT like that when you're down here. But look at all these people, that lady, that lady, that guy over there, that little kid... we're all souls, we're all actually one, from the same place, a place of love where we have understanding ... and what the heck is going on here? It's all rather funny in some way. No one remembers and we're sitting here ignoring each other and worrying about eating, paying rent, relationships, how fat we are, if anyone will ever love us. And in the end we're just down here in these temporary bodies, thinking it's all sooooo serious. And it's actually all just a big goofy stage production of sorts. How ridiculous. And then I decided to try to LIVE in that feeling. That although the people around me don't remember, we're actually all one, so be nice to everyone (even the crabby folks) and know the truth (namaste) and then we'll all laugh about this later. Unfortunately, this psuedo-enlightened feeling was kind of forgotten after we started shopping, lol. (I don't mean I got bitchy or something, lol. I just forgot about how I wanted to LIVE that feeling. )

This is probably good advice. Try to live in the moment. I'm always reminded by the song by young Michael: "If'n I Was God" he sings "You got to love everybody." Life really isn't meant to be taken seriously, but it's still hard sometimes when the stresses and pains of life's burdens feel real, and as something separate and very individual. I don't know how Michael got through it all. He's an incredibly strong person. But I really do think l.o.v.e. is the key here to a more peaceful world. To l.o.v.e. everyone and everything in spite of it all. Because you never know, it may be just what the person needed and they might spread the l.o.v.e. around to others.

You know, and since it's Christmas, how many of you will be with family that day? I won't be (at least not at 11pm my time, lol), but if you are ... hey, more participants maybe! We should try to get everyone to do it on Christmas, you know. It's soooo fitting.

Yeah, I'm going to be with my family. I'm not sure I will be able to do the prayer at the exact time it happens, but I sure will take time out at some point to do it. Heh, I know my family would never do it with me though. They're not really MJ fans and not very spiritual people in general. They'd never understand.
But look at all these people, that lady, that lady, that guy over there, that little kid... we're all souls, we're all actually one, from the same place, a place of love where we have understanding ... and what the heck is going on here? It's all rather funny in some way. No one remembers and we're sitting here ignoring each other and worrying about eating, paying rent, relationships, how fat we are, if anyone will ever love us. And in the end we're just down here in these temporary bodies, thinking it's all sooooo serious. And it's actually all just a big goofy stage production of sorts. How ridiculous.
Haha...I've had this thought a few times before...and it kind of makes it amusing, just watching people. It's like for a moment you've stepped out of the "Earthly consciousness bubble" and can see things as they really are....but everyone around you is still wrapped up in their own little bubbles, going on so unaware and taking life so seriously...just like you were doing a minute ago. I can't help but giggle at myself and others when this's like, much of life is just an illusion. It's also very enlightening though, to realize that you aren't defined by your body or your job or whatever else you usually define yourself by...and to realize that we're all the same; that behind every face; every "role" that someone is playing in that love and light energy that you yourself are made of.
Haha...I've had this thought a few times before...and it kind of makes it amusing, just watching people. It's like for a moment you've stepped out of the "Earthly consciousness bubble" and can see things as they really are....but everyone around you is still wrapped up in their own little bubbles, going on so unaware and taking life so seriously...just like you were doing a minute ago. I can't help but giggle at myself and others when this's like, much of life is just an illusion. It's also very enlightening though, to realize that you aren't defined by your body or your job or whatever else you usually define yourself by...and to realize that we're all the same; that behind every face; every "role" that someone is playing in that love and light energy that you yourself are made of.

I've been thinking that way alot lately.

I havent had anything happen to me lately to share probably because I've been so busy. I really do miss Michael lots though. I have been playing the Jackson Christmas album all this month for Michael :)
I had a dream about Michael last night.
It was brief. I couldn't sleep for ages, but when I did manage to get to sleep...:wub:

I was down a countrylane near where I live and I turned around and suddenly Michael was there, wearing all white, with short hair (think 1995 VMAs). I decided I wanted to walk with him, so as he was walking towards me, he held out his arm and I put my arm around his waist. Then Janet appeared on the other side and she said some things, I can't really remembered, but we both teased her a bit :lol: She also had her arm around his waist.
Then as we carried on walking Janet was excitedly like tell her this story, tell her that story. He was about to start one cos he said Elizabeth (which made me think of Liz Taylor). Then we went into this house and I said, when we come out, tell me more stories? But then he disappeared, I couldn't see him anywhere in the house and then I woke up.

But it was so nice, like just walking along side by side talking :wub:
I had a dream about Michael last night.
It was brief. I couldn't sleep for ages, but when I did manage to get to sleep...:wub:

I was down a countrylane near where I live and I turned around and suddenly Michael was there, wearing all white, with short hair (think 1995 VMAs). I decided I wanted to walk with him, so as he was walking towards me, he held out his arm and I put my arm around his waist. Then Janet appeared on the other side and she said some things, I can't really remembered, but we both teased her a bit :lol: She also had her arm around his waist.
Then as we carried on walking Janet was excitedly like tell her this story, tell her that story. He was about to start one cos he said Elizabeth (which made me think of Liz Taylor). Then we went into this house and I said, when we come out, tell me more stories? But then he disappeared, I couldn't see him anywhere in the house and then I woke up.

But it was so nice, like just walking along side by side talking :wub:

awwww that is a beautiful dream thanks for sharing! :yes:
Haha...I've had this thought a few times before...and it kind of makes it amusing, just watching people. It's like for a moment you've stepped out of the "Earthly consciousness bubble" and can see things as they really are....but everyone around you is still wrapped up in their own little bubbles, going on so unaware and taking life so seriously...just like you were doing a minute ago. I can't help but giggle at myself and others when this's like, much of life is just an illusion. It's also very enlightening though, to realize that you aren't defined by your body or your job or whatever else you usually define yourself by...and to realize that we're all the same; that behind every face; every "role" that someone is playing in that love and light energy that you yourself are made of.
I love this....this is what I'm doing everyday, every minute. For some reason I always feel like 'out of my bubble' and able to really see what it is about and see and feel how others are living their life.
I'm really aware of what I'm doing here on earth and I think that is such a gift...'cuz I just can't stand to see others being bound to narrow thinking and 'just living their lives', you know. There's so much more! :)
I've always had this feeling...of being so much more aware than other people, feeling so much more.
Ah well...I can't really explain it. Hmm.

Then Janet appeared on the other side and she said some things, I can't really remembered, but we both teased her a bit :lol: She also had her arm around his waist.
Then as we carried on walking Janet was excitedly like tell her this story, tell her that story. He was about to start one cos he said Elizabeth (which made me think of Liz Taylor). Then we went into this house and I said, when we come out, tell me more stories?
Whoa strange, I've had a dream earlier this week but thought it wasn't so interesting to tell about.....anyway, it was about Janet as well, and Michael's kids. When I got into her house, I felt I was probably a known person because Michael's kids ran towards me crying and they just couldn't let me go. I remember Blanket jumping on me like a little monkey and he couldn't let go, I can still feel how he pressed his little head against my cheek, which I felt the whole dream. It was so adorable!:wub:

We walked around the house, talked, ate something with Janet and Katherine, and we talked as if I had been gone for a while...catching up you know. I remember seeing lyrics on the wallpaper in a certain room. I can't remember what it said though, but it was very drawing my attention. The house was really was something I would see Janet living in, so now I'm curious what her house looks like.

And I'm also curious who I was in that dream....I didn't feel like myself, and I also have I feeling I could've been a man. Could I've been Michael? I dunnow....strange but very hearwarming dream though.:(
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Yaaay, i had a dream with a MJ song in it :) it was "Heartbreaker" , I don't remember seeing Michael in the dream , but I remember that it was the song:) I don't listen to "Heartbreaker" so often though.,
awwww that is a beautiful dream thanks for sharing! :yes:

No problem. I just had to document it.
I think it's only about the 3rd dream I have had about MJ since his passing, but it was just so random. He just appeared in my dream for no reason, just when I turned round here was standing there - I hadn't even been dreaming about anything related to him. I was on a bike? hahaha.
But I remember feeling warm and I just had this huge smile on my face in the dream. And just laughing.

I wonder if it had anything to do with me lighting that candle last night, and playing MJ songs like We are the World, Heal the World...or maybe its just coincidence.
mjbunny & amygrace - Ah yes! I have thoughts like that all the time. Every time I take the train into the city I get all pensive and I always look around at the people in the traincar and think things like that.

For some reason I always have these really cool "spiritual"/emotional experiences on trains. Like, every minor "epiphany" I've had about my life in the past year has happened on the commuter rail. :lol:

darlingdear & mrs. music
- beautiful dreams. :heart:

I had a dream with Michael in it last night, but I only remember a small part.

I was at some sort of formal function with a lot of celebrities.
There were small dinner tables lined up against the back wall of this ballroom and I was sitting at one with Andrea Boccelli (haha, I don't know why. Andrea Boccelli is not someone who I think about, ever. I barely even know who he is. I actually had to google him to make sure that was his name. Weird.)

But anyway, Andrea & I were at one table, and at the table in front of us was Michael and his parents.
Katherine and Joe had their backs to me, but Michael was facing me.
I remember he look exactly like this:


Same suit, hair, etc.
(But that's probably because I spent about two minutes straight just staring at this photo the other day, haha :blush: )

Anyway, there was someone important singing on the stage to the left side of the room, but we weren't paying attention, we were just looking at each other.
I remember feeling almost fidgety/uncomfortable because his stare was really intense, almost like he wasn't looking at me, but rather at something inside me, you know?

We never spoke or approached each other or anything, just stared.
That's all I remember.
I haven't seen Michael in any of my dreams lately..:(. I miss that good feeling after waking up from on of my MJdreams/visits. I hope I see him again soon..I don't want him to forget me. I know he loves us.. I just have to keep hoping...:angel:
No dreams for me either, but I did a little meditation last night. I was lying down while doing it, and I was seeing all these images of Michael, kinda like those tribute videos I see on YouTube a lot. Then it seemed like I was hearing an interview from around the Thriller era where Michael was talking about having to move out of his parents house. Then after that (not sure if I'm recalling this correctly) I felt like something was grabbing me from underneath both of my arms lightly. It startled me so I stopped. Interesting...