Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Oh yeah what I was going to ask people is that during meditation, should I protect myself, you know with that whole white light thing? Or does it depend on what I'm using my meditation for? Sorry for all these questions :lol:
I'd always protect yourself and your space with white light. It's not only protecting but aiding in bringing peace and comfort to you.'s all a process...and you just kinda take it one step at a time. :) Like I really want to be able to see and clearly hear spirits right now. So I was talking to my psychic friend about it in our reading and she just said it's something that will develop the more I learn and go along...that it's just a process. She did say I could already smell them though. I guess that's an easy thing, smelling. It doesn't freak you out or anything :lol:
Oh, me too! I keep saying, "I won't be scared, I promise. Startled for a second, of course..." :lol: LOL about smelling. And interesting about the woman spirit story. Your experience sounds sooo much like things that happen to my sister! I've never seen that movie, btw. Wanted to, but haven't yet.

darlingdear - Smelling your grandmother's perfume is so cool. See, I think that the vast majority of people have experiences in this realm. Even those that would never admit it. They either chalk it up to their imagination or get frightened because it doesn't fit their world view. My immediately family is totally open about our combined plethora of 'weird' experiences and yet my mom's brother has always said it's all a bunch of BS. Finally, finally, at the age of 62 he admitted to her that sometimes he does have dreams that come true in vivid detail. :lol: :smilerolleyes:
I'd always protect yourself and your space with white light. It's not only protecting but aiding in bringing peace and comfort to you.

Oh okay thank you. I just wanted to make sure :)
So I guess I just visualise this white light engulfing me, yeah?
(I'm kinda new at all this stuff...can ya tell :D)

mjbunny - yeah I think a lot of people have these kinds of experiences but just remain sceptical. But I'm open minded soooo...
I also believe that when you truly need your loved one thats passed, or if you miss them so much, they come to you in your dreams. That happened to me once. And it happens to my mother, when she is missing my grandmother, she will often tell me she had a dream about her, so I think its wonderful :) Dreams are powerful.
Interesting about the little icon and what that indicated! I wish you could remember more too. Next time try sending a fax to your hubs so he doesn't wake up from you calling to him :lol:
The little website icon for fans looked something like this. It had a slightly odd shape, like a little cutout on the bottom. I remember seeing "MJ" on it and a plus sign, like it was an add/follow button. Hey, maybe it we all click it we'll dream of Michael! :hysterical:


::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: ::click:: :jump1: .... :lol:
Wow, amy and mjbunny, those are some really fascinating stories!
Both sound really intense.

I do have something MJ-related on the topic of smells, actually.

A while ago, I bought a little bottle of Bal a Versailles, which is the perfume that Michael wore and Karen Faye claims that for those who were close to him, the smell will remind them of him.

Anyway, I bought some and it's actually really lovely (luckily it's exactly my taste, or else I would have thrown away $34 for a little bottle smaller than my palm!) but I have only worn it out a couple of times because it's so dressy and strong. Not really the kind of scent you wear to class and to work, you know?

So basically, this little bottle is sitting on my dresser, looking pretty, but I never smell like it because I don't wear it unless I'm going out to see a show or for dinner or something.

The night I went to see TII, it was pouring rain and unseasonably cold. I was sitting in my cab on the way to the theater thinking about Michael, kind of nervous about seeing the film, and as usual the rain was making me feel ultra pensive and sad.

That's when I smelled the perfume. I hadn't put any on, and the cab driver just smelled like fast food, so I know it wasn't him. But I could smell this perfume, which is really distinctive. If you've also bought it, you know.

It made me perk up and look around, and I honestly could have just been convincing myself, but I swear it felt like there was another person in the backseat with me.

If I remember correctly, it was right after this night that I started coming in here regularly. It's funny, I never posted about it because I didn't want to sound like a lunatic, but now I feel comfortable telling you guys these things and I don't feel too worried about being judged. :hug:
I keep saying, "I won't be scared, I promise. Startled for a second, of course..." :lol:
Haha...I did this all the time for awhile! And I'd get so frustrated because I could feel them intuition even told me where there were standing...but I just couldn't see them! When I was talking to my psychic friend about it, she told me to stop trying to see them with my physical eyes. She said it's actually easier for them to serve us from where they are at, rather than coming into our physical vision...because they have to really lower their vibrations to do that. She said it's better that we go to their realm, rather than try and get them to come to ours. But I still don't quite get it...because my Mom has this old friend who sees spirits everywhere...all the time. Like really sees them. Who knows.

darlingdear said:
So I guess I just visualise this white light engulfing me, yeah?
Yep. What I like to do, (I do this every night before I go to sleep) I'll ask the angels to please clear my aura and clear my space of all negative residue and lower vibrational energies/spirits. (I envision all of this happening as I ask for it) Then I ask that once they've been cleared, a bubble of white light be put up around my entire house to act as a shield and ensure that these energies cannot get back in, and to ensure that our space is protected. Lastly I ask that love and light energy be filled within the bubble, and that in doing so my heart and mind be comforted and at peace; knowing that I am safe. :angel:
The little website icon for fans looked something like this. It had a slightly odd shape, like a little cutout on the bottom. I remember seeing "MJ" on it and a plus sign, like it was an add/follow button. Hey, maybe it we all click it we'll dream of Michael! :hysterical:

mjjdreamwebsitebadgeDec62009.png's like adding him to our "social network"...:lol:.. I totally clicked it. Hahaha
@littlesparrow: I adored your story! Thank you so much for sharing! :wub:
That's when I smelled the perfume. I hadn't put any on, and the cab driver just smelled like fast food, so I know it wasn't him. But I could smell this perfume, which is really distinctive. If you've also bought it, you know.

It made me perk up and look around, and I honestly could have just been convincing myself, but I swear it felt like there was another person in the backseat with me.
Love it! How wonderful :wub:
Haha, just went into the MJ perfumes thread and totally pictured this in the backseat of my cab:

perfume.gif's like adding him to our "social network"...:lol:.. I totally clicked it. Hahaha
Me too.....HAHAHA.

Wow, some amazing stories once again here....very impressive.
@mjbunny: Ohmygod that sounds awfully scary! This made me remember about something I had as a child....when I would go to sleep there was a little scary-looking dwarf that 'appeared' on my desk. Every single night again. I got frustrated and emotionally worn out, every time he would laugh at me really hard. One day my mom got tired of my 'strange story' so she decided to just hit the part of my desk which I pointed, out really hard....and gone it was. Strange story, I know.:mello:

Makes me think about what you guys just said, that YOU have the power to control the 'thing' and tell it to stop. Since I was just 4 or 5 I obviously didn't know how to handle that.
Nowadays when I get scared and feel something that's just not right or that's torturing me I do know how to bend it into other thoughts and ban it out....but I'm not feeling it that obvious and big though as you, mjbunny and Amy, do!

@littlesparrow: That is an amazing experience. I'm sure he was there, who would've been else?! Especially watching TII in the cinema, has brought some interesting experiences it seems...I had one myself as well.
LOL @ that gif..... :hysterical:

I also love that everyone here is open for eachother and does not judge anything. :)
Yep. What I like to do, (I do this every night before I go to sleep) I'll ask the angels to please clear my aura and clear my space of all negative residue and lower vibrational energies/spirits. (I envision all of this happening as I ask for it) Then I ask that once they've been cleared, a bubble of white light be put up around my entire house to act as a shield and ensure that these energies cannot get back in, and to ensure that our space is protected. Lastly I ask that love and light energy be filled within the bubble, and that in doing so my heart and mind be comforted and at peace; knowing that I am safe. :angel:

Oh excellent, thank you. I will try something like this from now on :)

oh wow, littlesparrow, that experience must of been so wonderful. And on the night you were going to see TII. Wow :)
This made me remember about something I had as a child....when I would go to sleep there was a little scary-looking dwarf that 'appeared' on my desk. Every single night again. I got frustrated and emotionally worn out, every time he would laugh at me really hard. One day my mom got tired of my 'strange story' so she decided to just hit the part of my desk which I pointed, out really hard....and gone it was. Strange story, I know.:mello:
Strange indeed! The part about your Mom hitting the desk hard though reminded me of how loud noises is one way to clear energy. For instance, if you have negative experiences in your's good to clear the energy afterwards because it can just linger there. Negative energy often gets caught in corners of rooms and stuff and just hangs out there. This is why smudging your house with sage is a good idea, but if you don't have sage you can also go around clapping your hands loud in corners of rooms to help break up the energy and get it moving. This may sound weird but, it works. :p Of course I envision the energy clearing out as I'm doing this too...visualizations are always powerful.
Strange indeed! The part about your Mom hitting the desk hard though reminded me of how loud noises is one way to clear energy. For instance, if you have negative experiences in your's good to clear the energy afterwards because it can just linger there. Negative energy often gets caught in corners of rooms and stuff and just hangs out there. This is why smudging your house with sage is a good idea, but if you don't have sage you can also go around clapping your hands loud in corners of rooms to help break up the energy and get it moving. This may sound weird but, it works. :p Of course I envision the energy clearing out as I'm doing this too...visualizations are always powerful.
Hmm interesting! I'm not living in that house anymore, but there definitely was some negative energy out dreams as well were always floated with strange things happening in that house. Have had many dreams where I would stand on my bed surrounded by fire, I just felt like one day that house was gonna burn down.
Nowadays when I dream of 'my house' I still dream of that house...especially when they're nightmares.
@mjbunny: Ohmygod that sounds awfully scary! This made me remember about something I had as a child....when I would go to sleep there was a little scary-looking dwarf that 'appeared' on my desk. Every single night again. I got frustrated and emotionally worn out, every time he would laugh at me really hard. One day my mom got tired of my 'strange story' so she decided to just hit the part of my desk which I pointed, out really hard....and gone it was. Strange story, I know.:mello:
OMG, that totally reminded me of this -- When I was about 10 we went to stay at my grandparents' house. Intead of the usual room I slept in (my uncle's old room), I was put in my father's old room because my parents decided to stay downstairs. Ok, no big deal, right? Wrong. Once everyone turned the lights out and went downstairs, I SWEAR TO GOD a pair of red glowing eyes appeared over the top of the dresser, with hands kind of curled over the decorative wood backing. I freaking saw this. I screamed my head off and was told to knock off the nonsense, etc. As soon as they left the eyes reappeared. There was nothing red there to reflect. I then got in trouble, refusing to sleep in that room, caused a big scene, etc. I swear to this day there was something in that room.

But I should add that later I was the master monster hunter when babysitting. I'd patiently sit there in a kid's room in the dark with them until the scary noise or whatever came back, lol. I'd figure out what it was and then bring the child over to prove to them it was just the branch against the side of the house or the heating or whatever ;) Wish my parents had taken that time. (But I still think kids, by way of intense fear, can either create their own 'energy monsters' or attract very real fear-eating creepies.)
I remember after my grandmother's burial , the whole family was gathered at my aunt's house..I was 10 or 11, but anyway, all of us were outside , and all the adults were talking to each other and stuff , right? I was standing beside my aunt's red car , and when i looked at the window, i saw the reflection of my grandma's face but her eyes were closed. I was so scared. You guys are the first to know this ..
I'll have to come back later to comment on everyone's posts, but I just wanted to share something kind of cute that just happened to me a minute ago.

I was writing in my journal and I decided to write something "to" Michael. As soon as I wrote the words "dear Michael", the song "Dear Michael" came on. :)

It made me smile to myself.
I'll have to come back later to comment on everyone's posts, but I just wanted to share something kind of cute that just happened to me a minute ago.

I was writing in my journal and I decided to write something "to" Michael. As soon as I wrote the words "dear Michael", the song "Dear Michael" came on. :)

It made me smile to myself.
Aww.... :heart: Remember; coincidence doesn't exist!

(Shit is really becoming my life slogan or sth now....:lol:)
You know what is funny? When people post about things that concern the death of Michael and how they don't believe he is dead, they get flack and are accused of seeing things that are not there, and being in denial. But here you get picked apart and reported if you criticize stuff like this thread.

I wonder why? Oh right because people have the right to believe what they want. Strange how that only applies to the thread wich is more likely to be make believe.

I wish I could see the look on your faces when MJ makes his comeback next year ;)
Tinkerbell, littlesparrow and Mrs Music, nice stories :)

Yep. What I like to do, (I do this every night before I go to sleep) I'll ask the angels to please clear my aura and clear my space of all negative residue and lower vibrational energies/spirits. (I envision all of this happening as I ask for it) Then I ask that once they've been cleared, a bubble of white light be put up around my entire house to act as a shield and ensure that these energies cannot get back in, and to ensure that our space is protected. Lastly I ask that love and light energy be filled within the bubble, and that in doing so my heart and mind be comforted and at peace; knowing that I am safe. :angel:
Just wanted to say I love this. I should do this more often myself :angel:
Not been around for a while looks like I have lot's to catch up on :)
littlesparrow- thanks for sharing,its great to know Michael is still with us and watching over us :heart:

Tinkerbell2 How scary but reassuring at the same time!

Thebob- Not another one! I have been told by many fans that Michael is still alive and this big comeback will happen next year.I am sorry but I know my experience WAS real.I have been going over and over in my head and to be honest it has been driving me nuts but I just know and FEEL that he is no longer in our dimension.I then start to feel guilty that I even thought for a moment that it wasn't real :( We musn't let these people take away our precious experiences.If it feels real to us (and lets be honest we know the difference from a real dream/experience to not a real one)then it really did happen.
I love this thread and it really does prove with all our combined experiences that there is much more to life than we ever could imagine :)
hello all.

I just wanted to update you on this weird dream I had last night. But first I just wanna tell you what happened during my meditation. I was just finishing off, like ready to connect back to reality if you know what I mean, but I did what amy suggested and like asked to cleanse all my negative energy and that and there was this weird sensation. Like this is the first time I wasn't aware my hands were resting on my floor - normally I can feel that - but during this last part, I felt really disconnect for a split second from my actual body. I'm not sure if this is making sense really :lol: Then I realised that I couldn't feel the carpet anymore and I lost it...boooo. Too over excited :lol: But that is the first time in meditation I have actually been able to let go of myself, if that makes sense?

But yeah my dream, well it was a little bit of Michael. It was them during the Jackson 5 days. There was Marlon, and other people at a table, but for some reason I could only focus on Marlon and then he was saying to me "oh we put this muffin in the middle of the table so we can show people how late Michael is to the table!" and then Michael came in, I saw his face and then I woke up. Really weird :lol:

So yeah, sorry for the long post I just had to share it :D
^ Neat experience :) LOL, I sympathize on the excitement problem. There have been times I've decided to try for an out of body experience and when I finally get to the point I can't feel my body much my heart starts pounding and I get too excited and blow it.

No MJ dreams last night. However, I woke up for a few minutes very early this morning and I looked over toward my half-closed bedroom door and oddly thought how I'd feel if there was suddenly someone standing there. I got scared (thinking of burglars, etc) and then thought what if I opened my eyes and MJ was standing there...?! I closed them and opened them again and realized that if anyone was actually standing there two feet from my bed like that I'd probably have a heart attack before I could even determine who it was. At that moment the thought really scared me. Stupid subconscious. Then I went back to sleep.
I love this thread and it really does prove with all our combined experiences that there is much more to life than we ever could imagine :)

Exactly this.

It's one thing to be closed-minded (that's your own problem, and you'll have to confront it one day), but it's another to attack someone else for their beliefs and insult their intelligence and mental stability.
That's not okay.

No MJ dreams last night. However, I woke up for a few minutes very early this morning and I looked over toward my half-closed bedroom door and oddly thought how I'd feel if there was suddenly someone standing there. I got scared (thinking of burglars, etc) and then thought what if I opened my eyes and MJ was standing there...?! I closed them and opened them again and realized that if anyone was actually standing there two feet from my bed like that I'd probably have a heart attack before I could even determine who it was. At that moment the thought really scared me. Stupid subconscious. Then I went back to sleep.

Haha, I have thoughts like this a lot!
I'll be laying in bed thinking "what if I looked at my window and someone was standing there looking back in at me?"
I do a great job of freaking myself out sometimes, haha.

During the summer, I have this tall oscillating fan set up in front of my bed. It's about my height. The first night I set it up this past summer, I woke up in the middle of the night and almost passed out from fear because the silhouette of the fan looked like someone standing at the foot of my bed looking at me. :rolleyes2:
Haha, I have thoughts like this a lot!
I'll be laying in bed thinking "what if I looked at my window and someone was standing there looking back in at me?"
I do a great job of freaking myself out sometimes, haha.

Just gonna butt in here and say I do this too! I really do freak myself out about it. I think its from watching What Lies Beneath :lol:
And I just wanted to comment on when you said you wrote dear michael and the song came on, I love it when stuff like that happens. I was thinking about Michael and then Earth Song randomly came on the music channel.
During the summer, I have this tall oscillating fan set up in front of my bed. It's about my height. The first night I set it up this past summer, I woke up in the middle of the night and almost passed out from fear because the silhouette of the fan looked like someone standing at the foot of my bed looking at me. :rolleyes2:
:hysterical: It's like when you hang some clothes up somewhere in your bedroom, move a box, etc and then realize at 2am that the new configuration looks like a monster, lol. You're an adult, you know what's actually there, and yet still... you've got to get up and move it anyway :lmao: Or the residual closet monster fear. After a while I actually started sleeping with the closet doors wide open because over the years I found it was actually scarier to leave the closet closed. At least if it's open you see what's in there. If it's closed, who knows what could be lurking!! (That is, when I lived on a continent where it's normal to have built-in closets. Here in Germany that's a non-issue, lol.)
Ooooh I've been offline for a while...gotta get back to this thread and check out all the latest posts!!