Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I heard some Michael's songs in dreams last night..
also dreamt like Elizabeth T passed :( and I wondered how long it will take for her to go through transition and to be with Michael.
"Healing power of God", "The Divine has healed", "God heals" Hebrew word rapha means "doctor" or "healer". Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit. The chummiest and funniest of all Angels, Raphael is often pictured chatting merrily with mortal beings. He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light. Part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releasement and space clearing. He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places. As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the "Patron of Travelers" because of his help with Tobias and his travels. He assures that all your transportation, lodging and luggage details go miraculously well. Raphael also helps with inward spiritual journeys, assisting in searches for truth and guidance. Raphael is protecting and helping healers such as doctors, therapist and surgeons. Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives. He is a Keeper of Holy Grail the highest spiritual energy of unconditional love that heals everything.

Anyone knows where you can find out more about who is your arch angel?

Wow that sounds interesting. Thanks for posting :)

Yeah, my husband and I both felt TONS of energy BEFORE the prayer as well!

I got this email yesterday from my best friend back in the States. She's not an MJ fan (doesn't love him, doesn't hate him, pretty neutral as far I understand), but she's an energy healer. I find it interesting that she and I both saw pink energy, both did some Reiki without expecting to do so and both felt a shift in energy at the 7 to 8 minute point. Cool! She had pulled over off the road for it about ten minutes before it started and then had this experience:
About 5 mins before 2pm I felt like I got sucked into a wave of sound/color/emotion. Almost like getting sucked out into the astral. It was hard to find my 'astral' legs, but after a minute or two I found them. I floated on light and sound and color. I focused on love. Loving me, love my car, love the park-n-ride, love the street, the town, the city, the state, love the country.....expanding. Ever expanding love until I realized my Reiki was on! LOL. Funny you mentioned that as well. I was able to "be" Reiki, not just "do" Reiki. Very cool sensation. I too saw the Earth enveloped in pink. Then, like an explosion it shot off and became universal. The entire freakin universe was filling with love.

I saw people all over, snippets of scenes across the world. Praying, crying, feeling. It was intense and emotional. At about 8 after 2:00 I was compelled to stop. I centered and grounded again. Then............took a deep breath or 5 and drove to my clients...

Thanks for sharing. I joined the prayer too and I felt so connected with you all. I felt so much energy, so much love.

I was standing at work..and then everything started to fade to white. I was still standing there looking around and I was missing Michael. I started to hear him singing "I just can't stop loving youuuu.." and I said, "I can hear you! Please keep singing. Where are you? Don't stop!" He was singing it by himself..(no girl's voice like in the song). It started to sound far I chimed in and started singing with Michael.."I just can't stop loving you!" Then I was being lifted skywards and all I could see was white. His voice was closer and louder...and then I realised that I was dreaming/having an experience... then I started to fall and was screaming "MICHAEL!" I was falling back down and yelling for Michael. I woke up instantly and couldn't fall back to sleep. :(

OMG :cry: so sad and beautiful at the same time.

Need to share something again. I tried to mediate to contact my guardian angels and michael a few days ago. I was lying there and trying to clear my mind. Suddenly... well, I don't how to explain but I guess it has something to do with your astral body. I felt kind of out of body (does that sound crazy?). I felt whole, free, lightweight. But I still felt my body because my temperature increased, at least it felt like this. I didn't want to go 'back' or stop what I did, but I got scared because I kind of felt like I'd pass out. I don't really know if it has something to do with astral body, I don't have too much knowledge yet. Gosh, I know it's the correct thread, but I feel a bit crazy, because I usually don't share expierences like that, ebcause people tend to call people with expierences like that crazy. Anyway, I had 2 little dreams about Michael (I don't know if one was the same night, don't remember), but I guess there were just dreams and not visitations... I think. The first one I was in a car with Michael and I heard him sing something I haven't heard before. It sounded beautifully :wub: He was looking at me aswell, the only words I remember are "in your eyes" and "it is right" (​
I tried to mediate to contact my guardian angels and michael a few days ago. I was lying there and trying to clear my mind. Suddenly... well, I don't how to explain but I guess it has something to do with your astral body. I felt kind of out of body (does that sound crazy?). I felt whole, free, lightweight. But I still felt my body because my temperature increased, at least it felt like this. I didn't want to go 'back' or stop what I did, but I got scared because I kind of felt like I'd pass out.
Interesting! I haven't had any kind of astral projection or "out of body" experiences during meditations before, but I've only meditated like 3 times in the past couple years! I need to do it more. I have had experiences where my whole body would shake a rush of energy running through. I get this often actually, not just when meditating but when talking about past lives, when doing a reading sometimes, or talking about an unresolved issue in my's really interesting.

So how is everyone holding up lately? This board has been pretty hectic for awhile but especially today. I feel very energetically drained after going through some of the threads today. This thread is the one place on the board that still feels like a safe and peaceful haven...this and the Man in the Mirror area where I can see Michael's smile.

I think it would be a good idea for many of us to offer a prayer for all of Michael's fans...a prayer that we may all heal gently, easily and quickly...that those with hardenened hearts, be softened and filled with love, and that we will all come together with respect for eachother... united in this love...ready to spread it out in the world. I would love for one of the "Major Love Prayers" to be dedicated to the fans like this too. I think we need it. :heart:

Much love to you all~
Interesting! I haven't had any kind of astral projection or "out of body" experiences during meditations before, but I've only meditated like 3 times in the past couple years! I need to do it more. I have had experiences where my whole body would shake a rush of energy running through. I get this often actually, not just when meditating but when talking about past lives, when doing a reading sometimes, or talking about an unresolved issue in my's really interesting.

So how is everyone holding up lately? This board has been pretty hectic for awhile but especially today. I feel very energetically drained after going through some of the threads today. This thread is the one place on the board that still feels like a safe and peaceful haven...this and the Man in the Mirror area where I can see Michael's smile.

I think it would be a good idea for many of us to offer a prayer for all of Michael's fans...a prayer that we may all heal gently, easily and quickly...that those with hardenened hearts, be softened and filled with love, and that we will all come together with respect for eachother... united in this love...ready to spread it out in the world. I would love for one of the "Major Love Prayers" to be dedicated to the fans like this too. I think we need it. :heart:

Much love to you all~

I also feel alot of tension here today which is why I escaped into this thread too.. I will pray for Michael and fans today.:yes: :angel:
Interesting! I haven't had any kind of astral projection or "out of body" experiences during meditations before, but I've only meditated like 3 times in the past couple years! I need to do it more. I have had experiences where my whole body would shake a rush of energy running through. I get this often actually, not just when meditating but when talking about past lives, when doing a reading sometimes, or talking about an unresolved issue in my's really interesting.
Interesting, what you said and what funkeyjay said! I had a weird kind of experience the day before yesterday too, when I thought I heard whispering in my ear while meditating. I felt so "out of it" then for a good hour, like I was half out of my body. I'm not an expert, but I do meditate regularly and this was not cool. Don't know what was up. And amygrace... I get the same thing when just talking about topics like that with people! Yes! I have for years! I'll feel like I'm shaking at the cellular level down inside, like there's an energy jittering through me and often I'll get really warm too, to the point of sweating. Crazy! I thought it was just me! :cheeky:

So how is everyone holding up lately? This board has been pretty hectic for awhile but especially today. I feel very energetically drained after going through some of the threads today. This thread is the one place on the board that still feels like a safe and peaceful haven...this and the Man in the Mirror area where I can see Michael's smile.

I think it would be a good idea for many of us to offer a prayer for all of Michael's fans...a prayer that we may all heal gently, easily and quickly...that those with hardenened hearts, be softened and filled with love, and that we will all come together with respect for eachother... united in this love...ready to spread it out in the world. I would love for one of the "Major Love Prayers" to be dedicated to the fans like this too. I think we need it. :heart:Much love to you all~
Yeah, totally. So much negativity. There's so much bickering (why???) and then I also really feel bad for the fans that say they're still completely devastated like it's still July, like can barely get up in the morning, like way bad depression. I don't know what to do. :no: MJStarLight, I'm also praying for fans :angel:. We need to heal and feel the truth and come together, remember the love and the legacy. Really. Btw, part of the MLP on the 25th was supposed to be for us as well... connecting and then feeling the love expand and heal everyone and everything. I'm trying to work out how to reword things on the site a bit for the future (reading some books on intention right now) without it getting too specifically religious, too 'new agey', too scientific or straying away from the original purpose as written by the lady who started it. LOL, tall order. Will try to remember to get something specific about healing all us fans into it :heart:
Loving all of the posts on here. Wow, interesting meditatiob funkeyjay, makes me want to try meditating sometime.

I had an MJ dream the day I atched the Soul Train Awards. They showed some clips of MJ on Soul Train and it made me sad that he wasn't here anymore. The first part of the dream I was in highschool (a rough time for me) and I was seated at a cafeteria table. A person made a joke about my acne(I didn't have bad breakouts in high school or ever) and I was sad but somehow I had a mini tv with me and I saw MJ on it(it was MJ in the '70s) and it cheered me up. It also happened when I felt alone in my classroom my teacher had a tv on her desk and was seated behind her desk and all the other students were talking but I was trying to hear what MJ was saying. MJ was doing an interview(like soul train), but I never heard him say that stuff before in real life. I can't remember anything he said, but it was nice to hear his voice in the dream. The second part of the dream I was on some metal stairs(like 4 stairs from the bottom stair) and I saw MJ and his brothers and Joe(still 70s the Jacksons MJ) walk in through the back entrance of the building (they had to prepare for some type of show) where I was. and were talking, but MJ looked kind of like he was thinking about something and was half in and out of the conversation. It was like I was scrooge with the ghost of Christmas past viewing the past except I was looking at MJs, because they didn't notice me there at all( I just watched A Christmas Carol earlier lol).

It was a great dream!
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i have something to tell you; Today, this morning.. I woke up with tears running down from my eyes, to "Man in the mirror" (my ipod was on) .. I just woke up with tears, i
don´t know if i was crying because of something i had dreamt, but i was just crying.. It felt a bit weird to wake up and find yourself crying :(
oh , and one more thing.. I tried to meditate, but the next morning i was so dizzy, my room was spinning and stuff.. Is that because i pushed my mind too hard? :S
or was it just plain dizziness ?
mjbunny said:
Btw, part of the MLP on the 25th was supposed to be for us as well... connecting and then feeling the love expand and heal everyone and everything. I'm trying to work out how to reword things on the site a bit for the future (reading some books on intention right now) without it getting too specifically religious, too 'new agey', too scientific or straying away from the original purpose as written by the lady who started it. LOL, tall order. Will try to remember to get something specific about healing all us fans into it
Oh yes, I did get that from the way you worded things on the site...that it was for EVERYONE; the world. You worded it well I thought! But anyway, I just thought that for us fans in particular, it would be more powerful and effective to focus on just that for one time. But even if just some of us put our energy and thoughts toward healing the fans I know that would help too. Whatever anyone can do :heart:

tarah86 - glad you had some great dreams!

Tinkerbell2 said:
this morning.. I woke up with tears running down from my eyes, to "Man in the mirror" (my ipod was on) .. I just woke up with tears, i
don´t know if i was crying because of something i had dreamt, but i was just crying.. It felt a bit weird to wake up and find yourself crying
Aw, I've had this happen before. Usually I can remember why I was crying, but it still is kinda weird to wake up that way. Hope it was a healing cry for you!
Interesting! I haven't had any kind of astral projection or "out of body" experiences during meditations before, but I've only meditated like 3 times in the past couple years! I need to do it more. I have had experiences where my whole body would shake a rush of energy running through. I get this often actually, not just when meditating but when talking about past lives, when doing a reading sometimes, or talking about an unresolved issue in my's really interesting.

I haven't had this kind of expierence that often in my life yet too. I think it only happened once before. I have kind of meditate before, but it was not serious with imagine that I'm in light to protect myself, so maybe it helped me to get there? I don't know
That's interesting. How do you talk or find out something about past lifes? In the past I tried to do readings, but I thought I was too untalented LOL so I gave up, I was also too young to feel that engery. I think I'm getting there. I can't tell you how interesting it is. I love this thread!!

Interesting, what you said and what funkeyjay said! I had a weird kind of experience the day before yesterday too, when I thought I heard whispering in my ear while meditating. I felt so "out of it" then for a good hour, like I was half out of my body. I'm not an expert, but I do meditate regularly and this was not cool. Don't know what was up. And amygrace... I get the same thing when just talking about topics like that with people! Yes! I have for years! I'll feel like I'm shaking at the cellular level down inside, like there's an energy jittering through me and often I'll get really warm too, to the point of sweating. Crazy! I thought it was just me! :cheeky:

Good to hear that you had a similar expierence. I thought I was going crazy LOL. But I kind of liked this feeling but it also scared the hell out of me at the same time, because I felt dizzy and warm/hot.

Does someone know more about this kind of stuff? It's so interesting!

i have something to tell you; Today, this morning.. I woke up with tears running down from my eyes, to "Man in the mirror" (my ipod was on) .. I just woke up with tears, i
don´t know if i was crying because of something i had dreamt, but i was just crying.. It felt a bit weird to wake up and find yourself crying :(

Oohhh, as amygrace said, I hope it were healing tears. I can usually remember too why I cried. But I hope you felt better afterwards.

oh , and one more thing.. I tried to meditate, but the next morning i was so dizzy, my room was spinning and stuff.. Is that because i pushed my mind too hard? :S
or was it just plain dizziness ?

I don't know actually. Have you tried it before or was it the first time? Maybe it could be reason then. I think I never felt dizzy the next morning.

No, Michael dream this night :( I dreamt about a ship and stuff, kinda confusion, but god thanks no nightmare :)
As of today l still havent dreamt of Michael :( but l had a very weired dream a few days ago.

I dreamt that R Kelly crucified killer Murray, and instead of nailing him on cross he used a hammer to ponder his fingers till they started bleeding.

I told RK you should have just killed him instead of torturing himhim like that. I dont know what to make out of this. It beats me.
Aw, I've had this happen before. Usually I can remember why I was crying, but it still is kinda weird to wake up that way. Hope it was a healing cry for you!
I hope so too.. But i have had the same experience before too , but that time remembered why i was crying .. (i had a dream about the world, it felt like i was feeling the pain of our world..It's so hard to explain . It felt like the hatred in our world was inside me and hurting me.. But suddenly i was in a white place .. Pure white. Suddenly, a screen appear in front of me , and Michael was in that big screen smiling at me. And when i saw his smile the pain went away).. In that dream i could hear "Earth song" though my iPod wasnt on ..
So how is everyone holding up lately? This board has been pretty hectic for awhile but especially today. I feel very energetically drained after going through some of the threads today. This thread is the one place on the board that still feels like a safe and peaceful haven...this and the Man in the Mirror area where I can see Michael's smile.

I think it would be a good idea for many of us to offer a prayer for all of Michael's fans...a prayer that we may all heal gently, easily and quickly...that those with hardenened hearts, be softened and filled with love, and that we will all come together with respect for eachother... united in this love...ready to spread it out in the world. I would love for one of the "Major Love Prayers" to be dedicated to the fans like this too. I think we need it. :heart:

Much love to you all~

Beautiful :cry:
And a lovely idea.
I would like to be able to feel the energy I felt during the MLP again.

I haven't been posting as much lately because of all the negativity and fighting around here. It's really discouraging, and like you said, I feel emotionally drained because of it.

I have a lot to say, and a lot I want to talk about, but lately I'll be in the middle of typing out a whole response in a thread, then I'll look at it and cancel posting it because I just don't see the point sometimes.

This thread and the MITM forum are the only places I feel like I don't have to worry about that.
Beautiful :cry:
And a lovely idea.
I would like to be able to feel the energy I felt during the MLP again.

I haven't been posting as much lately because of all the negativity and fighting around here. It's really discouraging, and like you said, I feel emotionally drained because of it.

I have a lot to say, and a lot I want to talk about, but lately I'll be in the middle of typing out a whole response in a thread, then I'll look at it and cancel posting it because I just don't see the point sometimes.

This thread and the MITM forum are the only places I feel like I don't have to worry about that.
Same here....:cry:

Love to you guys! You are the ones that keep me here, show me what it's about...:hug:
This thread is so extremely inspiring, delighting, loving...just amazing.

@The other Amy: Love your prayer words. :heart:
Man...I made the mistake of wandering in another thread I shouldn't have a minute ago and felt angry and trapped again until I came in here...*takes a deep breath* ...just being in here helps. Love you guys.
oh , and one more thing.. I tried to meditate, but the next morning i was so dizzy, my room was spinning and stuff.. Is that because i pushed my mind too hard? :S
or was it just plain dizziness ?
Maybe so. You shouldn't really feel dizzy afterwards on a normal basis. Some suggestions I could offer are to start out without a specific goal and get used to that for some weeks for practice (I mean if you haven't really done anything like meditation before). Just try to quiet your mind with some soft music or nice sounds, just feeling what it feels like to breath slowly in and out and observing any thoughts that pop up. Once you're comfortable doing that for maybe 15 minutes at a time without ill effects, then you could meditate for a reason, like meeting your guide, etc. If you do feel all spacey or dizzy afterwards you can try feeling your own energy and centering it at the solar plexus. Put your hands there and imagine everything clicking back into place. If you still feel weird or jittery, try grounding yourself. Imagine long, lush green vines growing from your feet, going down into the Earth. This helps kind of reconnect you with the world and then any excess energy can ground out like electricity would. Just do that for some seconds or even a minute or so. It should help.

Oh yes, I did get that from the way you worded things on the site...that it was for EVERYONE; the world. You worded it well I thought! But anyway, I just thought that for us fans in particular, it would be more powerful and effective to focus on just that for one time. But even if just some of us put our energy and thoughts toward healing the fans I know that would help too. Whatever anyone can do :heart:
Do you mean just doing it that one time per month, all at the same time and not adding additional times or dates like some people have asked for? That's what I think as well. It was really powerful with the large group. :angel::group::angel:
Maybe so. You shouldn't really feel dizzy afterwards on a normal basis. Some suggestions I could offer are to start out without a specific goal and get used to that for some weeks for practice (I mean if you haven't really done anything like meditation before). Just try to quiet your mind with some soft music or nice sounds, just feeling what it feels like to breath slowly in and out and observing any thoughts that pop up. Once you're comfortable doing that for maybe 15 minutes at a time without ill effects, then you could meditate for a reason, like meeting your guide, etc. If you do feel all spacey or dizzy afterwards you can try feeling your own energy and centering it at the solar plexus. Put your hands there and imagine everything clicking back into place. If you still feel weird or jittery, try grounding yourself. Imagine long, lush green vines growing from your feet, going down into the Earth. This helps kind of reconnect you with the world and then any excess energy can ground out like electricity would. Just do that for some seconds or even a minute or so. It should help.


Thank you for helping me out :) I will try that , thank you :)
Guuuuys, just while we're on the subject of meditation can I just ask, how do you all concentrate. I started off real well with concentration and I felt like it was working. But recently I am just having so many issues, other thoughts keep coming into my head. I try not to get frustrated because I don't want to create negative energy, but I just cannot concentrate :lol: I guess it does all come down to practicing...

If anyone could suggest something? Like should I listen to music? Or is that too distracting in itself? I'd be really grateful, thank you :)
Guuuuys, just while we're on the subject of meditation can I just ask, how do you all concentrate. I started off real well with concentration and I felt like it was working. But recently I am just having so many issues, other thoughts keep coming into my head. I try not to get frustrated because I don't want to create negative energy, but I just cannot concentrate :lol: I guess it does all come down to practicing...

If anyone could suggest something? Like should I listen to music? Or is that too distracting in itself? I'd be really grateful, thank you :)

I think it's also a matter of practise, it's really difficult to just think about.. nothing... well, not nothing LOL, but to not think at all... At the beginning it's very hard, but it will get better.
Oh, and I don't listen to anything at all. I think I couldn't listen to music for example. I think I'd find myself singing & dancing in between :D But I think there are CDs esp for meditation to buy, aren't there? But what is really relaxing is the sound of the ocean, ...maybe something in that direction?
I think it's also a matter of practise, it's really difficult to just think about.. nothing... well, not nothing LOL, but to not think at all... At the beginning it's very hard, but it will get better.
Oh, and I don't listen to anything at all. I think I couldn't listen to music for example. I think I'd find myself singing & dancing in between :D But I think there are CDs esp for meditation to buy, aren't there? But what is really relaxing is the sound of the ocean, ...maybe something in that direction?

:D aww cool thanks for the suggestions!

Yeah I guess I have a very short attention span :lol: but I am determined to meditate and get better at it. When I first tried it I felt real peaceful and freer. But recently I'm trying to focus and its just not working out but yeah I guess its just down to the practising.

I want to become certainly more spiritual, I am already a big believer in the spiritual side of life and I guess meditation will help me on ma way :D...
Do you mean just doing it that one time per month, all at the same time and not adding additional times or dates like some people have asked for? That's what I think as well. It was really powerful with the large group. :angel::group::angel:
Yes...and agreed. :)

Also on the subject of grounding yourself after meditation to get rid of any dizziness... along with visualizing roots that come out of your feet and go deep into the can also try imagining your third eye in the middle of your forehead...closing. This really helped me one time...I actually had a huge headache after meditating and just envisioned closing my third eye and it went away in like 5 minutes.
Guuuuys, just while we're on the subject of meditation can I just ask, how do you all concentrate. I started off real well with concentration and I felt like it was working. But recently I am just having so many issues, other thoughts keep coming into my head. I try not to get frustrated because I don't want to create negative energy, but I just cannot concentrate :lol: I guess it does all come down to practicing...

If anyone could suggest something? Like should I listen to music? Or is that too distracting in itself? I'd be really grateful, thank you :)
Even with practice you can have relapses into no-concentration land, lolol. I go through phases where I get these wonderful vivid meditations and then times where it's like I can't concentrate for anything. Don't know why, because sometimes it doesn't seem to have anything to do with general stress. I need a lot more practice myself, I know. As for music, I find that often I do better with music, but it's got to be the right kind of music. That's the trick. It needs to be something long and repetitive with nothing that changes much, so you mind isn't drawn back to the music or the ending and beginning of another track. I mean, there are times I could drift off with MJ music, but in general it's got to have no lyrics. I find that good headphones with boring old binaural beats (theta or alpha) work great. I also love Jonathan Goldman's stuff, especially Ultimate Om. It's soothing, angelic and plain in the sense that I can just drift away without being distracted by musical elements. You can get that stuff on Amazon as mp3 downloads and probably iTunes as well.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about. There are lots of things out there like this, though. You just have to hunt around and find something that works for you.
Ultimate Om -
Binaural Theta -
Musical Theta -
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Also on the subject of grounding yourself after meditation to get rid of any dizziness... along with visualizing roots that come out of your feet and go deep into the can also try imagining your third eye in the middle of your forehead...closing. This really helped me one time...I actually had a huge headache after meditating and just envisioned closing my third eye and it went away in like 5 minutes.
Oh I love that idea, thanks for sharing! Gonna try that out as well!

For me, I always just sit or lay down not even always with eyes closed yet...and just try to focus on the clock that is ticking or anything other with some sort of rhythm, my breath or moving a finger, something like that. Thoughts come flowing in and often other thoughts are keeping me busy as well, but I try to block them or try to get my mind in one subject....and then everything just happens itself I guess. Hard to explain actually!

Oh, I was thinking of something the other know that thingly feeling on your body? I always have it in the middle of my forehead, you can also create it sometimes when you go to your skin with your finger but stay above it a little. I've read somewhere that this feeling comes from 'ghosts who are touching your aura' or something like that.
Does anyone know more about that thingly feeling? Cause I've been having this sooooo often lately...:scratch:
Oh I love that idea, thanks for sharing! Gonna try that out as well!

For me, I always just sit or lay down not even always with eyes closed yet...and just try to focus on the clock that is ticking or anything other with some sort of rhythm, my breath or moving a finger, something like that. Thoughts come flowing in and often other thoughts are keeping me busy as well, but I try to block them or try to get my mind in one subject....and then everything just happens itself I guess. Hard to explain actually!

Oh, I was thinking of something the other know that thingly feeling on your body? I always have it in the middle of my forehead, you can also create it sometimes when you go to your skin with your finger but stay above it a little. I've read somewhere that this feeling comes from 'ghosts who are touching your aura' or something like that.
Does anyone know more about that thingly feeling? Cause I've been having this sooooo often lately...:scratch:
Hmmm, tingly. Trying to understand exactly what you mean. Maybe I don't get a sensation like that?? Sometimes I feel a tickly sensation, like things are crawling on my forehead or face (always wig out thinking spiders, lol, but nothing there). Regarding the third eye, are you talking about how when you point something (finger, crystal, whatever) at the center of your forehead without actually touching it and you can FEEL it somehow? I can't point anything at my forehead, lol. I get this intensely uncomfortable feeling, like something's boring its way into my skull. Try pointing one of those mini LED flashlights at your third eye. Whoa... :eek:
Even with practice you can have relapses into no-concentration land, lolol. I go through phases where I get these wonderful vivid meditations and then times where it's like I can't concentrate for anything. Don't know why, because sometimes it doesn't seem to have anything to do with general stress. I need a lot more practice myself, I know. As for music, I find that often I do better with music, but it's got to be the right kind of music. That's the trick. It needs to be something long and repetitive with nothing that changes much, so you mind isn't drawn back to the music or the ending and beginning of another track. I mean, there are times I could drift off with MJ music, but in general it's got to have no lyrics. I find that good headphones with boring old binaural beats (theta or alpha) work great. I also love Jonathan Goldman's stuff, especially Ultimate Om. It's soothing, angelic and plain in the sense that I can just drift away without being distracted by musical elements. You can get that stuff on Amazon as mp3 downloads and probably iTunes as well.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about. There are lots of things out there like this, though. You just have to hunt around and find something that works for you.
Ultimate Om -
Binaural Theta -
Musical Theta -

Oh wow, thank you to you aswell!
I will definately give these a listen :)

Oh yeah I know what you mean about the musical elements, that can be a huge distraction :lol: but yes I will listen to the music suggested by you and the ocean suggested by FunkeyJay, I mean thats pretty repetative and peaceful.

thank you again for this help.
Hmmm, tingly. Trying to understand exactly what you mean. Maybe I don't get a sensation like that?? Sometimes I feel a tickly sensation, like things are crawling on my forehead or face (always wig out thinking spiders, lol, but nothing there). Regarding the third eye, are you talking about how when you point something (finger, crystal, whatever) at the center of your forehead without actually touching it and you can FEEL it somehow? I can't point anything at my forehead, lol. I get this intensely uncomfortable feeling, like something's boring its way into my skull. Try pointing one of those mini LED flashlights at your third eye. Whoa... :eek:
Yeah that's what I mean! You can actually feel that with something else as well, like a pencil or whatever.

So that means it's your third eye? I don't really know what a third eye is...kinda like a newbie on the psychic thing.
Should do some research, if only I could have the time....hmpf.

But...what does it mean when you get it somewhere else that your forehead?
I also have it a lot on my cheeks or arms.
Since we're talking about meditation here, I thought I'd share something I experienced while meditating after the MLP.

It was a "visualization" I guess. I don't really know what to call it. Like having a dream, but being awake, or like watching a vague movie on the inside of my eyelids.

What I saw was someone standing in front of me, with a place behind them that sort of reminded me of Neverland. There were mountains or hills in the background, and there were flowers planted everywhere.
Then suddenly I was in a field. There was only one tree, and I was standing in front of it. The person who was present before was standing between me and this tree.
I couldn't see what he looked like because he was only a silhouette. I do know it was a man though.

Anyway, he pointed to the left. I looked to the left and there was a red brick path lined with flowers. We both walked down it and came to another grassy field.

Right at this moment, one of my roommates knocked on my door loudly and it sort of shook me awake. This is where it ended.

I have no idea what to make of it.
I've only been meditating for under a year, but I've never experienced something vivid like that before.
Is it just a daydream, or what?
i had a really special dream..
i was at this train station, and i was waiting for my train to arrive. this man stood next to me, i couldnt recognize him, but in a way i still knew who he was. i know that sounds kind of weird, but i cant really explain it. anyway, the train finally came, and i sat down when the man came and sat next to me. i suddenly felt so much comfort and he began speaking to me. i cant remember exactly what he said, but something about having faith. i just felt michael.. im sure it was him!
i had a really special dream..
i was at this train station, and i was waiting for my train to arrive. this man stood next to me, i couldnt recognize him, but in a way i still knew who he was. i know that sounds kind of weird, but i cant really explain it. anyway, the train finally came, and i sat down when the man came and sat next to me. i suddenly felt so much comfort and he began speaking to me. i cant remember exactly what he said, but something about having faith. i just felt michael.. im sure it was him!
