Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him :cry:
i envy you...i wonder when i'm gonna start to feel detached... right now i got to a point that i'm really starting to hate myself...
Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him :cry:
Shay, I'm so glad to see you back! :hug:
Did you see how much you were missed? I really couldn't stand to see another important member leave this place...let's not even start about something worse.But ofcourse I understand you needed that time away, completely. We love you girl, just don't forget that!

And I'm sorry you feel this way....but....maybe this will ease the pain a bit; he's really there for us. Please never lose hope. :boohoo:
The experiences others had that I read here are giving me the signs to keep that hope as well. I hope that does for you too. He's still binded to us...and the only 'good' thing I can get out of this all that it's now even easier to connect.
Don't know what to say else than....'keep the faith'. Ok? :heart:
yes I did see :cry: I really love you all too :hug:

I know he is still with us, he will always be a part of us. Sometimes I really do feel he is near, other times he seems distant. At work they are playing Jackson Five Christmas songs nearly every day. Songs like Santa Clause is coming to town, up on the house top, frosty the snowman. One point I broke down at work because its the first Christmas without Michael and they used to be so special. As painful as this year has been I fear moving into the year 2010 :(
yes I did see :cry: I really love you all too :hug:

I know he is still with us, he will always be a part of us. Sometimes I really do feel he is near, other times he seems distant. At work they are playing Jackson Five Christmas songs nearly every day. Songs like Santa Clause is coming to town, up on the house top, frosty the snowman. One point I broke down at work because its the first Christmas without Michael and they used to be so special. As painful as this year has been I fear moving into the year 2010 :(
I know honey...I know.... :boohoo:
The only thing that keeps me going is to know I'm not alone in my feelings and that 'he's still around us'. I'm dreading'll be so hard...coming back from my trip to London on the 24th, so like...the 25th....*sigh*. Gonna feel so lonely.

Oh I'm so sensitive, just got out of the train...when it was standing still I saw this little babybird sitting on the railtrack and one of his wings was broken and he was searching food....god I could just cry right there! The poor little thing, left alone and no one can find him there.
Just everything makes me think of Michael as well....all that injustice you know. Ugh.:(

We got eachother...let's not forget that. We'll get better, we must...Michael would want us too. :heart:
Haven't been on this thread in like a week. It's crazy how much this thread has grown! So cool.

I had a strange dream the other night. It was about two weeks ago. I haven't had the time to post here goes.

I was standing at work..and then everything started to fade to white. I was still standing there looking around and I was missing Michael. I started to hear him singing "I just can't stop loving youuuu.." and I said, "I can hear you! Please keep singing. Where are you? Don't stop!" He was singing it by himself..(no girl's voice like in the song). It started to sound far I chimed in and started singing with Michael.."I just can't stop loving you!" Then I was being lifted skywards and all I could see was white. His voice was closer and louder...and then I realised that I was dreaming/having an experience... then I started to fall and was screaming "MICHAEL!" I was falling back down and yelling for Michael. I woke up instantly and couldn't fall back to sleep. :(

I felt like he was there..I just couldn't see him. I heard him..and the more I sang with him..the closer I got. That was the last MJ dream/experience I had. I don't want him to stop visiting! I don't want him to leave me alone. I still want him to hold my hand. I miss Michael so much.:cry: I need to see him..or something. Am I going crazy?
I have finally watched these videos and looked at her website. It seems real to me.

*tears* :cry:

Has she (Bonnie) had any further contact from Michael since August?

Sorry I'm sure this is covered but there's sooo many pages in this thread.

I love you Michael.
Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him :cry:
I've actually kind of been feeling like this for a few days now as well. Not sure what's up. I wonder sometimes if it has to do with, who knows, moon phases, cosmic rays, the stress of the holiday season. Or something's changed? Either a process is going on (transition, like Bonnie was talking about last time?) or even the veil isn't as thin as it was before. Something tells me it won't always feel like this, though. It seems that spurts of vivid dreams, contact with the other side, deja vu moments come and go in cycles. I'd love to know the why of the waxing and waning.

I hadn't outright cried for a while and then managed to get myself all upset again yesterday :smilerolleyes: I read again the 'follower fans' testimonies & letters to MJ from June and then hubby read to me from German some passages translated from French from the new Black & White magazine issue. All of it kind of depressing, so I felt quite sad. Then I had some weird dreams in the night that I was watching the film This Is It on a special television showing, but they'd edited it a lot (vocals dubbed over, etc) and I was worried we'd get the edited version on DVD. They kept interrupting the movie with private clips of Michael. In one I saw him shopping in a clothing store with Tohme Tohme. He was buying a black shirt and a black rhinestone glove. He really wanted a long black jacket that was hanging in the store, but Tohme told him "No, Michael, you have no money left -- they'd never let you buy that. You'll be lucky if they let you get the shirt and glove!" I woke up at like 4am and couldn't sleep for an hour. I cried and really wanted to feel something, like that Michael is ok, something, but... nothing. I concentrated, opened chakras, etc. I told myself that although I feel like crap at the moment, duh... I should already know that he's ok from all my past experiences. Ugh.

I was standing at work..and then everything started to fade to white. I was still standing there looking around and I was missing Michael. I started to hear him singing "I just can't stop loving youuuu.." and I said, "I can hear you! Please keep singing. Where are you? Don't stop!" He was singing it by himself..(no girl's voice like in the song). It started to sound far I chimed in and started singing with Michael.."I just can't stop loving you!" Then I was being lifted skywards and all I could see was white. His voice was closer and louder...and then I realised that I was dreaming/having an experience... then I started to fall and was screaming "MICHAEL!" I was falling back down and yelling for Michael. I woke up instantly and couldn't fall back to sleep. :(

I felt like he was there..I just couldn't see him. I heard him..and the more I sang with him..the closer I got. That was the last MJ dream/experience I had. I don't want him to stop visiting! I don't want him to leave me alone. I still want him to hold my hand. I miss Michael so much.:cry: I need to see him..or something. Am I going crazy?
No, not crazy. But I think it's all sinking deeper, though every layer of our minds now, which makes us feel a bit... hmmmm, how to describe it...desperately longing? I actually liked your dream, though. I mean, he was there and you heard him... high up, in the light. Makes me think of an out of body experience, the way you fell back down and woke up. :angel:
MJstarlight said:
Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him
Shayla darling, I'm glad to see you back :huggy: I'm sorry you've been feeling detached, but maybe you can find some comfort in knowing that you're not a few of us here have been feeling the same thing lately! And remember, we've gone through these bouts before...but always come out of them. Keep hanging in there, and just trust that Michael is ok...even though we can't always feel him.

Mrs. Music said:
We got eachother...let's not forget that. We'll get better, we must...Michael would want us too. :heart:
Yes, we have to remember this...and just keep sticking together, venting when we need to, crying when we need to, and laughing when we can. Michael would want to see us going on happily...and as he said in his channels with Bonnie, if you choose to believe them anyway "don't worry about me, I'm fine". It's still tough I know, because just as Shayla said...we all feel binded to him in some way, but just because he's away and we can't always feel him or see doesn't change that. We'll always be connected.

cyberjackson said:
I was still standing there looking around and I was missing Michael. I started to hear him singing "I just can't stop loving youuuu.." and I said, "I can hear you! Please keep singing. Where are you? Don't stop!" He was singing it by himself..(no girl's voice like in the song). It started to sound far I chimed in and started singing with Michael.."I just can't stop loving you!" Then I was being lifted skywards and all I could see was white. His voice was closer and louder...and then I realised that I was dreaming/having an experience... then I started to fall and was screaming "MICHAEL!" I was falling back down and yelling for Michael. I woke up instantly and couldn't fall back to sleep.
Wow, interesting dream. Sorry to hear how it ended...what a bummer :( but how wonderful was it that you were being lifted up in the light toward him though? And hearing his voice? Hopefully you'll get another chance to fully get there to him.

bubbyduck4MJ said:
Has she (Bonnie) had any further contact from Michael since August?
Yes...if you watch all the videos on her playlist on her website, there are channeled messages from as recent as last month. :huggy:

mjbunny said:
I wonder sometimes if it has to do with, who knows, moon phases, cosmic rays, the stress of the holiday season.
Interesting you mention this! Because the past couple days I pulled some Angel Oracle cards on "why I've been in such a funk lately" and I pulled "Moon Cycles"...which said to pay attention to how the moon affects our energy and moods. I pulled this same card 2 different days. So maybe this is really what is affecting us all right now...?
Interesting you mention this! Because the past couple days I pulled some Angel Oracle cards on "why I've been in such a funk lately" and I pulled "Moon Cycles"...which said to pay attention to how the moon affects our energy and moods. I pulled this same card 2 different days. So maybe this is really what is affecting us all right now...?

Oh, very interesting!

I have actually been feeling the same way as all of you lately. It's odd. A couple of weeks ago, I would be laying in bed listening to his music and I'd feel just flooded with emotion and love. But for the past few nights I haven't been feeling that at all.
I've had difficulty remembering any of my dreams too and in general I just feel sort of like something is "off".

Today though, I had an amazing little moment. It isn't necessarily related to Michael, but I just wanted to share --

I was walking downtown this morning and out of nowhere I just felt this sudden rush of emotion and it was like all my senses were heightened for just a few seconds: I could smell everything in the air - the leaves, the grass, the street, the air itself - everything. And the wind felt really special somehow, like it was touching me or saying "hello".
As cliche as it sounds, I thought "wow, I'm alive. The world is amazing, and I'm a part of it."

I have been dealing with depression for a couple of years and, although I have been feeling much better lately, this was the first time in a looong time I've felt something like that. It was really overwhelming. Even still, it only lasted about 10 seconds.
Oh, very interesting!

I have actually been feeling the same way as all of you lately. It's odd. A couple of weeks ago, I would be laying in bed listening to his music and I'd feel just flooded with emotion and love. But for the past few nights I haven't been feeling that at all.
I've had difficulty remembering any of my dreams too and in general I just feel sort of like something is "off".

Today though, I had an amazing little moment. It isn't necessarily related to Michael, but I just wanted to share --

I was walking downtown this morning and out of nowhere I just felt this sudden rush of emotion and it was like all my senses were heightened for just a few seconds: I could smell everything in the air - the leaves, the grass, the street, the air itself - everything. And the wind felt really special somehow, like it was touching me or saying "hello".
As cliche as it sounds, I thought "wow, I'm alive. The world is amazing, and I'm a part of it."

I have been dealing with depression for a couple of years and, although I have been feeling much better lately, this was the first time in a looong time I've felt something like that. It was really overwhelming. Even still, it only lasted about 10 seconds.

littlesparrow, I loved your post! :wub:

I feel the same as the rest of you who have said you've all felt kinda, disconnected or "zoned out" lately. I'm hoping this won't be for long, anyway. :(

Hugs to everyone. :better:
Oh, very interesting!

I have actually been feeling the same way as all of you lately. It's odd. A couple of weeks ago, I would be laying in bed listening to his music and I'd feel just flooded with emotion and love. But for the past few nights I haven't been feeling that at all.
I've had difficulty remembering any of my dreams too and in general I just feel sort of like something is "off".

Today though, I had an amazing little moment. It isn't necessarily related to Michael, but I just wanted to share --

I was walking downtown this morning and out of nowhere I just felt this sudden rush of emotion and it was like all my senses were heightened for just a few seconds: I could smell everything in the air - the leaves, the grass, the street, the air itself - everything. And the wind felt really special somehow, like it was touching me or saying "hello".
As cliche as it sounds, I thought "wow, I'm alive. The world is amazing, and I'm a part of it."

I have been dealing with depression for a couple of years and, although I have been feeling much better lately, this was the first time in a looong time I've felt something like that. It was really overwhelming. Even still, it only lasted about 10 seconds.
Oooh...that is so beautiful! I'm glad you had that experience....really, how wonderful. :heart:

Thanks for the compliment on my pictures in the other thread, dear!
I looooove your shirt - where did you get it? And ofcourse you're such a pretty girl!
interesting how we all feel the same so often.. these last a few days ( 2-3 ) i can't feel him properly and i have low energy, lost and lifeless, so empty without it :(
it happened before, looks like it's repeating in circles?

Michael is busy somewhere or during this transition he is goin' higher. i just hope we don't lose this connection? :no:

in my last dreams with Michael a few nights ago i had seen him on stage a lot and then he like had a break drinking water. maybe it's showing he is busy now ( stage ) with spiritual refreshment and healing, which the water represent.

please, don't forget to Pray for Michael always and send him your Love :heart: :flowers:
I was walking downtown this morning and out of nowhere I just felt this sudden rush of emotion and it was like all my senses were heightened for just a few seconds: I could smell everything in the air - the leaves, the grass, the street, the air itself - everything. And the wind felt really special somehow, like it was touching me or saying "hello".
As cliche as it sounds, I thought "wow, I'm alive. The world is amazing, and I'm a part of it."

I have been dealing with depression for a couple of years and, although I have been feeling much better lately, this was the first time in a looong time I've felt something like that. It was really overwhelming. Even still, it only lasted about 10 seconds.
That's so cool! I LOVE moments like that. I've also been dealing with depression - but just for the past year...but every now and then I'd get these small moments where suddenly everything was in perfect alignment and I felt so alive and connected to the world...just like I did when I was a child. I sometimes feel like I'm constantly chasing these moments...wondering why I can't always feel that way. But I'm getting them a lot more often these days...and it's wonderful.

So ok guys...interesting past half hour for me. :p I decided to Google "Moon Phases" and the effects they have on our emotions and stuff, to see if I could give us insights as to why some of us have felt so disconnected. Anyway, I found some interesting stuff but nothing that really resonated with me...but while I was searching, this website caught my eye...that was called "11:11 Awakening Code". It caught my eye because (I mentioned this earlier here before) lately I've been seeing the 111 sequence it's constant. (someone even had a thread in the Random Thoughts section about always seeing 111 in relation with Michael)... so anyway I click on it, and it's a blog by this spiritual woman - and she goes into all kinds of interesting information about the "shift" our planet is going through right now...which is right up my alley of course. She also touches on the subject of vaccines and genocide - which I have been interested in raising awareness to others lately too. But anyway, I'm reading through her posts, and come to see that she's also written the most beautiful post on Michael! You guys have to read this, it made me smile and she was so eloquent...particularly on the subject of's really enlightening.

Also, this was another interesting post that she mentioned Michael in...that has to do with the kind of "divine plan" that is taking effect in the world.

I love it when one thing leads to another like this...I've often had times where I went to search something online and then it was like bam bam bam...this thing led me to this other thing I needed that led me to this other thing I've been thinking about that led me to this great insight that led me to this answer etc. It's like an unraveling string of coincidences. :D
Wow Amygrace, that so cool! Thank you so much for posting! :wub:
That's so cool! I LOVE moments like that. I've also been dealing with depression - but just for the past year...but every now and then I'd get these small moments where suddenly everything was in perfect alignment and I felt so alive and connected to the world...just like I did when I was a child. I sometimes feel like I'm constantly chasing these moments...wondering why I can't always feel that way. But I'm getting them a lot more often these days...and it's wonderful.

Aw, yes that's just what I've been going through too. :hug:

So ok guys...interesting past half hour for me. :p I decided to Google "Moon Phases" and the effects they have on our emotions and stuff, to see if I could give us insights as to why some of us have felt so disconnected. Anyway, I found some interesting stuff but nothing that really resonated with me...but while I was searching, this website caught my eye...that was called "11:11 Awakening Code". It caught my eye because (I mentioned this earlier here before) lately I've been seeing the 111 sequence it's constant. (someone even had a thread in the Random Thoughts section about always seeing 111 in relation with Michael)... so anyway I click on it, and it's a blog by this spiritual woman - and she goes into all kinds of interesting information about the "shift" our planet is going through right now...which is right up my alley of course. She also touches on the subject of vaccines and genocide - which I have been interested in raising awareness to others lately too. But anyway, I'm reading through her posts, and come to see that she's also written the most beautiful post on Michael! You guys have to read this, it made me smile and she was so eloquent...particularly on the subject of's really enlightening.

Also, this was another interesting post that she mentioned Michael in...that has to do with the kind of "divine plan" that is taking effect in the world.

I love it when one thing leads to another like this...I've often had times where I went to search something online and then it was like bam bam bam...this thing led me to this other thing I needed that led me to this other thing I've been thinking about that led me to this great insight that led me to this answer etc. It's like an unraveling string of coincidences. :D

Wow! I haven't read through that link yet, I am just about to, but RIGHT before I read this post, I just happened to glance out the window and the moon caught my eye. It's full tonight and it's gorgeous.
LOL about you looking up moon phases... guess what I've been working on this evening: I've been going back through two months of this thread and marking on a calendar with a plus sign for each time someone reported here that they had a direct experience with Michael. (I mean a dream with him in it, not just about him. Or feeling a presence or a touch, etc.) Trying to see if there's any correlation with anything. Then hubby came home from work and my mom called, lol. So, I haven't analyzed anything yet, but so far it doesn't look like it's going with the moon phases. I'm also going to look at astrological signs of the moon, which will take longer. Will check in when done ;)
thank you amygrace for posting those links :)

@littlesparrow - oh that experience sounds really wonderful and amazing. I would love to experience something like that.
LOL about you looking up moon phases... guess what I've been working on this evening: I've been going back through two months of this thread and marking on a calendar with a plus sign for each time someone reported here that they had a direct experience with Michael. (I mean a dream with him in it, not just about him. Or feeling a presence or a touch, etc.) Trying to see if there's any correlation with anything. Then hubby came home from work and my mom called, lol. So, I haven't analyzed anything yet, but so far it doesn't look like it's going with the moon phases. I'm also going to look at astrological signs of the moon, which will take longer. Will check in when done ;)
Dang, that sounds like a lot of work lol. I wouldn't think there'd by any connection/pattern going on surrounding when we all have experiences/dreams with Michael...I think that's just something where he comes to us when he can, when he has a message to get out, when some need it most, when some are more open...etc. I think the place to look for patterns/cycles...particularly in relation with the moon, would be the times when we all felt Michael was distant or we all felt disconnected...because that deals more with our emotions and energy. Hmm...then again, there could be phases of the moon that lend to an "openness" or something that allows us to connect with Michael easier. So ok maybe ignore what I just said lol...who knows! Keep us posted. :D

I do know one thing though, tomorrow is the full moon - and emotions are usually strung high nearing the full moon and on the night of it.
Ok, lolol, I feel so stupid somehow doing this. Doh! I have come to the conclusion that there's no real pattern in relation to the moon, at least not that I can detect. (Surprise, surprise -- this is what I expected, but working on this for a while got me out of cooking dinner tonight ;) and now I'm strangely feeling a bit better. Maybe reading old posts helped?)

With just two months of posts it's not enough anyway and it's hard to figure out what "the other day" or "a few days ago" might mean, so it was all guesswork in the end. However, at least from these 8-9 weeks it would appear that moon in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces scores highest (which for December would be about the 14th through the 23rd), but TII came out in theaters during that time, so it at least skews it for October (but Nov was higher too). Also, it would appear that the last couple of days of the month and the first few days of the month are pretty quiet low times. For both months there was a long surge mid month (17th-26th sort of time range). Both of these happened in the days following the NEW moon, during the first quarter waxing phase. But last month also had a short surge a couple of days after the FULL moon as well. In the end, though... um, looks pretty random and individual ;)

I'm curious about the mid-month thing, though. I don't think that there's some kind of pattern to when a spirit might connect with us (like, hmmm, Moon is almost 2nd quarter, better wait a few days, lol), but more likely if there was some pattern it would have to do with us and our emotions or openness. Wonder if people are less stressed mid-month, like maybe we tend to have to pay bills and stress more about wordly things around the 1st of the month, thus blocking things out? Or it's just all by chance :cheeky: Basically, I would say just ...nevermind about this post of mine, lol.
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i posted this question before but im not sure if it was answered..but does anyone know what it means when you feel someone sitting at the edge of ur bed while u are sleeping?
Well, I suppose it could be any number of things, ranging from the mundane to the paranormal. I'm assuming you've already ruled out earthquakes and cats, lol. It could be a 'dream' (like the kind you have in between awake and asleep, like hypnogogic hallucination or sleep paralysis -- like you could sense yourself breathing and it could feel like the bed is moving) or it could be a visit from someone from the other side. Is this something recent or going on for a long time in the same house/apartment? One of the best indicators might be what your gut instinct says. What do you think it was?
Well, I suppose it could be any number of things, ranging from the mundane to the paranormal. I'm assuming you've already ruled out earthquakes and cats, lol. It could be a 'dream' (like the kind you have in between awake and asleep, like hypnogogic hallucination or sleep paralysis -- like you could sense yourself breathing and it could feel like the bed is moving) or it could be a visit from someone from the other side. Is this something recent or going on for a long time in the same house/apartment? One of the best indicators might be what your gut instinct says. What do you think it was?

my aunt :tears: ive been very upset and depressed...MJ's death and then my aunt 2 weeks later just made it worse :( it does happen and ive had dreams about my aunt...but i woke up right as soon as i felt someone sit down...i really dont know
Like several of you have said, I've also been feeling disconnected and down. Sometimes I just feel like crying for no reason at all, but I've also been really missing Michael. :(

That's so cool! I LOVE moments like that. I've also been dealing with depression - but just for the past year...but every now and then I'd get these small moments where suddenly everything was in perfect alignment and I felt so alive and connected to the world...just like I did when I was a child. I sometimes feel like I'm constantly chasing these moments...wondering why I can't always feel that way. But I'm getting them a lot more often these days...and it's wonderful.

So ok guys...interesting past half hour for me. :p I decided to Google "Moon Phases" and the effects they have on our emotions and stuff, to see if I could give us insights as to why some of us have felt so disconnected. Anyway, I found some interesting stuff but nothing that really resonated with me...but while I was searching, this website caught my eye...that was called "11:11 Awakening Code". It caught my eye because (I mentioned this earlier here before) lately I've been seeing the 111 sequence it's constant. (someone even had a thread in the Random Thoughts section about always seeing 111 in relation with Michael)... so anyway I click on it, and it's a blog by this spiritual woman - and she goes into all kinds of interesting information about the "shift" our planet is going through right now...which is right up my alley of course. She also touches on the subject of vaccines and genocide - which I have been interested in raising awareness to others lately too. But anyway, I'm reading through her posts, and come to see that she's also written the most beautiful post on Michael! You guys have to read this, it made me smile and she was so eloquent...particularly on the subject of's really enlightening.

Also, this was another interesting post that she mentioned Michael in...that has to do with the kind of "divine plan" that is taking effect in the world.

I love it when one thing leads to another like this...I've often had times where I went to search something online and then it was like bam bam bam...this thing led me to this other thing I needed that led me to this other thing I've been thinking about that led me to this great insight that led me to this answer etc. It's like an unraveling string of coincidences. :D

Wow, thanks for posting those links Amy. :) You know, they just really make sense to me because for a few years now I've felt like something "big" is going to happen in the world. I can see it leading to two possible outcomes. Either total destruction of humanity or a global shift in consciousness for the good. I'd much rather see the latter happen than the former. And I was thinking about it before I even knew about the 2012 stuff. It also makes sense to me that Michael might be playing a part in this possible "shift." I think he was probably needed up there for the changes that are about to take place. I believe he has been helping to heighten people's spirituality as well. I can feel that because I noticed the change in myself spiritually since he left this earth. I also just feel a heightened awareness of what's going on in the world. A lot of it is all that's going wrong in the world unfortunately. But it's also about the beauty too. I appreciate the beauty in things like nature and I'm more sensitive to it than I used to be.

It also does make sense to me that things sometimes have to get worse before they get better. Like a Phoenix arising from the ashes. Hopefully after all the hardship, humans will finally come to realize what's really important and that the driving force in the universe is: l.o.v.e.
my aunt :tears: ive been very upset and depressed...MJ's death and then my aunt 2 weeks later just made it worse :( it does happen and ive had dreams about my aunt...but i woke up right as soon as i felt someone sit down...i really dont know
:( It certainly was a bad summer. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Wish there was something I could say/do to help. :better: My grandfather also died about a month after Michael... what a summer. You know, I would say that if you feel it was your aunt who sat on your bed, it probably was. She was maybe checking up on you, making sure you're ok, that sort of thing. Maybe even hoping you'd notice, to give you a sign that she's alright and not to feel so badly. :angel:I think those that care for us continue to once they pass and that they may come around from time to time. Several years after my mother's parents died my father heard both of their voices down the hallway one night in my baby sister's bedroom, talking about her as she slept. It was a completely different house in a different state even, so I think they just came by to check in on everyone because my mom was worried about some things. More recently, my father kept finding his mother's hairbrush back out of the bathroom drawer where he'd placed it several times in the months after she passed. It's not something scary, in any case. They're the same people, just on a different plane and we (usually) can't see them. Like angels :)

P.S. I don't know why and maybe I'm just way tired, so please ignore if so. When I first started reading your post I got this thought about a woman wearing a long (floor-length?) gold-toned-like dress with buttons or hooks of some kind all the way down the front. Hmpf. Strange, probably nothing.
:( It certainly was a bad summer. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Wish there was something I could say/do to help. :better: My grandfather also died about a month after Michael... what a summer. You know, I would say that if you feel it was your aunt who sat on your bed, it probably was. She was maybe checking up on you, making sure you're ok, that sort of thing. Maybe even hoping you'd notice, to give you a sign that she's alright and not to feel so badly. :angel:I think those that care for us continue to once they pass and that they may come around from time to time. Several years after my mother's parents died my father heard both of their voices down the hallway one night in my baby sister's bedroom, talking about her as she slept. It was a completely different house in a different state even, so I think they just came by to check in on everyone because my mom was worried about some things. More recently, my father kept finding his mother's hairbrush back out of the bathroom drawer where he'd placed it several times in the months after she passed. It's not something scary, in any case. They're the same people, just on a different plane and we (usually) can't see them. Like angels :)

P.S. I don't know why and maybe I'm just way tired, so please ignore if so. When I first started reading your post I got this thought about a woman wearing a long (floor-length?) gold-toned-like dress with buttons or hooks of some kind all the way down the front. Hmpf. Strange, probably nothing.

I REALLY hope shes okay...i think about her every single day. yesterday my co worker said she found out one of her friend died from breast cancer and i just started crying (my aunt died of breast cancer) I was thousands of miles away and i couldnt get to her before she died and its been pretty hard to forgive myself for that...really crying now i need to stop typing :crying:
I REALLY hope shes okay...i think about her every single day. yesterday my co worker said she found out one of her friend died from breast cancer and i just started crying (my aunt died of breast cancer) I was thousands of miles away and i couldnt get to her before she died and its been pretty hard to forgive myself for that...really crying now i need to stop typing :crying:
God, breast cancer :sad2: I know these guys look far too smiley, but: :huggy:
Don't know if you guys have heard yet but Cherokee Billie is asking for money from Michael Jackson fans. I saw this post that Bonnie posted on her message board.

Hi Everyone,
I do not normally comment on other people's work. However, I consider this to be a HUGE RED FLAG. I know there are people who come to this board who believe her. Perhaps extreme caution should be applied. I have copy and pasted an email that I received today asking for my assistance. I do not go to other message boards so please be the eyes and ears for MJ on this and let me know if this is true.
Hello Bonnie,

Today I was on Cherokee Billie's blog, a physic who claims to be in contact with Michael Jackson. She is asking for donations from Michael's fans to help people in the Dominican Republic. She says that all donations will be made in Michael's name and then goes on to support her request by showing a channeled message from Michael which he says to support her. This is so disturbing to me. I actually feel ill. I just keep in mind what Michael said that if you have doubts than it is for good reason. Well I definitely have my doubts. I just think that if she is not being honest, how can she do this is Michael's fans, We need comfort in dealing with his death and she gives us false hope. I know that you are true because it feels right..

I guess what I am asking of you is if you would please let Michael know what is going on and if he truly is speaking through her.

Thank you so much for your help and for helping those of us who truly love Michael.

God bless you Bonnie,


I can't believe this but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm really sick of people trying to profit off of Michael and hurting us fans. :no: I hope Michael is alright and I hope to hear good things from him soon through Bonnie. :angel: