Merged: Psychics channel Michael


I woke up this morning with Human Nature ringing in my ears. Why is that? LOL.
Thank you. I know what you mean. Ever since Wednesday (five months) I've been this way. It is definitely something that not many people understand. We all have to hang in there though. Us fans have to stick together. :hug:

I definitely believe Michael is here for each of us. He's never going away. :wub:

Group huuuuuug! :hug: :heart: :lol:
About the prayer, yeah I could feel the energy. Like a buzz on my arms, back, and head. I actually felt like Michael was coming in close 20 minutes before.

I felt exacly the same thing!! I was laying in my bed and about 15-10 minutes before the prayer I felt this huge energy, I had really weird buzz behind my ears, on the top of my head and on my temples. I was like "what the h... , I'm not supposed to feel anything now, because it's not the time yet..!" :D The feeling was really strong before the prayer, but it disappeared as the prayer started.

Maybe it was our (and Michael's) energy gathering together for the prayer :)

I woke up this morning with Human Nature ringing in my ears. Why is that? LOL.

This happens to me too. I usually get Whatever Happens, Who Is It, or We've Had Enough. Sometimes Remember The Time and I'll Be There. I'd like to know just what it means too. haha.
Oh wow ok, last night I asked Michael if I could get a hug from him in my dream, just once more. I had a dream where that happened back in August. So I asked if I could hug him again in a dream and it worked! This is how the dream went

I was watching the 2005 trial on TV. Michael was on the stand and sitting behind him were two female journalists. I'm assuming one of them was Diane Diamond :puke:, and I don't know who the other was. They were having a discussion. The lawyer, who was also a woman, asked Michael a question. He answered and the lawyer gave an indication to him that his response wouldn't really help his case. Then he got the most horribly frightened look on his face and he started to cry. Watching it was making me want to cry. :cry: Then the trial went to a commercial break. When it came back on, the unknown journalist who had slandered against Michael before was for some reason now on his side. Apparently there was some detail that was overlooked that in the end led him to be acquitted. All the fans were gathered outside the courtroom and it was nighttime. I was suddenly there with them. Michael came out and was walking around touching the fans' hands. I kept trying to reach out and touch him myself, but he never seemed to notice me. There was a car in the middle of the crowd so I decided to sit on top of it. Then I saw Michael himself get up there. Once again he was touching all his fans hands, not seeing me, until finally he did see me. He looked at me and gave me that big knowing smile (it was just like my previous dream. It was that look he gave me that he knew exactly who I was). For some reason his clothes changed from the black suit to a gray sweat-shirt and pants. He said “Hi” in his friendly voice and then I wrapped my arms around him. The hug was very brief, but he felt warm. :wub:

Thank you Michael. :wub:
I felt exacly the same thing!! I was laying in my bed and about 15-10 minutes before the prayer I felt this huge energy, I had really weird buzz behind my ears, on the top of my head and on my temples. I was like "what the h... , I'm not supposed to feel anything now, because it's not the time yet..!" :D The feeling was really strong before the prayer, but it disappeared as the prayer started. Maybe it was our (and Michael's) energy gathering together for the prayer :)
Yeah, my husband and I both felt TONS of energy BEFORE the prayer as well!

I got this email yesterday from my best friend back in the States. She's not an MJ fan (doesn't love him, doesn't hate him, pretty neutral as far I understand), but she's an energy healer. I find it interesting that she and I both saw pink energy, both did some Reiki without expecting to do so and both felt a shift in energy at the 7 to 8 minute point. Cool! She had pulled over off the road for it about ten minutes before it started and then had this experience:
About 5 mins before 2pm I felt like I got sucked into a wave of sound/color/emotion. Almost like getting sucked out into the astral. It was hard to find my 'astral' legs, but after a minute or two I found them. I floated on light and sound and color. I focused on love. Loving me, love my car, love the park-n-ride, love the street, the town, the city, the state, love the country.....expanding. Ever expanding love until I realized my Reiki was on! LOL. Funny you mentioned that as well. I was able to "be" Reiki, not just "do" Reiki. Very cool sensation. I too saw the Earth enveloped in pink. Then, like an explosion it shot off and became universal. The entire freakin universe was filling with love.

I saw people all over, snippets of scenes across the world. Praying, crying, feeling. It was intense and emotional. At about 8 after 2:00 I was compelled to stop. I centered and grounded again. Then............took a deep breath or 5 and drove to my clients...

P.S. CaptainEoLove- Cool hugging dream. I want another one now too, lol ;)
Guys, I was just reading my Dancing The Dream book and wanted to share a part with you....I hadn't read this part for a while.:cry:

Thought it fitted in this thread:

Angel of Light

It's hard to see angels, although I've stared at their pictures for hours. Some people can see them without pictures, and they tell interesting tales. Guardian angels are all female, for instance, which didn't surprise me once I found out.
A birth angel, recruited from the younger ranks, attends every baby when it appears, while another angel, older but not grim, helps the dying to leave this world without grief or pain.
You can pray to the angels and they will listen, but the best way to call them, I am told, is to laugh. Angels respond to delight, because that is what they're made of. In fact, when people's minds are clouded by anger or hatred, no angel can reach them. Not all angels have wings -- so the visionaries claim -- but those who do can unfurl a span of golden feathers stretching over the entire world. If you had eyes that could look straight into the sun, you would see an overwhelming angel presiding there; a more serene one smiles out from the face of the moon.

Angels spend their entire lives, which are forever, spinning around the Creator's throne, singing His praise. People with keen ears have listened in. The harmonies of the angelic choir are incredibly complex, they say, but the rhythm is simple. "It's mostly march time," one eavesdropper affirmed. For some reason, that fact is almost the best I have learned so far.
After a while it got lonely hearing about angels you couldn't see for yourself.
When an angel-watcher heard that, she was shocked. "Not see?" she said. "But you have an angel in you. Everybody does. I can see it right now, and I thought you could, too." "No," I said sadly, and I asked what it looked like. "Did it look like me?""Well, yes and no," the angel-watcher mysterious answered. "It all depends on what you think you are. Your angel is a speck of light perched at the very center of your heart. It is smaller than an atom, but just wait. Once you get close to it, your angel will expand. The closer you come, the more it will grow, until finally, in a burst of light, you will see your angel in its true shape, and at that very instant, you will also see yourself.

"So now I am looking for my angel all the time. I sit silently, turning my gaze inward. It wasn't long before I caught a glimpse of something. "Is that you, Angel, holding a candle?" One flicker and it was gone.
Yet that was enough to set my heart wildly beating. Next time my angel will be waving a lamp, then holding a torch aloft, then lighting a bonfire. That's what the angel-watcher promised, and now that I have caught sight of glory.
I know enough to believe.

Wow, so many news posts !!! :)

Oh wow, this made me smile so much, cause I've experienced something so similar to that! Basically, it was halloween, and I'd just got back from seeing TII. I'd left my room to go and get something, and when I came back, I noticed something on my wall. Looking closer, I realised it was a butterfly! Remember, this is October so it's pretty chilly, and also, I never have my windows open in Winter, it's way too cold! It just made me smile so much, cause obviously on halloween, you expect ghosts, devils etc, and a butterfly appeared in my room, such a contrast. :) The way it appeared baffled me though, cause I swear, before I left my room, it wasn't there, and when I returned, it had just appeared on my wall! The minute I saw it, I immediatley thought of a particular person, especially as I had just returned from seeing TII. :wub:

I absolutely love those butterflies stories!! That's wonderful Louise, thanks for sharing :)

I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.
He was in my dreams, but they are already faded quite a bit from my memory.
I do remember one thing - he was about 50, and we were sitting in a bedroom somewhere in a huge house. I think he was crying. I was holding his face in my hands and telling him he was always beautiful. He didn't say anything, but his expression was sort of saying "yeah, right...", so I kept telling him "no, honestly - I'm not just giving you lip service here. You have to know you are beautiful."
Something interesting about this part - he looked exactly as he did at age 50, but his nose looked like the nose he had around age 21 or so. I don't know why, but that stood out to me.

Wow, like amygrace said, there's a lot of symbolism in the fact that you saw him at age 50 with his "original" nose. Very interesting. And you telling him he was beautiful, awww, so touching :cry: So true, though. You were ALWAYS beautiful, Michael.

I have posted this in the Love Prayer thread too; yesterday when i prayed, i just felt this energy of love build up inside me , it was very uplifting .. But after the prayer , it felt like someone was tickling the back of my neck (i am very ticklish) , and someone was stroking my hair.. Maybe it was Michael? well, i hope so ...:) how did you guys feel yesterday? :)

Aww so many of you felt a tickling, wish I had felt that too!! ;) But yeah I definitely felt all the love energy. :heart:

You know, I've had a very similar dream to yours. Like your dream, Michael was in a bedroom, but I'm not sure where exactly. Again, like in your dream, he was 50, and I can remember he was just really crying, and I was hugging him. :(

Awwww :cry:

maybe the butterfly represents that michael is free to be himself now without being trapped in the cacoon (earth).

I love that! I really do :)

I just heard his laughing! I dont know if it was just my imagination (I have a very over-active one!) but it made me hit "stop" on my music, to see if i could hear it more. Then i asked mum and my brother but they said they hadnt said anything or laughed.

I hope it wasnt just in my head :(

Wow what a wonderful thing to experience! Michael's laughing is one of the sweetest things in the world :wub:

Yeah, I haven't had one like that since September I think.

I dreamed this morning that Michael was in a store with children giving a speech. I guess it was kind of like the Oxford speech. He was about 50 feet away from me, yet I don't know why I didn't go run up to him. I just sat there away from it all. I hate my dream self sometimes. :(

Aww lol Sorry that made me smile a bit, you being mad @ your "dream self" ;) Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have more "fulfilling" dreams in the future :hug: Thanks for sharing this one :)

I had a mj dream last night.

We were walking and talking... (maybe hugging? :scratch:) He basically chatting away (like he always does! :lol: )

When I woke up I remembered some things that he said but now..nope, I don't remember a WORD he said! :angry:

I really gotta start taking notes of my dreams!!

Well at least you remember being with him, that's the most important ;) Thanks for sharing :)

I am really enjoying reading about everyones dreams and things.

I hope you don't mind if I share my dream?
I have had one dream when Michael was in it. It was the night before I was supposed to see him at the O2.
All I can remember was that he was crying and I didn't know why. I woke up the next day feeling sad.

Aww, the crying again :( I'd probably wake up crying if that happened to me...

As for me, I've been a mess all day. My emotions have triggered and I've been crying over Michael all day. Randomly I'll be thinking about him and I'll start to burst into tears. I really wish I could feel him with me right now. I've asked him every night to visit me in my dreams but so far, nothing. You are all very lucky and these dreams and butterfly experiences are so lovely. :wub:

Aww, sweetie :hug: I know the feeling, I haven't dreamt about Michael in a while either :( Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come, in time :hug:

I definitely believe Michael is here for each of us. He's never going away. :wub:

That's right, he's definitely never going away!!!

Then I saw Michael himself get up there. Once again he was touching all his fans hands, not seeing me, until finally he did see me. He looked at me and gave me that big knowing smile (it was just like my previous dream. It was that look he gave me that he knew exactly who I was). For some reason his clothes changed from the black suit to a gray sweat-shirt and pants. He said “Hi” in his friendly voice and then I wrapped my arms around him. The hug was very brief, but he felt warm. :wub:

Thank you Michael. :wub:

Awww, that's so adorable :) So happy for you that you got a hug :) Thanks for sharing :)

About 5 mins before 2pm I felt like I got sucked into a wave of sound/color/emotion. Almost like getting sucked out into the astral. It was hard to find my 'astral' legs, but after a minute or two I found them. I floated on light and sound and color. I focused on love. Loving me, love my car, love the park-n-ride, love the street, the town, the city, the state, love the country.....expanding. Ever expanding love until I realized my Reiki was on! LOL. Funny you mentioned that as well. I was able to "be" Reiki, not just "do" Reiki. Very cool sensation. I too saw the Earth enveloped in pink. Then, like an explosion it shot off and became universal. The entire freakin universe was filling with love.

I saw people all over, snippets of scenes across the world. Praying, crying, feeling. It was intense and emotional. At about 8 after 2:00 I was compelled to stop. I centered and grounded again. Then............took a deep breath or 5 and drove to my clients...

Wow, reading what your friend felt both before and during the prayer was absolutely fascinating!!! So much love... There's no doubt in my mind that Michael felt all of it. Thank you so much for sharing, mjbunny! :)

Group hug :hug: Love you guys! :)
Guys, I was just reading my Dancing The Dream book and wanted to share a part with you....I hadn't read this part for a while.:cry:

Thought it fitted in this thread:

Angel of Light

Yet that was enough to set my heart wildly beating. Next time my angel will be waving a lamp, then holding a torch aloft, then lighting a bonfire. That's what the angel-watcher promised, and now that I have caught sight of glory.
I know enough to believe.

Awww, Michael :cry: You were such a beautiful soul. :heart:

Very fitting indeed... Thank you so much, Mrs Music. Makes me wanna read Dancing The Dream all over again.
It's so weird what everybody has been saying about then energy thing, about a month ago, I feel asleep crying about Michael, I had a restless night. I woke up very distressed, looked at the clock, it was about 3 AM, and then I felt sort of an engergy flowing through me I had never experianced the feeling in my life. It didnt feel good, but it didnt feel bad, It felt like it helped me sleep. I slept the rest of the night after that, feeling better when I woke up in the morning, weird.

EDIT to also say I had a dream [first michael dream since his passing] the night of the 24th going into the 25th, I said in a diff thread but I'll say it here.

it was reallly random but what really stood out was this:

"I love you" Michael when I had to leave he sounded like when he yells it at concerts
"I love you more!"- me and he was shocked I said it first
"No I love you more!"-Michael
"No Michael I love you more!"
"Well I love you most!" :cry:
It made me feel really happy when I woke up
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mjbunny - thanks for sharing the story from your friend...sounded like a wonderful experience. :heart:

Elise - sweet dream! though sad in court :(

Gah...hearing more of everyone's sweet dreams and pleasant experiences makes me sad today...I'm very "disconnected" lately. Got some personal stuff to sort out I guess. But it also didn't help that last night I had a nightmare where Michael was the bad guy! :( It was awful...and the 2nd dream I've had like that with Michael in it. I don't understand why I would dream such things....ugh.
oceanborn - Yeah, I felt the buzzing in my ears too. I also felt dizzy/lightheaded.

mjbunny - How interesting!
It's funny you mention pink, because during the prayer I had this image in my mind of all these fans around the world holding hands and forming kind of a "web" I guess, and in my mind this "web" was pink.

CaptainEoLove85 - Aww, how nice! I still haven't had a dream where we've embraced. You're so lucky. :)

Mrs. Music -
Aww, thank you for posting that story from DTD -- I don't have the book and I've never read that one before. Just beautiful. -
Very interesting about the energy you felt!
(Also, were you the one who posted your dream in my formspring for my blog? :) If yes, thank you! It was so sweet. :hug:)

Amygrace - Aww, how awful! :cry:
I'm sorry girl.

Personally, I keep having dreams lately with Michael or his family in them, but they only last a minute and then they give way to a horrible (I mean awful) nightmare.

The other night I dreamed that I was in the kitchen with the Jackson family and we were all singing and having a ball, and immediately after that I was suddenly in some kind of a greenhouse and I had accidentally killed a man and he was dying in my arms. :(

But I feel like having a dream with Michael as the villain would be just horrible...
Personally, I keep having dreams lately with Michael or his family in them, but they only last a minute and then they give way to a horrible (I mean awful) nightmare.

The other night I dreamed that I was in the kitchen with the Jackson family and we were all singing and having a ball, and immediately after that I was suddenly in some kind of a greenhouse and I had accidentally killed a man and he was dying in my arms. :(

But I feel like having a dream with Michael as the villain would be just horrible...
Yikes...that's no fun. Don't you just hate the places your subconscious goes sometimes?...and out of nowhere! I've had many times where I wake up just repulsed and creeped out by my "dream self"...I hate that. I pray that none of you experience a dream with Michael as the villian either :( I was literally running for my life from him last night. It almost felt like a horrible trick some spirit in dreamland was playing on me. :sad2:
Yikes...that's no fun. Don't you just hate the places your subconscious goes sometimes?...and out of nowhere! I've had many times where I wake up just repulsed and creeped out by my "dream self"...I hate that. I pray that none of you experience a dream with Michael as the villian either :( I was literally running for my life from him last night. It almost felt like a horrible trick some spirit in dreamland was playing on me. :sad2:

Aw, hugs to you, amygrace. :hug:
I'm reading what all you tell about your dreams and what you feel from Michael, and I am so amazed(in a good way) that there are still a lot of people who don't find this to be something crazy or insane. Sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk about those things because I'm afraid no one could understand.

Well...I can't say I had a specific dream with Michael, I don't know why. I had just one dream, about 2 months ago, that stuck in my head, because I don't know what it meant. As to begin, I have to tell you that since a long time (since I was very young) it's this what happens to me: for example, in the real life let's say it happens something to me, anything, you know, from important things to not so important. If in real life I want to know an answer to that thing that concerns me at that moment, and if I can't get it in any way, I almost always dream about that particular thing soon. During time it's proven to me; everytime I dream about something that concerns me in real life, that dream is the answer I want but I can't get in real life. Also, I dream about that particular fact a short time before receiving it at last in real life (few days). So, I dream about that thing exactly like it is in real life, but with the continuation, so with the final "answer", and always, but always, what answer I receive in my dream, I know exactly that in real life it would be exactly on reverse. It's proven to me thousands of times. For example when I was still student later this summer, I ad to give an exam. I gave the exam, and I wasn't sure if I'll pass it or not, wether I could have said I did well on it. So I dreamt about it in a short time (before receiving the results) and in my dream I had passed the exam with the highest mark. Then I knew exactly I would fail it. And it was true, I failed it.And many others, I just gave an example.

Now, my dream with Michael 2 months ago:
It happened around September I think. I personally always think about him, how is he, where is he and the fact that I can't know in any way possible makes me sometimes desperate, in the way that I want so much to know if he's ok wherever he is, if he is somewhere. To me the theory of death=the end of it all hurts me and I have a belief that death is not the end, I feel it, but then again the fact that I can't prove it brings me back to my worthless fight to know.

In my dream, I was with my sister and our best friend (all love Michael since we were children), and in my dream I knew he was not among us anymore.But we were somewhere, and I was talking on the phone to Michael, although I perfectly knew he was not in our world anymore. I have his voice in my head while talking to him, and my sister and my friend were saying "Sharon, tell us, what does he say?? Please, what does he say??" extremelly anxious, and I told them "shhhh! ceause I can't understand what he says if you talk, I tell you after." But I have no recall about what he told me on the phone, nothing.And then the dream ended. I am thinking about this dream since then and I can't find the answer. Why I was conscious he was dead but I was talking to him on the phone knowing this? I twisted it on all sides, the only thing I could suppose about the message of this dream is that he might still "live" somehow, in other shape or entity. One thing is sure: the fact that I knew he was dead makes me know that he is not. Not in the particulary way, but his soul is somewhere, alive :cry: that only his "shell" died. :cry:
Gah...hearing more of everyone's sweet dreams and pleasant experiences makes me sad today...I'm very "disconnected" lately. Got some personal stuff to sort out I guess. But it also didn't help that last night I had a nightmare where Michael was the bad guy! :( It was awful...and the 2nd dream I've had like that with Michael in it. I don't understand why I would dream such things....ugh.
That sucks. I get those sometimes about people I love and then you feel so weird about them afterwards. I like to give these bad dream doppelgangers names that change some letters around in their name. Like if someone dreamt of you, you'd be 'amygrace', but if it was an evil fake version of you it might be 'gramy-ace'. Maybe that was Jichael Mackson screwing with your mind...?

Btw, like a couple of you have reported, I've felt quite disconnected too. Especially since Thursday. In face, feeling quite grumpy, restless and unfocused. Not sure what's up. Haven't felt much like having the energy to put into the forum here or anything. And no MJ dreams to speak of :(

littlesparrow - that's just how I saw it at first as well, like a pink web connecting everyone across the world... a web of glowing pink light energy :wub:

In my dream, I was with my sister and our best friend (all love Michael since we were children), and in my dream I knew he was not among us anymore.But we were somewhere, and I was talking on the phone to Michael, although I perfectly knew he was not in our world anymore. I have his voice in my head while talking to him, and my sister and my friend were saying "Sharon, tell us, what does he say?? Please, what does he say??" extremelly anxious, and I told them "shhhh! ceause I can't understand what he says if you talk, I tell you after." But I have no recall about what he told me on the phone, nothing.And then the dream ended. I am thinking about this dream since then and I can't find the answer. Why I was conscious he was dead but I was talking to him on the phone knowing this? I twisted it on all sides, the only thing I could suppose about the message of this dream is that he might still "live" somehow, in other shape or entity. One thing is sure: the fact that I knew he was dead makes me know that he is not. Not in the particulary way, but his soul is somewhere, alive :cry: that only his "shell" died. :cry:
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I've had and have read about the symbol of the "phone" as a way of communication between here and the other side many times. If something of us survives physical death (which most of us in this thread believe), why couldn't there be some communication? There is consciousness with a body and consciousness without. And consciousness can communicate! I feel like it was MJ you were talking with in your dream. And you know what? Soooo many people have had this "speaking with MJ' experience and then can't remember a darn word when we wake up, so it's not just you. I guess we retain the message in some part of us.:angel:
I've been hesitant to share, but if anyone understands it will be the people in this thread. Typically I'm not much of a "dreamer." I don't remember dreams and I don't have strong feelings about the paranormal.

A couple of months ago I had a dream experience about Michael that I remember vividly. He had passed away and for some reason I was in charge of hiding his body from the tabloids. All the news media were in a frenzy trying to find the location of his body. (Much like the speculation that ensued after the memorial service.) The whole dream was about protecting him.

After my "job" was finished and the mortuary was taking the body, Michael sat up and said, "Thank you." I was frightened and immediately woke up. (Michael was dead and he spoke! Shocking whether asleep or awake!)

I've remembered the dream all these months later and never had anything like it since. I'd like to believe Michael really was saying thank you.
Aw, hugs to you, amygrace. :hug:
Thanks Louise :huggy:

Sharon Rosewijn said:
I'm reading what all you tell about your dreams and what you feel from Michael, and I am so amazed(in a good way) that there are still a lot of people who don't find this to be something crazy or insane. Sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk about those things because I'm afraid no one could understand.
mjbunny already gave you a great reply to your post, so I just wanted to say thanks for sharing! I hope you continue to feel welcome in sharing your experiences.
Bumping this lovely thread up.

How are you all today? :)
Yeah, it needed the bump. If only I had something MJ to report today :mello: Maybe someone else does? :waiting: I had a dream this morning that my old boyfriend was walking by my apartment and I said 'hi' and he told me that his mother was very sick and was dying soon. I wonder if it's true.
I had a dream this morning that my old boyfriend was walking by my apartment and I said 'hi' and he told me that his mother was very sick and was dying soon. I wonder if it's true.
Eep...hope that's not true! But if it is...girl you got the gift.

Nothing to report for me. Except...actually...last night I was inspired with a song for came out of nowhere...and is super kickass. When I get a good recording of it I'll share with you's right up this threads alley I think. ;)

Also, this is no paranormal/psychic experience...but it made me smile. I was walking around with my daughter downtown yesterday...and while we were hanging out in a little nook in the wall, I happened to glance behind all the buildings and saw this:

Wow Amy, that's really cool hahaha! :lol:

Nothing goin' on Morphine stuck in my head.:mello: Also bein' a bit worried about what's changing in this place, like...I read the thread from Gaz about the thingy that happened...happens to be that I know what he exactly meant with it, but...hmm can't say it out loud here, but...feel kinda frustrated.
Anyways, I hope we can keep this thread up guys! :hug:
Wow Amy, that's really cool hahaha! :lol:

Nothing goin' on Morphine stuck in my head.:mello: Also bein' a bit worried about what's changing in this place, like...I read the thread from Gaz about the thingy that happened...happens to be that I know what he exactly meant with it, but...hmm can't say it out loud here, but...feel kinda frustrated.
Anyways, I hope we can keep this thread up guys! :hug:

I know what you mean, Mrs.Music. :mellow:
I haven't really got anything to mention here, but just wanted to say again how much I love this thread and everyone in it. :heart:

PS. Amy, that's so cool! :lol:
I read the thread from Gaz about the thingy that happened...happens to be that I know what he exactly meant with it, but...hmm can't say it out loud here, but...feel kinda frustrated.
Anyways, I hope we can keep this thread up guys! :hug:
I rarely go in the news section so I didn't know about that thread... interesting. I saw just the other day one of the long time mods was leaving the board too. Hope the whole thing doesn't cave in...I'm sure in time things will get better. I know what you mean about feeling a little frustrated about not being able to speak your mind all the time here though... if that's what you even meant. :p I just know I feel that way a lot.
Anyway, love you guys!
Eep...hope that's not true! But if it is...girl you got the gift.

Nothing to report for me. Except...actually...last night I was inspired with a song for came out of nowhere...and is super kickass. When I get a good recording of it I'll share with you's right up this threads alley I think. ;)

Cool, can't wait to hear it. :)

I've got nothing going on either, but I look forward to coming to this thread every day and reading people's stories. L.O.V.E. to all. :huggy:
I know what you mean, Mrs.Music. :mellow:
I haven't really got anything to mention here, but just wanted to say again how much I love this thread and everyone in it. :heart:

PS. Amy, that's so cool! :lol:
Me2....hope this thread stays like this! :hug:
I love reading everyones experiences and it's quite personal to thanks guys, lovin' it.

I rarely go in the news section so I didn't know about that thread... interesting. I saw just the other day one of the long time mods was leaving the board too. Hope the whole thing doesn't cave in...I'm sure in time things will get better. I know what you mean about feeling a little frustrated about not being able to speak your mind all the time here though... if that's what you even meant. :p I just know I feel that way a lot.
Anyway, love you guys!
Uhuh uhuh....that's kinda what I've got a PM. ;D
haha, amygrace, that sign is epic.

I wish I could say I had some experience to add to this thread, but at the mo, nothing is happening.
So I'm just listening to speechless. :)
Lately I have been feeling detached. The strange thing is my soul feels like its always been binded to Michael in some way. Hes always been a part of me. Lately he has felt so far away though.. I hope he is ok. I just am not picking up good vibes. I will be praying for him though. I hope that I can experience something again soon. I really do miss him :cry: